I hated going to the dentist [mf] [cheat] [long?] [multiple pov]

[edit: added manual line breaks as the mobile app doesn’t show the actual line breaks]

This is a story collaboration with /u/peckham_spring. We just finished and would like to share with all of you what spun out of an [innocent reply](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskRedditAfterDark/comments/d6c9kh/do_girls_like_sexting/f0tu7fx/?context=3) on Reddit:


There we are, on opposite ends of the dentists’ 12′ waiting room, obviously recently repainted, that slight chemical smell still wafting about. The walls are a whitish color, probably named morning mist white or eggshell. A picture of a rugged fisherman in yellow rain clothing fighting the line for a fish that is outside of the frame, his body a bright fixture in the chaotic composition of rain and sea.

For a moment our eyes lock. My deep brown eyes, always noticing the world around me, seeing right into yours. You have a rainbow of colors in your eyes, at first seeming grey-blue. But then I notice flecks of green on the outside ring and realize that I can’t tell if that’s actually the prevailing color. And when staring deep enough I see past these superficial colors and spot hidden behind an almost auburn like brown, hidden but unmistakable now.

I realize I’ve been staring too long, my brow starts forming the tiniest drops of sweat as my cheeks start blushing a deep red. The color creeping almost like a fire by the way I feel the burning. Thankfully my skin has a good day, So I feel at ease letting you see me. And the thought of that pushes the blush to my ears and neck, but from excitement or shame at my coy exhibitionism I cannot tell.

You cross your legs, subtly showing off your definition. They are the calves of a swimmer, unmistakable. They rebel against the restrictive clothing, like your body was made to be free. And I agree inwardly. My eyes finally torn away from your own, but still near and searching.


The wait was agonising. Interminable.

I hated going to the dentist. But I had no choice this time. My husband insisted that I go.

“It’s been six months since you last went,” he had pointed out over breakfast that morning. His tone flat and matter-of-fact. He likes to tell me what to do as though I’m no more than a child.

“I’ve already made an appointment for you. Don’t be late.”

I choked down my irritation and nodded. There was no use arguing.

So, here I was. Waiting. Still waiting for something to happen.

The man on the opposite side of the waiting room had looked equally ill at ease these last few minutes. He had stumbled into the room, looking slightly disheveled, not long after I had.

Perhaps he had been running late and was anxious not to miss his appointment. Well, there was certainly time to spare now! The thought made me smile slightly and I turned to look at him. A fellow sufferer in an purgatory of antiseptic colourlessness.

But when I looked up, so did he. Such a conflicted face. He seemed as if on the verge of saying something but he did not. We had held each other’s gaze for far too long. It wasn’t right. It wasn’t quite… proper.

He broke away first. I don’t know why I couldn’t stop looking at him. He wasn’t conventionally handsome by any means. But then, perhaps I was tired of conventionality…

I saw his gaze drift down to my legs. They are a dancer’s legs – long, limber and elegant. My husband had made me give up ballet after we married, so I turned to swimming instead to make me happy. It was like dancing in the water. It made me feel alive.

“Do I know you from somewhere?” I asked softly.

His head snapped up as if he had been struck. “Sorry. What? No. I don’t think we know each other.”

“Really?” I said. “You were staring at me rather intensely, you know.”

He had the grace to blush and fidget slightly in his seat. “I’m sure I would know if I had,” he said finally.

I got up and crossed the room. He was watching me intently now, possibly with alarm or interest. It was hard to tell.

I settled into the seat next to him and crossed my legs. The slit in my skirt had revealed slightly more of my legs than I had intended. And his hands seemed to twitch slightly, as though he wanted to reach out to caress them.

“It’s so nice to meet you then,” I said, offering him my hand. “My name’s Katherine.”


Katherine, her mouth curled into a smile saying the last syllable of her name, as though it was implicitly part of it. Her tongue lingered on the teeth ever so slightly, forcing a slight part of her lips. I instinctively started to mimic the smile until I remembered where I was. I wasn’t sure I even had a cavity but brushing had been very sensitive lately. Self awareness forcing a timid grin I told her : “Stephen, with a ph. Nice to meet you.”

Get it together self, this is not a bar; She is just being sociable. The glint in her eyes betrayed her amusement, seeing me adrift in the conversation. No lifeline for me, she was content to see if I could recover gracefully.

“Come here often?” – Swing and a miss. She obviously was not one for idle chit chat as her eyes glossed over. I can do better. Letting go of her hand (how long was I holding her hand?) I slumped back and confided with a sigh

“I hate this place. It always puts me on edge, you know?” She was slightly taken aback at the sudden confession, but at least the interest rekindled. She sat at attention, leaning slightly towards me as if in on the conspiracy against this dentist

“I always hated the dentist too, ever since I was little”, She confided, ” I chipped a tooth and my parents might just have found the worst dentist, like out of a nightmare.”. She shifted, I was aware how close she was. Very aware. I had to fight my eyes for my brains’ attention to hear her words. She continued:”I could smell his breath through his mask, and his ears had tufts of hair!”

She laughed, rocking forward. Her hand landed on my knee for support. My head was an explosion of awareness.. Her rocking forward accentuated her legs, her upper body moving towards me with all her scents wafting gently towards me. I could smell a smart combination of her shampoo or conditioner, her freshly brushed teeth as she, like me, probably thought she could make up for not flossing twice a day for months with an intense care session on the day of the visit. Her breath was light and lovely though, and made me very aware of her attention to self-care. Her hand left as sudden as it landed, leaving an empty yearning on my leg.

I smiled: “It seems that was the requirement for dentists everywhere at the time, I had the same one. Except mine had eyebrows like peacock feathers!” That visual had tears rolling down her cheek. With that, the tension was finally broken.

Sitting back comfortably, she said: “It seems now it’s just kids chiding you for not brushing in the new and exciting way they thought of this year.”

“Like chihuahuas yapping, with about as much authority.” I agreed. “They might have looked like gnomes, but those old dentists had the voice.”

“The voice?” She asked quizzically.

“Yeah, the stern deep one,” I bent towards her, my face at its most serious, finger in front of her eyes:”You need to start brushing more often young lady!” Her eyes turned a fierce defiance. Did I hit a nerve?


“You need to start brushing more often, young lady.” Stephen’s finger wagged an inch in front of my nose, his voice a perfect reflection of my husband Henry’s. And I had to control every impulse to swat it away in disgust.

Stephen’s smile wavered slightly and his finger froze in mid-air. “I’m sorry,” he said after a few moments of silence had passed. “I didn’t mean to offend you.”

I tried to force a smile and shook my head gently as if to tell him that I wasn’t annoyed by his actions. I hadn’t even realised that I was now leaning away from him, my legs drawn back, as though I found him repulsive.

This was silly. There was no need to be rude after all. He couldn’t have known how much he sounded like Henry. In fact, he wouldn’t even have known about Henry. In my rush to make it to my appointment on time, I had competely forgotten to wear my wedding ring.

I looked down at my naked ring finger on my left hand. It felt very light, as though a heavy burden had been lifted from it. And, as my fingers had always been very slender, there were no marks on the finger to show that a heavy wedding band usually sat there. Henry always insisted that I wear my wedding ring whenever we went out together. I detested it. It was heavy and ostentatious. Much like Henry himself.

Stephen looked at me slightly puzzled and I realised that I had been silent for the last few seconds with a ridiculous frozen smile on my face. I felt myself flush with embarrassment and turn away. I couldn’t quite look him in the eye. I hated how I could be so awkward and childish sometimes.

“Perhaps it won’t be so bad this time, eh?” he said with a charming half-smile playing on his lips. I giggled. I knew he was trying to make me feel comfortable, to break the tension between us. And I appreciated it.

He cleared his throat and turned to look at the door to the dentist’s office. There was still no sign that either of us would be called anytime soon.

I felt strangely conflicted about that. Every minute I spent waiting in this awful place would mean another minute in Stephen’s company. And I found his presence oddly comforting… and intoxicating. He smelled warm and earthy, like a spice that could fill me up forever. And just below his right eye was a tiny scar that my fingers itched to stroke. I wanted to ask him what had happened and to kiss him to make the pain go away. And I began to wonder how his strong, lean fingers would feel if they caressed my legs and worked their way up my body.

Then, abruptly, Stephen stood up and my reverie was broken.

“Let’s go,” he said, holding out his hand to me in open invitation.

“Where? We have to wait here. We don’t have a choice.” I smiled gently at him.

“Yes, we do. We always have a choice even if we think we do not.” His voice trembled slightly but the hand that he held out to me was firm.


Where was I going with this? I didn’t know myself, just as surprised by my brazen action as she seemed to be. I just couldn’t stand this any longer. Not in here.

She backed off so quickly at the dentists’ imitation, she just looked so unnaturally shy all of a sudden. Fidgeting with her hands, looking down and demure, a sudden attack of anxiety, ever movement wafting more of her delicious scent.

I know this panic, I had this panic, I can fix this. I was overcome with the urge to just take her out of this whole ordeal, get that smile back, I wanted to bask in the warm radiance of it!

Hand out, slowly moving out of her reach, daring her to decide now to jump in the unknown with me. She was looking at my hand as though she never seen one before. I decided to add fuel to the embers of her longing look: “Maybe there’s a room that’s more suited for us in here.”.

Her head snapped up, looking at me like I told her the secret of the universe. A naked hunger had replaced her teasing, in-control demeanor. And yet, getting up, grasping my hand, she was as sensuous and majestic as the moon.

I remembered a private study or office was hidden somewhere in this practice from when I mistook it for the door to the bathroom on an earlier visit.

Sneaking through the halls, more to make a show for her than thinking we could really be hidden in these sterile white surroundings, we made our way to a seeming dead-end.

“I hope they didn’t lock this” I said as she looked at me quizzically, expectantly. Did she think I do this regularly? No time to worry. I need her like I need air. Somewhere in holding her hand my hormones surged and I was a teen again. Only thinking of her soft skin, her nimble fingers, her light athletic step. A click of the door released my held breath. Thank fuck!

We rushed in, and as soon as I locked the door so did our lips. They were the softest I ever felt. Holding her was holding a willow made of clouds, bending to every touch, light, soft. My hands were on her neck and side before I even finished tasting her sweet lips. More! I wanted more!

I became aware of her arms on my neck, pulling me into her as much as I was pulling her to me. I felt the swell of her breasts pressing into me. Her heart pounding next to mine, even through these layers of clothes. I was drowning in her tenderness, her strength, her need


He started at my lips, kissing me with a fierce animal passion that I had never felt before. One hand pulled my head close, while the other ran down my side to the small of my back, pulling me in towards him.

At the back of my mind, a tiny voice kept telling me to stop, to turn back. But I couldn’t. I had never felt this level of desire before. I wanted this. I needed this.

Without even thinking about it, I wrapped my arms around him, pulling him closer, returning his kisses more hungrily, more greedily. I felt giddy with delight. And in response, the hand on my back slowly slid down, cupping my bottom and gently lifting me off my feet, setting me down on the edge of a desk in the centre of the room.

Our lips separated for a moment. We both knew that we needed to come up for air or our passion for each other would consume us both.

A heavy silence hung in the air for a heartbeat. Was Stephen waiting for my permission to continue? Or my acknowledgment that I wanted him more than he could ever know? That my whole body yearned for his touch. That I wanted to taste him on my lips. That I hungered for him to bend me to his will.

Slowly, deliberately, I undid the top button of my blouse, and then another and another. It was just enough to reveal the top of the pale blue corset I was wearing underneath. It may be an unconventional choice of undergarment but it was one I took delight in. It made my already slender waist look flattering at all angles and gently pushed up my pale bosom to form two soft mounds over the top.

This corset, however, was just a little too short and the cups did not quite cover my little pink nipples fully. Instead, they stood perkily to attention in the cold office air.

I heard Stephen take a sharp breath at this suddenly sensual vision and I couldn’t tell if he was shocked or alarmed at my boldness. But I could feel the weight of his gaze on me. And it felt heavy and very, very hungry.

“I want you,” I whispered.


Those words emptied the world. There no longer was anything beyond her flushed face, her silken neck, her breasts, nipples struggling free of their confines with every breath.

My hand moved from her side down to the inside of her leg, down at her knees. I could feel how tense she was, muscles coiled like a spring. My hand moved up slowly as I kept my eyes locked on hers, that multicolored splendor with sharp observant pupils. Widening at my touch.

I could trace her muscles up, like a guide to the most private of tours. Thank the heavens for her dress!

I lean over to her and whisper hoarsely: ” You’re driving me crazy, I’m afraid if I go any further, if I feel you, that’s it for me. Then we’ll be,” I pause briefly to weigh the next words: “Fucking each other until they have to pull us off each other!”. I hear her exhale sharply, nearly but not exactly a moan.

She answers for me by grabbing my hand, gently, firmly, and moving it the last few inches upwards. I can feel her panties stick to her as my hand moves past to the top. And then under, and down. And in. Just a little. All my smooth moves honed over years of practice and theorizing out of the window. No slow seduction of her body, moving up and down, teasing her relentlessly. This is raw desire, pure lust! I needed to feel her, that finger had no way of not being there. I could not do it. And even if I could, she would not forgive me for it.

My middle finger slid in her as though it had always belonged there, the other fingers more than content feeling and rubbing their way all around her vagina. The heat radiating from her was welcoming, was enticing. I could stand it not longer, this connection with her overwhelmed my senses and I just had to kiss her deeply. To be connected to her like a loop. Like a battery. It charged me.

I pressed into her hard and she responded with equal fierceness. Her arms a flurry on my chest and shoulders, as if having too many spots to want to go. One hand found purchase on my ass, pulling me in, but feeling me up as well. Cheeky!

We were so close that she could feel how hard I was, pressing against her as I was. My fingers were done exploring, she was bucking against me urging me on. A second finger joined inside her, feeling for some specific raised bumps, and I curled them upwards. Her eyes flew wide open.

My other hand, mostly resting at her neck, sometimes her ears, sometimes her chest just below her throat, moved to her breasts. Hungrily pawing at first, but then more confident, more focused as her moans and shakes directed me to her weakest spots.

We were so pressed into the bookshelf that a couple books came tumbling down thanks to our ministrations.. We held our breath as well we could. (I was not about to stop, she was so close.. I could feel her in the height of passion)


I locked eyes, grinned, and made a sudden light but strong jerk. Shaking/vibrating my arm as I held her up by my hand. Still looking into her, still smirking. She knew I knew exactly what I was doing to her. And she gushed.


My body shuddered. I felt faint and unnaturally lightheaded, as if I had been falling for millions of miles and had yet to find solid ground.

I eyes tried to focus on Stephen’s face. But it was hard. So very hard. His fingers were deep inside me now, stoking upwards with strong but loving strides, like a man beckoning to his lover. His thumb was pressed against my clit, teasingly playing with it, creating waves of electricity that ran up and down my spine.

And every so often, I could feel something hard, hot and heavy against my inner thigh as he pressed his body against mine. And of their own accord, my hips pressed even closer to him, moving back and forth with urgency. I knew what was coming and I ached for it.

Still, his hungry lips were fastened around my left nipple, sucking and licking it gently, as if it were his favourite treat. While his other hand pinched and stroked my right nipple, rolling it expertly between his fingers. I knew that in that moment I was nothing but his little play toy. And I loved it.

Waves of desire were building up in my body. My limbs were growing weak against the continual onslaught of pleasure. My lips parted but no words came out. I couldn’t think. I couldn’t move. But I was hungry for more. So much more.

Then, without warning it all stopped. I stared at him disoriented, in shock, as he dropped to his knees and forced my legs apart. But when I felt his lips brush against my clit and his warm, tantalising breath as he delivered kisses all up and down the sides, my eyes widened with delight. I felt the tips of his fingers softly probe the very entrance to my vagina, as his tongue curled around my clit, and it took every ounce of my self-control not to scream.

“Hurry up, and fuck me already, you bastard!” I growled between clenched teeth.


I was greedily lapping her up, taking care to work around her sensitive clit. I could feel the rapid pulse of her heartbeat on my tongue whenever I neared.

I heard her mutter near incomprehensibly, but could make out “fuckh” and “Bastd”. I knew I was getting her fully sensitive to me. Her hands grabbed my hair hard and pulled me up, like she no longer had a sense of restraint or care. She needed me. She needed ME. SHE needed ME! I was straining against the fabric, harder than I’ve ever been in my life. I skipped the buttons of my pants entirely as I hooked my thumbs in and yanked down my pants in one go. Her fingers dug into my chest, as if she was grappling me in. Her eyes darted down quickly as if she was not supposed to look at me but too curious to stop herself. her hand seemed to move down as if by itself, until I grabbed it.

” Are you sure?” It was the most stupid question in history. But I had to at least pretend one of us was still in control of ourselves. She kept moving her hand down, but much more deliberately this time, and grabbed my cock as though checking to see if it was real.

Time moved slow. Her hand fit me like a glove, I could feel every line of her fingerprint on me. She groaned as though I already penetrated her, and pulled me by the dick, pressing me against her, rubbing herself with my head, but not allowing me in yet. I was in heaven, I was in hell.
Her nipples cut into my chest and I was sure they’d break skin, but I was beyond caring. Her short breaths caressing my chest and neck.

Then reality came rushing back as my name was called outside. For a moment she froze, my head still firmly pressed on her pussy, but not quite inside. Just parting her lips. She gasped, and I put my hand on her mouth.

“They can wait” I said, and pushed my hips forward. Her eyes went even wider, but no longer in shock. All the adrenaline of the panic now just adding to her excitement. I could feel her, completely. The hand on her mouth seemed to permit her to moan as loud as she wanted, and I felt her moans on my hand, her voice translated through my skin as pure lust, and I responded in kind.

No smooth motions. Not my signature twist of my hip as I pushed. Just raw, hard sex. We could only fuck, there was only lust. There was only the feeling of her skin, now slightly sweaty, on mine. I buried myself in her neck as her nails found new purchase on my ass, trying to pull me into her as if her pussy could fit all of me.

She froze slightly, and a shudder started deep inside her. That was it.. for me..


My legs felt weak, oh so weak. They had always been my strength. My most beautiful and defining feature. But now I could barely move them as they wrapped around his hips, shaking with every thrust. The vibrations travelled down to my toes and made them curl in exquisite ecstasy, as I crossed my ankles behind Stephen’s back as if to lock him to me. He was pushing into me deeper and deeper and I was feeling too greedy to ever let go.

I could feel my fingers press into his back and pull him in with every push, as if drawing him further and further in. I wanted him. I needed him. All of him. It was as though a barrier had been broken inside of me and a flood of passion had been released, consuming all of my old tensions in its wake and replacing it with pure naked lust.

There was nothing polite or civilised or even elegant about what we were doing. But I had never felt so free. Or so giddy with joy at my complete loss of self-control.

Suddenly, we both froze. Buried so deep within me, he had felt it even before I did. My body was tightening reflexively as a tidal wave of desire flooded it. I could feel it building within me, and it was terrifying in its intensity.

“Let go, my love. You need this,” he whispered. His breath against my ear set my skin on fire. And I could only nod in mute submission.

He pressed his lips to mine with a frightful urgency, as I screamed into him and my nails raked his back. The pain and pleasure made my body tense and then release like a tightly coiled spring, as his fingers dug into my neck and back and he pushed into me for the last time.

There was a final moan and a shudder (I have no idea which of us made the sound but truthfully it did not matter at that point) and I felt a warm wetness run down my trembling legs as Stephen pulled out of me with deliberate slowness and a few gentle kisses. Then, almost regretfully, he released his grip on my back and sat on the floor with his head buried in his hands.

Was he feeling remorseful? Exhausted? I could not tell.

But I barely felt like moving at that point myself. My whole body ached and my breath was still a series of shuddering gasps, as the tension slowly drained out of me and the sheer absurdity of what we had done stuck me. I looked down at Stephen with a smile.

“So,” I said, trying not to giggle, “do you come here often?”

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/daep3s/i_hated_going_to_the_dentist_mf_cheat_long


  1. Nobody else is going to say it? Okay.

    u/rankurai and u/peckham_spring are definitely fucking each others brains out IRL.

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