[mf] Alexis and I, share a surprise

After our mutual masturbation and oral sex swap, Alexis and I didn’t spend much time together. She dated a couple guys, nothing came of it, and I moved to a new place further away. We kept in touch, and although we both had talked about our eventual return to sharing physical pleasures with one another, our schedules didn’t align.

About 2 years later, I ended up taking a job near her place, and after a few intermittent short text exchanges, she called me out of the blue. She had a free evening, I had a free evening, and we decided to meet up at her place. Just as I was wondering if I should bring condom and weed, she sent me a pic of her naked ass with the caption “I’ve missed you”. I’m immediately hard, my mind swimming with ideas and questions. Our evening wasn’t set until next Wednesday, so I had a few days for it to really drive me crazy.

As Wednesday rolls around, I take a few choice shots of my physique in the mirror. Some unclothed, some just revealing, and some full on pornographic, just in case I need to respond quickly and definitively. Sure enough, she gets back to me “I’ve got a surprise for you”, followed by a string of very suggestive emojis. She follows this up with a shot of her in the sexiest little outfit, all straps and buckles, her lacy black underwear pulled to the side, as she traces a huge dildo along her freshly shaven tight pink pussy. I respond with a shot of my hard dick, and always the one to surprise me, she asks “can I show that pic to some friends?” I am vibrating with anticipation, trying to play it cool with a “sure” and “are we having friends join us?”
“Not exactly, just answering some questions… you’ll see”
I don’t know if I should be preparing for a threesome or more, but I am ready to go for whatever she wants.

I pull up to her apartment, my kit of “supplies” ready to go. She buzzes me in, and says “the door’s open, come on in”. What the fuck!?! This is too much. She hadn’t seemed like such a freak when we met years ago, but clearly I’ve been an influence on her sexual adventures. Is this a gang bang? Orgy? Swing party? I get to her door, it’s open, I head in. The apartment is mostly quiet, but I hear her talking to someone down the hall. She hears the door and calls to me “come on in!” I walk down the hall, look in the bedroom, and Alexis is spread eagle on her bed, surrounded by lights and toys, her laptop open facing her. She’s camming. She’s gone full camwhore, and she’s laughing and having fun, rubbing her wet snatch and posing for the camera.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/133hf0p/mf_alexis_and_i_share_a_surprise