Trapped in a Cave [MM][MF][Fantasy]

Rira’s shoulders were aching. The edges of plating on Dalthrun’s boots were digging into her hands. Rira marched forward, carrying the bulk of the unconscious dwarf’s weight. She heard the dragging of metal on dirt behind her. Without looking she called out, “Pick up the base wizard boy!”

Weight shifted behind her as Jerek lifted up the dwarf’s hands a little higher. She heard him let out a small groan, barely able to carry the weight.

Rira held onto Dalthrun’s boots on either side of her hips. Her shoulders and arms were strong and tight. She was strong and had a definition that showed it. She wore a fitted leather armor, one built for function rather than show. Most merchants tried to sell her pieces with intricate details. She finally found a leather worker that would make a set to keep her safe, rather than show off. With layers of padding and thick pieces placed to keep her safe, Rira was sweating under the strain. She walked with sure footing in sensible boots for the time she spent out in the woods and wilderness.

A few wisps of dark hair escaped the leather cord holding her hair back in a tight ponytail. She blew away the strains as best she could, but most were sticking to the sweat on her brow.

Rira spotted a cave ahead and called back to Jerek, “Here’s a spot. Let’s go!”

Rira picked up the pace, trying to make it to the cave before they were discovered. In a sudden jerk, the weight behind her dropped. Her shoulders were snapped back as the armored dwarf hit the ground with a thunk.

Rira turned on her companion, who was picking himself up. She was slightly taller than Jerek. Which made her stare all the more intimidating. Where Rira was lean but strong, Jerek was just thin and gaunt. His angular face was in shadow under the wide brimmed hat. He wore a cheap padding, that would normally go under other, better armor, as his only protection. He was stooped from carrying his backpack and always seemed to have bags under his eyes.

While Rira admired Dalthrun, who was still unconscious at their feet, she had a slight distaste for Jerek. She didn’t outright hate him, but she didn’t understand him. He was useful on their team, able to manipulate the fields of magic. Normally, she admired the effort he put in when strength or endurance was needed, but this time it was life or death.

“Do you want to die?” she asked. Her voice was stern and in command. “Because if we don’t get him to a place to hide, right now, we are all going to die.”

Jerek, catching his breath, and giving his knee a few unsure flexes, replied, “Sorry. Let’s go.”

Jerek picked up the dwarfs hands.

“Okay, we go to get to that cave and maybe we can hide.”

Rira turned back to face the cave, picked up Dalthrun’s legs, and marched forward. The sun was starting to set, casting an orange light into the entrance. Their shadows ran into the caves first, with them shortly after.

The three companions were traveling to Foresthare when a gang of highway bandits jumped them. Dalthrun, with all the rashness of a battle hungry dwarf, charged into a fight without thinking. While Rira tried to make her way to help him, one of the bandits managed to hit Dalthrun perfectly in the back of his helmet with a dull mace. His armor rang out like a bell and he fell, knocked out. Jerek, thinking quickly, case a spell to daze the bandits. There was a bright flash of light, and they all recoiled covering their eyes. Rira dragged Dalthrun from the fight and together they ran into the forest.

Rira’s eyes adjusted to the darkness of the cave, and she saw the outlines of a camp. There were several bedrolls, a cave pit, and a stack of boxes and barrels cast into the corner.

“Shit.” she cried out in a slight panic. They unknowingly walked right into the bandits’ hideout.

While she looked around for a way for them to defend themselves, Jerek called out, “There!”

Rira turned back to see where he was pointing. Along one side of the wall there was an opening. It was not very wide, but the two carried Dalthrun inside.

The crevice was tight. Jerek set down his load just inside and dug out his spellbook. Rira watched as he rifled through the pages, searching for the right spell.

“What are you doing?” she asked, not angry, but concerned. Even if she did not always admire Jerek’s weaknesses, she trusted his judgement.

“Where going to hide, just give me a moment.”

Jerek found the page he was looking for. He held his book open in the palm of his left hand and raised his right to face the opening to their hideaway. His right palm began to emit a low blue light. A circle of magic appeared in his palm, spinning slowly like a vortex of energy. Runes formed and danced around the circle, spinning and weaving in a pattern Rira could not understand. Slowly a wall lifted from the base of the entrance and rose to fill the opening into the crevice. It looked just like any other wall of the cave, but to Rira and Jerek was slightly translucent. From their side, they could see out, but from the other it was a solid immovable wall just like any other. Jerek hid the three in the crevice.

Rira let out her breath she didn’t realize she was holding. She brushed the loose hair back on her head and looked around their new space. She reached her hands out to either side and was able to barely touch the walls with her fingertips. As she walked to the back of the hideaway, she pulled her hands in as the walls came to a point. At only five steps in, her shoulders touched either side.

Rira turned around to see Jerek kneeling by Dalthrun. Dalthrun was still in his armor, made of fine dwarven steel. His red beard was neatly braided over his chest, his hair was cut short like a traditional dwarven warrior. Jerek had his helmet off, running a hand on the back of his head. He pulled it out, inspecting for blood.

“How is he?” Rira asked.

“He’s not bleeding, but has a bad knot. He’s not dying, but isn’t going to wake up anytime soon.”

Rira took off her back pack and tossed it casually to the back of the cave. She took the moment an undid the leather knot holding her hair back. It cascaded down her shoulders as she shook it out. She ran her fingers through her hair, scratching lightly on her scalp, as she pulled it all back into a maintained hold. As she tied her hair back up, loose strands captured, Jerek removed his back and set it carefully down, leaning against a wall. He pushed Dalthrun on his side and removed his pack. Going through the bag, Jerek removed a blanket.

“Can you help me move him?” Jerek asked.

“How?” Rira asked.

“Just, turn him so we can prop up his head.” he instructed.

Rira lifted Dalthrun up by his armpits, and spun him so that his head and feet were point to the walls. He was short, as all dwarves were, but dense. With his armor and muscles Dalthrun was not a light guy. Jerek folded Dalthrun’s blanket and placed it under the dwarf’s head. Rira leaned him slightly against the wall.

“We have to keep his head elevated.” Jerek explained.

With Dalthrun situated, Jerek sat against the opposite wall. Rira thought to herself that she was glad to have Jerek on their team. Her frustration against him subsided, now that they weren’t carrying Dalthrun to safety, and was replaced with a small sense of gratitude.

Voices echoed through the cave, catching Rira by surprise. She drew her short sword and automatically fell into a readied stance. Long shadows danced along the cave floor as the sun cast light against the bandits returning to their hideout.

“How in the hell did you lose them?” One bandit asked. He was tall and walked with a commanding presence. His armor was a patchwork mess of leather and iron. It was ill fitted, but provided more protection than some of the other pieces worn by other bandits. He took off his sword and set it alongside a bedroll.

The other bandits started settling into their space. They dropped their gear by their bedrolls, every man knowing where his space was.

There were six men in total. The man with the patchwork armor was clearly the leader, as he barked his frustrations with his crew.

As the men settled into their places, Rira began to relax. The tension in her shoulders melted as she gained confidence in Jerek’s illusion. She leaned her sword against the wall in the back of the cave, near her tossed pack. She leaned her back against the wall and slid down to sit. She was beside Jerek, but against the opposite wall. There was enough space for her to stretch out her legs, but not enough to lay down.

Rira let out a heavy sigh. She didn’t like feeling trapped. They had nowhere to run. She felt the frustration build in her chest. She clenched her fists, mad at their situation, but had no where to lash out.

“So now what?” Jerek asked quietly, looking for some sort of guidance.

“I don’t know.” Rira answered. The urge to take her frustrations on Jerek flashed across her thoughts. If he wasn’t so weak they could’ve escaped more. She looked at Jerek and the tightness melted. Jerek was scared. She could see his fear as he looked to her for guidance. Jerek was capable, but needed leadership. The frustration turned to pity.

“I don’t know.” Rira answered again, calmer and reassuring. “Your illusion’s going to hold, right?”

“Until I disenchant it. It’ll stay.”

“Then we’ll just wait. They’ll probably leave again in the morning and we can sneak out then. Sun’s going down. Might as well try to get some sleep.”

Rira leaned back and turned her head to watch the bandits through the illusion. Her armor rode up, cutting a bit into armpits and hovered around her chin. She adjusted the best she could, but decided it would be okay to deal with it until morning.

The bandits had started a fire and opened a couple casks of stolen ale. They sat regaling themselves with tales of their raids. While four men were doing most of the talking, two were quieter.

The man Rira thought was the leader sat in the circle, laughing at the stories, but didn’t really participate. The fire illuminated his face. His face was weathered, like a man who had spent much time in the sun. Rira guessed he was a farmer before turning to crime. He was strong, built like an ox from years of hard labor. He kept his hair haphazardly trimmed close, with a poor shave. Rira thought he most likely did it himself, with a knife to cut clumps away and shaving.

The other man not participating sat away from the group. He was harder to see in the firelight, but an occasional shift or breeze would raise the flames bright enough to catch glimpses. He was younger than the other men. While the rest appeared in their thirties or later, he had a youthful appearance of a man just starting his life. Where the other men were strong and lean, he was slightly chubby. Which only made him appear younger. He sat outside the circle around the fire on his bedroll. He listened in, smiling in reaction but never participated. The others didn’t give him a hard time, just ignored him.

Rira sat and watched for a while when she started feeling a tingling in her arm. The leather armor was riding up and pressing into her flesh. Frustrated she stood up. Jerek lifted his head in alarm.

“Everything okay?” he asked.

“This thing is killing me.” she answered, as she motioned to her armor. She started unbuckling along the side.

“But what if they…” Jerek asked looking to the bandits concerned.

“If they find us, we’re dead anyways. This isn’t going to help.”

Rira finished the last buckle and pulled the piece over her head. With a light toss she threw it onto her backpack starting a pile of gear. She rolled her shoulders and shook out her hands. Deciding that if she was going to get comfortable, she was going to get all the way comfortable, she removed her boots. She wiggled her toes, the cold air of the cave cooling off her feet.

Rira took a deep breath in, trying to clear out the discomfort, but it was caught in her chest. She wore binding straps to keep her breast contained in a fight. She became aware of the sweat and pressure from the piece. She gave Jerek an unsure glance, but his head was back down again as he tried to get some rest.

Rira turned her back to Jerek. She pulled her tunic out of her trousers and reached underneath to start undoing her bindings. After freeing the straps she dropped her binding, letting her breasts fall naturally. Relief washed over her as she tossed the piece into the pile of gear. She rubbed her tunic under her breasts, soaking up the pooled sweat. Cave air washed over her, chilling her skin. She felt free and comfortable, but there was a slight chill. Her nipples hardened and goosebumps rose on her arms. She was comfortable but colder.

Rira searched through her back, in which everything was haphazardly thrown in, and pulled out a weathered blanket. She turned back to the front of the cave and saw Jerek staring at her breasts. She looked down and saw her nipples poking through her tunic and lifted her blanket to cover herself. Jerek met her eyes with his and looked away. Rira noticed his neck and cheeks turn a shade of red. She had an involuntary smile on her face, humored by his embarrassment.

Rira sat back down in her spot against the wall and covered herself with her threadbare blanket. It helped a bit.

Rira turned to watch the bandits more when Jerek started shifting. He removed his cloak, setting it carefully to the side. He sat up and lifted the padding off of his chest. He stood up on his knees to lay it down where he sat. Rira spotted a bulge in his trousers. While it didn’t look like a full erection, she notice Jerek was a bit excited. As he sat back down, using his padded shirt to separate him from the cave floor, Rira watch his crotch as he shifted around. He pulled his cloak back over himself like a blanket and blocked her view.

Rira never thought about Jerek in a sexual way before. Not seriously at least. There were always the passing thoughts. She was often alone on the trail with her two male companions, but after seeing Jerek’s erection she gave it more than a moment’s thought. She felt like it was for her. The way he stared at her chest after taking off her bindings. She knew her chest was impressive. Many men told her as much even though she never wanted the attention. For her, they were in the way of what she wanted to do, fight and adventure. But Jerek really appreciated them and wasn’t gross about it. He didn’t leer or say something horrible. He just stared, mouth adorably opened slightly, and had a growing erection for her.

Rira’s hand drifted to her breasts, sliding gently under her tunic. She focused on her hand grazing against her skin as she moved. She softly closed her eyes as she grabbed her nipple between her index and thumb. Subtly she pinched, sensation tingling through her breast. She rolled it slightly, enjoying the brief moment. She let her hand fall and brought her focus back.

Rira thought to herself now was not the time. It had been too long since she was able to play with herself and relieve the frustration. She took a deep breath to clear her head. She would have to remember this for later when she was finally alone.

Jerek kept his head down, not seeing Rira’s moment. She turned her head back to the bandits, provided the only distraction to the quiet of hiding.

The bandits carried on with their tales into the night. As the fire began to dwindle those that had already not passed out from too much ale, stumbled their way to their bedrolls. The leader still sat in his spot staring into the dying embers. He sat quiet for a time until snores from the bandits started to fill the cave.

The leader looked over to the younger bandit, who, Rira just noticed, was still awake. The leader gave a nod to the younger man. They both stood, quietly to not wake the others, and started walking towards Jerek’s illusion.

Rira regained her awareness. She was starting to dose, but as they two made their way her direction she rose quietly. She reached out and grabbed her short sword. Jerek raised his head, first looking at her and then noticing the two walking their direction.

The leader stopped just outside their hiding spot, staring at the illusionary wall in front of him as the younger man made his way to stand next to his boss. The leader turned to the other man, a smile spread across his face.

Rira dropped the tip of her sword to the ground and cocked her head in confusion. The two bandits started kissing each other. Passionately. She looked over the Jerek. His eyebrows were scrunched together and his mouth open in shock. Rira clapped her hand to her mouth, stifling laughter. She set her sword back down in the pile, grabbed her blanket, and sat next to Jerek, shoulders brushing against each other.

“What?” she whispered, unable to come up with more words through her surprise.

“I guess they…” Jerek started, also looking for words.

The two bandits kissed, their mouths opening. Rira caught the movement of tongues. The leader pulled the younger man back, looking into his eyes. He wore his joy unmistakably on his face. The young man bit his lip and reached his hand out. The leader’s erection was pressing against his trousers, begging for escape. Rira watched as the younger man slowly dropped to his knees and began unbuckling and unbuttoning the leader’s trousers.

The young man worked his nimble fingers, undoing everything eagerly. The leader placed his hands on the young man’s head, his hips pushed forward begging. The younger man reached his hand inside and pulled out the leader’s cock.

Rira noticed it was hard, excited. The young man wrapped his hand around the base, the tip poking out through his fist. Rira watched as he started pumping slowly, biting his lip as he watched the tip slide in and out of his hand.

Rira felt a warmth growing in her loins. Her hand drifted again to her breast on the outside of her tunic. She rubbed the fabric gently into her nipple under her blanket as the watched.

The younger man grabbed the leaders ass with his other hand and popped the cock into his mouth. Rira heard soft sucking noises as he worked his head up and down the shaft. The leader braced one hand against the wall next to him, as if his knees were going to buckle at any moment. His eyes were closed and his breath ragged. The younger man one hand on his lover’s ass used his other to start undoing his own trousers.

He pulled his mouth off of the cock, letting his rest on his face. Rira watched as he worked his tongue on the underside of the shaft. He finished undoing his trousers and let his cock fall out. Rira shifted to catch a glimpse. It was smaller than the other man’s but just as hard. The younger man grabbed his own cock and started gently pumping as he pulled the other man back into his mouth.

Rira sat back and looked over to Jerek. His neck and face were flushed. He kept his eyes on what was happening just outside where they sat. Rira reached over and grabbed his knees to get his attention.

“They seem to be enjoying themselves.” She said with a light humor.

“Yeah…” Jerek muttered, unfocused.

“Enjoying the show?” she teased.

Jerek pulled his eyes away, staring at the cave floor. “No.” he stammered. “Just, surprised is all.” He closed his eyes, clearly embarrassed.

Rira returned her eyes to the two men outside. The leader was thrusting his hips into the younger man’s mouth. Both of his hands were grabbing at the head sucking hard on his cock. The young man was pumping his own cock, his knees spread wide as he knelt.

Rira felt desire growing inside of her. It tingled in her vagina as she focused on the warmth and yearning. She turned to Jerek, who kept his head down and staring at the floor. She leaned slightly into him and inhaled. She never noticed before how nice he smelled. After days of travel most men would stink, but she found Jerek’s smell somehow pleasant. She licked her lips, her mind returning to his earlier erection. She pinched her nipple under her blanket, hard. Sensation cascaded into her breasts as her breathing came in bursts. She noticed the rise and fall of Jerek’s back with each breath and surveyed his body, taking it in.

Outside, Rira heard deep, guttural breathing from the leader. The pumping of his hips came at an irregular beat as he pounded away at the young man’s mouth. With a sudden jerk he thrust his hips forward, pulling the man’s head further onto his cock. He stood there for a moment, his eyes squeezed closed and his grip on the man’s hair tight. He came in the young man’s mouth, his body twitching and tight with pleasure. With a heavy exhale the leader backed out of his mouth and caught his breath.

The young man sat back on his feet, arching slightly as he pointed his small cock to the leader. He started at the older man, pumping as he held his mouth tight. He breathed raggedly through his nose and held his breath tight. Rira watched as the young man’s cum shot out of his cock, splattering on the cave floor in front of him. The young man swallowed hard and tried to catch his breath. Rira realized he held the leader’s cum in his mouth as he finished himself.

Rira kept her eyes on the two men outside as she slid her hand under Jerek’s cloak. She placed it on his knee and brushed her hand up and down his leg. Jerek turned to her.

“Rira?” he asked, unsure.

Rira didn’t turn her head. She kept her eyes on the two men outside, now in each other’s embrace. She craved what they just had. “Jerek.” she answered. “If you want to, we can…”

Rira was unable to finish her sentence as Jerek pressed himself on her. His mouth connected with her neck and she let out a soft moan. He ran his hand up her leg, rubbing her inner thighs as he made his way towards her. Her knees fell slightly open as he approached, but before he touched between her legs, he lifted his hand. Jerek put his hand under her tunic and slowly raised his hand underneath. Rira reached out and grabbed the bulge in Jerek’s trousers.

She gripped his erection over his clothes, feeling the growth he had for her. She ran her palm down his length. He was not any thicker than other men she had, but he was long. As Jerek’s hand reached her breast, she squeezed the base of his cock. He was hard with excitement.

Rira gently pushed Jerek back sitting on his heels. While he groped and squeezed her breasts, she started undoing the buckles and buttons of his trousers. She fumbled as his fingers pinched and rolled her nipples. She was burning with desire, eyes focused on Jerek’s crotch. She wanted to see it.

As the last button came undone, Rira reached into Jerek’s trousers to pull out his hard cock. She wrapped her hand around his base. There was enough length left for another hand with more to spare. She met Jerek’s eyes as she started running her hands up and down his full length.

Jerek moved a hand from her nipple and slid his fingertips down her stomach and into the front of her waistband. Rira inhaled, pulling in her stomach to make room for his hand. He ran his fingers through her bush. He moved his fingers, dragging the tips through the forest of hair. Rira moved her hips, rotating to push his hands further.

Jerek reached further down, running her clit between his fingers as he made his way to her lips. With a soft touch, he moved his fingers side to slide. The base of his fingers pressed lightly just above her clit while his fingers ran across her lips. Each touch and drag grew the fire growing inside of her. Rira’s stroking on his cock staggered. Her eyes closed as she focused on the sensation inside of her. As he moved, his hand became covered in her excitement. Just as his fingers became wet enough, he slid his middle finger inside her aching hole.

Rira took in a sharp breath as his finger explored her. She let go of his cock and undid her trousers, giving Jerek more room to move. She pulled them down slightly, giving him a view of her bush. Rira sat back on her heels, her knees wide. Jerek sat up, moving close to her. He pulled her into an embrace, kissing her neck, while his other hand worked between her legs.

Rira rocked her hips craving more. In response, Jerek slid his ring finger into her as well. With a soft pull, he bent his fingers and rubbed up and down on the ceiling of her inside. Rira breathed deep his smell as they embraced. He was intoxicating. She never guessed that he would be so good with his hands. She wanted to know if he was just as good at everything else.

Rira pushed Jerek back, his hand sliding out from her. She braced his back against the cave wall and eagerly removed his trousers. She stood and removed hers. She planted her feet on either side of his legs. Jerek stared at her crotch, taking in the beautiful sight. Rira lowered to her knees, grabbing his long cock. She watched it between her legs as she lined up his head.

Rira rubbed her lips along the head of his crotch. She lined up to her eager hole and slowly slid down. Jerek exhaled placing his hands on her hips. Rira moaned, feeling every inch as he filled her deeper. She sat in his lap, taking a moment to get used to his size. While she adjusted, Jerek busied himself with her large breasts, now placed right in front of his face. He planted his lips on her left nipple and sucked.

Sensation rocketed through Rira’s body like electricity. From her nipple it spread across her breast and up her neck. From her filled slit it flowed up her waist and down her legs. Rira rocked her hips slowly, barely drawing Jerek’s cock in and out of her. She shifted her hips and set her clit against him. Rira planted her hands on the cave wall on either side of Jerek’s head. She pushed and drug her clit down him as his cock slid out of her. She then lifted her hips again and pulled Jerek deeper inside. She repeated this motion slowly at first, but then gaining tempo.

Rira closed her eyes and focused on the feeling inside her. Her breath was quick, staggering to each thrust and sensation. She then felt two long fingers between her legs, her clit running down the channel between them. Jerek added a light pressure to her. She felt a spark growing in her clit. Each stroke against his pressing fingers grew feeling.

Then in a sudden burst, the spark shocked across her skin. Rira’s legs spasmed, clamping down on Jerek. Her back arched and then folded as the feeling shot through her spine. She buried her face into Jerek’s shoulder, biting onto his tunic to keep from filling the cave with the moan she held in her chest. As the waves subsided, goosebumps covered her skin as she became aware of the cold air around them. Every touch and feeling was heightened as she caught her breath.

She opened her eyes to see Jerek with a goofy grin on his face. Rira chuckled at his cute, stupid look. She leaned forward, her lips close to his ear, and whispered, “Okay. Your turn.”

Rira lifted herself straight up his cock. She felt her lips grip slightly as they dragged up his shaft. When she felt a couple inches fall out, she dropped back down, pressing down on the base. She slid up and down slowly, watching his reaction to her movements. Jerek’s eyes glazed over as she worked his cock. His mouth was open as he inhaled with each up stroke and exhaled with each down.

Jerek sat up suddenly. He wrapped his arms around her and held her steady. He turned them and leaned her back against the cave floor. He never removed himself from her as they settled. Jerek planted his hands on either side of her head and held himself over her. She ran her hands under his tunic and across his chest. She felt the ridges of his ribs as he took in deep breaths.

Jerek thrust inside of her. Rira wrapped her legs around his waist as he pushed with a strength she didn’t know he had. He pumped inside of her. Jerek was normally a quiet man, but now he was forceful. As he buried himself inside of her, Rira could only think of how primal he was.

Jerek’s breath because sharp intakes. He held between each breath. In a sudden jerk, he tightened above her. He thrust himself deep inside of her. She felt his cock twitch as he filled her with need and desire. Jerek collapsed on her. With him still inside, Rira wrapped her legs tight around him and gave him a strong embrace.

When Rira released her hold, Jerek pulled out of her and searched through his pack. He handed her a cloth. Rira cleaned herself up and the two dressed. Jerek adjusted his padding so that they both could sit. Rira threw her blanket over both of them and then Jerek threw his cloak over.

Rira pulled Jerek down, letting him lay his head against her chest. A warmth and comfort washed over her. Her eyes drifted closed and the two fell asleep.

Rira woke with a start. She sat upright waking Jerek who didn’t move throughout the night. The cave was dim, but Rira could see that all of the bandits had left. She stretched awake and looked over to her companion. He looked different. She didn’t see his weakness, but only his kindness and warmth. She gave him a smile and playfully pushed on his shoulder. Still stronger than him, Jerek fell to the side. She laughed and said, “Come on, get ready. We gotta get Dalthrun to a healer.”

The two packed their gear and donned their armor. Rira lifted Dalthrun’s legs and Jerek grabbed his hands. They marched out of the cave headed to a healer. Then Rira heard Dalthrun’s helmet drag on the ground. She let out a hearty laugh and called out, “Pick him up, wizard boy.”
