[FM] Finally a slut


So I found this subreddit a few months ago and it has encouraged me to make some pretty big improvements to my life. I’m in a great five year relationship (I’m 22) where we are definitely getting married and I couldn’t be happier. I’ve always had slutty impulses, and always fantasised about sleeping with other guys but never dreamed of acting on them. That changed recently and I decided to slowly introduce it to my boyfriend. My strategy was to sexualise our pretty normal relationship, and try and get him used to the idea of me ‘appreciating’ the ‘qualities’ of other guys. I first started talking about how well I get along with some of the guys at work and how funny they can be sometimes. At first he didn’t like that, but eventually he got used to it and was happy I was having a good time at work. I sort of encouraged him to talk about when he thought a girl was hot too. It took a while, because I am normally pretty jealous, but he then started doing all the time (he’s really into asians, which is good because I’m asian). I then started to mention when I thought a dude had nice muscles or something which he sort of laughed along with and seemed surprisingly fine with.

To start to get the ball rolling, I suggested that I start dressing like the Chinese girls that he found hot. This was super different to how I normally dress, but he was super into it. This was also kind of good for my big plan, because him wanting me to dress sexy means he doesn’t mind other guys appreciating me too. During sex I subtly started to try and make the idea of me pleasuring other guys sexy. I first started by sucking on his fingers, and then by getting him to dress up in suits (which he doesn’t normally wear (but my colleagues do)) and giving him lots of blow jobs. You know, making associations in his head without him realising. A few weeks ago when I thought he was ready, I said during sex “do you want me to pleasure other guys?” and to my absolute surprise and joy he said “fuck yeah”.

We didn’t really talk about it, but I definitely ramped up my interest in other guys. He was still jealous and acted like he wasn’t interested, but I could tell that he totally liked it. Seeing that I now had permission to be a little hoe, I bought a bunch of new work clothes and high heels, and started to be a lot more friendly with the guys at work (who a few already wanted to fuck me but knew it would never happen). Before all of this, one of the older girls at work, who I think had playing around with some guys at work when she was younger, said to me that the guys are all into me because they think younger girls will give in easy, even if they’re in a relationship. For a long time I thought that I’d never be like her, but oh boy was I about to prove the guys right. After a year of them constantly flirting with me, they were finally about to get their reward.


I knew that we were having work drinks at night, so I put on makeup, wore a new top which showed off my big boobs, put on a tight pencil skirt and heels. All day I could tell I was getting looks, and my manager was finding excuses to talk to me constantly. I’ve always thought he was funny and handsome, but always been in denial how much I like him. He is tall and fit, and is a super hard worker. Anyway, at the drinks I let myself go a bit, and when I have a few drinks I get super horny. I was being super receptive to my managers flirting, and finding every thing he said funny. When it got late he asked if I was going home, which was normally a weird question, and I said that I’m not sure. He said that I can come to his apartment and keep on drinking.

His apartment was like a ten minute walk away. I was so incredibly ready to suck his dick or do anything for him. He could definitely tell, but I couldn’t help it. Even at this point I still was super sure that I wouldn’t do anything with him knowing the consequences for my relationship, work and social life. At the same time I also felt like I had no choice at all. When we got inside he joked that I seemed like I was frozen. All it took though was for him to grab my ass, and I instantly started talking off his belt and pants. We somehow got to his couch and I started sucking his dick like never before. I had no idea how insanely eager I’d been to suck his dick this whole time. I’d never been into a guy like this before. It felt so amazing in an insanely great way how he’d slowly convinced me, over a very long time to cheat on my great boyfriend and suck his dick. It was also the prettiest dick in the world, it’s hard to explain but I can’t stop thinking about it. He grabbed my hair and said all kinds of things to me. When his dick grew big and I could tell he was about to cum, I sucked harder, swallowed all of his cum and licked him dry. He was so satisfied with me.

I stayed and talked for a bit, not really addressing what had just happened, and then I caught an Uber home to my boyfriend feeling surprising great and only a little guilty. I knew he would like it. At first he was totally stunned and horrified, but I grabbed his dick straight away while he was still confused about how he felt, and he fucked me from behind. When we started to make out he pulled away and said my mouth tasted like cum and didn’t want to kiss me (understandably). He fucked me like I was so dirty.

So now everything is super weird, but I feel happier than I ever have in my life. I don’t know if my manager told anyone, I felt like it was implicit that he definitely wasn’t allowed to, but everyone is treating me very differently. A lot of the girls seem to hate me and the guys are a lot more friendly. I don’t know what will happen next, but it will be great.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/dbmcxm/fm_finally_a_slut


  1. Hope you can add some pictures of how you get dressed up to turn on those guys. He sure was lucky…keep having fun.

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