There’s no feeling quite like lighting up that old [f]la[m]e…

Work crushes are a normal thing, everyone has them and everyone moves on from them. Sometimes they just sort of fade into the background rather than going away though. She was one of those.

Brown hair, green eyes and a shy smile that stopped me at the door. She was adorable. At the time we worked together she was the newest member of the team I was responsible for and she was very unsure of herself and constantly questioned everything she did. Her work was good, not flawless, but certainly above average for someone so new to our group. She also developed quite a crush on me and I knew, and everyone else knew, and it made for great workplace banter and became the sort of running joke of the team. To the point where her partner would make jokes about us having a threesome basically every time we caught up for drinks. Even though I found her extremely attractive and definitely thought we’d have a great time, I’ve seen enough disasters in other people’s lives though to know it’s better to not shit where I eat as the expression goes. After a year or so of mentoring and coaching (and flirting and cajoling) she became a leader in her own right and stepped into my position when I left (I think there might be sex joke there somewhere but I can’t quite get it) and I couldn’t have been prouder. We caught up for coffee regularly after that and her partner still made sex jokes every time we went drinking.

Flash forward another year or so and she and her partner had just broken up, the feeling was mutual and it was a relatively smooth break up thankfully so no friendships damaged either side. So she and I caught up a bit more regularly and flirted a bit more but she was well and truly an old flame by this point. Until she decided to invite me to a show she was taking part in. A pole dancing show. Did I not mention she did pole dancing for fun/fitness? She’d been doing it for years but she was always awkward about inviting me to her comps and shows and I was never really put out by it, more flattered that she felt so nervous if I was to be there. So she finally invited me after a few drinks (I think she might never have gotten around to it otherwise) and I finally went. And I saw what I had missed out on. She was amazing (as were all the other performers, mad respect to those who can do pole – the amount of core strength and endurance on display was breathtaking) and I couldn’t stop thinking about how good she looked. At drinks after the show I, embarrassingly, could barely contain my gushing and I think she maintained a permanent blush for the rest of the evening. A week or so after, the old gang got together for some drinks on a Friday afternoon and what follows was one of the most satisfying nights of my life.

The night was going great as usual, we’d always all had good banter and the drinks were flowing steadily. She was wearing a particularly flattering V top with the sheer across her cleavage and I was struggling to maintain appropriate levels of eye contact with blood pumping to various body parts. She also made more physical contact than usual. Patting my arm and shoulder when teasing, and letting her hand rest there for a few moments after. She was turned towards me on the bench so her legs were against mine even though there was plenty of room. It was starting to really get the heart rate up and I couldn’t stop thinking about her pole show and what I had seen. I usually bailed before we hit the clubs (they often called me dad for going home early every time) but tonight I just couldn’t even think of missing out on her on the dance floor. But if I was going to dance there was a prerequisite amount of alcohol required in my system for it to be enjoyable for me or anybody else. So I got schwifty.

As soon as we hit the floor we separated from the group and got lost in the crowd, she was still sort of shy but grew more confident as she saw I was having such a great time and couldn’t keep my hands or my eyes off her. She was grinding and spinning and grinding and dropping and eventually when she came in close enough I just kissed her, and the amount of tension released was enough to flatten a building. We stayed at the club for a few more songs, my hands growing braver as the night went on until I whispered in her ear, “I think maybe we should get a room.” Her eyes said what she didn’t have to.

We made it back to my place, after what must have been a supremely awkward 15 minutes for our uber driver and I could barely open the front door quick enough before she was on the kitchen counter and I was pressed against her. She took of my shirt and started undoing my belt as she slid of the counter, we hadn’t said a word since we got in. She was on her knees and staring up at me with my hardness in her hand, almost as if still questioning if she was doing the right thing. I gently took her hair in my hand and brought her lips to me and good god the sight of her with me in her mouth nearly brought everything to a sudden, anti-climactic end. She was quite submissive which was no real surprise but thanks to her pole she was very strong and used that to great effect. Once I was moaning uncontrollably and leaning against the counter behind her for support I brought her back up, got her tight pants off and kissed my way down her thigh, one hand holding her leg down, the other reaching up to cup her perfect tits, when her top had come off I wasn’t even sure. She was fully shaven which was a new experience for me, I’d never really minded either way but it was very welcome. She was so perfect and wet that my chin and jaw was covered in minutes, her leg was starting to shake a bit but I held it pinned to the counter and she started moaning louder. She pulled by face away and with eyes as big as dinner plates said “please?” So I stood up, led her to my bed, lay her down and slowly slid myself in. Her pleasure was driving me wild. I started slow, letting her get used to the feel of me before holding her hands together above her head and thrusting with all my pent up wants and needs. Soon her legs were over my shoulders and her hips off the bed, her tight abs showing as she pushed against me. It was too much and I pulled out to slide along her wet lips as I unloaded across her belly and tits. We were both panting like we’d run a marathon and I collapsed next to her. After a few moments of lying there, she rolled to straddle me. “My turn?” she said with that puppy dog look I couldn’t say no to anymore.
