[FF] Wife on Spring Break (1 of 3)

The story below is what my wife (gf at the time) sent me when I asked her about her girl/girl experiences on spring break. This is circa 2011, hence the excessive exclamation points.

My wife is an attractive Asian/Hispanic 5’2”, 120 lbs with D (or DD when she’s pregnant/nursing), and a fat delicious ass. Pictures in my profile.

It’s a real story, written by a woman, so the start is slow. If you’re looking for sex – skip to Part 2.


When I saw the ad for Hospitality staff in Miami for Spring Break, I immediately got excited at the thought of all those pretty girls in skimpy bikinis!

I had to go! And I’m so glad I did!

One day I was on beach duty. There were girls in thongs! OMG! All those hot asses everywhere, I was in heaven! It made it very hard to concentrate when I went up to them to invite them to the club party that night. I went up to these two pretty blondes that I knew I wanted to see naked. One of them was wearing a yellow stripe bikini and the other one had a baby blue and pink one on. Yellow’s name was Lauren and Blue was Kristin

They were from University of Michigan and super excited about their first Spring Break as 21 year olds! I told them that Mansion would be the place to be that night, and Lauren asked me if I would be there. I said, yes, of course! She smiled, and said she liked my red and white striped bikini. Then she reached out to touch one of the ruffles on my bikini top and I could feel my nipples perk up from excitement. I managed to contain myself and tell her I bought it at Victoria’s Secret, lol. I had to get back to work, but they told me they would definitely be coming out!

That night I got ready as usual. As I straightened my hair, I thought about Lauren’s pretty lil body in that yellow bikini and her hand so close to my nipple as she felt my bikini top. God, I hope she’s at the club!

I worked the door that night, wristbanding peeps that were 21, while another person X’d all the minors. I like wristbanding because I get to hold a bunch of girls hands and check out their outfits up close. Every time a pretty girl with a low cut top came up, I just wished it would fall a lil and her nipple would pop out. And watching all those hot asses in lil skirts walk away was just as much fun. I couldn’t wait to be dancing and feeling them up soon.

Yay, I just got relieved from wristbanding and have an hour of mingle/dance time! First, I head to the bar and meet up with the twins, we take some shots and then hit the dance floor. We’re dancing and just having fun and I see this group of girls I was checking out during wristbanding earlier. The one in the tight black dress and red heels was my favorite.

I got up to her, and she’s like, “Hey! You’re off now!” I reply, “Not exactly, do you want to dance!” And she’s like, yeah! We move closer together and I think the song playing is “No hands” and she is definitely moving it! I love how her body looks shaking that ass! We move closer together and she presses her ass into my crotch with her hands in the air. I slide my hands down her arms and then graze the sides of her breasts on the way down to her waist. We’re moving together and i have my hands on her thighs, her wavy hair has such a pretty scent.

It’s like it’s just us two. I take my eyes off her amazing ass to look up for a second and I see that cute girl from the beach, Lauren looking right at us! Our eyes meet, she looks surprised but happy and smiles at me.

The girl I’m dancing with turns and now we’re grinding face to face. I’m getting so turned on, and our skirts are riding up, as our pussy’s try and get closer together. She throws her head back a lil with her eyes closed and I take the opportunity to kiss her neck. It’s soft and a lil sweaty, but that totally turns me on even more. We make eye contact and then she leans in to kiss me on the lips! It’s so amazing! Her soft lil lips pushing against my full lips. Our lips part and I slide my tongue softly in her mouth, imagining it being her pussy. I feel a purr from her mouth, then she kisses me harder. We’re in another world! Then the song ended and a sucky song came on, but I think it was for the best, or who knows what I may have done out there… probably would have tried for that nipple slip! We decide to take a break and dance some more later; turns out her name is Michelle.

I’m walking around looking for the twins again, when I run into Lauren from the beach! She’s like, hey! And we talk about how crazy it is in there, how her friends are off dancing with some dudes and all the people there and music and stuff. I ask her if she is having fun, and she said, yes, but not as much as I was having! I’m like, what! And she said she saw me and that girl, and I was like, oh, yeah, lol. She then asked me if I want to get a drink, I’m like, sure! We get two of the punch buckets and she pays for them! I’m like, what! You didn’t have to do that! But she insists. We’re talking and she has this look on her face like she’s definitely interested in me! I asked her, “What did you think of me and that girl dancing?” She answered, “I wished it was me! Oh my god, I can’t believe I just said that!” I was like, “It’s Spring Break, what happens in Miami, stays in Miami!” She was like, “Okay, then!” and reached out to take my hand…

To be continued…

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/12zl84q/ff_wife_on_spring_break_1_of_3


  1. She’s right, I wish I was that other girl on the dance floor too. 🔥🔥

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