DV, Anal, and a Round of Applause [MFM]

As published in [Dean’s Sexplorations:](https://deanssexplorations.tumblr.com/post/155890227402/dv-anal-and-a-round-of-applause)

I have a backlog of stories to write. I consider a few to be pretty fundamental and had been planning to tell them next. The only problem is I continue to have adventures, and every so often one of them even proves blog-worthy. And when that happens, I want to get them down while they are still recent. So here goes: a new story elbowing its way into the queue.

I got back yesterday from a trip to New York, where I made two new friends: Karen and her boyfriend Seamus. I had met Karen online prior to a previous trip but we weren’t able to make schedules work out so this was our first meeting. Both of us knew the score and the reason we were getting together. She invited Seamus, which I knew about all along, and everyone was looking forward to getting together. She suggested a bar near the hotel where I was staying, and the meet was on.

I arrived a few minutes before she did, and recognized her from her photo. It was dark, but she spotted me and gave me a hug. We ordered drinks and chatted for a few minutes before Seamus joined us – she having come straight from work.

Karen is intelligent, attractive, and assertive. She grew up on Long Island, works on Wall Street, and doesn’t take bullshit from anyone. She knows what she wants and isn’t afraid to get it. Seamus is a photographer and designer and has the face of a Hollywood leading man. I’m not kidding – his steel jaw and full head of hair are quite remarkable. Not to mention that he’s incredibly graceful and charming. The three of us hit it off, with chit-chat about jobs and backgrounds morphing into sharing experiences in the swinging lifestyle.

At one point Seamus went to the balcony for a smoke – we were on the 54th floor and had quite the view of mid-town Manhattan – and I immediately leaned over and kissed Karen. With intention. She returned it with equal intention and told me she found me sexy. If there was a shred of remaining doubt as to how the evening would end it was gone by that point.

The three of us finished our drinks and crossed the street to my hotel room, enjoyed almost exactly the same view as from the bar, and started kissing and sidling up to each other. Seamus ducked into the bathroom and I moved in behind Karen, kissed her lightly on the neck, and ran my fingers through her hair. She arched her neck and back, thrusting her ass into my erection. When Seamus returned we took turns kissing and fondling her, removing her clothing article by article until she stood in bra and panties, the two men fully clothed.

We migrated to the bed and continued kissing and fondling her, Seamus concentrating on her right breast and I on her left. As Seamus kissed her and worked that breast, I slowly migrated down her torso. Eventually she lost her panties and I kissed and stroked her inner thighs, slowly making my way to her labial lips, and, finally began tonguing her clit and fingering her vagina.

She turned out to be quite orgasmic – or so it seemed – and came fairly strongly and quickly. By that point Seamus was naked and she was sucking his cock. I lost my boxers, which was all I was wearing at that point, and donned my trusty cock ring – never leave home without it. I knelt by Karen’s head and she started sucking my cock and balls. Seamus proceeded to fuck her from behind.

We continued for a bit, variously switching positions and orifices, until at one point she was riding my cock. I was having a great time, and it seemed all three of us were. Since they were both experienced in the swinging/kink lifestyle, I decided to see where they were willing to go. “Have you guys done DP?” I queried, to which Karen responded that yes, they had done it a number of times. As have I, although I haven’t blogged about it yet – darn this telling stories out of order! – so upping the ante I asked, “Have you done DV?”

Yes, I’ve done DP a few times – even successfully – and for those of you who have also done it I’m assuming you will empathize with the challenge. Six legs, two cocks, two orifices to coordinate, all while maintaining erections – it can be a bit of a logistical issue. But I’ve never done DV, probably in no small part because so many men are freaked out by the homoerotic aspect – heaven forbid your cock touches another man’s! And so DV remained a bucket list item, one that I was very keen to try at some point.

Karen looked at me and said she would love to try DV, and Seamus said he was up for it as well. Neither had done it before, so it would be a fun first for all. We decided I would be the bottom guy with Seamus on top, so we scooched to the edge of the bed and Karen mounted my cock, riding it up and down. Seamus started out by inserting a finger, then two, to stretch out her pussy, and eventually shoved his cock in.

It was a very interesting experience. I had wondered how the feeling would compare with plain old fucking a vagina and I found it to be markedly different. I could clearly feel where her pussy ended and his cock began, and it was a very erotic, very hot experience all around.

And Karen seemed to be even more affected. For one thing her pussy was stretched twice as far as normal, and she told me afterward that it was borderline painful for her. But incredibly erotic. While it was happening she seemed to go into a sexual trance, losing touch with everything but the sensation in her pussy.

We maintained the DV for a minute or two before Seamus admitted the angle was challenging due to the height of the bed. So we decided to switch places, with him being on bottom and me on top. He took his spot on the edge of the bed and Karen went down on him in order to, shall we say, prep him for our second go-around. And somehow we decided to switch to DP at that point, I think just to cover all our bases.

I moved behind her and started fingering her pussy and rubbing my cock up against it. My juices flowing, I said “you know, I really should prep that ass for DP,” and she told me to go for it. So I lubed up, found her anus, and slowly slid my cock in. She moaned a bit and kept right on sucking Seamus, her hips moving in time with mine. I thrust my cock deeper with every push until it was fully inserted in her rectum.

Eventually Seamus was ready so she mounted him, and I worked to once again get my cock into her ass. In full disclosure, the DP was only partially successful. One or the other cock was in one or the other orifice at various points, and I’d say there was even a time or two that both were at least partially inserted simultaneously. But as I said, and those of you who’ve done this before will hopefully agree, the logistics are a bit tricky. I have no idea how porn stars make it look so easy.

After that we finally took a break. Karen retreated to the restroom to wash off and Seamus, who it seems came while Karen was riding him, crashed on the room’s comfy chair. I, not yet having come, stretched out on the bed, idly cradling my still mostly-hard cock. (For those of you who don’t use a cock ring, I highly suggest it. They do wonders.)

When Karen returned, the three of us chatted for a bit, and I learned that not only was DV a first for them but so was our anal session in a way. I was the first guy aside from Seamus that she allowed into her ass – at least since the two of them had been dating – which I considered to be a tremendous honor. And while I was discovering all of that, I encouraged her hand to play with my cock. After all, why not double the fun while conversing? She gladly obliged, which turned into her giving me head, which turned into me giving her head, and eventually into me fucking her again.

Since Seamus had already come, he watched from the chair. I motioned him over (I’m hyper-vigilant about checking in with all parties in a group, especially when I’m the shiny new toy) but he said he was good and preferred to watch. I could sense it was time for me to come, so I started approaching the mental place that allows me to go there.

As I got closer and could sense that tell-tale tickling, tingling feeling near the tip of my cock, I closed my eyes and focused my attention on the sensations coursing through my body. My grunting grew louder and my breathing heavier, and – I have no doubt – it was clear to the two of them that I was approaching my climax.

At the risk of foreshadowing another story I have yet to blog, my old sex coach (yes, I once had a sex coach – keep your eyes peeled for that entry) gave me two or three really wonderful gifts, one of the best being the advice not to hold back when I come. In other words, I just let ‘er rip, feeling free to vocalize however the moment strikes me. It seems many men, whether influenced by porn or just the sense of stoicism we feel we need to imbue, tend to remain quiet and display little in the way of animation. I know that certainly described me until my sex coach helped me untame the inner beast.

That’s a long way of saying that these days when I come, I let it all out. It starts with grunting and heavy breathing, slowly building until I ejaculate, when I usually emit a loud half roar/half growl. It’s not put on; it’s a true reflection of what I’m feeling. But it definitely enhances my experience, and, it seems, it often enhances my partner’s as well. To make a long story short, when I come, you hear it.

That night was no different. I built up to one of my signature loud ejaculations, and Karen, given ample advance warning, seemed to time her orgasm to mine. After the peak of my climax, I continued a few spasmodic thrusts deep into her pussy, aftershocks of the main event.

As I finally extracted my cock and collapsed next to her, Seamus broke into a round of applause. I have no doubt it was half facetious, and I don’t mind the ribbing, but there also seemed to be a sense of congratulations. The three of us had a good chuckle over that.

We marveled at how many firsts we had achieved that night. First DV for all three, first anal for Karen with someone other than Seamus, and first spontaneous applause for a sexual performance. We agreed that three firsts was an impressive feat, especially considering that we were all pretty experienced in these matters.

Which reminds me that I left out a key piece of the story. At the bar when the three of us were discovering the extent of our involvement in the swinging/kink lifestyle, I mentioned that I had recently begun blogging my sexual adventures. Both were interested and asked if I was going to blog about that night. I told them that would depend on whether the evening turned out to be blog-worthy.

Later in bed, when I asked about DP then proposed DV, Karen said she would love to do it without hesitation. Then she paused for a moment and asked, “If we do DV, will we make the blog?“ 

“Oh yes,” I replied, “you will definitely make the blog.” 

#DV #DoubleVagina #Anal #DP #DoublePenetration #AndaRoundofApplause #Karen #Seamus

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/da8k62/dv_anal_and_a_round_of_applause_mfm