[MF] The Weekend of Three Girls (19M & 19F) Part 4 – The Finale and Goodbyes

This is Part 4 of this saga and the finale.  For Part 3, see the following: https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/12yuaiv/mf_the_weekend_of_three_girls_19m_19f_part_3/
Once again, everyone is over the age of 18 and names have been changed for privacy.

Beth’s slap stung and now my face hurt.  After the slap, she walked away from me towards her class. 
Any seats in our mutual classes were moved and she didn’t speak to me, or acknowledge me again.  I walked over to a coffee shop and grabbed a large coffee for class and continued on with my
day with the thoughts of what had happened that weekend going through my head.
That day seemed to fly by.  Amanda and I would chat back and forth throughout the day with no hints about how Lynn was feeling.  That night, I waited in my room for Amanda to come over while doing some homework.  I was startled by a knock at my door and I walked over and opened it.  Amanda and Lynn were both standing there.  Amanda said, “We all need to talk about what happened and figure out how to move forward.”.  What came next was the longest night of my life so far.  Lynn was hurt that I was now with Amanda, and that she was the “other woman”.  She hadn’t realized that I had been with Beth the night we slept together and she had only said that Amanda could pursue me because they were friends.  I could have fought the conversation, but I just sat and listened and offered my apologies and any comments and answers as we went along.  Amanda, through all of this, stayed silent, just offering her support to her friend and her now boyfriend.  When all was done, Lynn and I had worked out everything, I had apologized again and we hugged as she left the room.

I got up and poured Amanda and I a drink and we sat at the kitchen table for a long while after Lynn went back to her room just taking sips from our drinks and sitting in the silence that had descended on the room. Finally my roommate, who had just come back from his parents, came into the kitchen, looked at us and said “Look, you guys are acting like someone died.  I heard the conversation through
the walls and, if you want my opinion, you all made decisions that had the potential to hurt each other.  You’ve resolved the issues now, so cut the bullshit and move on.”.  He then grabbed a coke, made himself some ramen and went back into his room, shutting his door.

Amanda looked at me, reached across the table, and grabbed my hand giving it a squeeze.  The sparkle in her eyes was gone for now and she just said “I need some time to think.  We’ve both hurt people and I’m not sure I want to be serious with someone.  Please give me some time.”  She then got up, gave me a kiss on the lips and walked out the door.

I didn’t hear from Amanda for almost a week.  She wasn’t online at all and didn’t email me (this was before people texted).  It was the longest week of my life but the time apart allowed me the time to think through my actions from the weekend and how I would change my behavior. 

Friday night came around, and my friends all wanted to get together again.  This time, I brushed them off and spent the night in my room playing video games and I went to bed early (for a Friday).  Saturday afternoon I woke up feeling refreshed and started getting to work on a project for school.

It was around 4 in the afternoon that a message notification popped up on my laptop.  It was Amanda and she was ready to talk, so I suggested we meet at a coffee shop.  I quickly got dressed and left for the short walk.  When I got there, Amanda was already there and sitting at a table nursing a coffee. 
She gave me a look and I asked her what was wrong.  She said that she had spent the better part of the week trying to put me out of her mind and ignoring her feelings for me, but by Thursday, she realized that there was something more between us and she couldn’t ignore it any more.  She said that we should start dating, exclusively, but with one condition, that she wouldn’t tolerate any cheating.  I agreed with her condition and made one other condition, that we get to know each other first, putting anything sexual off the table for now.  I wanted to develop a relationship with her, one based on emotions.  She agreed, and stood up from the table we were at and walked to the door.  I was confused to say the least and wondered what was happening.  It was when she walked over to me and introduced herself that I understood.  She wanted to start over (as much as possible) with this being our first “date”.

That first date went well.  We talked for hours about our families, past relationships, likes, dislikes, who we were as people and what we expected from each other.  Over the next few weeks, we stuck to the plan for the most part and really got to know each other and built a foundation that we hoped would last.  We were both starving students, so dates were mostly limited to movies, walks or coffees but occasionally we would stay in, snuggle up and watch something on TV.  That’s not saying that there weren’t any erotic moments, but we did abstain from having PIV sex for that first two weeks.

Our first few dates were like almost any other couple, we would meet somewhere, talk and enjoy each
other’s company and just generally have fun.  We’d kiss and hug when we met, hold hands while we walked anywhere and kiss and hug goodbye.  The kisses wouldn’t linger, but when we hugged you could feel that we were holding back.  That all changed during our technical fourth date when we went to the movies and she gave me a hand job while I fingered her during the movie.   This slowly escalated during our next few dates, eventually leading to Valentines Day.

Valentines Day was going to be a big date for us.  I had been saving money for a few weeks to take her to dinner then to a movie.  We had also decided that she would spend the night to see what happens.  She drove over to my residence and as it was a warmer day for February, we were going to walk from there to dinner and our movie.  When I came down to meet her, she was a vision.  Amanda wore a short jean skirt that fell just mid-thigh, a very nice shirt that was low cut and showed off her amazing
cleavage and boots up to her knees.  She looked amazing.  I walked over to her and presented her with 6 long stem roses and a box of chocolates (very cliché I know).  She looked like I had just given
her the world and threw her hands around my neck and gave me a huge kiss that betrayed what her thoughts were for that evening. 

After a little bit, before it became too awkward for everyone else around, we stopped and left for the short walk to dinner.  Dinner was good, we had a nice meal together.  When we got to dessert, we ordered a brownie that had whipped cream on top and once the server had left our table she took my hand, extended my index finger, and scooped up some whipped cream.  She kept eye contact with me the entire time and put my finger in her mouth swirling her tongue around it making sure it was clean before she took it out of her mouth and let go, letting me take it back. 

After we finished dessert and paid the bill, we had time before our movie, but she whispered in my ear “I don’t want to watch a movie again.  Let’s go home.”.  I didn’t have to be told twice, so we quickly walked back to my residence and to my room.  My roommate had his own date that night and wasn’t due back until the next day, so we had the place to ourselves.

As soon as the door was shut, she started kissing me again with a lust that I hadn’t seen in her to this point.  Our clothes quickly started coming off on the way to my bed where we both laid down, continuing to kiss.  I had rolled her onto her back, sat up and just took in the way she looked.  She was incredible.  She sat up to meet me, and started kissing me again and started kissing down my chest to my cock where she proceeded to give me an amazing blowjob.  When I was getting close to cumming, I tapped her on her shoulder letting her know I was close.  She doubled her efforts and started playing
with my balls.  That pushed me over the edge, and I came in her mouth and then collapsed back.  After she was sure she got all my cum, she took a quick drink of water, laid on her back and beckoned me over to kiss her again.  We started to kiss again, and I kissed down her neck giving each of her perfect nipples a kiss and suck and kept kissing down to her freshly shaved, but very very wet pussy. 

I inserted two fingers while sucking on her clit.  She started moaning right away and saying how good it felt and to keep going until finally, with a gush, she came.  After her orgasm subsided, she grabbed my head and pulled me up to her to give her a kiss.  She rolled us over so I was on my back, threw her leg over me like our first time, and inserted my now very hard cock into her pussy.  We had sex with an urgency that I couldn’t describe.  I started to cum not long after that, filling her pussy with my cum and feeling me cum set her off and she came with me.  When she had come down from her cum, she pulled me up by my shoulders, gave me a big hug, looked into my eyes and said “I love you”.  I was shocked, but I knew I felt the same.  I kissed her lips, looked back into her eyes and responded “I love you too”.  Then, to the surprise of both of us, I was hard again and we had slow meaningful sex well into the night until we were both tired.  Before we got into bed again, we cleaned ourselves up and picked our clothes up off the floor and went to sleep.

The next morning, we had breakfast together re-affirmed our love for each other and around lunch time, we parted ways for the rest of the day.

For the first few weeks after Valentines Day, she would show up outside my door early in the morning
to crawl into bed with me for a quick fuck before classes and we would spend 3 or 4 days a week together with her staying the nights on Saturday and Sunday.  After those first few weeks, she would stay over on date nights, but coming over every morning stopped, which was ok by me as I always had to be up before she arrived to brush my teeth and I value my sleep.

I stayed at that college only to the end of the semester.  I decided that I didn’t enjoy the program of study I was in and needed a change.  I moved back home the second week in May leaving Amanda 1.5 hours away from me.  Amanda was heartbroken that I was leaving, but I promised that we would make the distance work.  She only had 2 years left of school, and I had 3. 

We would see each other every weekend either at my house or I would travel to hers and we’d spend that time exploring each other and our cities and we would talk either on the phone or MSN every night until we fell asleep.

In the middle of September, she called me at home in tears.  We hadn’t seen each other in a few weeks and it was hard.  We both missed each other. She was very lonely and wanted me to move back to her.  I was in a new program that I loved and she was in a program she loved so we both knew that moving again wasn’t possible.  We made the decision together to go our separate ways.  We cried all night on the phone but decided to stay friends and made a pact.  If either of us was still single when she graduated, she would move to me and we would get married.

After that phone call, we talked twice a week for the next month, then she got busy and had to skip a
call.  I then was busy and had to miss our next call.  This set a pattern and our talking became less and less and eventually we fell out of touch.  I slept around a little that year after our breakup and eventually met the woman I was going to marry.  We never did connect after her graduation.  Overall, our days and nights together were special to me and helped me grow to the person I am today and I am forever grateful for her and her love.


I do have a few more stories from before the weekend that I can write, also I have a few from after
my relationship with Amanda.  Please let me know in the comments if there’s an interest.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/12zuxlb/mf_the_weekend_of_three_girls_19m_19f_part_4_the

1 comment

  1. what a ride (no pun intended). Was waiting for the finale of this to see how it all turned out, rooting for you and Amanda. Glad it worked out for the best in the long run, though :)

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