Sleep paralysis, dehydration and its consequences

Days have passed since I last remember what had been. I was putting my mind at rest, playing video games in a PC Room until early in the morning. The rows next to me turned more and more vacant as my adrenaline levels started to drop. The desire for sleep kicked in. It’s been a few handsful of minutes since I gobbled up the cup noodles, rice and side dishes to fill my stomach with warm food, only to fall asleep on the chair while waiting for the respawn timer to tick down.

Yet, I keep finding myself in pitch black darkness. Nothing, but a light blinking above my head. I’ve slid my hands across my body countless times. I’m not harmed. — I think. I’m merely cold. Scared. Confused. Hungry. But mostly thirsty. I’m not sure. Mayhaps I’m just having a new level of sleep paralysis. — One, that goes beyond any I’ve experienced so far.

But how would it explain the small light? How would it explain me being naked in a pitch black room? A room in which I can’t move more than a second in any direction. A room that appears to be tall enough to stand inside, yet, I can’t. The blinking light is further up than I can reach before hitting cold, hard rods.

I’m used to sitting on the floor. I’ve spent hours upon hours sitting on the floor but by now my knees hurt. That alone is the reason I believe it is not a dream. Time seems to pass, despite events staying the same. Am I turning into a lunatic? My hair no longer is silky smooth. Or is it just the skin on my hands giving in to the rough, cold floor? I’m thinking too much. I’m thinking all the time. – I’m thirsty.


It’s happened again. Has it not? Why do I not recall anything? I am not turning into a lunatic. I promise, this is more than just a dream I’m trapped in. I want to cleanse my mouth. I want to spit on the floor. The taste is beyond unpleas …

— The sound of heavy metal scratching over the floor echoes in the distance. Panting and the sound of something sharp scratching across the floor follows.

>’Tell me, little one. Are you already thirsty enough, to give in? To embrace the destiny you were made for? To live up to your destiny as a Korean woman?’ It echoes through the room from the speaker.

I instinctively move back as far as I can, pulling my legs and arms close to my body as I close my eyes and shake my head in denial.

Before I get the chance to express myself verbally, the distorted voice from the speaker echoes through the room.



I don’t know how many times I had to pick myself up from the cold floor, only to count in my head. To count until the panting gets louder. Until the sharp scratching gets louder. Until the speaker turns on.


Sometimes 4150.
Sometimes 4031.
Sometimes 4262.

Is it me? Is it them? Are they just lazy? Or is it my brain shutting down? Is it taking me too long to start counting after I wake up? Am I counting wrong?

— The sound of heavy metal scratching over the floor echoes in the distance. Panting and the sound of something sharp scratching across the floor follows. Again.

>’Tell me, little one. Are you already thirsty enough, to give in? To embrace the destiny you were made for? To live up to your destiny as a Korean woman?’ It echoes through the room. Again.

I instinctively move back as far as I can, pulling my legs and arms close to my body as I close my eyes and shake my head in denial. Again.




— The sound of heavy metal scratching over the floor echoes in the distance. Panting and the sound of something sharp scratching across the floor follows. Again.

>’Tell me, little one. Are you already thirsty enough, to give in? To embrace the destiny you were made for? To live up to your destiny as a Korean woman?’ It echoes through the room. Again.




Minutes pass as I slowly drag myself into the direction, the sound used to come from. The minimal light emitting from the blinking LED being the only point of orientation, as I wait. My mouth is dry. My body is weak. The blinking light hurts my eyes. I keep them closed. My eyes shut every once in a while, only for me to open them widely in panic as I try to stay awake. I no longer have the strength to resist. –

— The sound of heavy metal scratching over the floor echoes in the distance. Panting and the sound of something sharp scratching across the floor follows.

>’Tell me, little one. Are you already thirsty enough, to give in? To embrace the destiny you were made for? To live up to your destiny as a Korean woman?’ It echoes through the room.

Already kneeling the closest I can, in the direction of the noise I hold onto what is in front of me. My hands can move through parts of the barrier, yet the opening isn’t big enough for me to move through. My shoulders are too wide.

— The metal scratching sound appears a second time, resembling the sound of a heavy door scratching across flooring a lot closer. But so does the panting. Something else seems to be scratching over the floor.

>’You must be very thirsty. You’re very stubborn little one! Look at you. Your body is trying so hard to stay together, only because you’re too full of yourself. I was afraid you’d be unable to safe yourself for the sake of it’

A voice says. Right in front of me. Gone is the distorted audio recording, only to be followed up by a hand patting my head.

>’Your mane is so very damaged. It’s truely a shame. If I hadn’t witnessed how pretty you are, once you doll yourself up, I wouldn’t have taken you home. I suppose, you should’ve taken less care of yourself …’

He said, ending his sentence in a diabolic laughter before he pulls my head by my mane through the rods.

>’Push out your tongue. Stop thinking. You won’t do this much longer. You need water.’

I oblige. I instinctively moved my hands from holding onto the cold metal rods, to supporting my body by placing them on the cold floor. Only moments after I push out my tongue, a shiver, so strong that my knees slide apart shocks my body. A taste, I’m incapable to put into words caused this. — I instinctively want to move backwards, but the hand grabbing me by my hair is keeping me in place.

>’Don’t tell me, you haven’t provided the pleasure of a rim job before. I thought all of you Korean girls are nasty little sluts..’

Too complex is the structure of my thoughts to make sense out of it. The voice is right in front of me. His hand is in my hair, yet, what I’m doing matches his description. His words penetrate me, yet move straight through me. I’m too exhausted. Too thirsty. Too uncertain. I’m sure. It’s nothing more but a horrible paralysis.

I obediently push out my tongue and lap away. What remaining spit I have lubes up the act, as the grasp on my hair weakens only for the panting to fill the room.

>’That’s a good girl. He likes it when you do it like that. Be a good little bitch and push your tongue into his ass. Show me how nasty a little korean bitch like you gets for a bit of water. I knew you would rim a dog the moment I saw you.’

I nod as I push my tongue against the flesh in front of me. Moving my muscle in the rhythm of the panting. Merely distracted by the hand that moved onto my chest and back into my mane.

>’let yourself go. I got you. Put your hands forward. I’m sure you have an idea of where they should be. Or are you one of those social failures? You are attending university, aren’t you? I mean, one whose name I actually heard before.’

The man’s voice has merely become background noise at this point, as I mostly fight against the disgusting taste. I feel indifferent as I move my hands through the rods only to touch the beasts hind legs. I gently move up, trying not to scare him as I explore his unfamiliar physique, only to wrap my hands around his exposed member shortly after.

The warm, slimy texture feels a lot nicer than expected. Almost comforting as I gently, but determinant stroke his cock as I push my nose against his tailbone. I’m trying my hardest not to inhale his scent too deeply as I fight against the occasional urge to throw up, only to be rewarded in the meat between my hands growing larger and larger.

Moments pass until I find my rhythm. Listening to the panting of the dog. The growl and yapping. Being so sleep depraved and weak. The lack of light. All of it only sharpened my senses as I can feel what seems to be every little vein on his cock as it throbs in my hands.

What feels like an eternity passes. The rhythm is set in stone. The dog is releasing himself so much, that his cum is dripping from my hands, which by now are fully covered in his seed.

>’You’re a quick learner.’

He says, as he pushes me back with such force, that I fall over backwards. – The moment it takes for me to get back onto my knees. Back at the rods is enough for the beast to have moved away.

>’Isn’t that a shame? You should’ve held onto him tighter. After all, he’s your only ticket to water and food. But now that you’ve accepted to play by the rules, I have no doubt, you’ll learn how to play by them in no time.’

As he’s talking, I spit on the floor. Trying to get that taste out of my mouth, but that seemed to have been a mistake. Only moments after the sound of me spitting echoed through the room, a splash of liquid hits my face. I’m stunned as it runs down my face and splashes into all corners of the room.

>’Rule number 1. – Be proud of what you are. Be grateful to him. He’s the only reason I’m keeping you alive. How dare you worthless little slut behave like you’re above him. You have to earn the privilege of drinking his cum. This is a lot more down to your standard. If you want water, you can lick his cum off the floor. Remember today’s lesson. It’ll only get easier for you, the more passion you put into it.’

Shocked by the warm, sticky liquid hitting my face and body, I’m dazed. My ears twitch, listening to him lecturing me only to stay stunned for what feels like minutes. — Minutes later, I’m fighting against tears as I lick across the dirty floor experiencing all sorts of mixed feelings.

I slowly realize how degrading it is, how much I’ve been humiliated and what poor joke for a life I have ahead of me if this is truly not a dream. Yet, my body’s craving is much stronger, than my worries. Whether it were tears due to me realizing what just happened, or due to the pit in the floor, in which a puddle has formed is a mystery to me, but I can’t help but lap my tongue through the liquid I milked out of a dog, only to slurp away from it as I once again fight against the urge to puke, as the warm, slimy semen lubricates my dry throat.
