I let him AMA in person (part 2) [F]

Please make sure you go back and read part 1 for the background and run up.

Ok, where were we. Right, test is over, spring break has arrived.

He and I made plans as to when, the location being my place. We had to wait a few more days, but it meant I would have the house to myself, so we could be open, and unfiltered, and wouldn’t have to worry about people listening in. Though in hindsight, if we would have talked at a public place where people might be walking by every now and again, that could have made it even more exciting. The day arrived, he had planned on coming over just after breakfast, and the plan was we would just sit and talk with no time frame in mind. The conversation would take us where it would, and if it took all day, that was fine.

He arrived as expected, around 9am, and I was ready. We were both nervous, but excited. I was ready to be unashamedly open an honest, to provide raw details, to share everything intimate that I could. He was ready to talk in a depraved manner that was exclusively known in an anonymous online text based chat. The fact that we knew each other and had known each other for years made it even more thrilling. We grabbed a drink, coffee, which is not at all sexy, or inhibition lowering, but was exactly what we needed for the morning, and sat down in the living room. We could watch people walk by, and cars drive by outside, knowing they had no idea the discussion being had a short distance away.

“So how do we start,” he asked, “i mean, i’m not sure how to kick things off.” I smiled, “well how about this.” I paused and took a sip of coffee, placed it back down, laying my back comfortably against the sofa, legs crossed. “How about i start just by reemphasizing the rules, or lack there of I guess, so we both know what we’re signing up for.” I said something to the extent of, I want you to ask me anything you want, everything is up for discussion, but i think we both know this is a dirty chat and we’re looking to talk about my sexuality. You can ask anything you want about my body, my sex life, my fantasy life, anything at all. I promise that if you have the balls to ask the question, i will answer it completely and honestly. By this point my brain was just off and going, so i found myself unable to stop. To keep me honest, i’ll give you three chances to have me prove my answer. Just tell me to prove that i’m telling you the truth and i’ll find a way to prove it to you. It’s not needed, but it could make it more fun.

I hadn’t anticipated doing that, i mean it was a fantasy in my mind that i had concocted since offering this conversation, but not something i actually had planned on going through with, but it was too late now, it was out there.

He was shocked, but also fully on board with the idea. “I guess i’ll just dive right in, there isn’t really an easy way of easing into this, so….” he paused, “i guess i’m gonna start by asking about your,” again he paused, finding it hard to say out in the open. “You want to ask about my pussy?” i smiled and prompted him it was ok to say pussy aloud to me. He smiled and laughed, blushing hard, “yeah, i want to ask about your pussy to get us going.”

He proceeded to ask a number of questions specifically about my pussy, which i’ll summarize with my answers. I ended up telling him that it is fully shaved, that i’ve been shaving since i was 17, how often, and how i shave, different styles i have shaved (landing strip, patch, trim, but usually fully). A random story about me shaving in a car, that i had taught my sister how to shave (he didn’t know her so i didn’t mind sharing), and that i have been shaved from full bush to full shave by an ex boyfriend. He also found out that I want to go get a brazilian at some point just for the fun of it. Beyond pubic hair, he learned that i masturbate with my fingers normally, but i have several toys, where i keep them, that i suck them to clean them off after use (i wash them frequently don’t worry), that i have taken photos and shown photos of my pussy (nude photos but some just close ups). That i have shown my pussy to a stranger in person, and anyone who should not have seen it that has (my dad – and no, it wasn’t some weird deviant story, it was purely accidental when my bikini bottom string broke on a beach in Florida last year).

It was weird and erotic talking about my pussy so openly. It was a free flowing conversation, just like any usual normal conversation, it’s just that the subject of discussion was highly intimate. We both laughed, and thoroughly enjoyed talking about it. We changed topics, or should i say he did, and we began talking about my sex life. We talked about my lingerie collection, losing my virginity, number of partners, favorite position, my blow job technique (yes i swallow). Unusual places i’ve had sex (outside at a park during the day, and in a bathroom at a party). That i’ve never had a 3 some, but would, both FFM and FMM. That i enjoy foreplay more than sex. That I like being spanked a bit, not a lot, but a few times. That i’ve not had anal, but want to with the right person, don’t know who that is yet. But i need to do that before an FMM 3 some. I’m sure there was more, we talked about it for a long while.

We talked about other obscure topics like thongs, how often i wear them, when i bought my first one, that i was so excited to start wearing them that I showed one to my neighbor (i was 14 at the time, he was 15, and i showed him in the garage with his mom in the kitchen cooking dinner). We talked about photos i’ve taken of myself, and that i haven’t posted anything online, but have shared them with strangers online. That i’ve been nude on Omegle video a number of times. And then we talked about my fantasy life. I don’t have many, my recurring fantasy is that i slowly become a prostitute being pimped by a friend. I would never do it, but its a fantasy i come back to often. The other fantasy we talked about was being submissive, which is sort of why i wanted to have this talk, just being brutally honest and open.

All in all we talked straight through to dinner time, eating lunch while still talking, and only stopping to go out for something to eat. We walked hand in hand (which just felt right), still while asking and answering small questions as we walked, and headed for a local pizza place. So we’re walking along and says, “i’m loving this, but trying to figure out what to have you prove,” in honesty I had forgotten about that part of the deal. I had been nothing but truthful, i had nothing to hide. Part of this was that I wanted to share such intimacy with someone in person, out loud, so why lie. The other part was that I wanted to be vulnerable, and you can’t do that by lying either. But i had forgotten i offered to prove myself, as i was swept up the excitement of the conversation. “Oh yeah, i had totally forgotten that,” i said, “like i said, three things, choose wisely, i might not prove it the way you think,” i laughed.

Our conversation slipped back into normalcy as we were out eating, just a couple of friends who appeared to be on a date. With that, we began walking back to my place, and i instinctively took his hand, interlaced fingers. “I like holding your hand, it feels right given how our day started.” He smiled and began stroking my hand with his thumb.

We walked in silence for a bit, and then he said, “so i guess i have to break the ice again,” and laughed. “so you’re i love your ass, i always check you out when you walk away, and knowing you’re wearing a thong right now doesn’t hurt either,” he laughed. “So i’m wondering, have you ever worn a thong bikini, or would you.” He paused and continued, “cause i’m hoping you can tell me the next time you’re going to be wearing one at a beach so I can clear my schedule,” he laughed. At the time, we’re walking down the sidewalk, people are around, though not really in ear shot, so it was intriguing that we were talking like this out in the open. I admitted that I had a thong bikini, but i had only ever worn it once and not in public. I bought it to wear at a neighbors pool while they were out of town and I was watching their dog. I got to live there for a few weeks while they were away and enjoyed the pool. I could have tanned nude, but couldn’t bring up the courage to do it (next day Amazon delivery was as much courage as I had hahaha.) I admitted that if it was a beach where thongs or less were more common, nude or topless beach, and I wasn’t with family, then i would be tempted to. Joked that if I ever did, I would promise to take him along. We laughed.

He then asked, “so if i asked you to prove it, how would you?” I had to think about it. I mean, there was no evidence that I had worn the bikini there, so i couldn’t really prove that. I could only prove that I had a thong bikini, and i could do that simply by grabbing it from my drawer and showing it to him. I wouldn’t even need to put it on, that wouldn’t prove anything. “I mean, i can’t really prove it, i guess. I can show it to you, but that doesn’t prove that I haven’t worn it in public, nor that wore it outside at that pool.” He smiled and said, “well i guess you’ll have to figure out what beach to take me to over the summer,” we both laughed. I was expecting him to say something to the extent of making me prove it, and forcing my hand into going on a beach trip, but he never did. Still I’m thinking i’ll do it regardless. Not that it’s really needed anymore, but still sounds fun.

On to part 3, see you soon.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/12xm8gr/i_let_him_ama_in_person_part_2_f


  1. I’m glad you’re taking your time with this🔥🔥. Speaks to why you like foreplay more than the act. To me, foreplay IS what MAKES the act !

  2. I’m trying to figure out who i could do this will. It’s kinda terrifying and kinda hot!

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