[MF] An old crush comes to fruition – I put this together last night, an experiment to see how I’d fare at writing erotica. Thanks for reading

“I’ve always thought you were sexy, you know. I just never…We were just never single at the same time. You know?” The rum had given her the courage to do what she had planned. Jason looked nice in his buttoned shirt and slacks, his dark hair was closely cropped and he wore a short beard on his strong jaw. Jason’s body carried muscle just tinged with chub.

He passed the bottle back. “I always had a crush on you too, but I was too shy.”

She sat on the couch opposite him, a small coffee table between them. She was pretty, almost as tall as he was with modest curves. She always looked professional, tidily kept. The deep blue eyes behind thin frames sold it. “Could I kiss you?” Her chestnut hair swung as she tilted her head.

“Shit Rachel, I mean…” the booze was making things fuzzy. “I don’t want things to get awkward.”

She stood and walked over to him. “It won’t get awkward, Jason.” She sat down beside him, her body pressed close to his. Even through her clothes he could feel her warmth. She turned her head to his and their lips met briefly. Then passion took them, the kiss had been building for months, for years.

Jason kissed her neck and she moaned, “I’ve wanted this for so long, Jason. But you always had a girlfriend.” He wanted to tell her how he’d wanted the same thing. She was beautiful and witty, motivated and kind, but the words would not come and he kissed her instead.

She stood then, removing her glasses and setting them on the coffee table. She lifted off the thin white sweater she was wearing, exposing the skimpy white bra beneath. Rachel straddled him and kissed him again, maneuvering his head to kiss her collarbone and the place where her breasts met, his tongue a trail of sensation as she worked her fingers to undo the buttons on his shirt. It fell away and she pressed her bare skin against his. The touch she had yearned for for so long, having felt just once, a brief hug goodbye in a bathing suit.

Rachel dug her fingers into his hair, pulling him closer to her. It hurt a little but Jason felt her desire for him. He reached up and with fumbling hands undid her bra. The white fabric fell away revealing pink nipples upon perky breasts. He reached up to caress them, rubbing the nipple ever so slightly.

Rachel moaned, she could not help herself. It was everything she had hoped it would be, his breath hot upon her bare skin. She moved his face to her left breast and he sucked the nipple. She squeezed him and he nibbled slightly. The sting of it titillated her.

Jason found his hands wantdering down into the back of Rachel’s skirt. She had a firm ass. He had to feel it. Furiously he flipped his hands under the fabric and felt her skin beneath. She was wearing a thong, he could feel it. “I want to see you.” He said to her between breaths. She smiled, a little giggle escaped her lips. She stood up, and twirled once displaying her high breasts and firm back. Slowly Rachel swayed her hips and ran her hands up her body, teasing her nipples. She dipped her hands beneath the wasit of her skirt and stepped out of it. She stood in a white silk thong.

Jason’s breath was coming fast, she could see the lust on his face. She looked down and saw the bulge of his dick pressing against the slacks. Rachel smiled. “Show me yours and I’ll show you mine.” The taunt was followed by a wink. Jason undid the clasp on his pants and pulled them down. He took them off his legs and sat in only a pair of dark boxers, his package clearly defined beneath. Rachel reached down and touched him.

Her hand on his cock was electric. Shivers ran up his spine as she smiled mischeviously and gently pulled down the fabric of his boxers. The tip of Jason’s turgid cock popped over. She pinched it gently between two fingers, and made to pull his underwear off, but he stopped her.

“You first.” She could never say no to that smile, so slowly she pulled off the thong and let it drop. His eyes followed it down as she stepped out of it, and then with a squeal she shouted “catch me if you can!” She turned and ran to his bedroom, and lept into bed, turning to face the doorway as he struggled to disrobe. He appeared in the doorway naked, the lights turned low still showed his cut cock hanging heavy above his balls.

Jason walked to her, slowly. Her eyes stayed on his dick as he approached and she reached out to touch it. She stroked him once, twice and then caressed his balls. “You’re bigger than I expected.” He smiled, “You have to hold up your end of the bargain.” She released his cock and lay back in bed, and teasing him spread her legs slowly. Her pussy was magnificent. He’d wanted to see it for so long, he’d dreamed about it. Her fair skin showed tantalizing detail of her, her lips parted slightly as her knees touched the bed, and protruded just slightly. Jason could wait no longer.

The look on his face turned to absolute longing, and without warning he thrust himself forward. His tongue was hot on the inside of her thighs, and ran tickling to her shaven mound. She wanted him, wanted all he would give her, but he resisted. Slowly his tongue parted the lips at the very bottom and ran to the top. She shuddered with desire as the flat of his tongue passed her opening, she felt him take in how wet she was. Rachel tasted amazing, clean and perfect the taste of her pussy was overpowering, he moved his tongue to her clip and she moaned with pleasure as she ground against him. He began to lick her more quickly, moving his tongue faster. He had meant to pace himself but he could not hold back. Hands beneath her sweet ass he pulled her close, filled his senses with her sweet cunt.

Writhing against him on the bed Rachel grabbed her tits, pinched her nipples. Jason’s tongue ambrosia to her, everything she needed, her whole world. Suddenly the dam burst and wave after wave of orgasm rocked her. She screamed his name.

The licking slowed and stopped as Jason moved back. His dick was getting harder watching Rachel cradle her heaving breasts. Soon she caught her breath and rose to him. She leaned down and took his dick in her mouth. The warmth and the wetness behind her lips was welcoming. She moved up and down his shaft, pausing every now and then to kiss the head.

Jason’s skin tasted clean in her mouth, and she hungered for it. She took it in both hands, and ran her tongue up the bottom. He stiffened visibly, he liked that. Experimentally she ran her tongue along the bottom of his shaft from top to bottom. He liked it best when she licked him right where his cock met his balls. She stayed there for a long time, taking one of his nuts in her mouth at a time.

Pushing him down onto the bed, Rachel stuck her pussy in face and bent down over his cock. The heat coming from her was amazing, she kept licking that one spot, enough to drive him mad but not enough to satisfy. God he wanted to fuck her.

Unable to take it any longer Rachel go off and mounted Jason. With one hand she guided his firm dick to the entrance of her pussy. He rached up and she took his hands, their fingers interlocking. Slowly, gently, she slid his cock inside her. It filled her, pressed against her, made her want to scream as she reached the base.

Her pussy was tight against him, and Jason struggled not to cum. She began to ride him, slowly at first. He felt her muscles relax as she sank into a rhythm, grinding against him, then lifting off of him to slide his cock back into her.

Shew as too gentle for Jason’s taste. He took her by the wrists and pulled her off of him, laying her down against the bed. He stuffed a pillow down under her crotch, tilting her pelvis towards him. Carefully he maneuvered his dick to her pussy, just under her asshole, and penetrated her from behind.

Moaning with pleasure she heard Jason ask if she was ready for it hard. “Yes, fuck me hard Jason.” He began slowly at first, his hands on her shoulders, and he picked up the pace.

Sitting up straight Jason put his hands on her ass for leverage, and pounded into her. She reached down and rubbed her clit, her fingers between the bed and her sex. She again with him pounding into her. Jason felt the end coming when Rachel’s pussy contracted on him. “I’m gunna cum!” He shouted. Rachel lept up and knelt before him, taking his cock in her mouth. She tasted her own pussy on his dick and she loved it. The flavor told her how much she’d wanted him, how wet she’d been for him. She gripped his ass and thrust his cock into her mouth once, twice, and he came. The cum was sweet and salty, it tasted like him. She kept sucking, kept thrusting as he came. She coudln’t take the whole load and some spilled out onto her tits.

He moaned softly and collapsed onto the bed while Rachel leaned down to kiss him. With the tip of her finger she took the cum off her tits and sucked it clean. “I love you, Jason.”

“I love you, Rachel. I have for a long time.”

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/2ssgnl/mf_an_old_crush_comes_to_fruition_i_put_this

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