[F]oreign Exchange fucks roomate’s [M]boyfriend

Whatever you want to call me for this story – slut, bitch, cunt, sociopath, loser- it all goes through my head anyways. So go right ahead – just know that I am well aware.

Okay, so, first things first. I am a native Dutch speaker. I (and most people from back home) can speak English fluently (if with heavy accent in my case.) However, English is still my second language, and I’m not used to writing in it, so if spelling errors pop up from time to time or I misuse an expression, please cut me some slack (I am asking my roommate if I am using certain words or expressions correctly, but I can’t ask her to directly spell check, because…you know). I personally think I am a skilled writer in Dutch, and I am trying hard here, so we will see how it translates (and what your personal take is.)

Second, it’s hard to describe myself without immediately making the story sound made up, so I’ll get the description out off the bat. I am the daughter of two Indo-Dutch citizens (don’t know what the official term is), both descended from South American indentured workers (Indo as in India). I am also 182 cm, and, um…curved, very very well (yes, I know that I sound like a teenage fantasy, don’t write me off as fake just yet.)

So I already stand out back home. And honestly, I had a pretty comfortable life. Then the idea was suggested I go to an American university. Being the spoiled brat (mother is a model and father is a tech executive) that I was (still am, I guess, but I am trying to change), I immediately took up the offer.

So, there I was, straight out of vwo, a strange 18 year old foreign girl smack dab in the middle of a Californian dormitory.

I went to class. Put down offers from perverts. Made some friends (less than I would have liked because either autism or cultural barrier), among those being one of my original roommates. Short, thin, white girl. Basic interests. Third year student. Walked me through the basics of the university of California, of a lot of aspects of American life. Paid for lunch and helped with assignments, all within the first two weeks.Was a godsend and asked for absolutely nothing in return.

And of course, me being the shallow piece of shit I am, I fucked her over in the biggest way possible.

When her boyfriend walked in on the first day to check out her room, I think my heart skipped a beat. Tall. Dark. Handsome. Fresh-faced, but still unmistakably manly (I would find out later he was 20). Hair that fell over his eyes in a way that sent jolts down below. A jawline and physique that looked like it was sculpted by Greek artists.

(Writing quality improves here, I wrote in Dutch and had a Discord friend translate. Thanks a ton DoodleBoone. She changed dialogue to sound more natural, but it is essentially what I what I was trying to write anyways.)

And as I found out when I got up to talk to him, tall. Slightly above my eye level. 6’3, if I’m remembering right. Either of my high school boyfriends were shorter than me, enough that I had to look down. So standing at nearly imperceptibly less than eye level, into hard, dark blue eyes that seemed to pierce right through me…the cavewoman part of my brain could barely handle it.

I don’t remember what we talked about. I just remember his smirk. It showed pearly white teeth, whiter than his pale white face, the opposite of the hair that half-covered one of his eyes. They were framed in the face of a man who knew he could be king of the fucking campus.

I saw him a few other times throughout the next three weeks, although they were usually with his girlfriend. In that time, I learned a few things about him.

Namely, he was quite the pervert. And I know what I said about turning down perverts, but…I’m shallow. And I’m a hypocrite. So, when my roommate wasn’t looking, or the few times he was around and she wasn’t…he would sneak peeks. He was insanely stealthy about it, and for about two weeks, I thought it was my hormones leading me on.

And then, on the third week, when my roommate was on the balcony, shooting a Snap of her friend in the courtyard…I caught the unmistakable sight of him peering at my thighs. The moment he realized I had caught him, his gaze moved to meet mine.

Blue eyes. Hard gaze. So hard. Never faltering.

If this was a movie, and I was the heroine, I would have told him to fuck off, and moved to my room. But this was real life.

And I’m a piece of shit.

I uncrossed my legs from where I was sitting on my couch, and then folded them the other way. And then I just grinned from ear to ear. He gave me the grin back as my roommate came inside, oblivious to the eyefucking that had just occurred.

We’ll call him Mark. Mark added me on Snap two hours later.

We spent the next week engaging in bullshit conversation. A lot of bullshit conversation. On the night of the third day, I was lying awake in bed, across from a separate roomate, texting him. I don’t remember what the convo was. Something stupid. But I read something he was saying as flirting. I might have been, it might not have been, I don’t remember. But I let it play out, and somehow, it led to the following.

>Mark: “Hey, calm it down. I have a gf, remember?”

>Me: “Yeah but she is not as cute as me :)”

My heart nearly stopped as I realized how blatant that was. And how fucked up it was that I had just made a pass on the boyfriend of quite possibly the nicest girl on the planet. I spent about 15 seconds thinking I had just fucked it all up.

Then he responded.

>No fucking shit. Not even a contest.

Did I mention that Mark was kind of a dickhead?

I like dickheads.


>You might be the best looking thing in 100 miles.

Holy shit. Holy shit. My chest was racing. Vision of peeks I had taken of him manifested in my head. His perfect ass in tight jeans. The way his shirt clung to clearly defined pecs. Broad shoulders, like you saw on the cover of magazines.

Eyes. Dark blue. Hard. Unyielding. So hard.

And still, the little voice in my head telling me to stop this all now. So I decided to kill two birds with one stone.

I licked two fingers, put the other hand over my mouth, and went to work. Mechanically. Just trying to get off as quick as possible, images of movie stars flashing through my head. I didn’t need the hand on my mouth. The climax sucked, and I let out a breath through my hand, smelling spit and disappointment. But it was a climax nonetheless, and I basked in the awful afterglow.

And still, a false memory of Mark rubbing his thumb across my clit flashed through my mind.

I made a decision. An awful, stupid, selfish, fucked-up decision.

I picked up my phone,and punched in that I needed help moving out of the dorm at 4:00 PM the next day. The moment I sent the text, I realized how stupid that sounded, and a pang of guilt manifested in my stomach. I turned off the phone without seeing if he responded, and buried my head in the pillow, feeling like the worst person on the planet.

When I woke up the next morning, I saw that he responded with a simple “Sure.”

(Understand that all if this seems a little quick, all this “build-up” was an extremely abridged version of what happened IRL, for the sake of note killing you with boredom. From here on, this is all unabridged.)

I went to class with butterflies in my stomach. I didn’t pay attention to anything. Just the voice in my head telling me how terrible I was. How nice my roomate was. How I would regret this the moment I came. Insult after insult. Threat after threat. Regret after regret.
When I entered my dorm at around 3:40, I was ready to call the whole thing off. To text him with some terrible excuse. To go into my room, and jerk off until I passed out. I pulled out my phone, and opened it.

Snapchat was still open. The first thing I saw was his contact, and the Story. I pressed it, against my better nature. It was simply a video of him, head in his hands, bored out of his mind. Presumably in class.

But there he was. Sculpted jaw. Defined cheekbones. Gelled-up hair.

Blue eyes.

A voice from between my legs emerged, and strangled the one in my head. It whispered in dulcet tones, almost imperceptible.

“Clothes. Off.”

Like a machine, they were off, tossed into my room. I showered as quickly as possible, and then dried off. I applied makeup – made sure to put extra lipstick. I checked the clock. 4:10. I needed to know if this was happening or not.

>U coming?

>Yeah, had to talk to a prof. Be there in a few.

I dashed into my room. From my drawer, I pulled out a pack of bubblegum, needing something to chew while I waited.

A few minutes later, I heard the dorm door open, and my name called. “In here!” I responded.

“I don’t know where ‘here’ is.”

I realized he had never been in my room.

“Third door down!”

I heard the steps as he came forward.

“So what do you need help…with…”

Watching that cocky facade break as he took in my nude form was one of the single most beautiful sights I have ever seen. He stood, two steps into the room, eyes wide and mouth slightly agape. Our eyes met as I chewed. I took the lead.

“Whatever the fuck this is, we are figuring it out now.”

Our gaze held for several seconds as he processed. I blew a bubble. Past the pink ball in my vision, I saw him inhale, and then turn. For a split second, dread took me. He was going to leave, and he would tell his girlfriend, and she’ll despise me, and she’ll tell her friends and my friends, and then everyone close to me knows just how much of a piece of shit I am.

And then he grabbed the door, shut it, and I heard the unmistakable sound of the lock turning. And then he turned, and Mark was back.

Cocky smile. Pearly whites. Hard eyes. The bubble gave.


For an instant, my vision was pink, and then the gum was over my lips. When my vision cleared back up, he was walking towards me with purpose.

I had but a second to spit the gum into my hand and stick it to the metal of the top bunk beside me before he was there. A predatory grin. A hand reaching out and grabbing me by the neck, a thumb on my cheek. Pulling me forward. I gave, and our lips met.

A moan emanated from somewhere within me, and our tongues chased each other, the taste of bubblegum still thick on mine and now likely his. I felt a finger from his free hand trace down my shoulder, down my bare side. I leaned back and let out a shudder. He leaned in and began to kiss my neck, and I realized through the cloud of sheer lust that he had more than enough experience. His hand reached an asscheek, and took a handful of flesh, kneading as he let a growl out into my neck. It was like he activated a primal trigger in my brain, and I leaned back. He lifted his head, confused at the ceasefire. It was answered with both my hands around his shoulders, clasping together far behind him, and my lips met his again.

His hand dropped to my thigh, and lifted my leg up, where I locked it around his perfect ass. His other hand fell to the other side, steadying me, and as we devoured each other, I’d like to think we looked like the cover of a terrible romance novel.

But unlike the girls in those novels, what I was after was carnal. My bare pussy brushed against something hard. Another trigger in my brain flipped, and I pressed him to the side, towards the bed. By chance, he was first, and fell on his ass onto the bottom bunk – mine. I fell to my knees, and went to work, and together, we both nearly ripped off Mark’s jeans, belt, and underpants.

They pooled around his ankles, and I positioned my knees there, wanting to avoid rugburn as I took a look at…

Holy fuck.

He leaned his head against the wall, the cockiest grin I had ever seen out of a human being plastered all over his face, pearly whites illuminating his face in the shadows of the top bunk.

“Keep staring at it with that dumb look, I might just get off without contact.”

I picked my jaw up and flipped him the bird, grinning from ear to ear. He laughed. Well, that explains why he’s such an arrogant dick, I thought to myself.

I leaned up, placing my hands around the already rock-hard head, and- huh.

“What, never seen a foreskin?” He kept grinning. “It’s okay, I’ll walk you through it.”

I shot him the best “Are you a fucking idiot?” look I could muster. “I’m European, dumbfuck.”

His grin faded for a second. “Oh…right.”

“Both of my school boyfriends had them, I just thought Americans were weird about this.”

His grin returned. “Well, my parents weren’t superstitious idiots, so-OH! Oh….”

I had cut him off by using the fingers on my right hand to pull the skin back slightly. It gave easily. He had my exes beat in that department, no doubt. I brought my tongue down to the base, and licked, all the way from where it met his sack to the tip. It was a long journey, and he kept those perfect fucking eyes fixated on me the whole time. It took everything in my power not to take my own fingers to my crotch, but I knew I’d lose focus if I did. I gave the head a prolonged kiss, staining it with lipstick, and then took it in my mouth.

He let out a lust-filled shout, and I felt two hands knot themselves into my hair immediately. I began to bob, up and down. I couldn’t take it all , but I made a good effort, getting most as I tasted precum on my tongue. I set that to work to, alternating between licks to the head and underside, Mark’s hands setting me to a rhythm, occasionally broken by a gag (yes, I’m human, I still have a gag reflex.) The sound of sighs and groans from Mark provided a soundtrack to my act, and we kept our eyes locked, his hungry eyes doing wonders for me down below.

After about a minute, I decided that I was fine finishing him off this way, and prepared to attempt speeding up, at the cost of my poor throat. But then, I felt a tug at my hair. Mark leaned down.

“Get your perfect ass up here now.”
It was something between a whisper and a growl, and it was the sexiest thing I had ever heard in my entire fucking life.

I came free with a *POP*, and scrambled onto the bed, nearly falling twice. Mark dragged me up, laughing, and I jumped him. We basically tore him out of his clothes, and then I took a moment to drool at the sight in front of me. Broad shoulders. Perfectly defined pecs. A six-pack that a took a thumb down, running over each one and sliding my tongue against my teeth. Mark let out a slight groan in response. I leaned down to kiss him – and then fire entered his eyes. He grabbed me by my shoulders, and flipped me onto my back as I let out an involuntary yelp, followed by a laugh.

I watched him go downwards, giggling as ran his tongue down my stomach, and grinned ear to ear as I realized where he was headed. He took my hips in either hand, and spread them, looking up at me.

“These things, uh…” He slapped one of my thighs. “You sure they won’t crush me?”

I laughed despite myself. “With how generous you have been, I wouldn’t dream of it.”

“Generous? Ah, I just didn’t wanna taste myself in your mouth if we kiss again.”

“Oh, but it is okay for me to taste myself?”

Mark grinned. “You’ll live.” He plunged down, and I squealed with delight. He went to work immediately, using his tongue on the outside first, deliberately avoiding the clit for now. Not that it mattered, he was still enough of a pro that I had to grab my bedframe with both hands as I sang to the…uh…top bunk, I guess. He went to work on my folds, only barely pressing inside with his tongue. I looked down, and those fucking eyes were staring back at me. Past them, I could see his ass maneuvering into the bed. He was humping my sheets, keeping himself hard. I wrapped my thighs around his head, and went back to my incessant moaning. And then I felt it. Little circles. Over and over. On my clit.

Oh God. He’d obviously done this many times before. It felt…it felt…

I was cumming. I rolled my clenched hips, letting out a scream that the whole fucking building must have heard. He brought his hands to either side, rolling with them, his tongue still working its magic.

“Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck!”

I became vaguely aware that he was humping the sheets faster. Combined with my hips rolling, the bed creaked like it was about to die. Poor thing.

“Oh god, oh god, oh god…oh god.”

My hips finally stilled, and I released Mark, going limp and breathing like I had run a fucking marathon. He raised his head, slick with juice and his hair tossled.

“That accent, those moans, that fucking body…are you an angel or something?”

It took about 15 seconds for the lust cloud to fade before I could even speak.

“If I was an angel…I would not…be fucking my roommate’s boyfriend…and you have not…exactly earned an angel…”

He chuckled. “Fair enough.”

I recovered for about a minute afterwards. I closed my eyes, letting them get some rest…and then I heard the sound of small clapping. I opened my eyes, somewhat renewed.

I saw Mark on his furiously jerking himself off on the edge of the bed.

“Seriously?” I asked.

He looked at me, annoyed. “You were about to check out, do you blame me?”

I got on my elbows, feigning being offended. “I was not, how dare you?”

He laughed. “Whatever, I gotta finish one way or another.” He turned his attention back to his cock.

“Oh Maaaaark…” I said in a sing-song voice. He turned back to me, still going at it. I uncrossed my legs and pressed my tits together with my hands.

“I want you inside me.”

The signature grin came back in full force, and he climbed back over me, getting to his knees. I raised my hands, and they intertwined with his. He pinned them over my head, and he took a moment, drinking in my body. I did the same to him, from his square jaw slick with my juices, his six-pack, and down to his huge cock.

He took it in his hands, positioning it at my entrance. He hesitated. “I uh…didn’t bring a condom. You?”

I shook my head.

“Welp…looks like I’m ruining your sheets.” He smirked.

“You are terrible!” I giggled despite myself.

“I know-AH!”

He cut himself off as he shoved forward. I gave a short scream of my own. It didn’t go all the way in, despite the ample lubricant.

“Fuck!” He shouted. “You’re…God, that’s fucking tight!”

My scream had shifted into a low, unending moan. “Just…just keep going, ah….”

After what felt like an eternity, Mark had reached his suitable depth, and began to slide, in and out. My low breathing turn to punctuated moans, and I watched through lidded eyes, groaning with each thrust as he pistoned that amazing body in between my thighs.

And then, through some miracle, most of it was inside me, and he picked up his pace. Slow, methodical slides turned into deep, punctuated thrusts. Groans turned into miniature shouts, and moans into squeals. While it obviously wasn’t true, it felt like every inch of my cunt was full of him. Past the sounds coming from my mouth, the sound of rhythmic clapping filled the room, emanating from where sweaty white skin collided with glistening coffee brown. I looked back to the blue. He was staring at my chest now, and I became vaguely aware that my tits were bouncing with every thrust. I arched my back up, and he plunged down, taking a nipple in his mouth. It spurred him on, and his pace became frantic. The combined assault against two parts of my body turned my squeals into screams, which lapsed into vulgarity.

“Verdomme! Verdomme! Godverdomme!”

Mark’s mouth released from my chest, and his eyes met mine above me. His eyes were wide, and his mouth hung slightly agape. Pure lust had taken him. And I realized, had taken me. We were past the point of no return. With what remained of his lucidity, he brought a hand down to where our sweaty bodies met…and circled his thumb around my clit. Just once. It sent me over the edge.

“Mark….ik kom!”

He didn’t speak the language, but he understood. His face scrunched up. “I’m…gonna…”

If I had been smart, I would have told him to pull out. If I was smart. If I wasn’t 18, and about to cum, and wasn’t fucking my roomate’s boyfriend.

I locked my legs around his ass and pulled him in.

My toes curled, his thrusting reached a peak, and our hands intertwined as we came together.




We kept our eyes locked as we came, him thrusting wildly into me as he loosed load after pent up load as deep inside me as he could go, and me letting my legs flail behind him. He got closer to me with each thrust, and we were soon grunting and shouting and moaning just inches away from each other. While the whole business likely lasted less than 30 seconds, it felt like eternity.

Our sounds grew quiet, and the thrusts slowed, soon just being us desperately trying to milk out the aftershocks. One of us, I’m not sure who, closed the distance, and I tasted my own juices on Mark’s tongue. Soon, the thrusts stopped completely, but we remained. He stayed plugged inside me, not yet soft, but well on his way. It felt like heaven, and I tangled my legs with his to make sure he stayed like that. If there were protests, they were lost forever in the desperate clash of tongues, which slowed as last vestiges of energy seeped from our bodies. The kiss broke, a single trail of saliva between us being its last legacy. We rested our foreheads together. I spoke first.


Mark let out a weak chuckle. “Yeah…no shit.”

He pushed in for a final kiss, breaking the strand, and then released his grip. I collapsed onto the bed, completely limp. A moment later, Mark collapsed onto me, our chests pressed together, his head shoved into the mattress, beside my own. I peppered the side of his face with about a dozen kisses, leaving faint marks of what remained of my lipstick on his immaculate cheekbones. He simply let out a weak groan in response.

Vaguely, I could feel dampness forming on the part of my mattress between our privates. I decided that I would add it to the list of mistakes and regrets that would inevitably haunt me tomorrow, and wrapped my arms around Mark’s back, holding him as close as I possibly could as I drifted off to sleep.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/dc5vuc/foreign_exchange_fucks_roomates_mboyfriend


  1. Verdomme! Can’t blame him. If you’re only half as hot as your writing, I know why he didn’t care about his gf. ??

  2. I needed a cigarette after that, and I don’t even smoke.

    Did the other girl ever find out?

  3. Holy shit, that climax is unbeatable! I love how in the heat of the moment you both threw all caution to the wind, and the way you wrote about it was fantastic. I know that feeling from a guy’s perspective and it is still the hottest sex of my life.

  4. Extremely hot and I also would love to see a picture of you (censored without face would be sexy too) but still have to mention cheating is wrong pure roommate :/

  5. dispite any religious views you may have science tells us that humans are not monogamous creatures. We crave sex and emotion from different people at different times HUMANS ARE HORNY MOTHERFUCKERS but by “being imature” your not a terrible person you are 18 hun I’m sorry to be the one to break it to you but your not the only one making “bad decisions” your the only on with enough balls to admit it. Live your life and have sex don’t be in a rush to grow up. Sorry for the rant I don’t wan’t you to hate yourself for being human. I’m sorry it ended bad. I actually have a wife whom I love dearly but we have an “open marriage” becouse if we don’t were gonna cheat becouse were human. Live your life fuck what anyone thinks about you. That was a beautiful story if you write on a daily basis I bet you can take it somwhere good luck!

  6. > Whatever you want to call me for this story – slut, bitch, cunt, sociopath, loser- it all goes through my head anyways. So go right ahead

    Slut, bitch, cunt, sociopath, loser. There you go :P

  7. Thank you my lady.
    Now I have to change my sheets. I cannot remember the last time I came from reading something erotic. ❤️

  8. Best story I’ve read on this thread so far. Descriptive content that made me feel like I was experiencing that with you.

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