Roommates: A Short Service Interruption

There wasn’t much to do at the apartment in the first place. My roommate and I just sat around all day and watched reruns of sitcoms together. Then, the television broke. See, this is normally a simple fix. Just get a new fucking TV right? Wrong. We’re dirt poor. We can barely scrape by month to month. Now, on top of the dread of upcoming rent and subsequent bills, we had no distraction. What a fucking bummer. Neither of us handled the situation well. There was me, the 21 year old guy who was barely fumbling his way through adulthood. To counteract the lack of cable I took up jogging… For maybe a week. It didn’t last long at all, I hated it. It made me sweaty, wheezy, and all the pedestrians always gave me weird looks when I hobbled by them. My roommate, 20 year old chick with a knact for knitting but not much else. She could knit you a sweater, a hat, a cactus, gloves, hell, even a squid, and you bet your ass she Knitted each one of those items and an abundance of others during the great television outage. Eventually, though, she ran out of things to knit, and I grew tired of jogging. Then? The apartment was silent. It started to grate at me, peel away at my sanity. I could tell it had an effect on her, too, she’d pace around the apartment, seemingly going nowhere. One day, shortly thereafter, we both found ourselves slumped on an old couch in front of a broke ground television without a clue what to do. Well, I didn’t know what to do. She casually brushed her hand over my cock and I looked at her, her eyebrow raised. Alright, okay, yeah. She wasted no time getting onto her knees and quickly pulling down my gym shorts. My cock lazily flipped put and it went straight into her mouth. The head and most of the tip of my shaft stayed in her mouth but she used her hand to twist the bottom half. It was over quicker than I had liked, honestly, but I was left completely satisfied. And her? She fell back onto the carpet, gargling my cum with amusement. I don’t think I mind not having a television.
