My Friend’s Big Dick (Wifes perspective) [Group]

After my wife saw my post and a couple requests for her perspective she decided to write it down. We hope you enjoy it. Also here is a link to the my side of things if you aren’t in the know. [My Friend’s Big Dick [Group]](

I read my husband’s (yellow as he dubbed himself) story and it really made me start thinking about those days. I suppose I’ll follow his example and follow things chronologically, but focus a little more on the sex instead of the rest of it.

I was probably in high school when I first met Red. I didn’t really know anything about him other than he was Yellow’s best friend. I never really understood why they got along so well as they had very different interests. Red was a gamer and my husband was a hunter. That’s a very generalized summary but I feel it’s a good example.

There were the rumors in school that Yellow mentioned in his post, but I really only knew about Red’s situation because one of my friends were one of the girl’s who had been trying to get a little friendly with him.

I really started to get to know him after graduation. Yellow calls me his wife a lot in his post but we weren’t married for the first year we lived together. Red lived downstairs and Yellow and I lived upstairs. This was about the time where I started thinking about Red sexually. I never had any plans to seduce him or allow him to do the same to me, but I enjoyed checking him out and also enjoyed when he caught me checking him out, he’d do the same with me. We wouldn’t ever really say anything but would just exchange smiles. For me it was like saying “I caught you and I’m OK with it”.

I had noticed a while ago that he had quite the bulge, and initially though that he was walking around with a boner. I eventually mentioned it to Yellow and he said he didn’t think so or it would be standing up more. I never took sex ed or had access to the internet outside of school, so the only penises I’d seen was Yellow’s and the outline of Red’s and in two movies.

One day I walked past a window overlooking the driveway and noticed Red and a friend of mine coming in together (I’ll call her Pink). I suspected that they had met outside by coincidence while Red was coming home and Pink was coming to visit. I thought it was a little strange since she hadn’t called first and we hadn’t spoken for a couple months, but really thought it was weird when she never knocked on our door. She left without saying anything.

The next time she came over Yellow was home and they came back late from wherever they’d been. Instead of going down and hanging out as we usually would we gave them some space. Yellow and I were laying in bed when we started to hear Pink giggling through the vents. I should also mention that Red’s bedroom was right below ours so we could hear everything pretty well.

Red had a foam mattress and no headboard, so we couldn’t really hear any banging sounds but we could hear Pink moaning and talking dirty. Our air vent wasn’t the same one that went to Red’s room but the sound still carried enough for us to make out quite a bit. Yellow and I grabbed some pillows and a blanket and laid on the floor right next to it. I know, we’re pervs.

I was a little disappointed that Red wasn’t a dirty talker, but Pink made up for it a little. She would occasionally tell him to slow down and not to go so deep. This really got me thinking. Whenever I heard the term “big dick”, the only thing that really came to mind was one that was really thick and slightly longer. I never really considered they could be big enough to go too deep.

She talked about how he was huge and had the biggest dick she ever had, other little comments that I now know were said to brush his ego, though Red has always been the most humble guy I know. Her dirty talk only last about 10 minutes. I’m pretty sure they had sex for between 20 and 30 minutes. We’d stopped listening for voices (other than her moans) so I didn’t really catch what she said that ended it, but I did hear him say, “are you sure?” follow by an apology from her. He said it was OK but didn’t say anything else. I asked Yellow what he thought had happened and he said she “tapped out”, which he explained was Red giving her more than she could take, and him probably not reaching an orgasm.

We had quiet but hot sex that night. I really didn’t want to rub it in by being loud if Red ended up having a bad time, especially if it had been his first.

I planned on texting Pink that I’d noticed her coming over in an effort to get the 4 of us to hang out together, but she only came around every couple weeks or so and I got the impression she was using Red for a booty call. This upset me because he was my best guy friend and didn’t want him to get hurt, but he didn’t seem too upset even though he didn’t really have much to say about it. He did mention that they had good sex but they didn’t really click as well as he thought they would. It took me a couple months to realize he may have been talking about physically clicking and not just emotionally.

Yellow mentioned this already, but one morning he brought me downstairs pretty early. We brought the bong into Red’s room without knocking while he was sleeping. I felt a little awkward that I was there waking him up for what was usually a time shared by just him and Yellow. (After reading his post I now know why)

Yellow has morning wood every morning, and we don’t have air conditioning so I wasn’t too surprised when I noticed red was barely covered by a bed sheet. I had at least a good 10 second look before he noticed me and sat up. The sheet didn’t hide much and this was the first time I’d seen Red with an erection. It looked like he had an over sized dildo hiding under the sheets and it seemed unreal. I feel bad even writing this but it was huge compared to Yellow’s (sorry hun). I still feel kinda stupid because I didn’t talk much in the moment and he definitely knew I saw. It was super hot but also very awkward. I felt like I’d crossed a line that just friends shouldn’t, but was conflicted if my guilt was justified since it had been Yellow who had brought me into the situation.

From that morning on I had that image seared into my brain and I though about it a lot. I also though about Pink getting fucked and how much noise she’d been making, and about how even though she and Red weren’t officially together, she would apparently come back for more occasionally.

I finally got around to texting her and we started talking again. After beating around the bush I brought up how we knew her and Red were having sex. This was when she revealed to me that he was great in bed. She said “He has an AMAZING cock, but he’s like the fucking Energizer bunny and my little pussy cant handle that forever”.

I’ve always though of a girl saying her vagina is tight or small is akin to a guy saying his dick is huge. It’s a cocky thing to say. In her defense though, Pink was 4’10” and under 90 lbs. She was still being cocky, but I imagine she was right.

We got around inviting her over to smoke, or next time she came to “visit” red to stick around after to hang out a bit. We didn’t see her too often, but we did a bit of both.

Then one Friday night she comes by with some shrooms and pills. I was nervous because I’d done shrooms once before with Yellow and we had gotten horny as hell. On top of that the pills were the kind that relax people who would otherwise freak out on planes. I was afraid I’d do something stupid lol.

Well we did both on top of smoking pot. I felt great mentally and I definitely had a body high. I felt like I could orgasm just by thinking dirty thoughts. Yellow and I were flirting and feeling each other up. Red and Pink laughed at us but while I was a little embarrassed, it was also fun. Yellow started pulling my clothes off and Pink did a cat call. I felt so sexy for the minute I was the center of attention. I was naked and everyone was looking.

Pink started rubbing Red through his shorts and broke the trance he was in. He stripped her down so she and I were naked and the guys were still dressed. Yellow started going down on me and I’m pretty sure the guys started getting competitive, because Red started doing the same to Pink, playing with her nipples while he ate her out.

It might be a little vein of me, but it felt great that he kept looking over at me, even as he was messing around with Pink. She is a cute girl, but more in an adorable way. I wouldn’t say I’m a bombshell by any means, but I definitely felt the superior in that situation. I have small C cup breasts while Pink large A cup if I’m being generous. When she lays on her back she has practically nothing. My hips my be a little boyish but at least I have a nice butt.

Reflecting on all that I realize I might sound pretty stuck up. I’d justify my feelings as I’m usually not one to win in the womanly body department. I’ve always been an athletic build, even after having kids.

Red started stripping first, I tried not to pay too much attention and told myself I’d see him naked eventually in our current situation, so I focused on Yellow. He stripped not long after Red and we had sex missionary style for a couple minutes. After that he flipped me over and we did it doggy. This is when I got my first look at red butt naked while he fucked my friend. They were doing it missionary on the other couch, with red’s back to Yellow and I. I couldn’t see his dick but i could see a glimpse of his balls with every thrust. His back had some nice muscle definition and was also gifted with a very cute butt.

Pink was moaning and Yellow cheered Red on telling him to give it to her good. He looked at us grinning and picked up the pace and she started screaming and squirming. He was struggling to keep her still in their current position on the couch so he pulled her to the edge so he was squatting, facing the couch as he fucked her.

This was a perfect profile view of the two of them and I saw Red’s dick, sans bedsheets, as he fucked Pink. His hands wrapped around her hips and she begged him to slow down. He did as she asked but she still writhed around like she was trying to get away or something. His dick was thick, and long as well considering what I could see of it. He didn’t fuck as fast as yellow did, but created just as much friction with his longer strokes.

It wasn’t long after this that Yellow came and I ate his cum. We sat on the couch and enjoyed the show at this point. I’m pretty sure we both took the time to admire Red’s dick, and it was huge. He was fucking Pink deep and still had a couple inches of dick left over. She was struggling so much even though he was going slow. He fucked her in a couple positions and she was even squirted a bit the first few times she came.

Red wasn’t a huge guy, but he had enough muscle to easily manhandle Pink, as small as she was. Yellow would say or describe a position, even a couple we’d never done that I’m guessing he’d seen in porn. One of them was a standing position where Pink had her arms over Red’s shoulders and around his neck, with him supporting her by hooking his hands under under her legs and gripping her ass for control. SUPER hot.

Yellow and I had a great view of his dick entering her from the side. He stood right in front of us, obviously giving us a show. Whenever Pink started to loosen her grip around Red he would go deeper, which caused her to try and climb higher up his body. “Oh my god”, and “I’m cumming” were phrases she seem to be saying on repeat. Anytime she would start to say anything else red would speed up his thrusting or go a little deeper and she would gasp. This had me soaking wet.

The last position they did before she tapped out was her laying on the rug, ass up, with red holding her arms behind her back with one hand holding her wrists together and the other around the back of her neck. He squatted over he as he fucked her. I packed another bowl and offered him the first hit. He’d taken it a couple before but asked if I could hold it for him this time. I brought it forward, lit it, and operated the slide for him. He didn’t stop the entire time this was going on. I was so turn on that I didn’t even think to move back to the couch after he was done. I just knelt on the rug watching his dick enter Pink’s pussy, how he pressed her down into the rug, how her eyes were rolled back in her head. She wasn’t struggling anymore, and her mouth was open in a silent gasp.

He slowed down for a minute and she finally got the breath to ask him to stop. He asked for the safe word and she didn’t give it, so he didn’t stop. Eventually she stated that she’d forgotten the safe word, so red finally stopped thrusting and stood up. His dick was at eye level for me and I just stared for a moment before awkwardly offering the bong again. He took it and I just stared at his dick while he hit the bong. Pink who was still on the floor breathing heavy.

It was all so hot and I said so. Yellow surprised me by saying I could if he could fuck Pink. Normally I wouldn’t have been okay with this, but with Red right in front of me I just agreed without really thinking about it. I asked him to be gentle and he said he would, and asked what position I wanted to do first. I told him missionary, and without really thinking about it say back on the couch next to Yellow, who was waiting to see if Pink was ready for him.

Red waited until his monster of a dick was just about to enter me before asking Yellow if he was sure this was okay. Yellow said yes and to give me the best fuck he could. I was super nervous as he pressed his dick to my pussy. I squirmed a little in anticipation and he pressed his hand against my stomach to hold me still. He held his dick on his other had as he pressed it against my opening and I held my legs up. It didn’t go in.

I had to consciously relax my body before the head of his dick started to penetrate. It already felt bigger than Yellow’s, but I was so turned on that it didn’t hurt despite how stretched I felt. I was super nervous though as it only got thicker, and he was already past the point where I would be able to stop him if he decided to go nut and just slam it into me.

He worked it in slowly. Going in a little at a time before back out a bit, then going a little deeper than he had before. I usually have my eyes closed during sex so I didn’t really know what was going on with Yellow or Pink, just concentrating on the feeling of his dick in my pussy and his hand on my stomach. It seemed like forever but I finally felt his dick reach the back of my pussy. I felt so full it was nuts. My whole pussy, not just the opening, was stretch from both his thickness and length.

Yellow asked if Red could go any deeper. Yellow gave my cervix an experimental nudge and told him no.

“Fuck her so hard that she forgets the safe word too”, said my loving husband. Red laughed and agreed. He started fucking me and honestly this is when everything starts to blur together. I wish I could give more details but honestly I’d be making them up.

I remember being fucked on the couch with Yellow playing with my boobs and clit while Red fucked me. I remember changing positions at Yellow’s request and him talking to Red. He might have asked me questions but I don’t know if I answered. I remember orgasming so many times that it might have just been one long orgasm. I can also remember being on the floor getting fucked in the same position Pink had before she tapped out. Most of all I just remember Reds hands gripping me in a variety of places as his dick fucked my entire vagina raw.

I don’t remember him finishing. I don’t think I lost consciousness, but the first thing I remember is hearing Red, Yellow, and Pink laughing as they sat on the couch and I was laying on the rug. I joined them and Pink asked if I had a good time. “God yes”, I told her. I was the only one still naked, the other all had underwear on. I put some clothes on and we hung out for a while longer joking around and generally having a good time. Eventually Pink went home and Yellow and I went upstairs to go to bed.

Getting up off the couch was a struggle for both Pink and I. I swear I was sore for the next couples days. I told Yellow that Red might have been a bit rougher than I was expecting. He said it was his fault because Red was only doing what he told him to do. Apparently Red would only do what Yellow commanded him, and my husband had made him fuck me into stupidity until Red finally came. This fact really turned me on.

As a group the 4 of us agreed to make this a semiannual event, and nothing was really any different than the first time we did it. With the exception of Pink and I blowing Red together. My favorite moment when we did this was when Pink wrapped both her hands around Red’s dick (the only way she could get full coverage due to his thickness), and I had one hand above the other. We had 4 hands on his dick and still enough room for she and I to suck on the head of his dick. Very hot. He never came from a hand job or oral though, which was honestly disappointing. I really wanted to see him cum all over himself.

He stuck around for about 3 years after that, and the last time we had sex I was 4 months pregnant with my first child. This was the only time we had sex that I was sober. It was still an amazing experience and I managed to stay mostly coherent throughout the whole thing. I’m very glad to have Red in our lives even now he has moved away, and not just because of everything I just wrote about. He has been a third piece in mine and Yellow’s relationship and I miss him a lot. I can honestly say I love him, but Yellow will always be my #1 and Red my #2. I hope some day we can all live together again, and that he can find someone who will make him happy wherever he goes.

If you want to read the post my husband wrote there should be a link either at the top or the bottom of this post. I’m going to have him proofread everything and fix all my writing mistakes, so blame him for missing any typos ;)



  1. That was really good. Like few stories here there wasn’t a hint of bs in it. As enjoyable as it seemed to be would you really want something that large all the time? It almost sounded like too much.

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