Home Comforts – Episode I [Incest]

Queensland, Australia.

My family live on a rural property, surrounded by beautiful native bush and several kilometers from even our closest neighbors.

My twin sister Carly and I are home schooled by mother. She’s in her late forties, but has always had a positive, vibrant energy for someone raising two kids alone. We’re a tight-knit family, probably closer than your average home unit because of our rural lifestyle and our mum’s free-thinking, naturalist attitude.

We would often go to a nearby pond to soak, and mum would always be in the nude. She told us our bodies were beautiful, and we shouldn’t hide them away. Despite this, as my sister and I entered our teens, we took to wearing swimming togs, likely due to all the awkward and confronting changes one faces in puberty.

Now sixteen, I was feeling the effects of some of those changes in full force.

I frequently became aroused on a whim, cutting short my trips to the pond to conceal my “excitement”.

More and more over time, I had begun to notice things about my mother and sister that I hadn’t before, things that made me feel ways I never had. I was drawn to the curves of their bodies, the way their breasts and buttocks moved as they walked. I would find myself getting excited at the thought of us going to the pond just to see mum naked

The more I saw my mother nude, the more I longed to see Carly’s body also. They were different, but equally beautiful. Mum’s breasts hung low in their weight and were crowned with large dark nipples, while Carly’s appeared small and petite. Where mum had a wealth of dark pubic hair, well, I could only imagine what Carly had.

It was around this time that I confessed to my mother one evening just how much these thoughts and urges were controlling my actions. I expressed my guilt about my arousal, and my apologies.

She just smiled at me. A big, comforting smile.

She reassured me, telling me these urges were natural and that everyone felt them. She told me that Carly had similarly expressed her feelings to her, and that she had shown her how to manage them.

I asked her if she could show me, too.

She told me that I need to release the feelings whenever they built up inside me, in a natural and healthy way.

“What if I need to release them now?” I asked.

She simply told me to lay down, and relax.

She slowly removed my pants and exposed my firm penis. I felt an exhilarating rush as she took hold of the shaft and showed me how to touch it. To my surprise, globs of clear sticky liquid began to ooze continually from the tip of my penis as she handled me. I apologized for making a mess, but she just chuckled.

She told me to take over, and I began to rub the length of my shaft, as she had done. I impulsively grabbed her breast in a fever of arousal. She was wearing only a singlet, and I couldn’t help myself.

She pulled the singlet over her head, exposing her chest. She leaned into me and I sucked her nipple into my mouth tightly, while gripping her other breast with my free hand.

I immediately began to feel a strong sensation in my penis. I stopped, alerting her that something was wrong.

She just chuckled and took hold of my erection, stroking it quickly.

The sensation became unbearable and an electric feeling shot through me as my sexual tension exploded in repeated bursts. She continued to stroke me slowly until I became soft.

We lay together afterwards, both sticky from the mess I had made, though she didn’t seem to mind it. I was in a daze, I had never felt such satisfaction.

After a time, she spoke softly:

“Would you like to help me with my feelings?”

To be continued…?

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/d83nah/home_comforts_episode_i_incest


  1. Very nice. Excellent writing. I look forward to more. You should definitely make it a series.

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