Visiting a friend [MF]

Despite living half way around the world from her, I decided I’d surprise her with a visit. As soon as I landed, I got myself a car and drove over to her house. I knocked on her door and could hear scrambling inside for a couple of minutes before the door finally opened. I could see the shock on her face to find me standing there and her excitement as she almost tackled me to the ground giving me a hug. Once she regained some composure and invited me inside, I had a chance to properly look her over. I could see her clothes had been very quickly thrown on, with her t-shirt caught partway down her body, and her trousers not pulled up quite right. Looking past her, I could see she had her camera set up on a tripod pointing at the sofa, and a vibrator haphazardly stashed beneath the cushions. Realizing what I had interrupted, I started making my excuses, saying I’d be back later at a better time. As I turned to leave, she reached out and grabbed me by the shirt, pulling me back to her. With a low voice she said “No, you interrupted me when I was close. Now you’re going to make sure I finish.”

She pushed me down on the sofa, but instead of joining me like I expected, she went to stand behind the camera and adjusted it to point at my crotch. She looked up from the camera and told me in a commanding voice, “Strip.” I was nervous as hell. I’d never performed or even been naked on camera before, and instead I sat there fidgeting. She was clearly not pleased by this reaction, and she stepped past the camera and straddled my lap. She gently bit on my ear and growled, “If that cock isn’t out of your pants in the next ten seconds, I’m going to make sure you regret it.” Looking up at her, and seeing the devious grin on her face, I realized I had best do as I was told. She stepped away for a moment as I reached down and fumbled trying to take my trousers off. Before they were even halfway down my legs she finished yanking them off in one swift motion. Then she was back straddling me, having somehow managed to take her clothes off as well.

Before I could think to do anything, she grabbed my head, pulling it to her breasts and forced a nipple into my mouth. I bit down hard, and she let out a moan. She reached down and grasped my cock, bringing it against her pussy. She started grinding against my shaft. It didn’t take long until I started humping back, each time trying to pull my cock a little lower and allow it to slide inside her. Each attempt was met by her evading my thrusts and dragging her nails down my chest. Her moaning grew louder, and her pussy was getting wetter—I couldn’t take it anymore. I grabbed her arms, pulling them behind her back. Holding them with one hand, I grabbed her by the waist and pulled her down hard on my cock. She gasped as I filled her tight cunt. Looking me in the eye, she realized she had lost control of the situation. I started slamming hard into her, until I felt her start to quiver. Bloody hell, she really must have been close already. She came hard against my cock, gasping and shaking.

Before she even finished convulsing with pleasure, I stood her up and turned her to face the camera. Standing up behind her I reached around and pulled her into me, pinching her nipple I whispered into her ear “Tell the camera how much you love my thick cock inside you.”

As she started to say something, I rammed my cock back into her, causing whatever words she had been forming to turn into nothing but a moan. I slowly slid my cock out and back into her pussy over and over, and gradually her moans turned into quiet pleas of “Harder,” and “Fuck me—please!”

I pulled her head back next to mine and commanded “Louder! I don’t think the camera can hear you.”

I let go, and she looked directly into the camera saying, “Please fuck me hard! I need you in me.” I gave her what she asked, bent her over onto her coffee table and fucked her until I felt her ready to cum again. When she got close and started to tense up, I spanked her ass. She came instantly, nearly collapsing onto the table. I held her fast by her hips, not letting her escape from my cock filling her. Her pussy clenched over and over against my hardness, and I strained to keep myself from cumming.

I slid my cock out and let go of her hips. Her legs gave way, and she crumpled to her knees, only propped up by her arms on the table. I walked around her, slipped an arm around her waist, and turned her to the side. I grabbed her hair and pulled her head up so she was craning up at me. “I’ve helped you. Now it’s my turn.” I positioned myself in front of her, and she didn’t need any more prompting. She leant forward and took my cock into her mouth, sliding all the way down to the base. I closed my eyes and let my head loll back, enjoying the sensation. She kept her lips tight around my shaft as she bobbed her head up and down, her tongue swirling around my head each time she reached it. It didn’t take long before I felt myself get close. I began to hump back against her face, and she dug her nails into my hips trying to keep control of me, but it was enough to push me over the edge. I grabbed the back of her head and slammed her to the base of my cock as I started cumming down her throat. I then quickly pulled my cock out of her mouth, my second shot landing across her tongue and lips mouth, my next going across her face and cheeks, and the rest I squirted across her tits. I collapsed on the sofa behind me, and watched as she turned to the camera, took it in her hands and panned over the cum soaking her. She flicked a switch, and the red recording light dimmed. She pulled herself to sofa and curled up into me while we both caught our breath.


1 comment

  1. My thanks to /u/adultnoveltyaccount for helping me take this story to something worth posting.

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