I [M] got hard during an examination by a cute [F] doctor

I feel like I’ve read versions of stories like this previously on this sub (some obviously fiction), so when this actually happened to me recently, I knew I had to write about it and share it.

I went in to a walk-in clinic because the head of my dick had started feeling very tender to the point where it was getting a little painful, and I usually figure it is better to get these things checked out right away, just in case.

I had spent the previous week at the beach having a lot of sex with a girl I just started seeing, so I figured it might be related to that.

The nurse who took me to the room told me I was going to be seeing a certain female doctor, and something about the way she was described to me made me think that she must be on the younger side and attractive, even though the nurse didn’t say that directly.

And sure enough, the nurse departs and a few minutes later a pretty woman who must have been in her early 30s walks in and greets me. She was definitely cute (at least what I could see of her face not covered by the mask). She warns me she’s going to ask some personal questions and we get to my recent sexual activity, where I tell her about having a new partner I’d had a lot of sex with over the past week.

She explains that sometimes this can happen with a new sex partner, and particularly with a lot of frequency of sex added to it. But she says STIs can’t be ruled out as she rambles off a few possibilities it could possibly be, and they’ll need to run a urine test for the most likely culprits.

She mentions that for one other STI in particular, it would require her taking a look at my penis. For whatever reason, the thought that I was probably going to need to drop my pants at this appointment hadn’t occurred to me until she said that. And up until this moment there was nothing erotic about the situation, nor had that been on my mind. But once I agreed that I had no problem with her taking a look, I realized I was literally in the setup for one of these stories with a cute female doctor about to inspect my equipment.

Not to brag, but for context, I’m a fairly attractive guy that gets and enjoys female attention. And I’m fortunate enough to have a larger, 7.5” long and pretty thick uncircumcised penis that I’ve always gotten a lot of positive feedback from girls on. So I generally enjoy opportunities to show it off when they present themselves.

She asks if I want to change into a gown or not, and I tell her I don’t mind just dropping my pants, I am suddenly becoming more aware of my dick and feel myself getting a really heavy hang going.

At first I think this is good, as i’ll simply be in slight chub form for her inspection, which most guys would agree is the most flattering way to be seen soft. But as most guys also know, the line between heavy hang and getting hard can be very narrow. And as I agree to stand rather than sit, and she sits down in a chair eye level with my crotch in a very blowjob-like positioning, I realize I might be in trouble as I feel myself starting to swell.

She motions for me to pull my pants down, and as I do my dick sort of pops out with that little bit of extra force from the early stages of arousal. With that extra blood flowing in, the motion of my dick swinging around felt really good. Combined with my realization that this situation in my mind is developing a certain strange clinical erotic nature about it, and my feeling pretty great about how big and thick I’m looking and imagining what must be going through her head, I realize that I’m not going to be able to stop myself getting hard.

There’s no gasp or comment from her or anything stereotypical from a porn scene or anything like that, but she’s sitting there with her eyes glued to my dick.

I’m willing myself not to kegel and make things weird. But as she reaches out for it with her gloved hand, I can see my dick starting to rise and point forward. She then gently places her thumb and fingertips onto my shaft and slowly retracts my foreskin.

For you uncut guys out there, you know this can be highly pleasurable when aroused, and I literally could not stop my PC muscle from contracting as my dick spasmed underneath her touch, and my now-exposed head quickly grew to full size in the spasm, and became a darker purple from all that blood flow.

She didn’t say anything or react in any noticeable way, maintaining a very professional air. But she then takes her other finger and begins tracing it lightly around the lip of my exposed and now impossibly-hard head as she lightly twists and repositions my shaft that’s still between the fingers and thumb of her other hand. I’m getting harder by the second as she’s doing this. She’s ostensibly pointing out areas where there would be redness or swelling if it was a certain particular infection, and saying the lack of that is a good thing. I thought this was kind of funny because my head was red and swollen, but from my raging hard-on, which made her choice of words pretty comical.

I swear it wasn’t just my imagination that she was enjoying herself and extending her inspection longer than necessary while I was rock hard under her touch. At this point I was really turned on.

I thought about apologizing for my erection, but just decided to follow her professional lead and just pretend like it wasn’t happening. If there had been a bunch of chemistry between us or I felt more attracted to her (she was cute but not my type), or had I not just started seeing a girl I really liked, I might have felt more inclined to make a joke or address it to test the waters. But to be completely honest I was at least as embarrassed as I was proud about the situation, and left me feeling a bit frozen on how to handle it.

Even so, by this point my trying to stop my erection only seemed to make it more powerful and there I was standing at full mast pointing up toward the ceiling. She kept up her inspection for a few more seconds. I was so hard and aroused that her light, seemingly-professional touch under gloved hands felt way more pleasurable than it had a right to be. She eventually let me go and stood up. She was still looking down at my dick as she told me that it “looks good” and that I could “put it away now”. I almost laughed out loud at that last line, but instinctually suppressed it, considering her very controlled and professional demeanor.

Despite this, as I pulled my pants up and tucked my boner into my waistband, I saw that she kept glancing out of the corner of her eye. I got a very distinct feeling, that though she hid it as well as was possible, she liked my dick and was at least curious, if not turned on by it.

As we finished up the appointment, she was definitely warmer and friendlier toward me, and we made some small talk. I feel like I definitely could have gotten her number if I wanted to. All in all, pretty surreal and a nice ego boost.

Any female doctors or nurses out there that can confirm if occasionally this happens? It made me wonder if there are rare situations where it’s arousing for you ladies too, but you have to hide it and be professional.

Oh, and for those curious, all tests came back clean and the tenderness went away after a few days. I think it was just the side effect of a week full of nonstop sex.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/12whgi3/i_m_got_hard_during_an_examination_by_a_cute_f

1 comment

  1. I had day surgery once. They had me strip and wear hospital boxers, which were like paper and then a gown, so I felt pretty naked. I get on the bed and two female nurses throw a thin sheet over me to cover me some and keep me warm then begin prepping me–meds, IV, EKG, etc. All was well.

    And then the anesthesiologist stops by to introduce herself. She was hot. She’s trying to explain it’s routine and make sure I’m not nervous, which I wasn’t because I have had surgery before. Then, as part of this calming talk, she’s touching my chest and patting me but then also stroking my chest a little and my skin was exposed because of the EKG and as she’s talking meds she’s like tapping her fingers on my bare chest (not trying to be sexual, just calming touch).

    Nevertheless, next thing I know I can feel the boner coming on and there’s no stopping it. I feel naked, a hot lady it touching me, and to the man downstairs that’s enough to pop up and see where this goes. I was totally trapped flat on my back surrounded by three women. I couldn’t just get up or cross my legs or say I had to pee (just did) and the paper boxers, thin gown and sheet weren’t hiding anything. In fact, I’m pretty sure the sheet made a perfect tent.

    Then the surgeon stops by, this old dude with bad breath and a booming voice, “how are you doing today?”

    “Oh, just fine.”

    Kept telling myself it probably happens all the time… to their credit the nurses just kept working. Anesthesiologist was so bubbly and never missed a beat either, so IDK what to think. I’m not a 12 inch baby arm but I’m certain it was very noticeable.

    EDIT: Oh, and I did tell my GF later, and she thought it was hilarious. Later that week she started this role play that she was the anesthesiologist and I her patient… so it’s not all bad.

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