[M]y Girl[F]riend Made Me Paint The Art Room Wall At Our High School Dance. [Long]

I’ve written a few of these in the past and they have always been rather long. Today’s story might not be as long as some, but I will be sure to not skimp on the details nor my usual “humor”. I try my best to tell the story how it happened as if you were there witnessing it like some kind of “go-pro voyeur” who knows my thoughts too. Not trying to talk down on anyone who shares their stories, but I’m not a very big fan of the “We fuck. I cum. She cum. Best. Sex. Ever. The end.” stories.

As always, I’m not a writer. These are written while I’m at work about past experiences in my actual life. They are not perfect nor is my spelling or grammar. Please understand that and enjoy!!!

For the sake of this story I will mention that we were in high school, but we were both over 18. Don’t wanna get in trouble for any underage hijinks. Because come on, we all know that never happens… /s

This is the story about the time when my girlfriend at the time (who is now my wife, we’ll call her B) made me cum at the school dance.

The day before the dance was a typical day. Wake up. Go to school. Learn nothing. Go home and watch TV with B. And by watch TV I meant fuck like rabbits. As I have stated in previous posts, my parents would allow us to hang out in my basement for hours on end (on the weekends) without any supervision. During a break from our fucking, B says to me that she has a surprise for me in store for tomorrow at the dance. My head immediately starts spinning thinking about what she could possibly mean.

Did she have a super slutty dress? Probably not, we would be taking pictures prior to the dance and her parents would not have allowed anything “risque”. Did she plan on not wearing any underwear or bra? Possibly, underwear show lines and if a dress is on the tighter side, maybe she wouldn’t want to show them. So chalk that up to a maybe. I had no idea what she really had planned though.

I drove to pick her up for the dance with my parents. We went to a local spot near a river with trees and shit to grab a couple photos. In the middle of our shoot, I put my hands on her hips and she moved in such a way that made her ass grind right on my crotch. She knew what she was doing. She knew exactly what she was doing. I have always been the more “tame one” when it comes to our sexual and social life. She’s a social butterfly, and I’m…well, I take a bit of time to get comfortable with most situations.

Back to her ass. I couldn’t feel with my dick if she was wearing underwear or not and I sure as hell wasn’t gonna cop a feel with her father standing right there with a god damn camera in his hand. If I wanted to check, I’d have to be sly. As we were walking from one tree to another I took a chance. I positioned my hand in the small of her back to lead her to the next destination and when no one was looking I went for it. I started to slide my hand down her back but to my surprise, she was wearing underwear. Not a thong, g-string, or anything like that. But from what my hand could determine they were a pair that covered half of her ass. I knew them as being “the blue ones”, they were not my absolute favorite ones she had, but god damn, did they look great on her. She has a thong that is white and lacy. Those are my favorite. In case you were wondering.

Anyway…now I was confused, she told me yesterday in the middle of our FuckFest that she had a surprise for me for today. I was getting harder and harder with anticipation.

We went to dinner just the two of us, a local place that surprisingly was not packed even though there were damn near 250 couples trying to get dinner at the same time. We ate our dinner made small talk about how our food was and what kind of music was going to be played toni…”WHAT THE FUCK IS MY SURPRISE?” I asked her.

“Wow, ummm…you’re just gonna have to wait and see” she laughed.

I hate “wait and see” but I understood and mumbled under my breath. “YoU’lL jUsT hAvE tO wAiT aNd SeE”.

Her smile turned to a bit of a scowl, but she knew she had me wrapped around her finger so she just laughed it off and said, “yeah, if you’re lucky.”

I spent a lot of money on dinner, flowers and the dance itself. We had been dating for quite some time, and have already had sex countless times. So tonight “us having sex” would not have been some type of high school feat” I would never say that she ever “owes me sex” but short of her being sick or just not in the mood (even though ALL of her actions for the last 24 hours said otherwise) we would be getting laid tonight. It was pretty much a given.

We arrived at the dance. I’ve said before in my previous posts that I’m not a dancer. I said before that B is like a Social Butterfly. I’m more of a Moderately Social Moth. I can fly and shit, but I’m definitely not the cool one. That is, until I start drinking. Being in high school, we did not drink. Probably could have, if we wanted to, but we chose not to.

The dance was filled with people, loud music, and body odor. You know the usual. The slow songs were not very common as all of us “kids” didn’t like dancing to slow, old songs, we wanted new songs that were fast paced and full of bass. The music kept playing and the grinding ensued. I’m not a fan of the grinding form of dancing, I don’t want to have a boner around all of my friends especially when I know nothing would come of it. (Pun not intend, but welcome non the less)

After a few hours of dancing, in between songs, B looked at me and grabbed my hand. I followed her like a lost puppy. The dance was being held at our school. We made if from the gymnasium down to the art hallway. That’s when my surprise began.

Our school has security cameras installed but everyone knew where they weren’t. There were small rooms designated for practicing instruments in the band room that were sound proof (no cameras). The locker rooms and bathrooms (no cameras for obvious reasons). And for some reason, the Art hallway. It was the oldest section of our school consisting of 4 decent sized rooms all along one side with the hallway running parallel to each of them. The end of the hallway was a dead end and no where to go from here. This portion of the school has since been torn down and rebuilt, but anyway.

She guides me down the hallway leading to the last room. Neither of us had any art classes. Neither of us had any friends that had an art class for their last period, or any that stayed after school for any reason, short of telling the teacher that she had a plan to get in here over the weekend, there was no way of us getting into this room without a key or someone finding out about it.

I can see the last door. Each door had its own small recessed area perfect to hide each doorway from sight if you were to look down the hall from the original end. I have no idea why, but they did this “sunken door” thing on all 4 doors. The last one not only allowed us to be hidden from sight, but would also allow us ample time to hear someone coming.

As I watched her walk in front of me, she began to twirl herself and her dress while raising and lowering it slowly. My half chub from pictures never really went away. Side note, we still have a pitcture from this dance, where my wife says she can see my dick print in my pants. Oops… So my semi turned rock hard from this. I’m definitely a grower, not a show-er, but from all of this built up sexual tension, my “flacid” dick was even something I could have been very proud of. By the time we got to the end of the hallway and to the last door I went to go in for the kiss. Expecting a hot make out session, more blueballs and maybe some over the clothes groping. I was kind of right.

As we entered the little door “cubby” she looked at the door, then looked at me. The rooms pitch dark and the hall way was dark as well except for two security lights. One light at the opening of the hallway, and the other about 2/3rds of the way down leaving us in just enough darkness to make us feel alone but can see our surroundings. I went to grab at her waist as she backed into the wall putting one hand on the door. But pointing at me to stay away with her other.

“Are you ready for your surprise?” She asked?

“Uhhh….yeah!” I said excitedly.

“You don’t seem very interested in it, maybe I’ll wait until later.” She responded in a pouty fashion.

“No! No! Please! Please! I’m really interested! I’m so interested! Can I have it now please?” I replied.

“Ask me?” She said.

“I already said please. Should I say pretty please with fuckin sugar on top!?”

“Well, if you did, maybe you could get your surprise.”

“Fine. Please with fuckin sugar on top,” “there I said it, now please let me know what this secret is!” I said almost a bit upset. I like to be toyed with, but I knew time was of the essence. I wasn’t in the mood for this messing around when I was this horny and not in a position where I expected anything to happen.

Before I could say another word, she brings her hand up to her mouth and extends her index finger telling me to “Shhhh”. She walks towards me and her hand goes for my belt. Not my buckle. But the actual belt that is around my waist. She places her fingers into my pants and grabs hold of the underside of my belt with her thumb. She’s got a hold of me now. And she knows it.

I start to kiss her but she turns her head. I start to kiss her neck, but she avoids this as well. I begin to feel her up. Running my hands up her leg starting at the bottom of her dress all the up to her thigh. I’m met again with her preventing me from going further. I asked her, “what’s the deal here? Is my surprise the blue balls you are giving me, because I’d really rather not have those.”

“Then let’s do something about them.” She responds. Upon the finishing of her “them” her hand left my belt and began to touch “them”. She was standing in front of me looking up at me with those big blue eyes of hers. Then she began to follow through on her word.

I tried to keep kissing her, but was blocked with every attempt. She just kept shushing me and continued to rub the bulge in the pants that kept getting larger and larger. I gave in with no more complaints in my end. We stood there kind of rocking back and forth with one of her hands on my chest and the other cupping my package and running her fingers over the shaft if my dick. One of my hands were planted firmly on her right ass cheek and the other was on her left titty.

As we slowly swayed, she moved from the outside of my pants and undid my zipper. As she go the zipper undone, my dick was already starting to poke out from the hole in my pants. My boxer briefs had begun to get saturated from the amount of precum I was producing. She undid my belt and unbuttoned my pants leaving my underwear on and she pulled my pants down to my ankles.

I stood there as she continued to massage my dick from the outside of my underwear. I could feel my orgasm start to build even from no actual “physical skin-to-skin” contact. I told her to slow down. She did not listen. With a quick spring of the elastic, she pulled my underwear down just enough to expose my cock and balls but keeping my ass covered. My dick sprang out and was ready to be played with. The head was beginning to turn red from all of the friction of the fabric and my precum dripped and dangled off the tip as it flopped back down onto the band.

She looked at my dick. Looked up at me and smiled and went on to start stroking my cock in such a way I didn’t know possible. (At the time at least, she knows now how much I love handjobs so whenever things are getting hot and heavy and she strokes me, she knows I like her to be very soft and pretty slow with her motions, versus fast and hard.) She was stroking me with one hand that was just barely gripping me, but you could tell what she was intending to do. She would rotate her hands, removing her left hand from my chest and replace the right, which was doing the massaging. This exchange went on for maybe 5 minutes or so until I felt the build up start.

As I have stated in a previous posts, my wife has had a history of not “loving” my cum. She’d rather have it in her, than on her. So once the time came for me to cum, I asked her if I should finish? I wanted to finish. She knows I wanted to finish. I know, she knows, she doesn’t want cum on her.

She asked me, “are you going to make a big mess?”

“I had no idea.” Usually the faster I cum, the less I cum. She had not been actually touching my penis in any way for more than 15 minutes or so, so I responded with, “ummm….I don’t know. Probably not. Why?”

“I don’t want to get any cum on my dress so coming in me is not an option.” “I don’t want to get any cum on me, so how can I make this happen for you?” She asked.

“What if you stood behind me?” “I could cum and you wouldn’t be in any line of fire.” I said joking thinking she’d never take the bait. I’m like 6’4″ and 240 lbs. B is like 5′ 1″. Maybe 5′ 5″ in heels. Her arms are not very long so the idea of a reach around handjob (in my mind sounds amazing) but in reality, might be a bit of a challenge.

She got behind me and began to sway her hips side to side and she worked my cock. As she did this she held my chest forcing me to rock back and forth along with her. I could feel her ear, as it was cupped against my back holding me close to her. Her left hand on my shoulder, and her right gripped firmly around my shaft. Just as she began to make full, long movements on my cock, the pressure and intense feelings were already back. My breathing increased and so did her movements. With each exhale, she tightened her grip around the head of my dick. I began to say to her that I was about to cum and then it happened. The release.

As the first spurt of cum came out of my dick I knew this was not going to be a simple “dribbler cumshot”. I started to cum more than I have ever cum in life. It, to this day is a top 5, if not top 3 amounts I have ever cum. I lost track of spurts after the 8th or 9th, but they kept coming. After the 3rd rope, my wife felt the cum hit her hand and took her hand off of my dick to which I said, “No! No! No! Keep going! Please!” She put her hand back just in time to milk out the last few drops I had left.

The wall of the cubby was painted. I’m not an artist by any means, but I sure made that wall looked like the worst, most disgusting Jackson Pollock painting you’ve never wanted to see. She kissed my back. Smacked my ass and said. “Thanks for the dance.” with a smile. I caught my breath and began to take in my work. She looked at the wall and gasped quietly. She’s never really been impressed by cum, but even she couldn’t resist admiring what she had made me do.

“Good thing that wasn’t inside me!” She laughed. “The bathroom is waaaay too far away. I wouldn’t have been able to get there before that massive load would have run down my leg.”

She was right, but now we had to clean up. I don’t like being that guy that makes a big mess anywhere he goes, let along one with my cum. That’s pretty disgusting in my opinion. Before I can even think about how we can clean up the mess, B takes off her shoes and takes off these weird “nude, foot-cover-sock things” similar to what you can get a store to put on your feet if you want to try on shoes but aren’t wearing socks, but longer and thicker. They weren’t stockings or even knee highs. She must have put them on at some point after pictures and dinner. It’s still a mystery. Maybe I’ll ask her if she remembers what she did. Anyway…she takes them off and hands them both to me saying, “these are all I have, so unless you use your socks, you had better clean this up really well.”

I did. I cleaned up the mess as she put her heels back on. I readjusted myself and we started back to the dance. We didn’t see anyone in the way to our jerk-off hideout nor did we see anyone on the way back. I laughed every day I passed that part of the school until we graduated. And even though that protion of the building is gone, the memory lives on.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/d6i2xc/my_girlfriend_made_me_paint_the_art_room_wall_at


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