It was an awesome start to a great night with my ex gf. We haven’t seen each other in 2 months since I was out of the country. We went out to a brewery and had a great time, had dinner and came back to my place.
We had some more drinks and then we went at it. Ripping off clothes, whispering “I missed you soo much”, making out, biting each others’ lips. It was intense. I stretched her arms out above her head and told her “Don’t move. You’re under arrest”. And I went down on her starting with my tongue and my fingers too, all kinds of combinations (spelled the alphabet but my tongue got tired when I got to K) and then I used both of my hands to grip her waist and continued with more focus on sucking.
A few mins later (felt like a blissful eternity) I pinched her nipples with one hand while eating her out. And she came really hard, shivering, shaking, and saying “omg, omg”.
I placed my hands right above her pelvic bones and pushed down as she was breathing heavily (Idk where i learned to do this but I know it makes her post-orgasm feel much better) but I didn’t touch any of her sensitive areas (inner thighs, under her boobs, her neck) right after because that always kills her orgasm since she’s ticklish. I patiently watched the results of my work, I was proud.
I’m mentioning all this to convey that I knew I did everything right.
I felt amazing. I was extremely satisfied and I couldn’t stop looking at her. She looked so goddamn amazing and beautiful.
As I was in this moment, we kissed passionately and then she immediately burst into tears!!!
She was bawling and saying “I don’t deserve this”. And I was super confused and concerned. I just said “yes yes you do baby, you do”. She kept crying and saying no she didn’t. And I consoled her and we went to sleep.
Idk what happened to this day.
Sounds like she felt guilty about something that happened while you were away. Self denial and punishment often manifest themselves in times of great joy. The thoughts of what they’ve done come back haunting them making them regret it and feeling undeserving starts. Sorry that happened to you.
Glad you made her feel good. I Agree with the other comment…guilt is on her mind. But I will say that crying after sex and intense feelings are completely normal so she’s not crazy sounds like she just had a nice orgasm.
Tears of guilt or tears from an orgasm?
I’ve had women cry immediately after orgasm before, it’s a thing that happens.
Whoa. Plot twist. I hope you get this worked out. :(
She more than likely cheated on you
It sounds like no one ever appreciated her or gave her positive reinforcement when she was younger. Having a person be this intimate with her and focusi g on her needs over theirs is likely not what she is used to.
You gave her after care and didn’t leave her to deal with it on her own. Congratulations, you are not a dick.
Drama aside thanks for the post O tip. Always looking to step my game up. Ticklish girl presents a challenge. I’ve always gone straight for the neck or running my finger nails lightly down her spine
Cheating is possible, but not the only thing. Some people cry after/during sex. Depression in general could be the cause. There’s a laundry list of possible causes.
She’s not feeling guilty about anything, dude. It’s odd, but women sometimes cry after having an orgasm. It’s a release! Not only for your body but your emotions.