First time with daughter’s best friend [MF]

Hi long time reader here but never had the thought to write up some of my past on here until now. Honestly a bit worried I wont stack up to how well some of you write! If this post gets a lot of attention I may even write up some more! A little about me before we start, mid 40s dad of one. Best daughter I could have wished for! Mostly raised her myself in a household where talking about sex was not taboo at all. That is kind of important for the story. Anyways I will start with no more delay. Everyone in this story is 18+

Me, my daughter (Chloe) and her best friend (Zara) would frequently go to conventions and when my daughter left for college it stopped for a bit. Zara stayed back with her family to work at their family business in the town. Her boyfriend from highschool for many years turned out to be cheating on her repeatedly and she broke up with him. I had heard all this from my daughter Chloe, we all know how drama travels. This was just before the weekend and Zara and her ex had planned to go to a con together in a different city. She had already bought tickets for the weekend and paid for a hotel for the weekend as well. She asked my daughter for my number to ask if I would go with her like old times since my daughter was too far away to make it. I asked Chloe if that was ok with her and she seemed ok with it and told me Zara always had a crush on me and jokingly said we would make a cute couple. I told my daughter it was not like that and she told me she wouldn’t mind if it ended up happening anyways. I assured her it wouldn’t anyways.

Zara texted me a bit about what time on the Friday she would grab me with her car to drive out to the hotel. We figured out our plans and she was excited to show me the costume she had worked on. I told her I would just bring my old Han Solo costume because of short notice and not really having time to make more lately. She seemed very excited as was I since it had been a long time since I had gone.

Friday came and she picked me up. Traffic was horrible, much worse than we expected but got there eventually! The conversation in the car was great, she had a lot to catch me up on in her life and we enjoyed the music loud as well. We made it inside and went to the front desk to see if we could swap to room with two single beds instead of a shared one but they were all booked for them. I told her I would just take the chair or something and it wouldn’t be a problem but she insisted we share the bed anyways. We brought our stuff up and left it in the room and grabbed a bite to eat and went back to the room.

She revealed she had a bottle of bourbon she brought and offered me a drink after she had a few swigs. I took the bottle and she started to talk about all the stations and vendors she wanted to visit tomorrow and a possible after party she would be going to. I told her I would stay out of her hair and thanked her for the free ticket. She insisted that she was not going to just ditch me and we could check things out together and we could go see things I wanted to as well. She took the bottle back and had a few more sips before telling me she needed to prepare some of her stuff tonight to wear it tomorrow. I asked her what she made and she told me she made a “Raven” costume from teen titans! She set out her stuff for the morning and I had a look at it. Was a very small one piece style outfit with a bunch of accessories basically.

She told me she was going to shower and shave to make she looked good in the costume for the weekend. She left me the bottle and headed in to the shower. She left the door open to the washroom and spoke to me through it the whole time. She mentioned how earlier in the week she got her bikini zone waxed because she knew how tight fitting this cosplay would fit her. I asked how bad it hurt doing that and she said “It really fucking hurts”. I laughed because that is the first time she swore around me and then she apologized which I said no problem we are both adults I never really minded anyways. She then started to bad mouth her ex about how he was a piece of shit. I was agreeing with her the whole time and then she said something like “Plus he also never gets my tits or ass ever again so he really loses out!” and I just absent mindedly agreed.

After a moment of silence she asked me if I really thought she was pretty and I said of course she was pretty, she was like a second daughter to me. She then asked not like that, if she was sexy, not pretty. I took a moment and then said yes. Between the alcohol, my daughter kind of giving me the go ahead earlier and thinking about her body I came to that answer. You could tell at that moment things had kind of changed. It was quiet for a bit. Then she said “Can I ask you something else?” I said sure. She asked “Do you think my tits or legs are my best feature”. I responded “That is hard to choose but I think your legs, but you do have a nice chest”. It was quiet again for a second and she said she was going to wash her hair and be out shortly.

I heard the shower end and after a little bit she came out wrapped in a towel with a second towel containing her hair. She moved over to her bag and grabbed some lotion and started to apply it to her legs. She then asked me if I really did like her legs more and I just said “Yes”. She put on a little more lotion and asked if I wanted to do the back of her legs for her. I responded “If you want me to I can”. She softly said “mhhm” as she put the lotion on the bed and laid down on her chest. I moved below her and grabbed the lotion and started to apply it to her calves. I started to rub it in and she moaned softly and told me how good it felt. She then told me to go up to her thighs and I was not about to say no. I put on more lotion and started to rub her amazing thighs. I moved pretty high up on her thighs and she was still softly moaning but I had reached about where the towel went to.

I started to slow down to stop thinking for a second this could get out of control and she said “No keep going, just move the towel up”. I protested at first letting her know that if I did that she would basically be naked in front of me. She then just pulled the towel up herself and said “So what, we are both enjoying this”. I didn’t think twice and started rubbing up further, where her legs met her ass. With her legs together and her fat ass I couldn’t actually see her pussy or asshole but I wasn’t about to complain. I continued to rub where her legs and ass met and slowly moved to her actual ass cheeks. They were softer than I had imagined and I began to play with them more than lotioning. She then arched her back and raised her ass a bit and giggled saying “I really like that don’t stop”. I did what I have been told my whole life, listen to women and I didn’t stop!

I noticed after a little bit her hand roamed under her and she was rubbing herself as I played with her ass. She started to moan harder and harder until she collapsed back down on the bed. After a minute or two being out of breath she asked me if she could help me. I told her she didn’t have to but could if she wanted to, as I didn’t want to pressure her. She told me she really wanted to for a long time and got up to kneel on the floor beside the bed. She instructed me to come to hear and take off my clothes. I took off my shirt, unbuckled my pants and dropped trousers. My cock sprung to action right in front of her face and she didn’t waste a moment and took it into her hand. She slowly moved her hand along it at first and then opened wide and started to suck down on my cock. She rocked back and forth for a bit then stopped using her hands to undo the towel from her hair and put one of my hands on her head. I took the hint and grabbed hold and started to push her head further and further down on me. I could hear her gag a bit so I slowed down but she pulled it out of her mouth and said “Mr. X please don’t be gentle” and then stuck it back in her mouth.

I used both hands on her head and started to push her head deep on my cock and could hear her moaning. I kept fucking her mouth for a bit and she worked her tongue like magic. After a bit I told her I was going to cum soon and she pushed her mouth further down until she couldn’t anymore and held it there and I couldn’t hold back and came right down her throat. After what felt like forever of cumming in her mouth she pulled out and gasped for air. I could see her eyes were watering from not breathing for so long. There was still a little cum on my tip that she licked right off. “Was I a good girl?” she asked. “Yes that was fucking amazing” I replied. She got up and went to the washroom and washed her face before coming back and thanking me for doing that with her. She told me I was the second man she has ever been with but she always thought I was hot. We talked a little more before deciding to call it a night to get up early the next day.

Thanks for reading this is my first post ever! Would love to share more stories about her, or other things I have done if this is well received! Thanks!



  1. Somehow this is as wholesome as it is fucking hot. How’d the con go? I need chapter 2

  2. Looking forward to hearing about that shared bed situation. Great story.

  3. I thought it was very well written and hope to read more of your stories

  4. Please share more stories , very well written and so fucking sexy 🔥
    Already looking forward to part 2

  5. Good dad’s are super hot, especially if they hit the gym a bit and are interested in us.

  6. Please, for the love of all that is good, keep this story going.

  7. I think your first story definitely qualifies as “well received”. My only complaint is that I’d have liked more description about Zara’s body, beyond her “fat ass”.

    Very well written, and great storytelling technique. I hope to read more soon.

  8. This is probably o e of the most believable(and likley true) story’s ice read on here

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