I (19) [F] masturbated in all of my classes

I would like to clarify this was back in highschool but I was over 18. I really enjoy exhibitionism and so I decided I wanted to cum in all of my classes. It sounds hard but it’s really not.

I wore sweatpants because they’re loose and easy to get my hand down, and I had pretty big hoodie. Before I left for school I tested how it would work if I pulled my hand into my hoodie and stuck it into my panties. It was way too obvious my arm was in my hoodie, so I came up with a new plan, and ngl I wish i could come up with something this clever again.

I cut a hole inside the front pocket of the hoodie (it was an old hoodie. idc about cutting it up), so the hole was hidden and I could stick my hand into my pants and it just looked like my hand was in my pocket. It looked a little suspicious if I was standing up since my arm has to be pointed straight down but when sitting down it was practically unnoticeable. And just to add to the excitement I didn’t wear a shirt or bra underneath the hoodie.

So I went to school and went to first period which was history, the desks in this room were pretty exposed desks, so I had to be careful. I slowly put my hand into my pocket and put it into the hole so my hand was on my stomach, and I traced it down really slowly and slipped into my panties. I rubbed my pussy very lightly, it was difficult because my panties were making it hard put my hand in my pussy and making my hand hurt, so I just had to rub myself but it was still working.

About halfway through the teacher asked a question, he didn’t call on my so I didn’t have to answer but I saw the opportunity and took it. I raised my left hand since my right was in my panties. I answered the question and made sure I kept masturbating as I answered. I didn’t raise suspicion or anything but I really wanted to have everyone pay attention to me without them realizing I was masturbating. I eventually came, I’m mostly good at keeping a straight face while cumming but I covered my mouth with my left hand just to be safe.

Before second period I went to the bathroom and took my panties off and stuck them in my backpack. I was originally just gonna keep them on but I can’t cum 4 times with just clit rubbing unless I want my pussy to be sore so I have to be able to get my fingers inside. I went my next class which was a finance class where we did everything on computers. This one was a bit harder since you need 2 hands for a computer, but also easier because the desks go to the ground and nobody would be able to look under my desk. I figured I could do my work with just the mouse so I stuck my left hand into the pocket and down my pants. It’s so much easier with no panties on. I used my right hand for the mouse. Not much more interesting happened during this class. I came about 15 minutes in so I was able to work with both hands. I wiped off my hand as best as I could on my hoodie but that’s all I did to clean it.

Third period was science but we just watched some documentaries that day, which meant the room was dark and I was already lucky enough to be sitting in the back. Using this situation I slipped both my hands into the sleeves. I played with my boobs at first and then left one hand playing with my nipples while the other I slipped into my pussy. I was very cautious watching the documentary to see when it would end. I wanted to have my hands back in the sleeves before the lights turned on. Focusing on the screen made it harder to cum since I was distracted. I noticed I was cutting it really close to the end of class so I fingered myself really hard and came as fast as I could. I pulled my hands back out and into the sleeves before I had finished cumming. I ruined my orgasm but it’s better than being caught.

Next was lunch. I wasn’t originally going to cum here but I was really horny after the last 3 so I did. I say at the table with my friends and just ate with one hand with the other in the pocket and down the pants. I went for just rubbing my clit since I didn’t want to be noticed so I was more cautious. Some dumb guys threw their milk across the room which, as I am a janitor, was really shitty of them. But in this moment I thanked them because they got yelled at by the janitor there and everyone was paying attention to that instead of me, so I made myself cum and I definitely made an orgasming face but it was on purpose since I was out of view.

Next class was interior design. This was perfect because the teacher was also a sewing teacher so they had these big bulky desks with drawers and sewing equipment built in. Which is basically my way of saying I could shove my fingers in my pussy as fast as I wanted. My pussy was really sore now. Like even the last one kinda hurt. It took a long time. There was about 5 minutes left in class, I was forcing it pretty bad and I finally came. It hurt a lot but it felt so fucking good. I was trying so hard I really hope I didn’t make a face or anything. Nobody mentioned anything about it but I don’t think they would if they thought I was masturbating.

I was going to try and do it the next day since the other 4 periods are split between 2 days. But the next day I had gym, and so I’d have to wear underwear unless I wanted everyone to see me naked in the locker room. So I never actually did it again. But it was extremely fun the day I did do it. I still have that hoodie, I should absolutely use it for more public fingering.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/12vikc7/i_19_f_masturbated_in_all_of_my_classes


  1. I dared my girlfriend to do that and now she does it everytime she’s in class

  2. I took have jerked off in a few classes, but I am a male. To do so, I wore some Duluth boxers with the overlapping fabric in the front and stuck my dick through there. I was wearing jeans at the time and couldn’t get my hand in because of my belt, so I just emptied my right pocket and kept rubbing/rolling the tip. Whenever I was about to cum I would wrap the pocket around the tip of my dick then carefully remove my hand from my pocket. I had later figured out that in some of my classes I had sat in a corner and was able to discreetly watch porn with my phone sitting up against my MacBook screen.

  3. That sounds like so much fun! I wish I could hide it like that, but having a dick takes up too much space to he discrete…

  4. I would have loved to be your teacher. I’m actually a teacher by the way

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