Wall To Wall [MF] [Oral] [creampie]

“Three months,” mused a restless, but excited Leslie Mayfield, “it’s been three whole months since I felt Rod’s loving touch.”

She’d been repeating that mantra since her plane landed an hour ago. Even though the flight had only been a couple hours, it might as well have been the longest trip of her life. Her time away from home and the man she loved had been strenuous, to say the least. Now, it was almost over and the cab driver couldn’t move fast enough.

Leslie fought the urge to yell at him, but it was already past midnight and Rod’s apartment wasn’t going anywhere. She just watched and waited anxiously, recounting how much distance and time had tested her relationship with her long-time love, Roddy Evans. So far, they’d passed with flying colors.

“Almost home,” Leslie said under her breath. “Just a few more minutes, baby. Wait just a few more minutes for me.”

It still sounded daunting. In many ways, it was. She and Rod were childhood sweethearts, having met in second grade when her family moved to the area. They started off as friends, but she knew she loved him before most girls got over their fear of cooties.

The romance that blossomed had been a passionate one. Since he lived only a couple blocks from her parents’ house, there was a lot of sneaking over and slipping into one another’s bedrooms. It happened so often during their senior year of high school that her mother gave up trying to stop her. Rod’s father even left a latter under his bedroom. The whole neighborhood knew how much they loved each other and they didn’t mind expressing it.

That was a big part of what made their first year of college so difficult. Leslie had gotten a scholarship to a prominent all-girls school in another state. She would’ve loved to go with Rod to the big state university that was less than an hour from their hometown, but the opportunity was too great. He was the one who ultimately convinced her to accept the scholarship, believing they could continue their romance over a distance.

She shared that belief. Despite seeing many female friends break up with boyfriends due to distance and direction, she and Rod fought to make it work. It hadn’t been easy. There were many lonely nights in cold beds, exchanging loving texts, some of which got very heated. Leslie didn’t realize how much a lack of sex would affect her until she went an entire month without making love to her boyfriend. Since then, it had been a test in patience and restraint.

“I hope you’re still awake,” Leslie said while anxiously shifting her legs. “I don’t know if I’ll be able to contain myself once I see you.”

She was getting wet just thinking about his touch. She almost regretted wearing clean panties. It was strange, but telling. She hadn’t been all that sexual growing up, especially compared to her free-spirited older sisters. However, after that fateful first time when she and Rod made love, it awakened a part of her that she didn’t know was there.

It might have just been a byproduct of being so in love with someone.

It might have been Rod’s knowledge of the female body, thanks to having a doctor for a father.

It might have just been the fact that she was hornier than most female college freshman.

Whatever the reason, a lack of sex had been one of the hardest parts of their long-distance relationship. Even the aid of a vibrator only did so much. She still needed to feel Ron’s body against hers. That was the only way that three months of desire could be satiated.

“We’re here, ma’am,” the driver finally said. “Do you need help with your bags?”

“That’s okay. I’ve got it!” Leslie assured him.

She managed to stop thinking about Rod touching her body long enough to pay the driver and remove her bags from the trunk. She hadn’t packed much. She didn’t need much because Rod was taking her home for Thanksgiving in about a week. He didn’t know she’d finished classes early and flown out ahead of time. She hoped to surprise him, knowing he was a night owl, especially on Friday nights.

“I know you’re awake,” she said, staring up at the second-floor apartment located a block from his campus. “If you can see me from that window, I hope you’re as eager as I am.”

As the cab driver rode off, Leslie made her way to into the apartment building, moving with more urgency than she had when she booked an early flight. Her heart raced. Emotions ran higher. The touch she so desperately craved was almost within reach. The line between wanting Rod’s love and just wanting to have sex with him blurred.

Upon reaching the second floor, she practically ran down the hall towards the entrance of his apartment. The lights were on from the outside. He was definitely awake, probably doing some last-minute homework. She was prepared to bang on the door to get the attention.

Before she even reached it, though, it opened. At that moment, the man she loved and the touch she craved was no longer a feeling or a memory. He was real and standing before her wearing only black sweatpants and a t-shirt.

“Oh my…Leslie?” he gasped in disbelief.

“Yep! It’s me, babe!” she said proudly. “I caught an early flight and paid extra for first class. I missed you that much.”

Rod was still in shock. He blinked a few times, as if to make sure she wasn’t dreaming. She decided to convince him, tossing aside her bags and jumping up into his arms. As soon as he felt his loving warmth, she kissed him. If that didn’t convince him she was real, then nothing would.

“Leslie…it’s you. It’s really you!” Rod exclaimed upon tasting her lips. “I missed you! You have no idea how much I missed you!”

“Trust me,” Leslie said, “I know.”

She kissed him again to make her point. Again, it seemed to convince him. Once the shock wore off, he began kissing back. In fact, he kissed back hard, twirling his tongue with hers while deepening their embrace. Finally, the touch that they hadn’t felt for three long months was there for them to savor.

However, it wasn’t enough. Even in the late hour of the night, after a two-hour flight, that hot feeling between her legs didn’t wane. If anything, it intensified.

“Inside,” she said to him, breaking the kiss upon realizing they were still in the doorway.

“Right,” Rod said sheepishly.

Already short of breath, he led her into his mid-sized apartment. He even carried one of her bags, a reminder that distance hadn’t made him any less a gentleman. As soon as they were inside and he closed the door behind him, she looked around to see if they were alone.

The apartment was typical of off-campus college housing. It didn’t have much, aside from two bedrooms and a single bathroom. It wasn’t very neat, which Leslie expected. Rod had a lot of great qualities, but keeping a room clean wasn’t one of them. There was multiple empty pizza boxes stacked on the kitchen counter.

The mess didn’t bother her, though. If anything, it was a welcome change of pace from her uptight roommate, who got upset every time she didn’t fold her bed sheets. It was not unlike his room back home in which they’d shared plenty of passionate nights. Just seeing it was enough to keep her blood flowing in all the right directions.

“Please tell me your roommate is out tonight,” Leslie said intently as she took her coat off.

“It’s Friday night. You know Mike always spends Friday’s at his girlfriend’s place,” Rod pointed out, his voice quickly taking a playful undertone.

“Just making sure,” said Leslie, “because I’ve missed you so damn much these past three months. I don’t think I can go a second longer without your love.”

She didn’t bother finding a place for her bag, nor did she wait for Rod to sweet talk her, as he so often did in their private moments. Instead, Leslie opted to skip several steps by stripping down right there in the foyer, taking off her sweater and shirt in one motion while slipping out of her jeans with another.

Now in just her bra and panties, Rod’s eyes widened at the sight. It was as though he hadn’t even seen a half-naked woman in three months. For a man with an internet connection going to a state school, it revealed a lot about him. It affirmed that he had eyes only for her and he’d missed using them to admire her naked body.

“Whoa,” Rod said in a daze, “just when I thought it was going to be another lonely night with a bottle of lube.”

“We can still use that lube if you want,” she said seductively.

“Let’s…keep that optional for now. I just hope you’re not too jet lagged.”

“It was only a two-hour flight,” she chuckled. “I’m as alert as any horny woman can possibly be at this hour.”

“Good, because I just lost all interest in my biology report.”

He spoke with the intensity of a man who’d been forced to cap his libido for one too many lonely nights. Seeing her in her underwear was all it took to blow the lid off that cap. Leslie goaded him with her seductive gaze. He needed no further incentive.

Like a man possessed with passion, he threw his arms around her and kissed her again. That sweet feeling of his hands making contact with the bare skin of her back and thighs triggered a fresh firestorm of sensations that Leslie hadn’t felt in too long. It firmly established that there would be no catching up or small talk. She and Rod were going to make love. Moreover, they were going to make up for lost time.

“The bedroom,” was all he got out in between the swirling lips.

“Lead the way!” Leslie purred.

With a strength befitting of his stature, Rod cupped her butt with both hands and lifted her up off the floor. Instinctively, she threw her legs around his waist and held onto his shoulders so he could carry her down the hall and into his bedroom. He must have been working out because he practically sprinted to the end of the hall.

As soon as they entered the messy bedroom, she went to work tearing off his clothes. His shirt was the first to go. The sweatpants quickly followed, along with his boxers. He was already semi-hard, his dick looking every bit as happy to see her.

“Ooh! Looks like some parts of you missed me more than others,” Leslie teased.

“Says the woman with noticeably wet panties,” he quipped.

They laughed and kissed some more, quickly making their way to the unmade bed that was still covered in dirty laundry. It was only a few feet away, but still ended up being too far. As soon as he shut the door, he set her down so, freeing his hands to remove her bra.

As soon as her breasts came tumbling out, he attacked them with his lips and hands, evoking the kind of deep moans that Leslie hadn’t made since their senior prom. While he reacquainted himself with her breasts, she slipped out of her panties, leaving her as naked as him.

“Mmm…that’s better,” Leslie said upon kicking off her panties, “naked and alone with my boyfriend on a Friday night.”

“Hearing you say it out loud still sounds like a dream…a very sexy dream,” Rod said, both hands still on her breasts.

“Then, I guess you better make love to me before you wake up.”

What happened next was a testament to how horny two lovers could be after three months apart. She and Rod kissed again, diving deep into a naked embrace, her exposed skin pressing up against his manly sinews. Almost immediately, hands wildly roamed. Hers navigated the sinews of his back, shoulders, and arms. His found their way to her hips, butt, and inner thighs. At one point, his fingers grazed the outer folds of her pussy. That dispensed any further need for foreplay.

After three months of exchanging love only through words and pictures, they needed something more overt. That meant having sex with the passion of two lovers denied. It also meant they didn’t even make it to the bed.

“Rod…I’m so hot for you,” she gasped. “Please, do me!”

Her lover responded with actions rather than words, turning her around and pinning her up against the wall next to the door. There was nothing subtle about the nature of their passion. There was an appropriate time for elaborate romance and games. It was definitely not that time.

“I missed this amazing ass,” said Rod, giving her butt a light swat as he positioned himself behind her, “almost as much as your pussy.”

“Then, what are you waiting for?” Leslie beckoned. “Another three months of celibacy?”

“Fuck no!”

Drunk on lust and full of pent-up arousal, he grabbed hold of her waist with one hand and guided his member to her wet entrance with the other. She could already feel how hard and erect he was, his manhood practically aching for her intimate depth. In the past, she and Rod liked to tease each other, really drawing out the foreplay. Then again, in the past they hadn’t gone months on end without sex.

With a hard grunt in a firm thrust, her lover entered her depths with his throbbing member. At last, their flesh was united once more. It had been so long, but worth the wait.

“Oohhh Rod!” Leslie cried out. “This…need this…so bad!”

“You and me both…my love,” he whispered into her ear.

That deep, masculine voice of his sent her deeper into a daze of lust. She pressed harder against the wall, elevating her right leg slightly so that Rod could get in as deep as he needed and at just the right angle. From there, an outpouring of sexual energy ensued.

Like a man possessed – or a man who just hadn’t been laid for too long – Rod pumped his cock into her throbbing folds, his hardened flesh sliding and slithering within her moist depths. Their naked bodies moved and clashed together, hot skin rubbing against hot skin after months of relying on old memories of loving touch. It was passion and ecstasy at its most pure.

It felt so good. Leslie hadn’t felt sex that good since her last birthday when Rod took her to her parents’ beach house. He hadn’t forgotten how she liked to be fucked. He remembered how to fondle her clit while humping her from behind. He also remembered she loved when he nibbled on her neck. When he held up her leg and pushed her up against the wall even harder, so much so her breasts mashed against the cold masonry, it was enough to send her to the brink of orgasm.

“Ooh fuck! Rod, I…I’m coming!” Leslie cried out.

“Already? Good!” he said with a grunt and a grin.

It wasn’t the fastest she’d ever achieved orgasm during sex, but it was close. When the feeling struck, it was like an old dam finally bursting, unleashing a torrent of ecstasy that crashed over her from head to toe.

It was incredible. She raked her nails down the wall, arching her back and gasping for air as her inner muscles contracted in accord with her release. Her vibrator might have given her plenty of orgasms over the past few months, but none made her feel so loved and fulfilled. Only Rod could do that.

To show her love and appreciation, she turned her head and captured his lips in a loving kiss, which helped steady the pace of their loving, albeit temporarily.

“Rod,” she whispered to him, “keep going.”

He got the message, fleshing her a playful grin. Still possessed with desire and very much in need of his own release, he briefly withdrew his cock from her so he could turn her around and pin her up against the wall once more. As soon as she felt the cold painted brick against her back, he lifted her up in his arms, hitched them over his elbows, and entered her still-throbbing pussy.

From there, the sex resumed. He was more urgent than before, grunting and thrusting with determined grit, his expression awash in bliss and passion. She clung to his shoulders, encouraging him with her loving gaze and occasionally kissing down his unshaven face, as if to guide him to his own taste of ecstasy.

“Go on, my love,” Leslie told him in her most seductive voice. “Get yours!”

“Oohhh Leslie!” he exclaimed.

That must have been the trigger he needed. After a few more cycles of heated thrusting, her lover crossed that magical threshold. She felt his member tense as his entire body shuddered under the weight of his release. She smiled and caressed his face as he released his manly juices up into her depths, clinging to him as he soaked in the ecstasy with her.

It was a beautiful sight, seeing her lover so impassioned and satisfied. He was already breathing heavily, but it couldn’t just be from the rigors of sex. He was an athlete who could run a couple miles without breaking a sweat. Making love to her after a month of having no intimate contact required a special level of exertion.

“I love you,” Rod said through his orgasmic daze.

“I love you too,” she told him.

“Not being with you…was so hard.”

“I know,” Leslie said, “but I’m here now.”

She kissed him again, the outburst of lust briefly giving way to more tender sentiments. It gave their bodies and hearts a chance to settle. Rod finally loosened his grip, withdrawing from her and letting her stand on her own two feet again. She still needed to lean on him and the wall for leverage. Her lower body was still reeling from their sex, albeit in the best possible way.

They lingered in each other’s arms, just kissing and holding one another, enjoying the feeling of their naked bodies. However, Leslie didn’t get the sense that her lover was tired, let alone satisfied. She certainly wasn’t inclined to sleep and not just because she took a nap during her flight.

“You’re here. You’re really here,” he said after their lips finally parted.

“Do you really need more convincing?” Leslie said, dazed and half-jokingly.

“No. I just never realized how hard it would be…us being apart for so long,” Rod said in a more serious tone.

“Three months wasn’t that long.”

“Maybe so,” he said, “but it sure felt like it.”

“Never said it didn’t.”

They kissed again, letting their naked bodies enmesh once more. Her legs remained weak, but she managed to stay upright. The bed was looking more and more inviting, but the way Rod touched her hinted he had more strength to spare. The feeling of his semi-hard cock pressing up against her thigh hinted at something other than strength.

“Mmm…how are you still hard?” Leslie asked, still holding onto his shoulders.

“I missed you,” he said with a half-grin.

“That’s a half-answer, Rod.”

“You want me to give you the other half? Or do you want to make love again?”

“Well, we do have a lot of catching up to do so…”

She let her words trail off into a seductive fade. At the same time, she slipped a hand down to his member and stroked it, keeping it hard and communicating her want for more sex. Parts of her body were still reeling, but her desires overshadowed any reticence she might have felt.

“Between now and my class tomorrow…we’ve got time!” said Rod.

“Then, let’s use it, my love.”

Seizing the moment, showing her impassioned side as well, Leslie summoned more strength and took charge. She kissed her lover again, still stroking his cock and guiding him towards his bed. However, they missed again. She ended up pinning him against the other wall next to his dresser, right next to where he kept a stack of textbooks. Rather than navigate the mess, she made use of it.

“I missed a lot of things in college,” she whispered seductively into his ear. “The taste of your cock was one of them.”

Needing no further details, Rod leaned back against the wall, just as she’d done moments ago, and watched as she dropped to her knees. Then, while looking up at him with her seductive gaze, she hungrily engulfed his cock with her lips and tongue.

It tasted every bit as good as she’d remembered, his throbbing male flesh in her mouth. Still bathing in the afterglow of her first orgasm with Rod in months, Leslie proceeded to give him the most thorough oral sex she’d ever attempted. After his first release, he was somewhat sensitive, but that didn’t stop her from pleasing her lover, as only she could.

“Oohhh Leslie!” he gasped, grabbing onto her head as it bobbed back and forth along his length. “I missed your amazing blowjobs, too!”

Encouraged, Leslie shot him more seductive gases as she sucked and slurped along his length, rebuilding his arousal and getting him fully erect. Along the way, she fondled her still-moist pussy with her hand. She and Rod were no stranger to extensive act lovemaking. They’d learned early on that they had more stamina than most, going multiple rounds and exploring multiple acts. At that moment, they needed all the sexual endurance they could muster.

“Mmm! Ready to go again?” Leslie asked after giving his shaft a thorough lick.

“I’m ready!” Rod said intently. “And we’re not stopping until I’ve pinned up against every wall!”

“Every wall? Is that your thing now?”

“When I’m through with you…it just might be!”

Leslie wasn’t sure where that was coming from. Rod had always been more adventurous than her when it came to expanding their sex life. He wasn’t one to just curl up in bed in a darkened room. He liked to push the sexual envelope. More often than not, it made for better sex and deeper intimacy. Having not had any of that for months, Leslie didn’t complain.

Drawing on the energy and passion she’d built up for their overdue reunion, she returned to her feet and re-entered her lover’s arms. He took it from there, crashing his lips against hers again and leading her to the adjacent wall next to his closet. Just as before, he pinned her up against the hard surface, lifting her leg and angling his pelvis perfectly with hers. With another hard thrust and a firm hold on her thighs, he entered her again. The next round of their wall-to-wall lovemaking had begun.

“Ooh Rod! I love it! Ooh I fucking love it!” Leslie moaned.

“I thought you would,” he grinned before grasping her breasts and kissing her.

It wasn’t as desperate or urgent as before. Their sex took on a steadier rhythm, but it was still plenty heated. He worked his hips with just the right fervor, pumping his manhood into her depths and stimulating her most intimate areas every step of the way. He was also more tender with his kissing and more affectionate with his touching, caressing her breasts and cupping her face.

They went at it in that position, testing both their stamina and their balance. It took a bit longer than before to get to the brink of orgasm, but she still got there, thanks to her lover’s dedication. When she came again, Leslie made it a point to rake her nails down his back, leaving the kinds of marks she hoped would turn their overdue reunion into a fond, sexy memory.

“Rod…my love,” she said in her orgasmic daze. “More! Give me more!”

Her lover replied with a grunt and a grin, kissing her neck and letting her moan through the rest of her orgasm. With her body still reeling, he lifted her up in his arms again and carried her over to the last wall that hadn’t supported their naked bodies.

As it just so happened, his desk was located along that wall. Rod took full advantage of it, setting her down atop it with her back leaned up against it. That worked out perfectly. Her legs were weak from multiple orgasms and from so much exertion. She was all too eager to rest her butt on the desk, hook her legs around his waist, and let her lover have at it.

He certainly did so and with even more vigor than before. Without having to support her body in his arms, he was free to channel his remaining strength into his humping. That ultimately benefited the both of them.

As she held onto the desk, Leslie locked her eyes with that of her lover, encouraging him with her gaze. She watched as he became more determined, holding onto her waist and hammering away with his hips, working his member within her still-throbbing depths. He rocked her body harder with each motion, making her breasts bounce along the way, a sight he always admired.

He kept pushing himself and she kept matching him, thrust for thrust. It wasn’t just an act of love or lust. She and Rod had dealt with distance and loneliness. It was still new to them, going extended periods without their loving touch. It could’ve strained or even broken their love. Instead, it just made it stronger when they finally got a chance to reunite.

“So much!” Rod gasped with increasing desperation. “Missed you…so much!”

“Me too, Rod. Me too,” Leslie said to him, caressing his face with both hands.

Her loving gaze and sweet touch helped balance the lurid undulations of their naked bodies. It also helped guide Rod to another peak. She could sense he was close. She was close again too. She didn’t need another sexual release to remind herself how much she’d loved and missed her boyfriend. It was still a welcome and refreshing feeling.

“Leslie…I’m close!” he said through labored movements.

“So am I, my love,” Leslie said.

They clung to one another harder, his nails digging into her naked skin while she held onto his face. It took just a few more thrusts to get her to that special plateau again. She made sure he joined her, digging her feet into his lower back and tensing her inner muscles to help unleash that magical wave of bliss.

“Oohhh Rod!”

“Ohhh Leslie!”

It was a sweet, sensuous culmination. Once again, Leslie curled her toes and arched her body in accord with the surges of pleasure that followed. Rod did the same, letting out a deep moan as he achieved his release, another round of his manly fluids mixing in with her feminine juices.

Their shared orgasm marked the last wall in Rod’s undersized bedroom. He’d done what he promised to do, making love to her against every wall. In the process, they’d vented all the pent-up longing and desire. Distance and time had created new obstacles for their love. However, it also gave them a new appreciation for wall-to-wall lovemaking.

“So…is this what we’re going to do from now on?” asked Leslie, still panting heavily. “Make love from wall-to-wall…after being apart for months on end?”

“It…could be,” said Rod, clinging to her waist and pulling her closer. “It would make the wait…easier.”

“And more worthwhile,” she added.

“That too,” he said. “When you miss someone that much…you find new ways to show how much you love them.”

“And fuck them, for that matter,” she said with a chuckle.

“That too!”

They both laughed before sharing another kiss. At some point, their naked bodies finally parted and they made their way to the bed for some much needed rest. After three long months, neither she nor Rod had to endure another lonely night. They could fall asleep in each other’s arms, feeling each other’s loving warmth.

It felt like the end of a journey. Their love had been tested. For the first time in their young lives, they had to live apart from one another, hoping distance and the college experience didn’t push them apart. Leslie liked to think they had passed with flying colors. If absence really was supposed to make the heart grow fonder, then she and Rod were living proof of it.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/d7avtd/wall_to_wall_mf_oral_creampie

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