The Hunger is Real For Her [MMF]

My 1st bisexual Experience started as a fantasy of my girls. She had often stated during our lovemaking that having another man inside of her while In a 69 position with me was her Greatest fantasy.
Having had a few MfM threesomes under our belt, close contact with other Males was nothing new to me.
It was the idea of actually performing fellatio on a Male I was Very Leary of being a “Straight” Male.
It was during one of our recent Playdates I would find out Just how Hot she found the idea.
Our New friend Mike invited us over one afternoon to have some fun at his place. Once we arrived and a couple of drinks later Mike had us very comfortable and clothes started coming off in a Rather quick fashion.
My Girl is a Very Sexy Blonde, With a Very nice tight body, once she undressed Mike’s Hard on started to visibly Swell inside his shorts.
Naked and Buzzing, She stated for us to get out of our clothes, the pics he had sent us on Kik of his Cock did no justice to the Size of his Long, Thick Cut Cock.
We settled down on the couch with my girl on her knees between us. Giggling, She Grasped his 9+ Shaft in her small hand and the lust in her eyes was Readily Apparent..
Looking for a sign from me she Reached over and grasped my Cock in her other hand as She Nibbled gently on his Cock head.
Seeing her Slowly try to take his what I thought was Massive Cock in her mouth had Me at Attention and then some. I always enjoyed seeing her get Fucked, the way she moves when she’s getting Fucked is Sexy as I could ever imagine and I anticipated the visual I was going to Experience seeing her try to fit all of him in her tight pussy.
She Moved from His Cock to mine and back again, Making sure she Gave us equal attention with her wet lips.
Suddenly she Stopped and looked me right in the eye and said Make it come true.
I kind of shuddered, I wanted to please her any way I can but this was going a little to far. “Well”? She asked, Grasping his Thick Shaft in her small hand. She let go, grabbed my hand and placed it on his Cock. It was Hot to the touch and slightly damp from her sucking but Felt Amazing in a Wired way. She Smiled ear to ear as I Gently Squeezed it and slowly started to stroke. Mike apperantly let her in the fact that he was bi, He reached over and grasped my Cock in his hand and said it’s Cool, Feel free to do whatever you want.
Her Fingers Immediately Went to her pussy, Slowly rubbing her lips and engorged clit as she watched us Stroke each other.



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