[FF] – I made my best friend cum – final part.

Part 6 – No Regrets.

This next part doesn’t involve Lauren and I, but it happened the night Lauren went home – so I’m going to post it considering I’ve had so many messages asking about Ria… this is the last one in this “story” – I have many more with Ria, so if you enjoy this one let me know and I’ll post more :) hope you enjoy!

I think I should probably explain a little bit of a back story between me and Ria. I’ve been friends with her for the last 4 years. We both started at the company on the same day – and we have been friends ever since.
Ria is 25F, 5’6 and she’s very slim. She has deep brown eyes and shoulder length brown hair. She has a lot of tattoos and in a nutshell, she’s fucking hot.

We have A LOT of chemistry between us. We always have done – I was with Mia at the time that we met so nothing ever happened (loyal girlfriend right here) but there was definitely SOMETHING there. There have been times when we’ve almost kissed but I could never do that to Mia. I definitely liked Ria – I hid my feelings for a very long time…and tonight was the night they would rise to the surface.

I’d gone back to work after I’d left Lauren and I felt frustrated. I was past the comfortable stage of being aroused, I was actually a little bit pissed off and spent the whole car journey to the office squeezing my thighs together to stimulate my clit.

I dug my head into work and before I knew it, I was the only one left in the office and it was getting dark outside. As I started to close down my Mac and tidy up my office to get going, Ria showed up at my desk and sat infront of me:

“You ready? The others have gone and got us a table. I told them I’d wait for you”

I always loved that about Ria. She never played games with me, she made it known she liked me and wasn’t shy about it. She knew what she wanted and she always made it easy for me if I were to ever make a move. It was like she constantly gave me opportunities to kiss her, touch her, or just be alone with her. Though I never acted upon any thoughts that may have been rushing through my mind.

We left the office and made our way to the bar to meet everyone else. As we were about to walk into the bar, I walked in ahead of her and there was a line of people in front waiting to get in. Ria stood behind me – maybe a little too close for a friend and she placed her hand on the small of my back. Considering the afternoon I’d had and i was unbelievably horny, her touch felt electric.
I felt my pussy tingle. Fucking hell. If Ria comes onto me tonight, I might not be able to hold back…

As we made our way into the bar and found our colleagues – they’d saved us seats round the table. We both slipped into the booth and started to winde down a little. Everyone was chatting about their days, their upcoming work commitments etc and everyone was already on their 3rd glass of wine. Ria went to the bar and got herself a beer. I stopped drinking alcohol when I was around 18 years old (fun fact – I’m allergic) The girls had already got me a bottle of water and I took a sip as i watched Ria scoot back in next to me. The way she held herself just oozed sex appeal.
Our legs were touching as she sat so close to me and I could smell her perfume – my mind started racing a little. As the drinks were flowing and the girls got louder and a few got up to dance, me and Ria stayed in the booth and spoke about work, and other non important things. She had her arm round the back of me and whenever she spoke she leant to the side and spoke into my ear as the music got louder:

“So, how’re things? Are you and Mia still separated? Have you met anyone new?”

Ria was onto her 4th beer at this point and she was feeling confident.. I leaned over and could smell her perfume so strongly, she smelled gorgeous. I replied:

“I’m okay, yeah we sold the house and I’m settled in now at my apartment. I’m doing really well actually. No, I’m not with anyone else – just having fun at the moment… what about you? Surely you’ve got women falling all over you!”

As that last sentence left my lips I instantly felt my tummy do a summersault. Ria genuinely looks like a model. She is gorgeous, I mean – absolutely perfect. She is funny, smart and so caring. I hesitated waiting for her to answer. She leaned into me again and said:

“There’s nobody right now. Though you know who I want, right?”

There goes my throbbing pussy. She knows what she wants, and she’s wanted me for years. I ended up laughing and playfully nudging her with my shoulder. She sank back into her seat a little and put her beer down on the table. She placed her hand on my thigh and gave it a gentle squeeze. I looked at her as my tummy started filling up with butterflies and I suddenly felt overwhelmed. This kind of feeling doesn’t happen to me often. I’m usually a cool, laid back woman and when women come onto me I don’t get nervous. But I was nervous. She must’ve sensed my nerves and she moved her hand off my thigh to pick up her drink. I quickly grabbed her hand and put it back on my thigh, but instead I placed it on my crotch. Nobody could see what was going on under the table so we were both trying to act as normal as possible to avoid any unwanted questions and torment.
Ria took her hand off my crotch and picked up her beer to take another sip. She moved her arm from around the back of me and used that hand instead to rest back on my crotch. I could feel my hips slightly pushing up towards her hand inviting her to explore a little.
Ria played it cool and leaneebinto me again and started talking to me as she discreetly massaged the top of my pussy through my trousers:

“Do you like that? I’d love to feel you without clothes in the way..”

Her hand massaged harder and moved up and down my pussy slowly. I could barely breathe with the feelings running through my body. She leaned in again and said:

“I think we should go, we can have a lot more fun where nobody is watching”

She gave my pussy one last squeeze before she moved her hand and left the booth. Jesus Christ. Am I actually going to do this? I want her to make me cum so hard.

We both said a swift goodbye to the girls and headed out. Ria ordered an Uber to go back to hers. As she looked at her phone to track the taxi, they’d parked down the road and round the corner so we had to walk a little to get to it. She put her arm around me and we started walking:

“Ria, you’ve had a few drinks and I don’t want us to do something that we might regret afterwards..”

Ria was nowhere near drunk – but she was definitely “happy”. She turned her face to towards me and kissed me on the cheek and said:

“If we get to mine and nothing happens, nothing happens. No pressure”

The taxi ride to her place was tense. We sat on complete different ends of the seat as we were now treading on a fine line and were both a little hesitant. My pussy was wet and I could feel my underwear getting wetter by the second. Should I just do it? What if I regret it tomorrow? What if she regrets it tomorrow?

As we got into Rias apartment I made way straight for the bathroom to freshen up. But Ria was right behind me. She followed me into the bathroom and spun me round and pinned me against the wall. Holy fuck. Her hands were all over me. She kissed me hard and her tongue slipped into my mouth as she pushed me harder into the wall. Before I knew it my shirt was unbuttoned and my trousers unzipped. She tugged at the waistband of my trousers and pulled them down a little. Enough to slide her hand inside between my legs.
I’m pretty sure I didn’t breathe for at least 30 seconds whilst I was trying to control myself. This beautiful, sexy and horny woman is pinning me against the wall and is about to touch my dripping wet pussy.

I opened my legs a little wider to give her hand more room and as she kissed me, she slid one finger straight into my pussy really slowly, and back out again. She trailed all the way up to my clit and as I moaned I heard a door slam.
Rias housemate had come home. Brilliant. Will I get an orgasm tonight or is the universe just against me?!

We both started laughing quietly and the kissing got softer. Ria was such a good kisser. She was definitely more dominant than I was, and I didn’t mind being her sub. She whispered into my ear:

“Do you think you can be quiet for me? I can’t be bothered with the 21 questions from Caroline (the housemate) but I want to fuck you right here…”

I nodded and pushed my hips into Ria. Her fingers slid into my pussy again and I closed my eyes whilst I enjoyed the rush running through my body. She had one hand leaning on the wall above my head and the other slowly fingering me. God it felt amazing. We were both so quiet I could hear her fingers going in and out of me with the juices dripping between my legs. She applied pressure to my clit with her thumb as her fingers worked faster. And faster. My breathing quickened. I wanted to moan so badly but I couldn’t. She kissed me hard to stop me from making any noise. As her fingers pumped into me faster and faster I started panting and nestled my head into her shoulder. I bit down on her shoulder as my orgasm started to rise.
My pussy must’ve tightened round her fingers to let Ria know I was almost at my peak.
She whispered again:

“Cum for me. All over my fingers. You’re so fucking hot”

She fucked me faster and faster as my orgasm took over my whole body. I could barely stand my legs went numb. She kept me upright against the wall and kissed me softly as I came back down to earth.

Wow. I opened my eyes and suddenly realised I was in a bathroom, Ria had just fucked me so good. She was planting little kisses all over my neck and shoulder and honestly, I had no regrets whatsoever.

I pushed her off me and took her by the hands. I kissed her on the lips and the only words that could come out of my mouth were:

“We definitely need to do that again.”

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/dcdsrl/ff_i_made_my_best_friend_cum_final_part


  1. oh damn this one went by me. good i saved another story and checked back later. again: fear writing and thanks for finishing the series!

  2. Once again so good. Can’t wait to read more about you and Ria. Wow is she hot.

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