[F] I’ve had issues with my body and how I orgasm at times, but my god when it works it WORKS

(Activities with M will be peripherally mentioned.)

My god you guys. I just need somewhere I can talk effusively about this and it’s not something you can talk about with just anyone or anywhere! This isn’t all exactly erotica, if there’s a better subreddit for this post let me know. But it IS 100% true, I’ll tell you that much.

So definitely over the years I’ve been sexually active I’ve always had some insecurity about my orgasms and sometimes even difficulty achieving them. I’m not multi-orgasmic at all, and I mean, I literally don’t know how unusual that is. Some surveys seem to imply only about ~15% of women do, others say up to 80% so I have NO idea whether this is pretty standard or I’m in the minority. But either way, it makes me feel very “less than” other women. Like the way I come is really boring and not as much of a turn on as other women, and I experience less pleasure than them.

And I can’t come from penetration or nipple stimulation or spanking or anything exciting like that, only good old clitoral stimulation. Of course, all those other things ENHANCE the experience obviously! And this I know isn’t rare at all and is the case for most women.

I also don’t squirt; I functionally seem to come quite similarly to the average male, where I come and become far too sensitive to receive any stimulation, need a period of resting, then can become ready to attempt again. But each subsequent attempt makes it longer and harder to finish.

Even orgasm number one can sometimes take quite some time to achieve, which makes me self-conscious, especially if they’re eating me out I start to feel guilty/awkward, which doesn’t make it any easier to come… And on top of all THAT, these days my libido is very dead due to medication I’m on. Which is frustrating/disappointing, and ALSO makes me feel self-conscious. Lotta that lmao.

Anyway I also haven’t really had good stoned sex with someone I had good sexual chemistry with in a LONG long time, especially cause in general I smoke weed super super rarely now and it’s been like that for some years. And the times I’ve tried it since the “good old days” have not gone great.

But I dunno, lately I’ve been craving stoned sex again, and stoned listening to music. Combine the two, even better. So I decide to really make a night of it, get a nice room at a hotel, invite over my basically only FWB, who I see rarely too…

After getting high, he fucked me for a little bit, before moving to eating me out. Every second of it was heaven, GOD I love being eaten out. It’s just so unbelievably pleasurable. I came super easily and super quickly, and it was definitely a good one. After that he fucked me again, from behind this time, til he finished, and we took a break for a breather. I had brought some of my toys (I collect Bad Dragon and other fantasy toys) and wanted those used on me next.

Due to my dead libido and etc. I haven’t been stretching my pussy, or being penetrated at all even, so I brought a couple of my smaller toys, and one medium size that I definitely could probably take after some warm up just in case we got to it. Well…my gosh being stretched out felt incredible. Which is always the case but so much more than usual.

I asked him to stretch me with his fingers and it was so hard not to just come on his fingers, using my magic wand on myself. I had to keep taking the wand away to calm down a little. Two fingers, three fingers…but the stretch felt SO good, I wanted it, so sure, four fingers! Then I decided, to hell with it, let’s just go right for my bigger boy.

Medium Flint, Bad Dragon. He’s one of my all time favorites, thus why I also have him in a small and an as-yet-unused-but-aspirational large. 9″ circumference around the shaft, so definitely a big stretch but certainly something I can handle pretty easily as a seasoned pussy stretcher. But since it HAD been a while, DAMN he was filling me up. Felt every bit of him.

At first just the head was in, and that felt GOOD, but I kept asking for more, deeper, until finally his curved, ridged shaft slid ALL the way in, in one big movement. Those ridges are SO good, and his curve, really gets my G-spot just right. I was grinding on him in absolute bliss until finally I just laid still and focused on my wand on my clit and my partner sliding him in and out.

Just like the oral and the fucking it felt like heaven every second but I could feel it building up to something special, and yeah, finally I reached that peak. You ever come so hard your entire psyche fragments? Lmao. I have. I’ve come so hard I’ve been crying and drooling, funnily enough generally this is always associated with pussy stretching.

This time, I came so hard I was caught up in a hysterical laughing fit, but ALSO crying, and gasping for air/hyperventilating through it all. I was like “I’m fine, I’m fine, don’t worry!” as I continued uncontrollably laughing and crying hahaha. And my entire body was so sensitized still, shocks of pleasure still going throughout me. I staggered up to suck down a glass of water, collapsed on the bed face down and essentially melted while my partner softly rubbed my back, which felt AMAZING.

So do other women, who orgasm differently from me, feel more pleasure? I don’t know. I’ll never know or have any way of knowing. But it doesn’t matter. This is the body I have, and when I treat her right and honor what she wants and needs, she takes care of me too.

I need to have stoned sex again AS SOON AS POSSIBLE holy fuck.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/12wcfby/f_ive_had_issues_with_my_body_and_how_i_orgasm_at


  1. I can definitely relate to only being able to reach orgasm from clit stimulation. It really disappoints me because I’d like to be able to experience more variety in my sex life.

    Anyway, it sounds like I should start collecting some fantasy toys soon! Thanks for the idea!

  2. My wife needs clit stimulation while we are having sex or it’s uncomfortable. From grinding to orgasm it usually takes one and a half to two hours. She is a one and done. Don’t even think about getting near her lady parts.
    Each woman’s body is unique and needs individual handling and care. The sex on Reddit is small sampling of the individuals out there in the real world.

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