[MF] Snatching my ugly neighbor away from her family for a quick fuck.

[Trying to shock my ugly annoying neighbor into leaving me alone got me the hottest fuck I’ve had all year](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/db8y3v/mf_trying_to_shock_my_ugly_annoying_neighbor_into/)

The day after the above, I kind of spent most of my day at work wondering what the hell I had just done, whilst being plagued by an erection that just wouldn’t go away. Once I got off work, I took a detour from going to my local grocery spot just to see if I’d spot Alice at her home. Not really expecting anything of it, but, you know. Her asshole husband’s car was in the drive and I could see their twins playing in the front, but no sign of Alice, so I shrugged and drove on, already feeling like a bit of a creep from leaving the previous day without saying a word and, now, spying on her place.

Groceries in the boot and I was driving back, wondering what I should make that night, when I passed by the car park of the local supermarket. There was a figure there that I had an inkling was Alice, and, having been gnawed on by the worm of curiosity, I turned in for a closer look, ready to get back out if I was wrong. As I pull up across the parking, I can see it is her, loading her shopping from her cart into her car.

I figure it’s maybe a good time to put on a friendlier face than I had the day before, so I’m sitting there trying to make eye contact, but when I saw she was nearly done and would probably be off, I figured a quick horn was in order. It took me two tries before she actually looked up to look around. The moment she saw me, she seemed shocked, if her blank-faced pause was anything to go by. She turns away and starts quickly loading the remainder of her shopping, like she wants to get out of the car park quickly, and I’m thinking: *shit.*

I’m reached down to start the car when I look up to see her crossing the road, heading in my direction at a quick canter. Needless to say, it’s my turn to be shocked, but I did my best to keep a blank face. Without a word, she just opens the passenger door, gets in, sits down, and closed the door. I’m thinking WTF. Plus, she’s keeping her eyes on either her feet or my glove compartment. Suddenly, it like hits me. *Christ, she thinks I’m here for sex.*

And she just got in the car, just like that.

Honestly, I hadn’t been thinking that at all. But, suddenly, I was like all ready, and ready to go for it. I started up the car and got on the road without a destination in mind. Alice just sat there, saying nothing.

A little down the road and Alice finally asks where we’re going in a low voice. Almost as soon as she asks the question, I thought of a place, and I tell her we’re going on the east side of town. She goes back to being quiet. A few minutes later, we’re off the main road and Alice leans in. She undoes my zip, fishing out my already stiff prick, and goes down on me. I was really hating the fact that I had to divide my concentration between the road and the really good head she was giving. She even slipped my balls out to lather with her tongue, though that was a little uncomfortable since I could feel the hard teeth of my zipper nibbling beneath them.

Finally clearing town, I turned into the wooded area as soon as I saw it. I knew people used it for meetings like this, and had used it myself a few years ago. As soon as I found an out of the way spot, I dimmed the headlights, opened the door and pulled my cock from her mouth, which elicited a very slutty moan from her. With the exception of a few car lights flashing by on the road, I was satisfied we had the place to ourselves, and, at any rate, Alice was coming out of the car.

Alice’s face isn’t sexy, but I don’t think there’s a single woman who looks ugly when the desire to fuck is written all over their features, and that alone was making really horny. Maybe too horny, even. I had been trying to think of how I’d play with her when we got there, but, instead, the moment she came within reach, I had her bent over the bonnet with a dull thud that rocked the vehicle slightly. For a moment, I thought I might have overdone it, but Alice gave a groan and a wiggle of her hips that quickly relegated all concerns regarding rough play to the back of my head and had me unbuckling my belt in short order.

Trousers down to my knees, I teased her with a few soft spanks on her rump that quickly had her moaning with approval, so I jerked her short dress up. I tried to pull her panties down, but the angle was a bit awkward, and Alice is a *lot* of woman. So I just thought, *fuck it.* I reached down and jerked the thin cotton strip covering her pussy to the side, took a hold of the base of my cock and fixed it to her opening and eased inside, inch by inch.

Alice made such a girly sound that it caught me off guard – her voice is pretty hoarse and can be raspy at times – and so, for a wild moment, I actually thought there might be some other girl nearby getting serviced. I didn’t take too long to think about it though, since I was already sheathed full length in the scalding heat of her pussy. Taking a hold of her hip with my free hand, I started to pound her on the hood, with Alice moaning to every stroke.

Less than two minutes or so later, Alice gave out some guttural sound, arching her back and I felt her clenching, so I redoubled my efforts to fuck her harder through her apparent orgasm. Once she collapsed back on the hood gasping, I resumed my normal pace. I had to let go of her panties, trying to pull my shirt up from the slick mess we were making between the two of us, and the material scrapping against the side of my dick made for an interesting sensation.

By then, Alice’s pleasured moans had turned to a string of continual ‘Uh, Uh, Uh, Uh, Uh’ grunts. It was an animal-like rutting sound, and, for whatever reason, I was finding it hot as hell. In all honesty, part of me wondered what the fuck I was doing.

But, I was starting tense. There was some perverse pleasure in fucking Alice at that point, because she was like an inert sack, just draped on my hood and her legs bowed as if she couldn’t muster the strength to stand anymore, with her voice being the only output she seemed capable of giving.

“Are you enjoying this dick, baby?” I tried, which elicited a deep moan from her. It was erotic, *buuuuut*, after the verbal tirade she had given me yesterday, it *was* also a bit of a let down. And, frankly, I had been kinda hoping to recapture it.

“I *said* ‘Are you enjoying daddy’s dick, baby?'” Between you and me, I was secretly mortified to say those words. Dirty talking has never really been my strong suite, and I think it was a testament to how horny this damn woman was making me that I actually tried. On a lighter level, it was also kind of hilarious (being her sexual ‘daddy’) because she’s the older between the two of us by a fair stretch.

“Oh fuck! Yes. Yes I am!” Alice wailed. That was all. It was kind of like tugging the ignition cord on the lawnmower to get it started, and the initial rumble gives you hope, but then it sputters out to your supreme disappointment/frustration. After a few more moments of nothing but her sultry grunts, I kind of realized that I probably wouldn’t be getting the filth she had given me the day before. Don’t get me wrong, this was already a good fuck by any definition of the word, but, call me greedy, I wanted… I dunno… catharsis?

I was trying to figure out what to do next, when Alice softly whimpered that we had to hurry up since she needed to get home to get dinner ready for her kids. I’m not sure what, but something there just… *triggered* me. I reached down and took hold of her panties, twisting it tightly in my fist like a leveraging harness. I pulled out my cock and then rammed it back into her even as I pulled her into me by her improvised harness. The surprised gasp she gave just kicked me over the edge.

“I don’t see how that’s my problem,” I growled at her, bending down over her. I’m hoping I sound confident, because, inside, I’m scared shitless that I might be overdoing it and misreading her tastes.

“I’m sorry daddy,” she practically whimpered. I felt a weight coming off my shoulder, seeing as I was on the right track. I don’t know if she was goading me into being aggressive or if she had a genuine concern with getting home, but that tone of hers told me it wasn’t a major concern. Or if it had been, it wasn’t now.

I tightened the grip of her panties in my hand by another twist, till the material is stretched and digging into the soft folds of her skin and start to grind my cock in her depths. “You got in my car to get *fucked* princess,” I hissed at her. I was practically lost in the moment. Alice replied with some nonsensical sound of affirmation.

“I know you did,” I grimaced. I’m not sure if I was smiling to hide my embarrassment or because of the control I had over her in the moment to be honest. At any rate, I started pumping her pussy again, hard and deep, and Alice had to plant the palms of her hands on the hood to steady herself, whilst putting a foot on the bumper as a brace. I don’t know if I was being too rough, but I swear it felt like I was on autopilot, with barely any control.

“You’re going to lie there and take it Alice. You’re going to take this hard dick like a good little cock-loving princess.” I think the most amazing thing at that point was that I was actually managing to keep a serious face even if I was hot from embarrassment.

“Every. fucking. inch of it,” I hissed, now bucking at full pace. Alice just seemed completely beside herself. I don’t know if she came again as I was too busy trying to take the most egregious route to getting off by focusing on the hypnotic rolling motions of her ass – as if you were smacking batter and watching it fold in compression and fluidly stretch back in the recoil. Finally, I felt the pressure that signaled no going back.

“I’m going to fill your pussy with my cum, baby girl. Do you object?” I taunted her heatedly, feeling like I was only seconds away. Alice didn’t answer. Well, my brain didn’t register her frantic groans for an answer. Or at least, not a satisfactory answer anyway. What I *was* registering, in the heat of the moment, was that she was wasting my time when I was only moments from blowing my load. I was frantic and snapped at her.

“Daddy’s going to flood your fucking pussy with his fucking cum. Do. You. Fucking object?” I practically roared in desperation, wanting to hear her saying something hot or filthy before I blew. Instead, her legs suddenly found their strength again, straightened and started bucking her ass into me with desperate sobs that almost sounded pathetic in their wantonness. The downside? Alice, by my estimates, must weigh in at nearly 200 lbs, if not a bit more. Her ass hit me like car, and if my hand hadn’t been firmly entwined in her panties, I think she might have knocked me clear away onto my ass.

I had to take a hold of her hip so that I could slam back into her, but it was too late at that point. The shock and jolt of the impact had started to make me go soft. But, I was in the process of cumming, so her pussy managed to catch the first spurt, but then my cock completely withered in retreat and the rest dribbled onto my balls to roll onto the grass between us at our feet. It was a great fuck with a mediocre finish.

And I still didn’t get my answer.

Still. Once she had recovered a bit, she got down on her knees in front of me, licking and sucking me clean, so I didn’t even think to hold anything against her – she had just been too much woman for me to handle – plus… I *had* ruined her panties; the poor thing had been stretched to uselessness, with all the elasticity ripped, hanging from her thigh like a cowboy’s holster.

We straightened out and I drove her back to the car park. We exchanged phone numbers and finally managed to have the semblance of a normal conversation during the drive. I felt a bit shittier about myself thereafter, especially when she pecked me on the cheek and thanked me for the ‘pity fuck’. I turned to object, but when I looked at her, I saw she was messing with me. We teased each other for the last minute of the ride.

When we got to the car park, I asked her when we’d meet again to which she uproariously asked if I couldn’t get enough of her fat ass. I told her that I was happy to see it any time, to which she laughed at me. Opening the car door to get out, she bent forward and flipped her dress up in my face, wiggling her ass at me with her pussy peeking between her stained thighs.

“There. Go fuck *that* in your dreams tonight,” she laughed and then fished her ruined panties from her handbag and threw them in my face. “Finish up in that. And I want those back. With your contribution, y’hear?”

And I was fucking horny all over again. I could have almost hated her at that point, if I just wasn’t so hot for her.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/dbzu9d/mf_snatching_my_ugly_neighbor_away_from_her


  1. Pretty good. I think you need to graduate to a crop, a switch or a cane. And you definitely need to surprise her by putting it in her ass.

  2. So she’s “ugly” because she’s fatter than you prefer? God I hope she doesn’t do Reddit and finds this!

  3. Really good story, hope you guys make this a regular arrangement so we can get more of the juicy info

  4. Cot damn that was a good story. Nothing sexier than a woman wanting you to pleasure the hell out of her.

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