[MF] I fucked my ex-girlfriend’s best friend, Part 5.

Good morning all. The reason I haven’t posted in some time is because something happened that really did not fall into the “gonewildstories” category and both Kelly and I had to deal with it before we could move on with our lives. The good thing is, it looks like everything has been resolved and we are back to being happy.

If you are here for the sexy story then avoid the first part and read from “now on to the good stuff”.

A rewind of what happened in the last 4 weeks…

Heather found out that Phun has been spending the money she has been giving her on a boyfriend (call it karma, irony, whatever) and everything came to a conclusion when she found out that Phun and her boyfriend were taken to the hospital because they almost OD’d. Phun’s boyfriend’s family had the audacity to ask Heather for money.

If that wasn’t fucked up enough, a few days after Heather found out she called Kelly and thanked her for taking care of me and she actually told Kelly that she was ready to take me back.

I have never seen Kelly so mad. I basically told Heather to go fuck herself. A few days later I get a letter from her dad’s lawyer that was threatening to take me to courts for unpaid debts I had to her dad.

When Heather and I were still together, I found out she was taking money out of our savings and giving it to Phun. After I put a stop to it, apparently she started asking her parents for money, using me as an excuse. Like I needed to get my car fixed, etc. All in all it amounted to almost $7,000. I knew this was all Heather.

I contacted her dad’s lawyer and told him I had no knowledge of the “debts”. As proof, I submitted my bank statements for the last two years to show that none of the amounts they claimed I borrowed went into my account (best advice my Dad ever gave me was to keep mine and Heather’s bank accounts separate) and I told them to ask Heather to do the same.

Last week, I got a letter from the lawyer that his client has chosen not to pursue the matter any further.

This put a lot of stress on Kelly and me and knowing the matter has been dropped was a giant relief for us. We are now weighing our options if we should file a restraining order against Heather. More and more she is falling off the deep end.

Now on to the good stuff.

It was my birthday last Friday and Kelly asked a family friend if we can use their lake house over the weekend. I have been there before, a long time ago and back then when you were there, you were pretty much unreachable. No cell signal whatsoever. Kelly was not sure if it was still the case but that was one of the reason’s we wanted to go.

We left on a Friday morning and got there in two hours. The lake house was not as isolated as we remembered it. A few houses popped up over the last few years, though the area was still as beautiful. Also, there a cell tower that was put up and we were not as unreachable as we thought.

We went into town to get some groceries and other things and also bought a burner phone and gave the number to her parents and my parents and then turned off our phones and left them in the car.

We put our stuff away and I plopped on the oversized couch facing a beautiful view of the lake. Kelly as anal as she was decided to take the bedsheets off the bed we were going to sleep in and put them in the washer. What was funny was when I saw Kelly walking out of the laundry room completely naked.

“Sexy time already?” I asked.

“Not yet. Take off your clothes and I’ll put them in the wash with the sheets.” she replied.

Things like this is why I am so much in love with her.

I took off my clothes and gave it to her.

Kelly handed me a towel to put down on the couch before I sat back down.

I reached for her hand and pulled her to me.

“Not yet honey. Be patient. I promise it will be worth it.” She said.

I know enough that I push it, Kelly will give in but she will not be as into it as she would be after she finishes what she wants done.

I let her hand go and she said “trust me baby, when I am ready you will be begging for some rest. So just relax, I have the whole weekend planned out.”

What she said got me both very excited and a little bit nervous.

Kelly took another 15-20 minutes getting the house ready for us. Kelly asked me to get in the shower in the guest room as she finished up. I asked her if she was joining me and she said no, she will get ready on her own.

I took my time in the shower, making sure I clean up all the nooks and crannies and double and triple checking everything. When I got out of the shower, I noticed the curtains were drawn shut and there were candles lit up.

I didn’t know where to go but noticed the master bedroom door was shut and I swear I could hear the shower in the master bath going. I just decided to sit back down on the couch and wait for Kelly.

About 15 minutes later which seemed like an eternity, Kelly opened the master bedroom door and called to me. I came in and Kelly met me with a kiss. She was naked except for a red, lacy thong that she was wearing. Some how those panties made her already gorgeous ass look even better.

We kissed a lot more as she led me towards the bed. I laid down and the sheets were still warm from the dryer and smelled so fresh. Kelly did an amazing job setting the mood. And after the rough few weeks we had this was exactly what we both needed.

Kelly was on top of me and we just kissed and kissed some more. I felt how much this woman loved me. She brought out all the passion she had and we were just getting started.

Kelly kissed around my neck and made her way to my ears, to my chest and so on. Taking her time to lovingly kiss my body. When she got to my cock, she lovingly kissed it for about a minute, She stoked it and lovingly fondled and kissed it before putting it in her mouth.

Her actions were move loving than lustful. When I was in her mouth, the only other contact we had was our eyes. She did not touch my cock with her hand, just her mouth never once breaking eye contact with me.

I told Kelly that I was getting close. Expecting her to stop and maybe put me inside her pussy. But instead she decided to continue doing what she was doing using a slow steady pace.

I told her I was cumming and she held my cock half way in her mouth as I came. She swallowed every bit of my cum.

She came up to me and asked if I enjoyed it and I said “of course”. I asked her if she wanted me to return the favor and she said no. It was all about me this weekend. I was her master and she will do anything and everything that I wished.

This afternoon was all about me using her mouth as much as I want. When I asked why, she said that she wanted me to have something to look forward too for the next couple of days. She said on Saturday I can have her mouth and her pussy and on Saturday night, I can have her ass, mouth and pussy.

I asked her if I wanted to eat her pussy, she said she’ll let me if I wanted it, but the seal “her red thong” will not come off until Saturday. Though initially I felt somewhat disappointed, I knew Kelly had thought about this to make the whole weekend enjoyable, have something to look forward too and not be complaisant.

I decided I will be patient and play along. Also I loved the way her ass looked in those red panties. I ate her pussy through her panties as she wished that I did not break the seal and Kelly went down on me to completion about 3 times that night.

I woke up Saturday morning to the smell of something wonderful. I got up, put a robe on and found Kelly in the kitchen, making pancakes, bacon and eggs. She said good morning as she poured me a cup of coffee. She asked if I slept well and I said I did. She said she was glad and she did too.

I asked her if it was okay to break the seal now and she said after breakfast. She was also wearing a robe so I had no idea if she was still wearing those red panties.

Breakfast was delicious and Kelly short of feeding me did everything, from the cooking to cleaning up. She was really taking good care of me. And it was any more possible, I was falling in love with her more and more.

After I was done with breakfast, Kelly kissed me on the forehead and told me to go ahead get cleaned up and prepare for round 2.

I jumped in the shower, brushed my teeth and got ready. Just thinking about what was in store for my day got me hard already.

I came out of the shower and Kelly came into the bedroom. She saw my dick and said “you really want my pussy that bad?”. I nodded.

She opened her robe and showed me that she was still wearing the red panties. She said I can break the seal. I told her maybe partially. She asked what I meant and I told her I wanted to fuck her doggy style while she wore those panties.

She smiled and though it broke the spontaneity of the moment she said I can, but she wants to take a shower first. I nodded and she told me to rest up because her and I will be doing a lot of fucking that day.

I laid back on the bed and tried to get some rest as I heard the shower come on. I guess I dozed off for a little bit. I felt Kelly kiss me on the cheek to wake me up. I pulled her to me and she got on top of me and we kissed. I put my hand on her waist and felt that she was still wearing the panties. Kelly rubbed her pussy on my cock and she she felt me get hard, she put me inside her. She started to ride me as I took one of her tits in my mouth.

It’s only been three days since we last fucked, but somehow I felt like I missed the feeling of being inside her pussy and it felt awesome being inside her. With that being said I felt like I was getting close to coming. I told Kelly I wanted to fuck her doggy style and she nodded. She positioned herself at the edge of the bed and I stood behind her. I took about 10 seconds to admire how beautiful her ass looked in those panties, then I pulled them off to the side and entered her. The view of her ass and the great feeling of being in her pussy did not make me last long. It took me all of 30 seconds to cum deep inside her pussy.

After we were done, I ceremoniously took off her panties and “broke the seal”.

We laid next to each other and kissed as Kelly put her hand on my dick and caressed it. I was so horny that I did not lose my hard on. Kelly asked me how I wanted to fuck her next and I knew exactly what I wanted. I told her I wanted to fuck her on the couch with the curtains wide open with a beautiful view of the lake.

We both knew that unless somebody was on the lake at that time, the neighbors won’t really see us. And even if they did, it just made it more exciting.

We opened the curtains and was greeted with a gorgeous view of the lake and the mountains. I sat back on the couch and Kelly got between my legs and put me in her mouth. I felt her tongue lick my dick and when she felt I was wet enough, she got up on top of me and put me inside her. I sucked her tits the whole time we fucked. Though this time I lasted longer, it wasn’t that much longer. I came deep inside her pussy once again and I stayed in her until I went flaccid.

We took a rest and laid on the soft rug on the floor. I told Kelly how much I love her and I wished that moment would never end. Kelly told me she loved me too and said that never in her life did she ever imagine that she would fight who she thought was her best friend for life for a guy.

She said that after she reflected on the whole incident afterwards, she decided that I was worth losing her best friend for and she would do anything and everything to always have me in her life.

Then Kelly said something that made us both pause. Maybe she was emotional about everything she just said and everything we have just been through, all the highs and lows. She said that she wanted to tell me something but she was afraid she was going to scare me away.

I looked at her and thought to myself “no way is she going to say, what I think she is going to say.”

Then Kelly looking me in the eyes said “please marry me.”

I don’t know why, but it felt wonderful to hear her say those words. The words did not scare me, it made me want her more.

“I will.” I answered. Kelly started to cry as we kissed.

Looking back, what a way to tell people when they asked how the engagement happened.

“Well, we just got done having sex for the second time that morning and we were laying naked in front of an open window on a faux bear skin rug and Kelly asked me to marry her while she was stroking my dick.”

To be continued…

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/dd8p1j/mf_i_fucked_my_exgirlfriends_best_friend_part_5


  1. Congratulations man. I’ve really enjoyed your lovely story, Kelly sounds like a wonderful woman. Hopefully the worst is over for you two and you can look ahead for what I hope is a very wonderful future.

  2. Congratulations man! After reading all your stories, I never thought I would be that invested in em haha. Great stories, by the way.

  3. Hey, I’ve only read the serious part so far, but Heather seems to have Narcissistic Personality Disorder

    My dad and sister have that too.

    Please, I beg of you two, place a restraining order, these kinds of people are the litteral definition of sociopaths, they are dangerous, and if possible will hurt you and will find any way possible to hurt you

    I know it from experience, never ever ever ever ever trust those people to have any kind of human decency

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