Gas Station Girl [FM]

On mobile, so excuse formatting if it turns out terrible. Might be long so sorry but I love a good background story as well. Also, it’s not really important but I was 19 when this happened, she was 24. I am 23 now.

Truly the most memorable sex experience for a couple of reasons that you’ll be able to discern for yourself throughout. Anyway, on with the best sex of my life thus far.

Do you like coffee? I do. But I hate making coffee anytime, especially early. So what do ya do? You wake up every morning and go to the gas station for some damn fresh coffee. I know sounds like more of a hassle but the four minute drive itself is nice and the coffee is FIRE. So I go every single morning to this same gas station. (Even to this day.)

One day a new girl is working there, and I know she’s new because I go here everyday. She is a solid 7.5. Very nice ass, breasts were… decent but her face was also very nice. Curves as well. But god that ASS. Mmm. Yeah lmao. She was a tad skinny but at the same time just absolutely perfect for me. Tbh though she was truly my type. She could be a gas station model girl. She even told me later on she had been told this. Anyway, I’m not too social but I do try to pay attention to everybody when I talk to them and give a good convo back. Especially a pretty girl that I might see everyday. So I walk in and I instantly give her a nice, semi loud so she can hear me, “HELLO HOW ARE YA THIS MORNING.” Instantly she barely gets out a “Oh just waking up.”

Skip forward like a month because almost the same thing happened daily with the occasional change up of her being peppy and saying hello with a smile back. I started to like this. So I would talk more as I would pay for my coffee and ask her about her day and how her life was going. I do try to get to know someone before I do the deed. We do this and get closer for yet what seemed like another month. Finally one day, after thinking and thinking about it I make the leap. In line at the gas station of all places while half asleep at 7am, and also she is on the clock with a full line of people wanting to pay for coffee like me. I straight up ask her if she is seeing anybody and if she would like exchange numbers or facebook info to talk more privately. She bursted with a smile and so did I. She wrote her info down on a blank receipt and I took it, walked out of there feeling like I had just won the lottery.

So all the info checks out. I text her later that night and we instantly hit it off even more. We had a ton in common, convo was never dull, cant wait to see her face at the gas station every chance I get ya know. Or more. So we text and get closer for a couple weeks, all the while I see her at her job 5-6 days a week. I’m loving it ya know. So I make another leap after a couple weeks and ask her out. She actually said no. I was confused as hell but I am a persistent guy. I’ve been rejected way more times than I’d like but hey, that’s the game I guess. So.i didn’t take it hard and I keep my “game” going. Lol. But lo and behold it does actually work. So this whole process has been like 3 months now. I have put in lots of talk time and getting to know her.

So we agreed to see a movie. Yay, a date period. I got a date with the girl I wanted. Life is great. Well it comes time, and we were gonna meet because we both have cars and she seemed independent as fuck. Which I also liked, but at the same time crossed my mind as odd because I always pick up my date. (Remember this.) Instead she insists she watch Netflix and her endless DVD collection at her apartment. Whooo bet. We all know where this is headed.

So I get to her place. Right by the lake. This is like a fucking dream. (If she ever reads this she’ll know for sure who wrote this haha.) I walk up to her apartment and she is smoking a cig. Didn’t know she smoked but hey, I was committed at this point and she always smelled nice anyways. So we look at the lake and I give her my usual “Hey how are ya cutie!” She seemed really nervous but happy. I was too. Very nervous. So we go into her apartment and I just plop on her bed like it’s mine and she didn’t mind at all. She plopped down right after and cuddled up to me before we even turned the TV on or said another word. As if we had done this for awhile now. Not gonna lie every second felt natural with her. This girl was awesome.

I enjoy the silent cuddle and smell of her hair. Just, the serenity of the moment is setting in. I make the first move for the remote though because, hey gotta watch a movie ya know. So I put on a comedy. Truly dont remember the movie. But we laughed a good bit. One mutual laugh halfway into the movie happened to be “The Moment”.

Serious as can be. Like a movie, we locked eyes for a moment in between the laugh, both smiling. I looked her still clothed body up and down nervously, then locked eyes again. She leaned in because I’m such a chickenshit for stuff like that. I did follow through to meet though. And we kissed for the first time. Instantly, just like earlier, everything felt natural and totally in place. From the first hello. Anyways, we quickly move from slow kiss to full blown making out. Fuck the movie at this point. It’s full on “chill” part now. Although chill was the exact opposite of what came. (Including me. Haha joke in the middle of a story.) So we are just basically invading each other’s mouth. We all know how it goes.

We are laying down. My hands got really frisky and I couldn’t help myself. I start sliding my hands down all over her body. From her shoulders, to her curves, then down to that good ol sweet spot. She moaned even though her pants were still on. She had to have been turned on to the max because I could feel how wet she was through her JEANS. This got me as hard as life itself. (I try jokes sometimes…so what sue me.) But yeah I was totally into the moment. We are still kissing while she slides her shirt off. I slid mine off. This kept going on awkwardly but as non interrupting as possible until we were naked. All the while not getting enough of each others tongue. I’m loving it y’all. First chance in like two years. I’m pumped.

As we’re laying down, I kissed her neck and then her belly. After that I moved to her thighs to get her really going. This worked. I smiled at her and just put my face down there and went to work. I love the taste of good pussy so I will do it for my own enjoyment until you MAKE ME STOP. So I am basically tongueing her (Using my tongue like a finger to penetrate just a little.) Fingering her clit at the same time. Then I switch both out. Tongue to clit and finger to pussy. She LOVES THIS. I do my job for 15 minutes at least and she starts to shake. Like her thighs are tightening around my neck. This is almost choking me out while I am eating her out, but I am a trooper and continued no complaints. She is legitimately shaking like she is pushing out her last pushup. All while gasping fast as fuck and screaming. Yay for me! Anyways I finish and wipe my face. Get up to her and kiss her.

So after this she started to get up, and back up on her knees to her headboard of her bed. (She was on her knees, back on headboard all the while facing me.) She didn’t even say anything but I instantly stand up on her bed and just gently grab her head and she knew. She opened her mouth and I slid it right in. Mmmmmmmm. Warm, soft, the suction, perfect with not using her teeth. I actually fucked her face for a good 3-4 minutes. Jesus christ this was awesome. It was like I was in a porno. I felt like it anyway. So this ends and she says her jaw hurts. Oops my bad Haha. So we kiss again. Yeah people, I will do this so she doesnt get offended. Plus I clean my dick so I dont have a problem this. Anyway kissing for a few seconds while laying down again, I’m still hard as ever.

She rolled over aggressively to get on top. FUCK YEAH GIRL GET IT. She looked me in the eyes again and I am in pure ecstacy. (Not the drug but the moment.) She caressed my dick for a moment which felt kinda nice and then she smiled and didn’t say a word as she slowly slid herself down my fancy pole and she is just gasping. I love this. I just layed there grabbing her ass, curves, tits. Everything. I’m feeling her everywhere while she starts to ride. From the moment she finished sliding down and started riding, it was 0-100 real quick. I mean she was riding my dick as fast as a marathon Sprinter would run. And this pussy was PERFECT. Perfect fit, and she really knew how to ride it. So she is riding me for like 5 straight minutes and I finally start to pound back from the bottom, in sync with her. We are both feeling it. She is moaning wildly and I am breathing like a 90 year old man with asthma. (The pussy was that good.) I’m nowhere close but she thinks I am so we switch positions.

She is now lying on her belly and arching her ass at JUST THE RIGHT ANGLE. She couldn’t do a damn thing wrong at this point. So I slide right on in. Instantly pounding it. Gas station girl KNEW HOW TO THROW IT BACK, GODDAMN DID SHE. Her ass was so soft and her throwing it back. It was hard to not just finish in the first couple of minutes of that. Anyway, I’m not a cardio freak, but it sure kicks in during because I pounded that with no break for another solid 10 minutes. Jeeeeez that was heaven. So I flip her over and she sets up for missionary. We are kissing again and I go straight back to pound town. I was certain her pussy would be sore when I finished. She is just screaming almost, bed is shaking out of control. (No shit like she needed to fix that thing. Lmfao. Anyway her bed is wall up against the neighbor apartment wall. They had to have heard everything.) Before she seemed to “finish” at least I was thinking, she flipped over again. I was sorta close but I still had some fuel left.

We get back to the riding position. Titties in my face. I can see her pussy perfectly. She slid right back in. Mmmmm. Mmmmmm. Mmmmmm. She was riding a little slower this time. Still a little fast but more with feeling and emotion this time it seemed. I really liked this and I was extra in sync. So I start to ride her from bottom as she is riding me. Btw I smelled her pussy the whole time during. It smelled wonderful. Mmmmm. Haha. Anyway we were totally in the groove riding when she sped up a tad and started yelling and shaking again. But the tightness on my lap and dick this time was much better than the chokehold she had me in earlier. This friction, the tightness, her awesome pussy. All of it came together. I am pretty sure we came together right then and there. I could be wrong but no shit.

I STARTED BURSTING FROM THE DRAIN PIPE. I MEAN OVERFLOW FROM TWO YEARS (Aside from masturbation.) She keeps riding me as I am just spilling my seed into her pussy. (No condom..yikes.) I’m damn near gasping for breath at this point. Climax ya know. As I’m done spilling, she slows down riding and we just start kissing again. While she is still laying on me. I’m kinda sat up but yeah. So we keep kissing. I couldn’t get enough. But also I was spent. I have gone rounds before, but this one round was several in one. Plus to me, it was special. Not particularly making love. As I keep saying though, every single thing felt too natural. I just keep my hands on her curves and ass in case I need to get hard for round two. Still feeling around. We kissed for about 2-3 more minutes. Much more slowly and passionately now. Finally I fully lay down and she is still laying on me. She just stretched her legs onto mine and layed her head on my chest. I am not gonna lie. Up to that point in my life, I couldn’t even recall a more warm, comfortable, safe feeling moment. This was the best sex I had ever had in my, at the time, very short life. She just layed there quietly. Looked me in my eyes one more time, kissed me, then her head went straight back to my chest.

Was this heaven? No, but close enough for me. So I kept laying there just caressing her and her hair, cuddling her warm body as she lay on top of mine. We are both still naked and in post sex lazy form, and I was laying under her. The smell of her all around probably helped too, (jeez I still think about her smell) cause about 15 minutes of that and I fell straight asleep. I don’t really know who went out first. I do remember waking up about 6-8 hours later with her still lying on top of me. I dont even think she moved, and she was SNORING. (LMAO) A/C was on full blast so no sweat. I was perfectly warm from her body and my god lemme tell you, that sleep was as refreshing as taking a Senzu Bean.

She woke up soon after because I kinda rolled a little. We were smiling at each other. We did it. Three months of work, and we finally had sex. Honestly the original date would’ve been fine with me, but this was absolutely perfect. So she kisses me and tells me she has work. Good thing I did too. Needed something to leave for Haha. But before we got out of bed to get ready, she kinda shyly asked me if I would eat her pussy again.
“Right now?” She said yes and I laughed. I hadn’t even brushed my teeth yet and she wanted me to go down on her. Well i did. Same as the night before. Almost the same chokehold too. It ended in her cumming. Wonderful. I am truly an artist. Not once, not twice, but thrice. Ego boost to the max. It is only then she kisses me again and heads to her shower. She hurried, got ready and we were heading out her door because she was almost late. I walked her to her car, we kissed kinda deep one more time and we went our separate ways. I went home to shower. Stopped by for my coffee as usual and just smiled the whole time I saw her. She didn’t though. But then again she was at work. Didn’t wanna let everyone know I just scored on the gas station girl because I see her coworkers every day and so does she. Anyway so all is good.

I keep getting my coffee every morning, we text nearly every day, and the smiles are back occassionally. Yay. So about a week later I ask in person if she would like to hang again. She nervously and hesitantly says yes. I brushed it off because our first date was AMAZING. Still havent had one like it nor do I expect to. Anyway we set up a date through text. Well she wants Netflix and chill again. Fuck yeah. No argument here baby. LETS GET ROUND TWO. So I show up and we cuddle and watch a movie like the last time. But something is different. Her cuddle is more distant. So is her face. She wouldn’t even look at me at all. I knew something was off. We were by no means a couple but, I had been working on this for THREE months. I thought I knew this girl. Well she finally turns and looks right at me. I say “What’s up”? She gets quiet and actually got up to turn the TV down. I figured this was serious. I was worried about the last time because I didn’t use a condom. I later found out that she was not pregnant by any means, but this was not what she was about to tell me.

She started to randomly open up about her *Shocker* boyfriend of two years. About their life, their sex life, how what she did was wrong and so was I. I was starting to feel devastated actually. I had committed three months of my time. Not a ton, I know but come on. That’s a lot of time to put in for a first date. Anyways i start to ask her why she didn’t say anything before. “Well you were so nice and persistent. I just couldn’t say no to you either.” Pretty accurate I think anyway. She then explained that I was the best sex she had ever had but that we could never again and that any feelings I had for her needed to go because she already had a committed boyfriend.

DEVASTATION MY FRIENDS. Not gonna lie, as a 19 year old guy I thought of myself as a man. I know now I wasnt but at the time, yeah. So I actually felt sadness. I shamefully held my tears. I am a tad sensitive for no good reason. I care about feelings and more importantly, I care about other peoples feelings more than my own and this will heavily influence how I act around people. So two dates in, I’m full fledged going for this girl, slept with her once, and she lays this shit on me? (I love Will Ferrell btw.) So she awkwardly asks if I’ll leave 20 minutes after I get there. I slide my shoes on and head out the door. Silent. In disbelief actually. I went home about 5 mins away. I’m conveniently places rurally and within the city. Very weird but yeah. I actually avoided my own gas station for the first time. I did this for a few weeks actually because I was too crushed to face her, much less in public.

She eventually texted me about two weeks after this apologizing saying she didn’t mean to lead me on. Also that it was mostly my fault for this. I guess i agree because I am persistent. But usually a second no does it for me. So I texted her saying sorry for everything. Even apologized for not knowing she had a boyfriend. I know, I know, how idiotic. But I did. Finally I went back to my own gas station after I got tired of driving an extra 5 minutes out of the way. She was not there the first day I went back. She might’ve been off. But she wasnt there the second day either. She did show up the third day. Awkward as hell. She luckily wasnt on the register. We didn’t even text at this point and she tried to not look at me even though I saw her glance a few times. It hurt. Really did. But I kept going. This was my gas station damn it. She showed up less and less over the next couple weeks which made me think she put in her two weeks. She never came back to that gas station.

I didn’t talk to her for awhile after that. Sometime afterward they split though. I thought nothing of it tbh. Then about 8 months later she texted me saying how sorry she was. I wanted so bad to just it’s all fine and be hers, but I stood my ground EVEN THOUGH SHE WAS OFFERING AMAZING SEX AGAIN. Also she had a big payoff from her job.God was I an idiot for saying no. I still had feelings for her sadly but I just couldn’t at the time. Last I talked to her was then. She has a boyfriend now. Hope she’s doing great. Even though she all of a sudden put me through some bullshit after three months of leading on, I will never forget her amazing self. And most importantly. I WILL NEVER FORGET THAT AMAZING SEX.

I know it got off topic a lot, but I guess I just like to paint the whole picture. Sorry for the length my friends. But had to give the entire story, it was kinda fulfilling for me and y’all got to read about a guy’s best sex experience that I will NEVER forget



  1. I really enjoyed the story and actually smiled and giggled all the way .
    Hope you have/will have more stories to tell

  2. “breathing like a 90 year old with asthma” I know this all too well. Not 90, but there are times I just get winded from those long fuck sessions. Great story.

  3. Amazing story. Brought me back to the best sex I had: the tingling, shortness of breath, exploding in her sans condom. Sucks with how it turned out … I probably couldnt resist her once she became single.

  4. The thing im most proud of you for is standing your ground, glad you learned your worth by the time she came back around!

  5. Wow what a nice and fulfilling story. Seems like you had an much fun! I’m the age you were at the time of when this happened and I wish I could be as confident as you xD

  6. Really nice story and proper length. Stories like yours made me a fan of reading this kind of stories….You wrapped it very nicely in my opinion. It left a bittersweet taste but in a nice way…Very Good Job My Friend!

  7. Good on you to not accept her back in open arms. Imo if she’s willing to cheat on her then bf, what’s to say she wouldn’t do the same to you? Great story, brought back memories of the best sex I had

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