Empress Lysa – Chapter 1 [Femdom] [Vampire] [Paranormal] [Kidnapping] [Reverse-Rape] [Bondage] [Torture] [Hypnosis]

I’ve always wanted to write female dominated stories, and I love the idea of powerful women getting exactly what they want, however they want. I also love Paranormal stuff :)

This is the story of Lysa, a Vampire and Empress who longs for the leisure and secure life of her fellow goddesses. She’s drifted and hunted for a long time, but now she’s ready to find some grounding – to capture mortal pets for her pleasure and become more active in the Empress realms as a whole. This is the first step toward a new reality within the Empress realms – a unification of Empresses who will finally come together to rebuild their shattered worlds and rule as goddesses over the multiverse.

Curiosity kills these men. It isn’t I, regardless of their blood tainting my hands when I’m through with them. No, however it’s my favorite part of mortal men… their curiosity. Men, through the ages, have been driven by curiosity and purpose. They work, grow strong and build structured, firm lives. They have a curiosity about the unknown, and they strive to make it known.

This is where I get to have my fun. And it doesn’t seem to rest, despite the tales and stories through the ages warning men not to venture into darkness as they do. These men who hear the rumors of dark beings and mysterious happenings deep in the forests wander in here, reeking of curiosity and purpose, smelling so delicious. The ancient empresses play here as much as they work and lounge. The men foolishly try to push their passion through us, not knowing they will be destroyed in the end.

However, after thousands of years of this I’m ready to settle down. To at last have a mortal man become my thrall. To be served and pleasured how I see fit for the rest of time.


I am one of the eldest members of the empress line, myself being regarded a *vampire* by the mortals, whatever that word is supposed to mean. I’ve never bothered with learning why. However, we’ve adopted their names for us, mostly out of fun, but also for ease of identification. Many other empresses gather into the mortal realm to have their fun and bring about subtle chaos, bearing names many names given by this plane of existence – *werewolves*, *dryads*, *succubae*. I have to hand it to the men and women of earth; they truly do get creative with their titles.

I still don’t know where we come from exactly. I’ve lost track of how long I’ve been alive, wandering dimensions and planes of existence. And as far as I can tell I’m not alone. Empresses and Emperors tend to mostly be wanderers but many have gathered into civilizations and systems of power in many dimensions and realms, battling to bring about control over this realm or that. I often leave politics and boring stuff to the ones who find it important. I prefer to focus on the pleasures and excitements that come with this way of life.

I, along with the rest of these drifters have discovered true freedom. The earthen planes are the most fun, infinite lands to play and live in. Either reincarnating ourselves again and again into mortal form to live limited lives or stepping in to meddle in affairs and keep track of the entertainment that is human social affairs, war and politics.

Personally, I crave a specific taste that most empresses share, though mine is a little unique based on my nature. This existence of mine is cold and painful at times. I have a consistent hunger for the blood of mortals so I frequent the earthen planes. But I, along with some others of my kind, have discovered the joys of mortal pleasures. In many ways we resemble these humans, however our senses have the capability of being increased much more than these beings can even hope to imagine.

Their blood warms me and satiates me. Their suffering teases me and brings me joy. And the pleasures of being a woman – an empress – can be experienced as much as I want. The men of my kind cannot give me what these mortal men can. Warmth, hardness, those sweet cries of pleasure and pain… blood… and that look of dying curiosity and purpose leaving their eyes.

I eat it all up.


Lately I have been craving for more. I get like this sometimes, but it’s been intense these passing months on earth. The excitement I once had from luring lost men, having my way with them and slaughtering them afterward is decreasing in satisfaction. In short, it’s simply becoming an old routine.

“I’m going to take a pet for myself,” I told Osegina, a Dryad, and one of my only friends here on the earthen planes.

Her body was still in its natural humanoid form. The curves and body of a luscious woman, her flesh being that of green material, mostly leafy in nature. Vines ran up her hips and around her back and large leaves hung from the back of her like a flowing cape. Her hair was vine-like and produced thorns – this is what she uses to ensnare her prey, besides her sharp, penetrating eyes. Currently, they were dark and shrouded in a vast night.

She looked at me with those pitch-black eyes, clearly excited for me.

“Oh Lysa!” her voice was high pitched, reverberating yet grounded between the two of us. Her hands clasped together and they pressed to her cheek. She could be absolutely adorable when she wanted to be. Passionate too. I had known many sides of her during lonely nights on this planet.

Other times she could be incredibly ruthless, becoming a different creature when she feeds and plays. She produces extra, thorny vines to wrap them up, and those spines inject them with fluid which makes her prey itch and ache wherever she desires them to. Osegina has described the sensation, as Dryads would make love and dominate one another in similar ways for the pure lust of it all. “Incredibly painful,” Osegina explained, “with an overlay of the unbearable desire to fuck or be fucked. A pleasure so unbearable to the human mind it typically makes them go mad depending on the dose,” was how she put it.

She produces similar thorns and sharp protrusions on the inner walls of her vagina, creating an equally pleasurable yet suffering experience as she inserts the man inside her, the pain producing equal amounts of agony and ecstasy. These scrape and stab into him in various ways as she moves him in and out of her, other vines injecting with a healing nectar so his wounds heal just as fast as they’re made so he is trapped in an endless cycle of pleasure and pain. Her victims endure this until they die. Sometimes she takes them to her realm of gardens and forests where they can be slaves for the Dryad women to play with until the end of time.

Osegina usually goes after couples, and while she fucks the man with her torturous pussy, the woman is wrapped up in sharp cords and plants, being fucked by vines coated in this unfathomable aphrodisiac, making her go wild. Lysa had seen the blood and insanity produced from this torment, and yet she has also seen nothing but Osegina’s victims beg for more and more. The woman reaches for Osegina wanting to kiss her, craving more and more vines and insertions. The man can’t help but thrust his hips and drool like a mindless dog. In the end, the two are nothing but slaves, mindless and completely vulnerable to whatever she wishes to do with them.


I swallowed, then cleared my throat, calming down from thinking of all these things about Osegina and her Dryad women. It was all so exciting to think about and I wanted nothing more than to experience a similar kind of heaven… to mate with mortals in more and more intense ways and to hold onto them and train them however I wished.

Osegina continued her response. “It’s about time you did so. Can I help you pick one out? Do you want a male or a female? How old? You really just want one?”

I laughed, taking a sip of wine before answering. We were lounging in one of the forest homes we had mortal men build for us. With a little magic it became warm, comfortable and filled with drink, food and entertainment, a much larger interior than exterior. Other empresses were here, but Osegina and I had claimed a corner for ourselves, seated in cushioned chairs by a fireplace. Even the warmth of flame and drink couldn’t completely satiate my desire to shake this constant chill of flesh and bone.

I wore what I usually manifested for myself. A dress to show off my curvy edges and legs. Black fabric, sleeveless, splitting at the sides so the length and voluptuousness of my thighs and calves could lure whoever I wanted. Lounging with my legs crossed like this, my pale thighs were plainly visible and I loved how the clothing was tight around the torso, showing off my bust and loose as it traveled down. This dress made me feel beautiful. These empresses made me feel capable and free. Powerful.

I swallowed the delicious otherworldly beverage and answered. “So many questions,” I smirked. Then, I sighed, thinking intently. “I want a man,” I said looking up, daydreaming about whoever he would be. “A man in his prime, old enough to have purpose and strength, young enough to still be filled with naivety and sweetness. And yes, I think I’ll just take one. I’m going to mark him.”

Osegina cooed at the comment. “So, you’re looking for *that* kind of thing?”

I nodded. “I’m ready to fall in love I think,” and we both laughed at the comment. Though, I secretly held truth within the statement. “I just… It will be love for me. Pure passion. To be able to unleash my desires upon one mortal man again and again, able to use him however I see fit for the rest of this eternity… to have him flung into the realm of divine pleasure while still bearing it with a human mind… that sounds like pure ecstasy for me. That’s love for me. And I long for it, Osegina. I’m ready for it. I want to mark mortals just like you and your women do.”

Osegina’s leaves fluttered and flowers bloomed in her hair. “You’re making me excited myself, Lysa,” she said, “I have *so* much fun with those I’ve marked in the gardens.” She giggled and her palms pressed into her flushed cheeks. “The men, both young and old, the ones who haven’t broken from the mark are constantly eager to serve. They’re so sensitive to touch and pain. The ones who break can simply be tossed back to the earthen plane where the weeds can take them away. The ones who bond with the mark are *never* broken. They will be slaves forever and ever and *ever*!”

Lysa drank deeply of her glass.

“I’ve used the mark on many men, and I use many that my sisters have marked… but of course there’s always one that makes your heart scream when you find them. I have one of those of course.” Osegina bloomed more flowers and twirled her wine. Her crossed green legs tightened visibly together. “It was when I reincarnated to live among the humans. He was a young boy, one that shared school and a town with me. There’s something about the mortals you know… something about their mortality makes them precious and attractive to be around. It’s their sense of meaning and their cluelessness. It’s so adorable!

“Anyways, he was dating a girl and I came along, a childhood friend like me, someone he trusted and I completely turned his world upside down. I took him and his lover back to my home against their will and I ravished him in front of her in my human form. Oh how she cried and how much he begged. It was music to my ears, Lysa, a boy so innocent and happy in life breaking down and losing everything with every squeeze of my pussy and kiss of my lips. When I turned into my true form, they both screamed. He kept asking ‘Why are you doing this? Why is this happening?’ Oh! I just kissed and kissed and ate him up!

“I used low level aphrodisiac and love nectar on him, making him drink it as I smothered his face, my pussy extra succulent and fuzzy, desperate to cover him in everything I had. My vines tortured his lover, whipping and strangling her, and I made him watch as I raped him, whispering into his ears of all the things I’d do to them both, how much I loved him and how he would be my obedient slave for the rest of his days!

“And now, to this day, he waits for me in my garden home, the only thing on his mind being my pussy, my mouth, my ass. All he wants is to feel my body and be engulfed by my warmth and scent.” She giggled then downed the rest of her drink. Then she reclined and exhaled long and shakily.

The two empresses glanced at one another and broke out laughing.


When the hysterics between the two of them calmed, Lysa nodded and was convinced that she would build a world for herself, just like Osegina had in her garden realm. Lysa finished her drink and stood up. “I think I’ll hunt for blood before searching for my man,” she said. “I’ll prepare my home for the ritual when I find him.”

“We’ll see each other soon, sister,” Osegina said. She stood and they embraced one another.

Jason wandered the forest, unsure of how he got so lost. A simple hike had turned into a desperate attempt to get home. The sun was going down and his phone, for some reason, wasn’t getting proper service. The forest was cloaked in reds and oranges from the setting sun, everything becoming dark and cold faster than he expected. He had never been an experienced hiker. Braving such an advanced trail alone was foolish.

He knew Dina was probably trying to call him and text him right now. He squeezed the phone in frustration and took a moment to sit upon a rock and collect himself. Trying to think of which way he had come from or what areas seemed familiar. However, the lowering sun didn’t help much.

Walking in one direction would bring him somewhere eventually, right? So that’s what he did. He would apologize to Dina once he arrived home to her. A thought passed of potentially dying to some wild animal and never seeing her again…

No, that wouldn’t happen. He would be fine. He couldn’t be *that* far away from civilization.


Soon enough it was completely dark, splotches of moonlight raining down, being his only source of light. Still, he pressed on, though it felt as though he’d been trudging around for hours. Still nothing recognizable nor any signs he was leaving the forest. There was barely a trail now… and he felt hazy…

He stopped, shook his head and tried to breathe. Every time he did so, everything became a bit clearer. But it wasn’t long until the clouds returned to his head.

“Shit, am I really going to die out here? So cold… so… confused… what’s going on?”

But then, there was something. A more prominent clearing than the one he had been on. He chose a direction and followed.

He smiled, thinking of how furious Dina must be, even though he knew she was probably scared sick. He only smiled because of how much he could tease her afterward. But a sadness in his heart still kept him worrying for her. He would see her soon.

Well, he hoped he would. If he was honest, this whole getting lost business was somewhat strange. There was no reason to be *this* lost. Sure, he wasn’t the best at directions, but to be entirely off a trail in such a flat forest area? He felt as though he was in some other *land* now. He feared something supernatural was happening, even though he knew deep down that was probably ridiculous. However, the strangeness of the situation nagged at him, warning him of imminent danger.


And it appeared his intuition was right.

A woman standing in the stream of moonlight. Pitch black hair blending in with the darkness behind her. A long, flowing dark gown, sleeveless, splitting around each leg. Her skin was pale and her eyes… he could have sworn they were a deep red for a moment – but surely, he was too far away to notice something like that. She was about fifty feet away from him.

“Hello,” she said when he stopped in his tracks. She turned toward him with ease and elegance, spotting him in the darkness as if she always knew he was there.

She was… beautiful. Something about her struck him. It could have just been her revealing thighs? Maybe the way the dress formed her curvaceous body… clearly a fit yet slender and luscious body… he couldn’t stop eye-fucking her up and down. She was just slightly shorter than he was too, exactly his type of woman.

He stared at her and took some steps forward, unclothing her with his mind, his eyes desperate to feel her revealed flesh.

“You’ll make me blush if you keep staring,” she said, slightly shifting away from his gaze. Strands of hair fell in front of her face and she became so innocent. He suddenly shook his head and averted his eyes for a moment. Her voice was smooth, sweet, like he could taste it in the air. He found himself wanting more of it.

Then, he shook his head again. He demolished those perverted thoughts. He destroyed the thought of dominating her helplessness when she shied away just then. Breathing heavy, he couldn’t believe himself, how primal he became in mere moments. Was he really that weak to this woman’s looks, to his own desires? He’d never reacted this way to anyone. Of course, he’d eyed women and he’s always been attracted to Dina immensely. But he’d never felt exactly like that just now looking at this stranger in the middle of the trees.

“I’m sorry,” he said taking a few steps forward, “I guess I wasn’t expecting someone else out here at this hour. Just, um, surprised, I guess. I don’t mean to stare.”

“I suppose I wasn’t expecting anyone either,” she said, looking back at him, head turned down just a bit, so her sultry eyes were big and shining in his direction. He was a little closer now. Those irises certainly weren’t red.

He kept walking nearer. He chuckled at the comment.

“Well, I guess I’m a little lost,” he admitted. “Are you… lost as well?”

He was standing a few feet in front of her now. He flinched at how much distance he had closed between the two. Had he been walking without really noticing?

Her eyes held his. Hers were as green as the forest trees in the daytime. She held his look and shook her head slowly, having to slightly look down at him. About a head and a half taller. He smiled, enjoying it when she looked into his eyes.

“Well, uh,” he rubbed his neck, “You wouldn’t want to help a guy out, would you?”

Now, she stepped forward, to the edge of the moonlight circle. “Come into the light so I can see you better,” she said, gesturing fluidly with a hand. He couldn’t help it. He stepped in.

She smiled at him with perfectly white teeth. Her face was womanlike yet petite and adorable. Her skin appeared completely pale, but he wondered if it was simply a trick of the light encompassing her. Then, her hands held one of his and his entire body shook. Goosebumps formed. A shockwave of ice surged through his veins and into his mind. Instantly he was shivering.

“W-wow,” he blurted. Her hands were incredibly cold, like he had just stepped into a frozen tub of water. “You’re freezing.”

“And you’re so… *warm*,” she smiled, rubbing his hand and pulling him just a little bit closer.

“Do you…” he started, as her hand traveled up his arm and felt his neck, still ice cold. “Need help? Alone in the woods… so cold…” his mind was finding it hard to focus. He was genuinely attracted to this woman, yet genuinely concerned. Her touch was amazing and disconcerting all at once.

“Aww,” she cooed, “You’re a kind man. I can smell the sweetness in your heart.” Her chilly hands massaged his neck and rubbed his other arm.

He couldn’t help but chuckle at the comment and blush. Her hand released him.


“Who’s Dina?” she asked.



He backed away now, thrown off guard. “How do you… no, I don’t know a Dina.” A certain spell seemed to fizzle away. Concern overtook his affection and perversion.

She giggled. “Oh, sure you do,” her hands clasped before her sweetly, “You’re lovers. In fact, you’ve never loved anyone more in your whole life, isn’t that right?”

“Who are you?” His hands shook, his heart raced.

She smiled and placed each hand on either side of his face. “I’m your *new* lover,” she said, and those eyes shifted from green to red as they locked eyes.

He moved to run – but couldn’t. He couldn’t move at all — couldn’t look away from her. “No… that’s not right…”

Now, her eyes were blood red. The chill from her touch seemed to spread across his brain, making his thinking unclear. White noise formed in the background of his ears. “And you are mine now,” she smiled, her voice the only sound in the forest besides his beating heart and pumping blood.

Jason dropped to his knees and the mysterious woman pressed his head into the front of her pelvis, rubbing his hair. Her entire body was cold, and yet, a part of him loved being pressed into her softness. He was so close to her… He could almost taste that… place… and the fabric of her clothes and the flesh he pushed into was so soft.

Why was he thinking of all that? No, this was wrong.

He tried to pull away, but only for a moment. The woman giggled at his defiance. “Oooh,” she said, “Such a strong will you have… You’ll be fun to play with.”

Her hands continued to rub his hair and her lower torso continued to be his pillow. He found himself relaxing there. “You will worship me… you will learn to love pressing into my body like this… Gods, you’re so warm…” her voice was muffling out and he found himself falling…




And he landed hard into a rough winter, attempting to twist and turn to find warmth somewhere. He never did.

He stayed here – cold, alone and afraid, for an amount of time he couldn’t place.

Lysa watched the young man fall to the ground. A laugh escaped her, a shivering excitement she couldn’t contain that reveled against her usual, proper, sultry, demeanor.

Her hands explored the man’s body as did her eyes for just a while beneath the moonlight. His face was hairless, the hair on his head of medium length, so soft and looking like cocoa. His features were strong and youthful, boyish, and his body showed the results of plenty of exercise and activity.

Her hands pressed into muscle and his lean figure. Her hips bucked and her hand moved to her pussy before stopping just above, gripping at her skin in frustration. Her pussy was *desperate*, eager to devour him, to smother him and her clit wanted to feel the pressure of every inch of him. It had been hundreds of years since she had last fucked a mortal, all for this purpose, all for this feeling of excitement and desperation. Going wild on him would make her feel divine all over again.

What made her body scream even more to take him right there and then was the blood she could hear pulsating through his system. She could taste it every time his heart thumped, spitting out the scent from his pores so she could breathe it in and lick it from the air. It filled the forest, his blood was so pure and clean, so healthy and thick. She found herself drooling, staring at the unconscious young boy, holding her body back but letting her mind so crazy with fantasy.


At last, she held true to her desires. Her legs wobbled as she rose with his body on her shoulders, not from his weight – as she could lift any mortal man, no matter the size with ease – rather from the weakness of her body, her womanhood rendering her with the weakening ache to be ravished and the equally powerful longing to dominate with that tender weakness in her muscles… to experience sex and ecstasy in only the way a woman can… in the only way an empress, a goddess above men can experience.

She summoned the energy necessary to transport herself and her new pet to her home in a distant realm, and she prepared for their long night, and life, together.

Until next time, <3

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/d8wqm3/empress_lysa_chapter_1_femdom_vampire_paranormal

1 comment

  1. That was the best like ever. I going to see what another kinda work you done but please don’t take long with part 2 but don’t rush it ether.

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