My Girlfriend got RAPED–by a ROCKSTAR!

[When I was 18, my girlfriend went to a rock concert without me. In the front row. (I had to work that night.) Below is an account of what may or may not have happened after the show. To avoid litigation for libel and slander, Billy’s last name has been scrubbed from the this written version, but it was definitely one of the 5 top touring rock musicians named Billy, and to this day, if you tune to any rock station for any length of time, you are likely to hear one of his songs…]

“Big After-party, Eh?” Said Melinda, glancing around the hotel room with a skeptical eye. It was a small hotel room, definitely not what would be called a hotel suite. And not even a particularly nice hotel. Not fit for Rock Royalty, or even a Knight’s stay, for that matter. Yet the man standing before her was most certainly a millionaire, multiple times over. And so it quickly dawned on her that this place was where he took his groupies, before going back to the real hotel, to be with his wife, or girlfriend, or whatever. But Melinda wasn’t a groupie! Was she?

“I guess the other hot girls must have lost their invitations. You can set your clothes in a pile on that chair over there.”

“Excuse me?”

“It’s a naked party” replied Billy, locking and chaining the door, as well as blocking it with his body, while he stared at her like a wolf who hadn’t eaten in a week. He began unbuttoning the shirt of his on-stage wear, which didn’t take long, since it only had three buttons. Sliding off his snakeskin boots and skintight, black leather pants would take a bit longer, but he was already working on those.

“You have a boyfriend waiting for you at home” Said the invisible Angel perched on Melinda’s left shoulder. “One who loves you, and is waiting to hear all about the concert. Besides, this guy won’t even remember you!”

The invisible Devil jabbed his trident into her right ear lobe (the sensitive one!), and offered his opinion. “Yeah, but you’ll remember him, for the rest of your fucking life. And you only live once. Go for it!”

“I guess I better take these off then” replied Melinda to Billy, acting as though this were a normal conversation, in a normal situation.

A minute later, her brand new, attention-getting ensemble was on the chair in a neatly folded stack. It had done its job well. Shyly, she turned away from him to remove her frilly black bra and panties. The rounded cups of the big bra balanced precariously atop the pile of clothes, the heavy underwire tipping the scale, and gravity pulling the whole stack to the floor.

She bent to pick it up, but the now-nude musician was behind her in a flash, pulling her upright. “It’s fine” he whispered in her right ear. “And so are these…” His hands were cupping her breasts from underneath, lifting and then raising and lowering each one in turn, as though weighing them. His impressive penis was hot-dogged in between her buns, pointing straight up at the ceiling. And his long tongue shot out to bathe her right ear. THAT ear.

It was pure luck, really. How could he have known so quickly what had taken her boyfriend weeks to discover: that Melinda had a second clitoris in her ear. That ear.

“Oh God!” she breathed, as she collapsed between his groping hands and his broad, hairy chest, as her knees buckled.

He threw her onto the bed, grabbing her ankles, and twisting her onto her stomach. When she tried to push up to her hands and knees, assuming he wanted to take her doggie-style, he thrust her legs wide apart. “OUCH!” she cried.

“Just lay flat” he suggested, climbing onto the bed behind her and grasping her buttocks, pushing her flat. “And spread your legs a little wider, if you can.”

Melinda Jane tried to look around at him, a little concerned. “You couldn’t be THAT big!” she said, with a nervous giggle. She had certainly noticed and appreciated the size of his bulge, while watching him perform on stage.

Billy didn’t laugh with her. He squeezed the tender softness of her buttocks in his strong fingers until the supple flesh rose up in pink waves between his fingers, and Melinda winced in pain, but bit her lip, not wanting the handsome rock star to think she was a wimp.

He released his tight grip on her ass with one hand, taking the lust-hardened thickness of his erection, and sawed it once through the moist, gooey wetness of her sweltering cunt, wetting it for the brutal entry he was about to enjoy.

With his cock clenched in his fist like a lethal weapon, Billy worked it in between the smooth, fleshy mounds of her bottom until the shiny, bulbous head nudged salaciously against the tightly clenched pink button of her anus.

Melinda jerked as if he’d touched her with a live wire. “GOD!” she cried. “God NO! NOT THERE! Please, I can’t. I don’t want it THERE. Aim lower. Where it belongs!”

But the jukebox hero only laughed at her, restoring his tight grip on her pinned buttocks, prying the resisting cheeks further apart. Then he lunged forward with the well-lubricated knob of his giant penis. With her buttocks spread obscenely wide, and his cock wet and hard, there was no stopping him.

“YEOW!” the pretty blonde squealed as she felt the horrible, brutal pressure against her tiny anus, as she felt the tightly shut muscle suddenly give way to the moist tip of his cock, stretching open to slide down over its broadly throbbing girth.

“Please, PLEASE! DON’T!” she yelped, clutching and pulling the hotel bedspread, trying desperately to pull away, but finding no purchase. Melinda felt like she was coming apart at the seams, her sexual arousal shattered by the shock of the inhuman penetration.

Billy felt the vainly resisting muscles of her anus collapse, and grunting with satisfaction, he rammed down and in, sadistically impaling her tortured rectum on his long, hard skewer.

“NO!” She wailed, thrashing violently beneath him, trying her best to evade the hurtful penetration. “TAKE IT OUT! IT’S KILLING ME! PLEASE!”

Mercilessly, he pulled her asscheeks even further apart, before burying his huge penis in the tight, rubbery confines of her bowels. The fit of her rectum over his cock was so tight, so squeaky tight, that it felt like it was squeezing it in a hot, flesh-covered vise.

Melinda screamed as the huge rod raped its way deeper into her rectum, while his massive testicles slapped luridly against the splayed-open gash of her pussy. It hurt her so badly that she thought she was dying.


But Billy had the only thing he wanted: His thick cock screwing in and out of her narrow ass.

Melinda went limp as he brutally lunged into the jello-like cheeks of her round ass, sheathing his rampaging bone in her rectum to the root. Nothing had ever felt so horrible to the naïve rookie-groupie. It felt like her whole backside was about to split wide open. The pressure and the searing pain brought hot tears streaming from her eyes, and hoarse sobs to her throat.

If anything, the sounds of her agony only incited the famous musician. He pressed his lips to her right ear and asked “How do you like getting your ass fucked? How does it feel?” As he spoke, he was pumping his hips up and down, fucking his lust-swollen penis in and out of her distended anus, savoring the exquisite tightness and heat of her violated bowels.

“Oh! Oh! Oh!” she bleated in time to his savage thrusts, trying to fight the urge to clench her rectal muscles, having discovered that that only made the pain worse.

He wheezed as he vigorously sodomized her. He could feel the tight ring of her sphincter beginning to stretch like hot taffy, finally beginning to accept the insistent lunges of his giant cock.

And suddenly, just like that, the hurt wasn’t nearly so bad. Still, even without the pain, it was the most humiliating thing that had ever happened to her. But, it felt…GOOD! She nearly fainted from the shame of it. But she couldn’t deny the truth: Aside from the initial agonizing penetration, the painful stretching, and the fact that she was obviously being raped, SHE LOVED IT!

She gritted her teeth, and started working her ripe buttocks back against his hard-driving loins. Shove it in! Go ahead and rape my ass! Harder! Deeper! Faster! …an inner voice shrieked, as she began writhing her smooth cheeks in tiny, concentric circles.

She was pushing back with her hands, trying to get even more of his wonderful hardness crammed further into her guts.

Her naked asscheeks clenched and unclenched in salacious fervor, like huge fleshy lips nibbling ravenously at the thickness of his pistoning penis.

His cock now sliding easily in and out of her clasping pink anus, Billy fucked her harder, jamming the broad hair-fringed root of his cock into the broken ring of her anus, bashing his big testicles into the sticky maw of her drooling pussy.

Melinda growled hoarsely, her body convulsing as she pushed her arms forward against the headboard, and spread her legs wider. Her sweaty body sprawled across the entire bed, her naked breasts crushed beneath her, the crinkled nipples hardening against the soft linens.

With the rubbery tight grip of her rectum now actively milking his cock, Billy wanted to cum so badly that he could almost taste it. He wanted to flood her virgin colon with his boiling ball-juice, to feel the dam-exploding flood gush out around his pumping pole and smear the inner walls of her soft ass-crack.

While Melinda reached back between her legs to lewdly fondle his lust-bloated scrotum, tugging on it to rub it against her swollen but neglected pussy lips, while strumming her own engorged clit, Billy reached around and pried his palms between her writhing torso and the bedspread, roughly capturing her luscious breasts, and manhandling them until she cried out in pain.

“HURT THEM!” She begged, and he obliged, squeezing the big titties until the pale, resilient flesh oozed between his fingers, his thumbs and forefingers finding her diamond-hard nipples and pinching them with all his might.

“I’m Cumming! Cumming up your ass!” he growled into her right ear, biting down on her ear lobe. His orgasm triggered her own, causing her butt to suck on his cock like a runaway milking machine. He lay atop her for a full five minutes afterward, crushing her as their synchronized heartbeats and breathing in unison slowly returned to normal. Then, when his cock had suitably softened, HE PEED INSIDE HER BUTT.

“What the fuck, Dude?!”

“Oh, sorry. This is just my way of Marking my Territory. Plus, urine is sterile. So my cock will be clean for you, when you blow me before you go.”

“OK, but will you get off of me, so I can go to the bathroom first?” She raked together her clothing and grabbed her purse, and locked the bathroom door once she was inside. After she cleaned herself up and got dressed, she crawled out the bathroom window, and disappeared into the night.

Melinda got home late, and had some explaining to do to her live-in boyfriend. She felt bad about going alone to the singer’s hotel room, intent on infidelity. Obviously, she couldn’t tell the whole story, but instead concocted partial truths. “The band played long, and then had a meet-and-greet in the lobby afterwards.” Yes, she was a liar and a cheater, and yes, she felt guilty. But she would make it up to him in another way. He was always pestering her to let him do anal to her. Well, next time he asked, she would, at last, give in!

[But before that day came, a letter arrived. From the Billy XXXXXX fan club. Addressed to her, but in my mailbox. And I respected her privacy by not opening, but because I was curious, I made her open it in front of me. It was a check, for $2,000, and a hand written note. “Billy’s sorry for the way things ended that night.”

I asked her, then pestered her, then begged her to explain. She refused, with an offer and an ultimatum: “I need something from you. I’ve never asked before, and I’ll never ask again. But on this matter, I need a ‘no questions asked’. Give me that, and I’ll give you ½ the money. And one sexual favor. Anything you want. Just name it.”

“Anal sex?”

“If that’s what you want. But after that, no questions asked. OK?”

“I guess so.”


“I promise.”

“OK. Know that if you ever break that promise, I’m gone.”

…And so THAT’s how I know that my girlfriend was raped by a rockstar—up the butt!–after his concert.
(Of course, it could just be my imagination…)
