[MF] Becoming a new me and fucking a stranger at a Wedding

This happened to me a week ago and it’s changed everything. It’s difficult to describe fully but since this happened I feel like a new person – confident in ways I wasn’t before. I’d been invited to attend a friend’s wedding and frankly I’d been dreading it. I’m not the most outgoing at the best of times and I didn’t really know anyone there, as a couple of our mutual friends couldn’t make it. Adding to this is that historically, I’ve never really been a drinker. It’s easy to let loose and have fun on the dance floor with a couple in you, but for personal reasons I’d never been interested in touching the stuff.

I felt stupid having to get all dressed up like you do. I was wearing a navy suit and tie, with a white dotted shirt underneath. An outfit I hadn’t worn since my last job interview maybe two years ago. It had never been something I enjoyed doing. But rules are rules, so I suited up and took an uber to where I needed to be.

Wedding stuff happened and suddenly I was at the reception. I only knew two people there – the bridegroom, but getting a word in with them edgewise was impossible. I didn’t manage much more than a “hi!” and “the ceremony was beautiful” before they were whisked off by other friends, more interesting than I. I sat down in a chair near the bar and sighed. There were many gorgeous people here, male and female, all dressed up and wearing themselves so well. I felt like I didn’t fit in.

I’d pretty much resigned myself to a lonely night before, all of a sudden, she appeared. Roughly 5’6, probably in her 30’s brown hair, dressed in a gorgeous knee length blue dress with black tights and black heels. Her clothes bought out the absolute best in her, “slightly chubby but in a soft way” physique. She sat down next to me and asked my name. I did the same. She asked me the usual “getting to know you stuff”, like why I was here. She explained that she was the platonic +1 of a friend of the brides, who’d had to leave early because she had work the next day. I smiled and we got to chatting, really chatting. I’ve never had much confidence but I’ve always at least thought I was funny, and she clearly thought so too. She kept laughing, slightly nervously at my dumb jokes, most of them at my own expense, with a couple thrown at the groom.

We came to a pause in the conversation. She sighed contentedly, looked down at her hands, then back at me. “So what’s up with you huh? Why are you just sitting here sadly by yourself?” I explained that I just felt a little awkward at these kind of things. She didn’t seem to get it. “Awkward? How come? You’re sweet. You should be nicer to yourself”. I tried again to explain that it just felt weird to me to be at some big event, and that I felt weird being all dressed up. She seemed shocked.
“What? You’re kidding yourself. You look so handsome in that thing.” She smiled as she said this, grabbing my tie and stroking her thumb across it. Time seemed to stop. I didn’t exactly believe what I’d heard, I simply couldn’t. After years of being so opposed to wearing fancy clothes I couldn’t believe that anyone would think they suited me. My mind raced a mile a minute and I said something that shocked even myself.
“Would you like a drink?”

Sure, I “didn’t drink”. But fuck, I thought. I’m already doing something I don’t enjoy and getting rewarded for it, might as well embrace it. We ordered a bottle of wine and also a few shots of something, for luck. I practically choked gulping them down but she just laughed. We continued chatting, getting sillier and gigglier. I’d really underestimated how could it could all feel. I started to lose myself in it all – her, the music, the people. Everything was in a wash of beautiful things mixed together and I felt a real happiness. We’d managed two thirds of the wine and then suddenly, somehow, we were dancing. Dancing away to fun songs, with no grace or rhythm, giggling all the while.

Believe it or not, I’d still not really figured out the implications of all this. Like I said, I’m not the most confident, and that extends into my interactions with women. I’m usually the last person to assume a girl might be into me and this was no exception. Even when a slow song started and she took my hand and I held her close did I not think she was being anything other than friendly. I can’t lie, though, I was pretty into it. She smelled heavenly, and I could feel warmth radiating from her skin through her dress. I probably would’ve been dancing with a semi were it not for all the booze. A brief moment of clarity washed over me and I realised I’d been doing all this with a stranger. I started laughing and she did too. I couldn’t believe that I just didn’t care at all that I was dancing (slow dancing! I never even went to my school’s prom!) with someone I didn’t even know. The song ended and I went to piss.

In the bathroom I caught sight of myself in the mirror. Earlier that day when I looked in the mirror I saw a weedy dude dressed in a way that didn’t suit him at all. But now? I saw a champion. I someone fucking killing it, the most handsome man at the whole damn wedding. I felt incredible. I left that bathroom someone else.

It took me a little while to find my girl again. When I finally found her she shot me a huge smile. I couldn’t believe what she’d done to me. In the span of less than a day, this one girl had turned me from a shy introvert into someone willing to walk up to a woman and say “You are one of the most gorgeous people I’ve ever met.” She was taken aback. Despite having known me only a few hours, she knew me well enough to know that something had changed, because she said as much. “I wasn’t expecting that!”
I grabbed her arms gently.
“It’s true, though. Let me take you home, its getting late”.
She hesitated, her mouth open, before finally smiling and nodding.
She called an uber while I quickly went to say bye to the groom.

We said nothing in the uber. I don’t think we needed too. But some small part of me was still pretending that the inevitable was something I’d imagine. Nevermind that she had been stroking my thumb with hers the whole car journey. We arrived at her flat and I let her out. I walked her to her door – not that I was much help, being worse at holding my liquor than her. She turned and smiled.

“Do you want my number or something?”
Number? I thought. Sure. I gave her my phone to input it but as she started typing, something came over me. Here I am, as good as I’ll ever look, with the most beautiful woman on this Earth. I couldn’t let the night end there. So as she finished putting it in, looking up at me, I wrapped my arm around her back and pulled her close.

My lips were on hers and she took a second to realise what was happening. Finally, she wrapped one arm around my neck and used her free hand to grab my tie, pulling me in closer. My own hands drifted to her hips, and I pushed her gently against her door. I felt her suck gently against my lip and christ it was hot. She pulled away, and with next to no breath, muttered “come in”.

She opened the door and again in an instant I was on her. I grabbed her head and kissed her again, feeling her tongue wrap around mine, her hands wander around my back. All I could think was “more.” I need “more”. Suddenly there I was, lying on top of this girl on her couch, sucking on her neck, hearing her moan, letting her wrap her leg around me. She was so warm, so beautiful, so good. My skin was practically on fire with pleasure. She pushed off my suit jacket and I stood up, fumbling awkardly at my belt. I had no space, no time to undo it – she was on me again, pulling me close, not giving me a moment to be without her touch. I acquiesed, letting her kiss and suck and touch as she needed. She soon released me from her grip. I looked at her.
“You want it, don’t you?” I said
She bit her lip and nodded.
I pulled up the hem of her dress, pulled down her panties. Sat underneath her and began, frantically, erractically, eating her pussy as if my life depended on it. She was slick. Knowing that this woman was so wet for me was an honour, truly. And you know what? I felt like I deserved it. I deserved to have a beautiful woman write and moan for me. Because I was me.

I don’t know how long I spent down there but eventually she cries out. “Please! I need you.” She didn’t need to tell me twice. I stood up, undid my belt and unleashed my dick, hard as a diamond. Apart from my pants and jacket being on the floor, and her panties languishing somewhere around her ankles, we were both still dressed up. I liked that. It was these clothes that gave me what I needed to do what i needed too. I pulled her up by the hand and held her close, feeling her breath, hot and heavy against me. I undid the zip on the back of her dress but instructed her, firmly, to leave it on. Her dress peeled open and her bra – pale like her – struggled to hold her jugs in. I squeezed them and relished them briefly, before finally taking her to her bedroom. I laid her down on her back in front of me and asked if she was ready. She could scarcely talk.

I probably lasted about four minutes like that, fucking her hard and messy in missionairy, her dress bunching up delightfully around her ass. Every second was unfathomably pleasurable. She was so wet, so good around me. She kept wrapping her legs around me, not letting me leave. All the moans began to give way to screams. Screams of “yes”, screams of how good it felt, and best of all, screams of my name. A reminder that it was me doing this to her. A reminder that she had a fucking god dicking her down. Eventually it all became too much and I pulled out, coming on her tits, still hidden behind her bra. Then, like that, we were asleep.

I woke up feeling bad. Hungover – a new sensation to me. My girl was still soundly asleep with her dress around just her waste. Her shoes had come off though, a pity. She was stunning in them. I got up, took my shirt off and made some tea and toast. All but naked in a strangers house. It was certainly new to me. She eventually got up and showered, all without seeing me. I thought when she left the shower it’d be awkward but it was the opposite. She sidled up to me, cuddled my arm and kissed me on the cheek. “That was pretty fun, huh?”. She didn’t need to tell me twice.

Before I left, she made me promise to text her. We have a date set for Wednesday. She also said something as I ironed and put on last nights clothes to go home – shirt, tie and all. “I’m glad you put those back on. You’re fucking hot dressed up like that”. I smiled. She was right. I knew now she was right. In these clothes I could do anything. When I got home I booked an appointment at the tailors, and ordered a few new ties. I even wore one to work a couple days ago and wouldn’t you know it? I got another girl’s number.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/d84gb1/mf_becoming_a_new_me_and_fucking_a_stranger_at_a