No Exceptions [MF][Creampie][Scifi]

Uirlis awoke just after dawn as she usually did and like most mornings, she was alone. She reached her slender hand to the empty space beside her where her partner would lay at night. The remnants of his warmth lingered in the sheets and that was enough to bring a smile to Uirlis’ lips as she curled into a small ball.

The glow of the morning sun warmed her legs as light crept into the room. Even if she hadn’t woken up on her own, it would have flooded her face within a few short minutes and she would have been forced awake anyway. She was naked, save for the pair of small panties and the thin tank-top that she wore. The material was delicate, barely concealing the shape of the puffy, pink nipples that stood on the peaks of Uirlis’ small breasts.

She stretched and enjoyed the feeling of the sunlight as it washed over body before she decided to finally get out of bed. Like the rest of the living quarters, the bedroom was small with only the barest of necessities. Alongside the bed, there was a wardrobe and a small desk. A chest of drawers held most of Uirlis’ belongings, of which there weren’t many, and a large mirror leaned against the wall in the corner of the room.

Uirlis made her way to the bathroom that adjoined the bedroom so she could wash her face before getting ready for the day. She had bright blue eyes and a straight nose that led towards her perfectly shaped, pouted lips. She had light freckles that dotted her skin just below the surface and could only be seen if one stared too intensely at her. It was one of the few flaws that Uirlis held, alongside the fact that her face was very, very slightly asymmetrical. While neither of these things hindered her beauty in any way, like all synthetics, her genetics had been deliberately manipulated to keep her from “perfection”.

Her flimsy clothing was removed, piece by piece. Her naked body was just as her partner had designed it to be. Everything from the golden-blonde hair that grew to the small of her back; to the way her slender frame held only the most subtle curves; and even her height, these were all determined by him when she was being made. From even the most basic, genetic level she was designed to please him and Uirlis was more than content with that.

She showered and went through the typical grooming habits that had been instilled in her. She didn’t need to. Rather, it would have been more precise to say that she wouldn’t need to if her partner had decided it. He could have designed her body in such a way that she wouldn’t grow hair at her armpits, or on her legs, or at her pubic region, but he didn’t. He told her that she needed these things to feel human – she wasn’t sure what he meant by that. At no point, from the moment that Uirlis was born, did she feel like anything less than human. She was human. She was just lucky enough to have been born with a purpose and with that purpose always by her side.

When she emerged from the living quarters, her partner was nowhere to be seen. The sun had already risen to the point where the morning haze was already. The research facility that she inhabited hummed with energy as the machines, tools, and gadgets all waited to be used for one purpose or another.

There were only two inhabitants at the facility: her and her partner. Well, two human inhabitants anyway. In fact, she and him were the only two humans on the entire planet.

Uirlis was everything from assistant, maid, friend, companion, lover, and wife. Her partner was a scientist and everything she did was in pursuit of helping him complete his goals. He was odd in his own way and fine with the fact that he alone was dispatched to catalogue the idiosyncrasies of this alien world. Like Uirlis, he was someone who was happy to have a purpose and he took great pleasure in fulfilling that purpose. He spent most of his days studying, researching, categorizing, and seeking to understand every facet of their strange home and as long as he was happy, Uirlis was happy as well.

He had been at his task for almost two decades now. For much of that time he had been alone except for his synthetic partners. Uirlis was not the first and she knew that. There had been many before her and she had come to accept that she was not special to him. At least, not in the way he was special to her. Synthetics did not tend to live very lengthy lives. They certainly could. If their owners wanted them to, they could be designed never to age and simply persist through time. Hers was not such an owner. He lacked the kindness or the cruelty to give her a long life, perhaps to spare her from the fate of being at the facility for years or maybe for other reasons. Whatever motivated his decisions, she accepted what he had bestowed upon her, even if she didn’t understand his reasons. She wanted to be with him now. She always felt this way. A tug deep in her chest, somewhere behind her heart, that compelled her to find him.

She found him outside as he prepared to embark on a journey beyond the boundaries of the compound and hesitated only a moment before deciding to approach. He had been in the middle of packing the rover he used to traverse terrain that could range from dense jungle to harsh, rocky deserts. His plans for the day seemed to distract him because he paid her no mind even as she drew close.

“Good morning,” Uirlis said. Like him, she wore plain, white clothing that showed no design or expression of her personality at all. She made up for that fact by giving a warm smile as she looked up at him.

Her partner was a man who was similar to her yet, so very different. He was taller, more muscular, and held a deep brooding expression at all times. As she greeted him, he looked towards her and placed one of his large hands on her head. Uirlis felt a warmth growing somewhere in the depths of her stomach as he showed her the small sign of affection, even if he didn’t return her greeting. He was her everything. He was her father, and her teacher. He was her owner, husband, and best friend. Even if she was able to choose not loving him, she was certain she would have anyway.

“Are you leaving already?” she asked.

“Yes,” he said. His voice had a very matter-of-fact tone to it. “I’ll be back by sundown. Did you manage to prepare everything I’ve asked of you?”

“I did,” she replied softly. “Everything is ready. I was just hoping that you would have left a little later, that’s all.”

Her partner looked towards the sky in the direction of the rising sun. “I don’t have time,” he said. “No time to be waiting around here, at least.”

Uirlis knew what he meant. He had time, just none for her. She smiled anyway. “What shall I do while you’re gone?”

“Take care of Rex,” her partner said. “He’s been bored lately, or lonely. I can’t tell. He doesn’t move around much so at least try to get him some exercise.”

“Okay,” she said softly. “But I meant if there was anything you wanted me to be ready with by the time you got back. I could do some of your work, or I could cook you something,” Uirlis blushed, “I could wear something special for you…I know you’ve been busy…”

Her partner stopped on his way back to the rover with a bundle in his hands. He looked at her with an expression that was almost impossible for her to decipher and she wondered if he had made it so difficult for her to read him on purpose. It was something that she was grateful for, though, because when he put the bundle down and kissed her, it was as exhilarating as the first time. Her body sank into his as his strong hands wrapped around her midsection. He pulled her into him and she stood on the tips of her toes so their lips could meet without him having to bend his neck too much.

“I’ll be back by sundown,” he repeated. “I’ll give you the attention you need tonight.”

Uirlis blushed. She could never put together what was going on underneath the mask of his stern expression but he always knew what she was thinking. She took it for love but she also knew that he had put together the building blocks of her personality. She was a slave to him in body, mind, and spirit but that was all she had ever wanted to be.

As she stood and watched the rover depart, Uirlis tried to put the heartache she felt out of mind. He would return as he always did so she had to be strong. He had told her to care for Rex so, as the rover disappeared in the distance, she set out to find him. If nothing else, Rex would keep her company until her partner came back home.

Uirlis found Rex where he always was when not engaged by either of his two owners. He was a behemoth animal that her partner had told her originated from Earth. That was a place Uirlis had never been, and would likely never be to, but she enjoyed hearing stories of what it was like. Somehow, a planet full of other people that walked and talked like she and he did was unimaginable almost – magical, even.

Rex was a dog. A creature that was also quite common on Earth. Unlike Earth dogs, however, Rex was synthetic and designed to survive on alien worlds and to cater to her partner’s wants and needs just as she had been.

There was no intelligent life native the planet and, as a result, neither she nor her partner were allowed to have weaponry. To protect themselves from any encroaching endemic life, Rex had been designed and was maintained at the research facility as a guardian, companion, and, though rarely, a weapon. Even when on all four legs, he stood at Uirlis’ shoulder. He had black-brown coloration and shaggy fur that grew thick around his neck and shoulders, almost like a mane. Because of his great size, he preferred to spend his time lazing around so as to not consume too much energy, though he could be fierce and hyperactive if needed.

As Uirlis approached, Rex turned towards her and observed with his large, brown eyes. Much of her free time was spent with Rex who, in addition to being her partner’s property, was the closest thing she had to a companion when he was gone. She knelt beside him and pressed her hands against his flank. While she tried to coax him onto his back, Rex instead pressed his great snout into her neck “Rex, that tickles!” she squealed as he licked at her face. Within seconds he laid on his back and soon after he thumped his leg frantically as Uirlis scratched his underside. “That’s a good doggie,” she said. “Do you want to come inside? Go for a walk?”

Rex groaned as she pulled her hands away from his sweet spot. He seemed to consider her offer as he was quite capable of understanding speech. Through his intelligent gaze, she could tell that that he would prefer to remain where he was but she gave him no choice. She stood up and snapped her fingers which would compel him to follow her. The ground almost shook as he clambered his way to his feet and slowly followed Uirlis with his large, fluffy paws plodding as he easily kept pace.


Uirlis’ partner returned from his expedition just around sundown, as he said he would. She tried to hide her glee but, like usual, he read her expression perfectly. That night was like most. They had dinner in silence before Uirlis retired first. She showered and then laid in bed while wearing nothing. Not long afterwards her partner entered. He had shut down the facility for the night and secured the compound. He took one look at her bare nakedness and she knew he wouldn’t deny her what she wanted. Not tonight. She touched herself invitingly but he chose instead to disappear into the bathroom in order to clean himself before he laid with her.

When he emerged from the shower with his towel wrapped around him, Uirlis couldn’t help but bite her lip. When the towel hit the ground to display his nakedness, a small gasp involuntarily escaped her mouth.

Her partner’s reaction to seeing her nakedness was one of the reasons Uirlis felt blessed to be made in the manner she had been. He was already stiff when he took place in bed and when he moved between her parted thighs, his rock-hard cock seemed eager to be inside her. She wanted him like she always did and held onto his shoulders while he kissed her neck and breasts. The soft, puffy nipples of hers stiffened quite quickly as he took each into his mouth and Uirlis reached between his legs to take his prick in her hands, even as his own fingers slid inside her drooling sex.

“I’ve missed you,” she whispered. She tried her best to tease him but couldn’t hold back her own desires long enough to do so. She was weak. She was made weak and even as she tried to prolong the inevitable lovemaking, her heart raced with excitement. “Please,” she muttered, begging, “make love to me.”

She didn’t need to ask more than once before she felt him enter her body. Her tightness screamed in protest as his bulbous cockhead pierced her cunt. She groaned and pulled away from him, only to be pinned to the mattress as his throbbing manhood bore into her center and split apart the tightly coiled flesh. Her entire body shook as he moved within her, causing her insides to tremble. She clenched on him without meaning to and her partner’s moan was enough to make her eyes roll upwards. She grabbed onto his biceps firmly enough for her nails to dig into his skin and he thrusted in response, sending Uirlis into ecstasy.

His movements were precise and practiced. Uirlis’ body responded as it always did. She bit back her pleasure but it was only so long before she broke under his weight of his lovemaking. Her cries filled the air as her partner partook in her body and it wasn’t long until her bubbling climax loomed just below the surface.

She wrapped her legs around his waist and held onto him tightly. Her arms were around his neck to hold him in place as her fingers raked through his hair. Her loins burned with a fire that raged somewhere deep in her belly. She wanted it. She wanted what only he could give her. This fire – the desire – that could only be extinguished by him bathing her insides with his warm, thick seed. She squeezed him, using her core muscles to massage and milk his throbbing cock as it pounded and grinded against her insides. He churned her into a creamy mess until, at last, she felt him spill over. Her partner’s body went rigid as he groaned in his deep, masculine voice and at the same time, Uirlis felt waves of pleasure rock her body. Several spurts of his emission splashed against her walls and she squealed in response as her fingers raked his back fiercely enough to almost draw blood. She was finally able to let go after withholding her orgasm and allowed herself to climax alongside him.

The two remained connected until her partner grew soft inside of her. When he pulled out and laid on his back to catch his breath, Uirlis reached down to feel her gaping hole as it oozed a sticky mixture of sperm and her own wetness. She was sensitive to the touch, so much so that just the feeling of her fingers caressing her swollen petals was enough to make her shudder and whimper. When she was done, she laid her hands over her midriff, just below her navel, and hummed quietly to herself.

“What are you doing?” her partner asked.

“Hoping,” Uirlis replied contentedly.

“Hoping for what?”

Uirlis blushed. “For a miracle,” she responded.

Her partner scoffed. The small sound was enough to cut her deep and she felt silly as he turned away from her to sit on the edge of the bed. “Stop getting your hopes up,” he said. “I told you that you cannot get pregnant. It is impossible. You know this better than anyone else.”

He was right. Uirlis was acutely aware of every function occurring in her body at any given time. While his words were harsh, they merely reflected the reality that she knew to be true. “I know,” she said. “I can feel it.”

“Then why waste your time hoping for something you know will never happen?”

Uirlis’ eyes burned as he fought back the tears that managed to spill onto her cheeks. “Am I not allowed to?”

He scoffed again. “You can do whatever you want.”

“No,” she said. “I can’t.”


Uirlis shook her head and didn’t respond. She laid on the pillow and reached towards her partner’s back so she could trace her fingertip along his spine. She felt the bumps and ridges just under his skin. He, like her, was imperfect but she couldn’t help but love him all the same. “I’m dying,” she said flatly.

“I know.”


“I know,” he responded once more. “Why bring this up now?”

“Because I don’t want to leave you.”

Her partner turned towards her. His look was, as usual, undecipherable to her. “Is that why you want to get pregnant? Because you know you’re dying?”

Uirlis shook her head. He was right, but for the wrong reasons. “I’m just confused,” she said.

“You’re confused because you’re trying to want something you know you can’t have. Put it out of your mind and stop being stupid.”

“No,” Uirlis said. “I’m not confused about that. I know I’ll never get pregnant and I know you’ll never love me. I’m not stupid.”

“Then what’s confusing to you?” her partner asked.

“I’m just confused as to why you’d make me this way?”

“I don’t understand what you’re asking.”

“Why would you make me love you and want nothing more than to carry your baby, yet make that impossible? How could you be so cruel?”

For the first time since she knew him, her partner hid his face from her. He turned away and said nothing for a long time. Uirlis hoped for an answer to be forthcoming but it never was. His next words simply told her to go to sleep and Uirlis did. After all, it was in her nature to obey him.


1 comment

  1. So I’ll just point out here that this is like 60% of the entirety of this story. The remaining 40% does lead to a happier ending but the road to get there is dark. Dark and dangerous. A road that should not be walked by those who wish to enter the kingdom of Heaven.

    Now, if you want to be the kind of disgusting individual who busts a nut to the actual ending of this story, then feel free to DM me and I will link you to where this story is uploaded in its entirety. I am just saying that it’s not holy and you have been warned.

    And that is not reverse psychology. Do not request the rest of this story unless you masturbate to fucked up things. I’m being 100% serial right now. Like, super serial.

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