Cold Water in the Moonlight….[mf][mild][part III]

[Part One](

[Part Two](

I slide my hands down her back and cupped her ass and pulled her hips closer to me as our tongues flicked and met between our partially open connected mouths.

We paused for a moment, and looked at each other, and said nothing. I could see her eyes and her smile in the moonlight, I could tell from the goosebumps on her shoulders that she was getting cold.

I took her by the hand and we gently walked over to our things and got out of the water. I began to shiver as did she as we quickly got dressed again. I watched as she slid her sports bra back over her head and gently maneuvered it into place, the elastic material sticking to her damp skin, then her t shirt, which also clung to her too-wet skin, outlining the curve of her hip from the side.

She twisted her hair and tried the best she could to wring the water out of it. She realized I was watching her intently and she glanced back at me and smiled again.

I slide my dry shorts over my soaking wet underpants, trying my best to hide my erection. I’m still not sure why I was so worried about that, but I did/was.

We walked back to camp, she under my arm as I tried to keep her warm.

“Good night Tyler, I’ll see you in the morning for our run”


We walked our separate ways while the events of the last hour poured through my head like those clear plastic restaurant service water pitchers we used in the camp kitchen.

Back at my tent I slide my damp shorts off, and changed into a new pair of underwear As I laid in bed, I continued to imagine Lily’s beautiful smile and how the moonlight glistened off her exposed naked body as I slowly drifted to sleep.

I never needed an alarm because the sun rose early and the damn birds started even earlier.

I awoke in the pre-dawn twilight. I took off my t shirt from the night before and changed into a tank top. As I pulled my underwear off, the tank top draped down off my waist and covered what was left my semi-erect morning wood. I had a pair of running shorts that were nylon and nice and airy, with built in liner which kept them modest. They were those type with the pockets for gels or whatever along the back and strips of mesh down the side for ventilation. Like always as I pulled my shorts up my flopped my dick with the waist band and had to pull it forward to tuck the little guy in.

I heard her footsteps. Her hair was in two braids this time and she was wearing the same short running shorts. She had a long sleeve t-shirt given the chill in the air.

“Are you ready?”

“Yeah, where do you want to go?”

“I’ve been doing the same boring loop around the lake, do you know anywhere else?”

“Yeah we can head up to the old fire tower”

“That sounds like fun”

We started down the trail, funny enough, towards the swimming hole but then turned up the ridge when it was just in sight. You could still hear the waterfall though, along with the squawking birds. The trail to the fire tower wasn’t too steep, but it was steep enough that running was hard but still possible.

We didn’t say much, I was leading the way, I heard her heavy breathing behind me. I’d like to think that she was admiring my man butt, but I’ve come to the reconciliation that I’m not really a man butt kind of guy. Let’s just say that I’m glad the running shorts had a draw string because my flat ass would definitely not hold them up.

You could feel the air get warmer as we ascended the ridge above the colder valley bottom. We soon crested the summit and the rickety fire tower came into view.

“Do you ever climb up it?” Lily asked. Her question coming out in shallow pants. Her hair slightly matted from her damp sweat, which made her collarbone catch the early morning sun.

“I did a few times…”

We decided to hike up. It creaked a little as we ascended the steps with metallic thuds with each of our footfalls on the diamond plate metal steps.

From the top you could see the lake and the dining hall and the surrounding ridge line, as well as town further down the valley.

“It’s really pretty up here”

“Yeah, I like it.”

She looked at me again with her radiant eyes as her hair sparkled in the sunlight. I noticed her eyes flit down across my chest and towards my crotch, she realized I noticed and her face flushed red as she giggled and looked away.

“We better head back soon, I’ve got campers to wrangle” She said with a western twang on the word _wrangle_ that she must’ve learned from John Wayne or Clint Eastwood or whoever else in a movie.

We walked back down the steps and jogged back to camp. I went to my campsite and grabbed my towel and soap and headed to the staff shower house.

Before they renovated the camper’s cabins with flush toilets and two shower stalls this building was the showers for the whole camp, with designated times for campers and staff. This was before things were co-ed too. The shower house had a locked closet with the water heater, but otherwise it was like they rough cut hemlock siding walls around a pavillion, with benches for changing and where the showers were was completely open topped with the same wooden walls around the outside, but 12 showerheads in just an open space like an old gym or army barracks.

No one was in the shower house when I got there, and I pulled my tank top over my head and slid my running shorts off, I laughed for a second because I had forgotten to take my shoes off, so I decided to just pretend like I was running completely naked except for my shoes for a minute before sliding them off with my socks.

Things were fairly quiet because most of the staff and campers were at morning meeting and breakfast. I walked out to the shower part and picked one in the corner. I was able to angle two other shower heads at me so that I had water coming at me from three sides, this was pretty much the only good thing about the staff shower house, because the shower heads were those old school misting low flow ones which were barely adequate but when you had three pelting your naked body, oh boy!

I washed my hair and I lathered up my soap and began scrubbing my body. My mind continuing back to the previous night. Soon I had my eyes closed and I was imagining kissing Lily again, and soon I found myself focusing on soaping up specific…parts, quite a bit.

I thought about what I would do if she were here. She would pull her running shorts down off her waist, showing her cute bikini style floral print underpants, her mons deliciously covered with little daffodils or whatever. Her staring at me as she pulls her sports bra over her tits which gently fall into place out of their restrictive confines of athletic support. She would slide her panties down over her hips and they would fall by her feet….actually probably not because the concrete floor of this place is perpetually wet and who knows what is growing so I guess she would step out of them lifting each leg individually, at first shy that her beautiful naked body would be completely exposed to my glances and admiration. I would take my soapy hands and run them up and down her back and shoulders first, allowing her to get used to my touch. Then soon I would reach around from behind her and run my hands up and caress her gorgeous tits and across her chest as I would kiss her shoulder from behind, her feeling my body against the back of hers. We would get to know each other’s bodies intimately, I would learn all her spots and tickle her slightly as my hands slide up her inner things and across the underside of her hot ass.

I would run my fingers through her hair and gently massage her scalp as she faced me, our bodies pressed together feeling the warmth of each others wet skin…..

….but it probably couldn’t go on for long, because you can tell when someone is in the shower because you can see their legs under the walls from way off, and I could only imagine the stories that would make the rounds.
