[FF]ucking my tiny, slutty friend for the first time. [Long]

So this is a write up of the beginning of a year and a half of very good (and occasionally kinky) sex with someone I consider a very close friend. We recently stopped seeing each other because she moved away, but I wanted to memorialise this intense period of my life and thought it might be worth sharing. I put a marker for where the sex starts. Hope it makes sense.


I noticed Yasmin immediately as I walked in to the classroom on the first day of the first semester of university. She had just finished making herself a cup of tea in the kitchenette in the corner, and as she turned back to sit down, her dead eyes (resting bitch face in all its glory) glanced in my direction as I stood in the door, looking me up and down. Her face was beautiful but cold and I made a mental note to keep clear of her, I had just gone through a drawn out breakup with my live-in girlfriend and I was looking for ^good vibes^ only, no drama and all that Tinder bio crap that you believe when you want to make changes to your life. I sat down a few rows behind her next to some guy and did the usual small talk before the orientation session began. As it started, I found myself watching the back of her instead of the slideshow, and began to take the rest of her in.

I was a mature student (28) and decided to go to university after floating about at various jobs, and I guessed from looking at her that she was maybe 18 or 19, your traditional first year student, though she didn’t have the attitude of a freshman. I later found out she was 24 and considered a mature student herself, I had just been misled by her body – she was about 5’0 even and no more than 100lbs, but her figure was far from childish or boyish. She wore a black long sleeved crop top and acid-washed mom jeans, and while definitely quite thin, her hips and ass flared out from a tiny waist, the curviness emphasised by the way she was sitting forward on the stool, splaying her ass out a bit. Few things make me weak at the knees, but the combination of a cute round ass and a good face turns me into a messy, horny teenage boy in seconds, and her face was more than good. I thought she might have been French or Italian initially, but it turned out she was of Middle Eastern descent, with a black, blunt bob haircut that really emphasised her long, slender neck and pale skin. I thought she looked like a slightly older version of Natalie Portman in Leon: The Professional, with a slightly more pointed face, and a few times when we were out together in bars I had men come over to tell me the same thing.

I read her as straight to begin with, but we were in an art school and I felt like the odds were pretty good that she was bisexual. However, she mentioned a long-term boyfriend later on in the course of the day as the group of us got to know each other, so I figured that was that and began to focus my attention on other girls who might be available in the class. I was looking to rebound hard. I am regularly mistaken for straight myself: I have long brown hair and wear a subtle amount of make-up, I look pretty traditionally feminine and somewhat pretty. I dress quite neutrally (jeans and a jacket most of the year) and I am curvy – chubby to some – with big boobs, big hips, a big ass and long muscular legs. I am in ok shape, but most notably, I am 6’0 with a bit of a masculine or ‘alpha’ presence according to my friends, and more often than not find myself attracting submissive men who want ‘mommies’. I have dated and fucked some of those men in the past but would still classify myself as a lesbian to keep it simple, and I had never really experimented much with the mommy-roleplay stuff in my FF relationships, but there was something about Yasmin that made that dominant part of me swell up, while also being mildly terrified of how attracted to her I was and the power that gave her over me.

The semester flew by, and I sank into life as a single person, occasionally hooking up with a new girl here and there, getting absorbed in the excitement of a new body before discovering that you’re totally incompatible outside of late-night mediocre drunk sex. My friendship with Yasmin grew slowly but surely, her cold glances slowly warmed up to me and my dorky bro humour, and we had regular intense conversations after classes about art, philosophy, our feelings, our families and eventually our relationships. But I could tell she was not one to let someone in too easily, despite her apparent openness conversationally, and she was careful to never put herself in a position where she could be too hurt by me or anyone else. There were moments, as the months went by, where I caught her looking at me more affectionately than usual. Her eyes always gave her away, even when she was trying so hard to appear unbothered or closed off. I was beginning to notice a sense of longing accompanied her glances. She started dressing in a way that I sometimes thought might be to tease me but couldn’t be sure.

We would spend a lot of time between classes in our studios just chatting, eating, watching things, whatever, but as time went on, she would sit closer to me or lean on my shoulder and I would think ‘well… that is just what friends do, she has a boyfriend, don’t worry about it,’ but at the same time, with the way she was beginning to dress… Usually she wore quite casual outfits of leggings and a sweater or jeans and a crop top because she was often messy with her work, but she began to wear short skirts with semi-opaque tights (after we had a conversation about fetishes and we discovered we shared an interest in hosiery / gloves / latex) and tiny shorts under long cardigans. She would cross and uncross her legs and appeared restless when we watched things, and I slowly began to convince myself that she might be into me, and started to let myself embrace the crush I had on her, going home and masturbating to the thought of her most nights. I don’t usually watch porn because it has never really felt like I was the target audience (I am sure many can relate) but I found myself searching for videos on Pornhub of women who might look like her getting themselves off. I wanted to watch her writhing naked in front of me, but because I couldn’t, this would have to do. I got into a routine of going home after school and the gym, cooking dinner, and fucking myself to sleep every night to the thought of her pussy in my mouth, her clit rubbing against mine, her fingers inside me, her cumming all over my strap on, and so on and so on.

Yas had invited me over for dinner a few times and I got to know her boyfriend (I didn’t really enjoy his presence that much) but we all got on well enough. I didn’t know it at the time, but they had been in an open relationship for a little while, and he was encouraging her to go for it with me as he could tell whenever I was over how much she liked me and vice versa. I had noticed that she would start dressing up whenever I came over for what I thought were casual dinners, and she didn’t wear a bra and sometimes didn’t wear underwear under the tight dresses she had on, usually just a T-string thong that made a small enough indent in her flesh to show slightly through the dress. She would catch me looking at her small, perky tits and her nipples poking through, and make jokes about how padded her bras had to be when she was out in public because she was cold all the time and didn’t want everyone to constantly be looking. The same thing every time, “I know, I know, I start miles beneath them.”I was extremely drawn to her and her body. I admit, I am usually into women who are closer in size and body type to me, so it was a new experience being attracted to someone who made me feel quite gigantic and masculine, but I enjoyed her petiteness and the contrast between us. I felt that her general fierceness and tendency to be rude and snarky made her seem less small somehow, but whenever I saw a picture of us next to each other I was reminded of how blatantly different we were, but there was something hot about it.

——– This is where the good stuff starts ———

One cold February night while I was over I went upstairs to pay a visit to her pet cat. She was cooking downstairs with her boyfriend Harry, but I heard her come up the stairs behind me in the dark. I had her cat in my arms, stealing a quick cuddle while looking out the window when I saw the bathroom light switch on in the window’s reflection, and I watched her leave the door open and sit down to pee in full view of my back. I turned around and laughed and said ‘oh hey’ awkwardly, and the cat jumped out of my arms, across the landing and into her in the bathroom, sitting down at her feet. She just looked at me and didn’t try to close the door or seem worried that I could see her. I broke eye contact to look down her body at her dress hiked up while she peed, and I could see the top of her hairless mons. My heart skipped a beat and I just stood there, essentially gawking, wishing I could see more but the angle from where I was standing and the way she was sitting meant her pussy was obscured from my vision by her thighs. She smiled at me in a weird way I hadn’t really seen before, with her mouth closed, and finished peeing, wiped, and stood up and pulled her dress down before turning around to wash her hands at the sink. There was no mirror above the sink so I couldn’t see her face to read the situation, and I was frozen in place and extremely turned on. As I was taking a breath, about to open my mouth to break the silence, she finished washing her hands and wiped them on a towel, before lifting her dress up again still facing away from me to show me a set of perfectly formed, perky little ass cheeks.

Her ass was more full than I imagined, and while I stared, not breathing, she shifted her legs slightly apart and leaned forward, bending over the sink and arching her back to reveal a pair of dark pink, puffy pussy lips between her thighs, looking extremely soft and inviting. It felt like everything was happening in slow motion and I was paralysed with lust, not knowing what was happening. She reached down in front of her, not acknowledging my presence at all, and slowly used her fingers to spread her lips, running them around the edge of the entrance to her vagina, before plunging two fingers deep into her pussy. I had forgotten at this point that we had had a conversation outside school in the park about the type of porn that we liked, and I had admitted to watching female solo stuff mostly (without revealing too much about why or what kind) and it seemed that I was now getting my own live show. I couldn’t take my eyes off her fingers entering and leaving her dripping cunt, and as much as I wanted to kneel down behind her and bury my face in there, wanted to hear the wetness that I could see being pushed out between her pussy lips, I couldn’t move a muscle. My own vagina was absolutely flooded. I wouldn’t call it penis envy, per se, but there have been moments in my life where I have imagined owning a cock and sliding it into a wet, inviting pussy and experiencing a woman tighten up and cum all over my cock. This was one of those moments where I desperately wished that could happen, I just wanted to fuck her uncontrollably from behind and cum deep inside her

I watched her interchange between fucking herself with her fingers and rubbing her clit in soft, wide circles for what was probably two minutes or so. Her thighs trembled a little, and her knees gave in for a split second before she stopped, pulling her dress down firmly and wiping her hands on the lower portion of her dress. She turned around and looked at me briefly, her face slightly flushed – a sight I had never seen before on her – and headed downstairs. I felt like I had been punched in the chest and wanted to cum on the spot all at once. I couldn’t decide what to do, so I composed myself and followed her down after a few minutes. Everything was back to normal and she was chatting away to Harry, and I walked in the room to see to her asking him to taste the sauce she had been making. After he tried it and approved, she scooped out another small spoonful and walked over to me at the door, smiling. She caught me under my chin and fed me the tip of the spoon, her fingers – that I knew were just in her pussy – so near my mouth, and there was nothing more I wanted than to suck on them. I paid no attention to the taste of the sauce, but said it was good anyway and she smiled knowingly at me and told me to sit down at the table, we were about to eat.

After we finished dinner and a couple of bottles of wine between us, I offered to do the washing up before heading home as a way of saying thank you for the meal. This was our usual routine when I came over. Yasmin went upstairs to change out of her clothes to start getting ready for bed, it was pretty late and she had to be up early for her waitressing job in the morning. Harry followed her up and I could hear them talking away quite loudly and then being very quiet. I imagined that they were kissing or something and felt a pang of jealousy but also remembered my soaking wet underwear and the events that had played out earlier. ‘I am gonna cum so hard when I get home,’ I thought to myself, and made a note to stop and buy batteries for my rabbit vibrator at a petrol station on the way home. I wanted something inside me tonight, the orgasm is always more intense that way for me and I wanted to match the intensity that had been building up over the course of the evening. Yasmin came back downstairs as I was drying the last few dishes and sat on the L-shaped countertop in front of me. She had changed into a pair of tight, thin black leggings and a short t-shirt for bed, and as we talked about our plans for the next time we’d hang out, I realised through a few quick glances that her leggings were pulled up into her pussy and I could see the outline of her lips. “Stop looking at me so much!” she laughed, and I realised I hadn’t made eye contact in a few seconds, almost hypnotised by the visible outline of her pussy. I felt like a teenage boy, completely unable to control even my gaze, which was unlike me.

She took the plate and the tea towel out of my hands and placed them next to her on the counter, before telling me ‘come here,’ and I stood between her legs on the counter and she looped her arms around my neck. I could feel my face getting a little hot as she looked at me, but I could also tell she was a little drunker than I was and that we were about to cross a threshold. As she played with my hair and the back of my head, she started talking about friendship and not wanting to ruin what we had, and that she had been thinking about this for the past while and maybe I felt the same? “But what about Harry?” I asked. “I assume you wouldn’t be doing this without his knowing?” and she smiled and laughed at me as if I was stupid (I won’t lie, I felt pretty stupid this whole time. Blood was not flowing the way it needed to in my brain) and said she had his full permission to do whatever she wanted with me, or for me. My stomach flipped a little at the use of ‘for’, and she pulled me towards her gently. I leaned in to meet her lips, and we kissed.

At first the kissing was quite soft and gentle, exploratory, we were both excited to finally be taking our friendship in a new direction, though neither of us knew what that meant. I tested the waters, nibbling on her bottom lip and letting her bite mine, and as the kissing grew more intense and urgent, we both moved from mouths to each other’s necks and I was grabbing her ass, rubbing my crotch against her fabric-encased pussy and she wrapped her legs around me tightly. I breathlessly kissed down her body, trying to lift her t-shirt up and suck on her small, hard nipples, but she held it down and shook her head. I was confused but didn’t take it as a sign to stop and kept going, kissing her over her t-shirt, licking her belly-button and heading down over her leggings to the wet patch that was forming on the fabric between her legs. I grabbed her on each side of her prominent pussy lips and squeezed them together before rubbing my mouth up and down the slit between them, using my nose and chin as well to put pressure all the way from her clit down to her asshole. From the way her hips were moving, I could feel that she wanted to grind her pussy into my face so I slipped my hands under her ass to grab hold of her properly on the counter and sank my face into her pussy. She smelled unbelievably good, and I instinctively began licking through her leggings before realising she was still fully dressed. I moved my face up and down over the length of her pussy, pressing hard back into her, letting her hump my face. I was in heaven. She lifted my face up to kiss me and told me to be careful with the door on my way out, she didn’t want the cat to escape, and that she would see me tomorrow at school. I laughed, shocked, before seeing her face turn stony and realising she was absolutely serious about this not going any further tonight. “Ok… good night I guess…” I smiled and she headed upstairs to bed. I ached at the idea of her going to fuck her boyfriend instead of me.

A few weeks passed and Yasmin and I continued to play with the boundaries of our friendship. We kissed at school whenever we were alone, riding the elevator and sneaking into empty classrooms to be alone together. It was very ‘high school’ with the amount of frustrating over-the-clothes experiences, sometimes outdoors on park benches, much to the delight of the construction workers involved around the edge of campus. She held my hand a few times walking through the city, and as much as I wanted to ask “what are we doing?” I decided to go with the flow and let her dictate the course of this, as she clearly wanted to be in control. I was not used to this way of doing things at all and it felt like we were almost dating, but we weren’t, so I kept swiping on various apps and kissing people at clubs and trying not to obsessively masturbate to the thought of her any more. I guess that was my way of trying to take back some element of control in all of this. Our conversations stayed the way they always were, but we were both distinctly avoiding the topic of whatever was happening between us. There was a two-week holiday coming up where neither of us were going to be around, I was going to go back home to the city where my family lived and help out and she was going to be taking on more shifts at work, so I was kind of welcoming the idea of not seeing or hearing from Yasmin and our confusing interactions for a while.

While we were apart, initially, we messaged very little, a heart emoji or a cat emoji here and there, but one night she messaged me a little drunk, and said that she was furious at somebody for something at work and really needed to vent, so I let her. It was like old times, her bringing a problem that we then tried to solve together by talking it out, and I was enjoying the normalcy of it all. I was in bed at my mom’s house on my laptop using a desktop version of the messenger to talk to her, browsing Reddit in the meantime and admittedly getting a little horny. She always knows when I am on the desktop version because my typing changes case and I reply much faster, so once the conversation about the situation at work kind of settled down, she started asking me what I was doing on my computer and if I was thinking about her. The conversation, of course, quickly turned sexual and she asked me if I was going to watch porn, and even though I wasn’t, I had been having this fantasy I wanted to act out that I wasn’t sure was any good in reality and thought this could be a way to insert it into whatever was happening between us. I told her yes, and she wrote ‘show me?’ and I sent her a link to a video of two skinny blonde girls using a double ended dildo.

“Hahaha, yeah right.”

“No for real, I know it’s a gay-for-pay porn cliche but I am really into the idea of it.”

“Do you want to do that with me?”

I paused, unused to being so direct with her. I didn’t know if I should say it.

“I do.”


The silence on both ends, I assumed, meant we were both masturbating to the thought of our pussies being fucked at the same time by each other. Or maybe she was fucking Harry and thinking about me, whatever, I didn’t care as long as it was me that started and finished it in her head.

The break between semesters ended and I went home, we slipped back into our usual routine of dinner, tarot readings, and watching documentaries together, followed by a little kissing and groping before I was told to go home. After a month or so of this, I head over to Yasmin’s house as usual on a Wednesday night and knocked on the door. She greeted me dressed in a short black velvet mini dress with long sleeves and sheer black stockings on. She had a pair of high-heeled platform boots on which brought her about 6 inches closer to my face, and I was standing off the step of her front door, so we were facing each other at about eye level. She rarely wore makeup but had her lashes done and was looking slightly more doe eyed and innocent than usual, which I liked. She licked her lips and I tried to head inside the door to kiss her, but she blocked me from entering, telling me to stay where I was and to be quiet, with a smile on her face. Yasmin stepped backward and lifted her dress up to reveal that she was wearing black stockings and suspenders, really setting off her smooth, pale skin, with a pair of black crotchless panties with a string of pearls running down between her labia. [(Like this, but not pink)](https://i.imgur.com/f6xOdKF.jpg) I knew she had a flair for the theatrical based off her outfits and stories of what she had done for previous partners, but this was a type of performance I had never been on the receiving end of before. Yasmin always said she thought she’d make a great stripper and I think she might have been right. She lifted her dress up over her head and I finally got to see her beautiful breasts, barely an A cup with small dusky pink nipples, and I wanted them in my mouth, urgently.

I was done being patient and playing this game at her pace. I stepped inside the front door and took her face in my hands, kissing her aggressively, pinning her with my body against the wall of the hallway. I grabbed her by the hips and turned her around, guiding her body up the stairs to her and Harry’s bedroom. No one else was home, thank god, I had her all to myself and we were finally going to fuck, I could feel it. I watched her hips and ass until we reached the top, getting glimpses of her pussy lips and the pearls that lay between them with every step. She took my hand at the top and led me to her room, and I sat down still fully clothed on the side of the bed. On her bedside locker I saw three vibrators of different kinds laid out, two dildos (one kind of long, but not a double-ended dildo), and a set of nipple clamps. It seemed like she was back in control again. I smiled at her as she straddled me and kissed me, and she peeled back my jacket and lifted my t-shirt over my head, messing up my hair. I was sitting in front of her in one of my nicer bras, a dark green lacy thing that barely contained my E cup boobs. I reach down and begin to undo my belt to take my jeans off, but Yasmin gets off me and shoos my hand away, wanting to do it herself. I leaned back on to the bed and let her undo it, and the button to my jeans, and the zipper. She pulled my jeans down around my ankles and I kicked them off.

I let her look at me, my chest heaving from arousal, my soft, slightly rounded stomach with a light layer of blonde downy hair, down to my boy-short underwear that contained my trimmed pussy, followed by my thick, muscular thighs. She ran her hands up both of my legs and climbed on top of me, moving my hair to pull my bra straps down from my shoulders, letting my large boobs fall out of the bra. I have very reactive nipples, and they went from flat and puffy to hard in an instant from a mixture of the cold air and the anticipation of her touching them. The bra unclipped from the front, so I shook it off and we sat there, her on top of me, staring at each other’s almost naked bodies. I might look a bit frumpy when dressed due to their size, but when naked my boobs have always been my hot little (well, big) secret, and I think she was surprised by how I looked in front of her, with such a full set of tits that were still quite firm and perky for their size. She took her hands and squeezed them together, licking one nipple and then the next, going back and forth before leaning over and kissing me again, pressing her chest against mine. I let my hands roam all over her body, settling on her ass cheeks that were spread from her straddling me. I moved my hands down to feel the string of pearls pressing down on her smooth asshole and put more pressure on them. She bucked a little on top of me and began to laugh, “hey!” She sat up and went to go grab something, one of the silicone dildos I saw on the table, it was about 9 inches and a smooth, bright purple. Not one of the realistic, crazy long ones you see in sex shops. She placed it down on the bed. “I’ve been planning this for a while, there was a shipping problem with the toy shop I got this from which is why it couldn’t happen sooner.” Sooner? I thought. “We could have been fucking without any toys this whole time, if I am totally honest with you Yas,” I tell her, and she laughed. “Yeah, but I wanted it to be like this. Ever since you sent me that video I have been planning it out and you know me, I wanted it to be perfect for you.” I smiled at her unusual earnestness and let my fingers slowly graze my clit over my briefs. “So… we’re going to fuck each other that way tonight?” I ask. “And some other ways too maybe” she says sweetly. “Suh-weeeet,” I quip in an annoying voice, and she hits me over the head laughing, “why are you always such a dude!!”

Yasmin climbed back on top of me and we started kissing again, getting back to where we had left off before I was undressed. We were both breathless and panting in each other’s ears, against each other’s necks, grinding our clits into each other. I reached down to remove my underwear, I wanted to feel her skin down there on mine. “I have lube if you need it,” she said offhandedly. “I don’t need it,” I grinned at her, “you?” “No, I’m so fucking wet right now. Just wanted to check.” I feel a pulse in my clit hearing those words, and tell her that I am not sure I will be able to control myself for very long. “What do you mean?” she asks. “I feel like if you touch my pussy I’m just going to explode.” “Good.” She took the dildo and traced it up and down my slick lips, almost sending me over the edge every time she reached the top, sliding over my clit and back down again. “Just fuck me with it already, please” I said, and she giggled. One end of the dildo was a little smaller than the other, and I wasn’t keen on intense penetration, so I asked her to swap the sides around. “Oh, I was being polite and giving you the thicker side, but I’ll gladly use it to stretch out my tiny pussy for you.” “Fuck, Yaz… I need this to happen now.”

She went silent and stood over me, pulling her fancy underwear down over her lingerie, so I had a clear view of her pussy from below and I rubbed my hands up and down her stockings, feeling how smooth they were. She crouched back down in a squat and placed her hands behind her on my thighs and her ass down on my lower stomach, giving me a full view of her puffy lips spread apart, her perfectly hairless pussy and dark pink lips her clit pouting out from between them, leading down to her soft pink entrance. I was completely hypnotised. She took the thicker end of the dildo and slid it slowly into her glistening hole, moaning slightly as she went further in. “I’m so turned on, usually I can’t be penetrated this easily this early” she gasped, and I reached up and held her waist and her tits as she fucked herself slowly over me, easing the dildo in further each time. “I don’t really know what position we need to be in for this to work” I admitted to her, and she leaned back on her hands away from me with the dildo inside her pussy as far as she could take it. “If you sit up and mirror me, I think it can work” she advised me. So I sat up and bent my legs under hers, holding on to the end of the dildo that would soon be inside me and guiding it towards my own vagina. We had to shuffle, and I can’t pretend that it was graceful, but eventually somehow things aligned and with her legs on top of mine, I slid slowly onto the dildo as she held it firmly in place with her kegel muscles.

“I’ve been working out,” she giggled, looking at my pussy move closer to hers, and I groaned as she pushed it further into me. “Fuck, I can’t believe it’s working” I laughed, “I didn’t think it would look good and feel good,” and we were soon pushing hard towards each other, leaning back and being fucked and fucking at the same time, and as we moved more urgently, our pussies began to meet in the middle of the dildo. This was what I really wanted to see and feel. When I wasn’t rubbing my clit in circles, I was reaching over to grab Yasmin’s soft inner thighs and her stocking encased legs, and feel her wetness as she slid up and down the end of the dildo. Her pussy was so small and tight and the dildo looked impressive inside her. She was rubbing her clit and putting her fingers over mine to learn how I liked mine being touched, adding pressure to my hand. “I’m going to cum really soon if you don’t stop,” I said breathlessly, and she pressed harder into me, fucking me with the dildo and her pussy muscles. Our lips and holes finally touched around the dildo, and we stopped moving up and down, instead grinding on it, pushing our wet lips against each other, our pussies kissing and slurping together messily. I used my fingers to spread mine to give my clit more stimulation as it rubbed against her enlarged clit hood. I was about to cum, and started to move more rapidly up and down the dildo on to her pussy, my tits bouncing up and down to match. The pressure was building up and I could feel the intensity of the orgasm starting. I was shaking and grabbing on to her thighs, trying to move my body more and fuck myself and her as hard as I could when I finally exploded, my pussy tightened on the dildo in an orgasm that felt like it would never end. “Damn girl,” Yasmin laughed, “I want that” as she continued to move on the dildo.

I held my end still with my hand, a little over stimulated, while pushing the other end into her, letting her keep going while I caught my breath. Once I had recovered, I slid my end of the toy out of me and pushed myself away from her up to a kneeling position and slowly took the dildo out from inside her while she lay there, looking at me frustrated. “Why?!” she cried while I stood up off the bed, grabbed her legs and dragged her little body to the side, before kneeling down in front of her to finally have my mouth on her pussy. I spread her legs to the side and slid the thick end of the dildo back inside her before tracing up and down the sides of her lips and inner thighs with my tongue. I fucked her roughly with the toy, pressing it up towards her g-spot and when my tongue finally met her clit, she began to moan much louder than before and sat up, her face contorted with pleasure, leaning up on her elbows and breathing hard while watching me suck on her clit. She bucked against my face and I held on tight with my mouth and increased the pace on the toy sliding in and out of her, going harder with every thrust. My tongue was aching, flat against her clit as I moved my face up and down over and over. “Oh fuck, I am going to cum in your mouth soon, don’t stop what you’re doing I’m gonna cum, I’m gonna cum,” she panted and I kept going, trying not to get too excited and fuck it up by going too fast. She groaned and I felt her thighs trembling and her legs tensing up. She put her feet on my shoulders and rocked against my face as I held on to her ass with all my strength, pushing her pussy into my face repeatedly as she came all over it, a rush of salty wetness in my mouth. Finally. I gasped for air as she fell back onto the bed panting and I lay down next to her. We were exhausted and admittedly a bit dazed by the evening’s events, so we held hands and fell in and out of sleep before trying for round two…

I have a few more kind of hot stories with her, one involving the boyfriend and a shared Hitachi magic wand that might be worth posting. Let me know what you think.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/db2w1p/ffucking_my_tiny_slutty_friend_for_the_first_time


  1. *damn*.

    I think you could write out a shopping list and it’d be compelling reading.

    That was wonderful.

    More please?

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