The Parade [FM][Public Sex][Exhibitionism]


The sound was like nails on a chalkboard to me. Worst still, it meant we were that much closer to going to watch the stupid parade. Being an introvert, I hated parades. Noisy and crowded and just not much fun for me. Lisa on the other hand, loved them and I was always her go-to when everyone else was not interested. She knew I would eventually go along with her, after some arm twisting, bribing, etc.


Lisa was sucking in more air than whipped cream or chocolate shake. As she did so, her eyes hungrily eyed the malt I still had leftover in my stainless steel mixing cup while her fingers absentmindedly toyed with one of her bracelets. Her crimson painted lips went from suck to wicked grin in no time flat. Instead of asking me for the rest of mine though, or just stealing it outright (which she has been known to do), she uttered in a normal level tone, “Gosh, the malts they make here make me fucking horny.”

At the surprise or shock (or perhaps a mix of both) at her sudden outburst, with more than a few heads to turn to suddenly take in what was just said, she continued, “and why is it we’ve never fucked before?”

Our waitress was one table down and was trying very hard to not look like she was listening. It was impossible to tell if the waitress was just curious about my answer because the blush across my face felt at least a few shades hotter than Lisa’s lips by now or perhaps she was just as horny as Lisa seemed to be and was willing to get off on any bit of exhibitionism that was on display, even if only verbal.

“I believe,” I countered, knowing if I said nothing Lisa would only prattle on about it further until I did respond, “it is perhaps because we are best friends.”

“No. That is not it. I have fucked friends before. It would only make sense that a best friend would be at the top of that list.”


She eyed my malt with wanton delight. The smile on her ruby lips was even more wicked than before.

“Well…” I continued, just as she slid her boot up my thigh under the table to find a very aroused cock waiting to be discovered at the end of it.

“See?”she interrupted, “It seems you are horny too. So, the reason we haven’t fucked yet cannot be because you are not attracted to me either. Unless your hard-on is for our waitress of course, in which I can try to get her number for you.”

Her grin now was five shades of impish. It countered the cross dangling from her neck in fine style. Lisa, the devout Christian, except where sex was concerned. She was a firm believer something got mixed up in the translation there. When asked if she was worried about it, she said she would take up the issue at the Pearly Gates once the time came and hoped that the fact she did everything else holy, spot on, would at least count for something.

“Well…” I repeated, trying to keep myself in check through the distractions, the stares, the glares, and Lisa’s damned grin that at the current moment, I wanted to kiss as hungrily as she eyed my leftover malt, “there is the best friend thing and that I never was comfortable with the idea of having to perform one of your challenges to have sex with you in the first place.”

Lisa had a reputation to making lovers jump through hoops before she would ever sleep with them for the first time. It was her balance to the whole purity thing. She found it to be a good way to weed out the unworthy.

Her smile suddenly vanished, so did the boot that was teasing my groin. She suddenly looked way too serious. I felt even hotter. I was trying to throw her off a bit, perhaps fluster her in turn and now I felt I overstepped. I was always an idiot with such things.

“Who are you to say that I would have ever made you do one of my challenges? Perhaps you passed a long time ago? Perhaps you may have even enjoyed it if I did give you a challenge? Hmmm….”

The awkward silence was a knife to the heart. I hated it. We rarely had them. She suddenly perked up, like a pixie being born. Filled with a sudden sense of mischief.

“Well, Matty…now you are definitely going to have to do a challenge before we fuck. Do you mind?” She took my malt without waiting for an answer and sucked it down with a vengeance. She obviously gave herself brain-freeze by doing so, and yet the look in her eye made me want her all the more. My cock returned to it’s previous aroused state. “So, are you ready to help cure our horniness, dear Matty?”

My mind was dumbfounded. Perhaps I was so preoccupied with dreading the damnable parade that now the thought of fixing our mutual horniness issue actually seemed a bit scarier. Which led to the pointless question, “But what about the parade?”

The look she gave scared me speechless and at the same time practically made me cum right then in my shorts, “Oh, trust me, we are still going to see the parade. It is totally up to you as far as how much of it we successfully miss though.”

Her smile was sinful. Then a final:


Marking it was time to pay the check, which she did by dropping more money on the table then necessary to cover both bill and a generous tip. She then took my hand and stole me out of the diner with giggling glee. The sound was childish and yet made her sexier than I have ever imagined her before.

Instead of walking toward the parade street though, she turned and took me through the open park away from the parade. The farther away we got to the parade, the bigger her grin seemed to get. This part of town was relatively dead. The way her fingers both dragged me along and seemed to make out with my hand did nothing to make my particular horniness go away.

We came to the next street and we stopped. She looked up at me in the eye, a lot of the playful mirth was gone now, fully replaced with what could only be called sexual tension and seriousness. She asked in a voice much more sultry and softer than the one she used in the diner, as her free hand lightly brushed back and forth against the bulge in my shorts, “Are you ready to be challenged Matty? It is an easy one. But for you, you are going to hate it and secretly love it?” She didn’t wait for me to answer, instead her hand grabbed my cock as if she knew it intimately and continued, “All you need to do is go across the street and film me. You’ll know when to begin. Keep my face out of it.”

Part of me thought this was all madness. That wasn’t the part of me that was walking across the street in response to her directions though. Lisa and I did have a long and strong friendship. It was also one filled with countless near-tumbles into the sheets together. To be honest, she stopped us almost as many times as I have. Now, with the possibility of feeling so close, with both of our resistances to the idea weak, it filled me with…

I turned to look at her and whatever thoughts I had or trepidation I held were gone. She stood there, with a noisy parade in her backdrop, strangely with no one else around because of it, and was untying the skirt-wrap she was wearing. Her panty-less cunt suddenly was in open view. She looked up just once and I knew. I lifted my phone, quickly getting it into video mode, and hit record.

Lisa folded her skirt up into a square and placed it on the curb. She sat down on it and before doing anything else, she twisted around the bracelet she was toying with the whole time in the dinner. I could now see it wasn’t a charm bracelet, instead it spelled the word ‘whore’ in gaudy rhinestones. That was the hand she began to rub her cunt with. Her hand didn’t stop, but it did take its sweet time. My cock throbbed. My whole body shook. I filmed, trying to keep as steady a hand as possible and failing, miserably.

The movements of her hand, her bracelet, and her cross seemed to almost hypnotize me. All directing my field of view to her cunt, glistening in the sunlight. The screen of my phone suddenly showed a call coming through. It was Lisa. I wasn’t even aware that she had her phone in her other hand. I answered.

“Why aren’t you touching yourself? Are you not completely turned on by now?”


“Start playing with your cock for me, if you want to see me cum that is. You do want to see that, don’t you Matty?”


“Don’t take your cock out, just touch yourself and you just better not fucking cum. You made me wait this long for us, for this, your next cum belongs to me, Understand?”


She hung up the phone. I turned the video camera back on and rubbed myself through my shorts. It was torture. As much as this quasi-public display unnerved a part of me, most of me wanted was to be more connected to her in this moment.

It became even harder to follow her directions when she really started rolling her hips and her fingers seemed to attack her clit with more urgency. I slipped my hand into the waist of my shorts. my fingers found the head of my cock, slick with a film of hot precum. I wanted to explode more than anything. When I suddenly saw an oozing drip out of Lisa, it took all of my will not to cum. My body shook violently.

She sent me a text, “Send me what you just taped.”

I sent it and leaned against the wall, trembling. It seemed to take forever for her to get the copy of the video. It was torture.

She tied the wrap back around herself and waited. Then smiled as she received it and watched it back. I waited. Playing it back in my head, even though I could have easily watched it on my phone. I just couldn’t take my eyes from her. Of all of the times I wanted Lisa. Of all of the times I desired her from afar. Of all of the times, I have never wanted her more. My mind had me fucking her right on that curb. There was a small part of me that was always going to want to now fuck her on that curb. She started walking across the street, the moment lost. The smile on her face was divine though.

“Let me see your phone.” I handed it to her. She deleted the video. “Maybe, I’ll let you watch it again.” She slipped my phone in her pocket. She shoved her wet fingers roughly into my mouth. I sucked at them with more hunger than she displayed in the diner. She pressed against me and smiled.

“Now, about that cum of yours, that belongs to me…”

When she guided my cock into her cunt, we were not in the most ideal position to fuck. It actually was awkward. That said, we were both horny as sin and strangely enough, once we did start to fuck, it was perfect in its way.

The way she smiled as I started cumming inside of her, was like nothing I have ever seen. Her cross glowed in the sunlight in agreement. The ‘whore’ bracelet was made out to be a liar as well.

As we recovered and slowly made our way to the parade, her fingers made love to mine the entire way.

“See?” she said almost sheepishly, “That wasn’t so bad, was it? I do have to say though, all it did was make me hornier. And just think…” her lips curled into a wicked smile, “there is still an hour and a half of the parade to go.”

My cock was already hard again by the time we were across the park to the street with the parade. She stood in front of me, ass cradling my cock, but not moving a muscle. My phone vibrated.

“I might consider sending the video back to you if you can make me cum before the parade ends. I am still fucking horny after all…”

I just smiled and itched to watch her finger herself again and began ever so slowly grinding into her wonderful wrap-covered ass…


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