The Friday Show (2) – Until sunset [F-solo, mc]

Laura was jogging when the phone rang. Her sister’s name appeared on the display of her smartwatch. Without slowing down her pace, she answered the call on her earphone.

“Hey Steph”

“Are you at work?”

Laura smiled. What a piece of work her sister was. They hadn’t heard from each other in about a month and she didn’t even bother to say a proper hello. “I’m good, thanks, what about you?”

“Sorry. I’m fine. Look, I just wanted to… Are you running?”

“I am. Are you? You sound short of breath”.

“Ah… No, that’s nothing. Listen, you need to go home and watch Channel Four”.

Laura frowned, loosing her pace. Her run came slowly to a halt. She had a bad feeling about this; it had been an unusual day since the DA Mark Learney had sent the entire staff an email saying that all meetings for the day had been canceled and that they could work from home that Friday. Her worried emails and calls received no answer and in the afternoon, to take off her mind from the issue, she opted to go for a jog.

“Why? What is happening?”. Laura’s first thought ran to terrorism.

“Something really creepy and dist… Ah! Disturbing. They are broadcasting a p-porn show”.

“What? What are you talking about?”

“Channel Four. Is broadcasting a porn show. Live. Right now.”

Laura laughed. “Well, that is one mistake that will remain in the annals of TV history”.

“It’s more, more than, more than that, *ah*. It’s been going on. For a while now. You need to see it”.

“Are you sure you are quite alright?”

A sudden, loud whistle interrupted the conversation. “What was that?”, asked Laura.

“Oh – My tea! I forgot… I have to go! Watch it!”

And with that, Steph hang up.

As she headed home, Laura checked her phone. Channel Four’s website was down, but the headlines on Google News all mentioned the ongoing porn scandal, showing censored images of some half-naked blonde in a studio.

“What. The. Fuck.”, Laura murmured as she came home. She lived in a small apartment in Georgetown, a one-bedroom with a studio/living room/kitchen where every available surface was constantly covered in papers from work.

Laura’s top was still damp with sweat from her jog, but she had to check what was happening before freshening up. She found the remote under a pile of papers on the small couch and turned on the TV. She scrolled through a series of channels displaying just static, wondering if her seldom used TV was not broken, until she hit Channel Four.

“What. The. Holy. Fuck”, Laura exclaimed out loud. The scene on display was beyond anything she could have imagined. The blonde girl of the censored headlines was bending on a small chair. Her ass was very well visible to the camera, and her face was turned so that she could stare at the audience. She held a silver, shiny dildo that slid in and out of her pussy, which was so wet that it literally dripped juice on the floor.

Laura was shocked. She almost didn’t notice the anchorman – a good looking man – who recited a meaningless ltany of words on the other side of the studio.

The entire setup was surreal, unbelievable. Laura couldn’t fathom how this had been allowed to be on air for more than a few seconds.

She pushed aside the papers and sat on the couch. “You’ve gotta be kidding me”, she said, alone in her flat, as she stared at the screen in disbelief and turned up the volume.

Steph ended the conversation and went back to the kitchen to turn off the heat under the teapot. She had completely forgot it.

As she reached the counter she cleaned her sleek fingers on a towel. They were wet and sticky. She noted she was half-naked and still hadn’t taken that shower, which seemed now more necessary than ever.

She took the teapot off the induction plate, managing to burn her fingers in the process.

The pain jolted her from her stupor. She felt her head heavy, clouded, unable to focus. Her cunt sore, hot, aching.

She gulped down a glass of cold water, then another, and pushed the cold wet glass on her forehead.

*Where is Steve?*. She was suddenly, irrationally afraid of being alone in the empty apartment, the TV still blaring nonsense from the living room.

She had to turn it off, get dressed, find her husband and.. She didn’t know what would be the next step, but these all seemed like great ideas.

The remote was still on the couch. And to reach the bedroom or get dressed she would have to walk in front of the TV, which made her nervous. Scared, even. *Don’t be silly*, she said to herself. *You are getting all worked up for nothing*.

She was not one to hesitate, so she walked in the living room with quick, confident steps, her naked feet leaving soft, evanescent footprints in the carpet. She grabbed the remote and pointed it at the TV.

On screen, the blonde girl had been given or had taken from somewhere in the studio a long, elegant silver dildo.

The oblong shape appeared and disappeared smoothly at it was engulfed by her tight but well lubed pussy. It was glistening with the girl’s juice, that flowed copious and dripped in a small pool on the floor.

A loud moan escaped from Steph’s lips at the sight. Her right hand ran to her crotch, grasping and pushing hard on her pussy. She almost ripped off her panties in her rush to take them off.

Hastily, she fingered her clit. Her other hand brought the remote to her pussy and she slid it up and down the labia, jolts of pleasure as the small, soft bumps of the buttons pushed against her. She spread her labia and pushed the remote against her hole, biting her lips as the squared plastic bottom hurt the soft inner flesh.

Frustrated, unable to fuck herself with the remote, she threw it back on the couch and marched to her bedroom to retrieve her own vibrator.

As she searched through her drawer, she wondered briefly what she had been doing with the remote in the first place, then she was back in the living room with the small, discreet black dildo in one hand.

The first orgasm washed upon her mere seconds after, in the very instant the vibrating plastic entered her pussy. She moaned and bit the carpet, kneeling on the floor in front of the TV.

But it was not enough. The fire inside her was burning even hotter, if possible. Her fingers worked her clit as the dildo worked its way deep inside her. She melted away as a series of climaxes hit her again, and again, and again.
