[MF] I (M19) finally got the hint from her (F19)

For years, I’d had a massive crush on Rose, but how could I not? She was a tall brunette with a dancer’s body who always flirted heavily with me, I was just too thick to get the message. I think because of her incredible looks (and unfounded rumors about her promiscuity with older guys during school), I was always too intimidated to make a move, though I fantasized about it for years.

Looking back, it was clear I missed several opportunities to make a move. The summer before we left for college, she’d always find her way to interact with me at parties. For example, she’d change into a swimsuit with me in the room (while I carefully avoided watching like a true gentleman), or pull me into a closet during a hide and seek game even though I was pretty sure no one was looking for anyone. Like I said, I was pretty thick in the head.

The summer after freshman year, my buddy Joe was having a party at his parents’ house while they were out of town. I made sure to pass along the invite to Rose who immediately said she’d go and asked for me to pick her up. A couple hours later, she was walking down the driveway as I pulled in, wearing tight jean shorts and a low v-neck shirt. We made small talk as we drove, her sitting sideways in the passenger seat facing my direction the entire way.

We pulled up to Joe’s house and as I followed her in, I took in her appearance fully. Rose had always been well built, tall and thin with perky B cup tits and a smaller but round, firm ass. She glanced back at me as I looked her up and down. I hoped my sunglasses provided a bit of discreetness, but if she minded, she didn’t show it.

We walked into the house and went down to the basement where music was already playing and beer pong was in full swing. Realizing we had a bit of catching up to do, we poured some shots and cheers’d each other. The flirting between us had hit a new high already and I was praying I’d be able to seal the deal tonight. We played beer pong together, danced together, and always found our way back to each other if we got pulled away for some time by other people.

By midnight, a bonfire was roaring in the back yard and we were snuggled up together on a bench under a blanket. When we finally got a moment alone, I drunkenly leaned in to kiss her. It wasn’t the best kiss by any means, but the seal had finally been broken and I felt a satisfaction that she held the kiss as long as I did. When we broke, there was a wolf-whistle behind us and I turned around to see Joe’s girlfriend grinning at us. The happy moment was quickly broken when Joe stumbled out of the house and in the process of running over to us, tripped and spilled his drink all over Rose.

“Are you fucking serious right now man?”

“Listen,” Joe slurred between hiccups, “I just gotta- I just wanted to say- Listen, are you listening?”

“Jesus, I can’t listen to this right now,” I said turning to Rose, “wanna go get cleaned up?”

I led her inside and we went upstairs to find a bathroom. The first bathroom we tried was locked, so we went up another floor to find Joe’s bathroom occupied by his sister asleep leaning against the toilet.

“This family clearly can’t hold their liquor,” Rose giggled. I led her down the hallway to Joe’s parents room and pushed open the door. I flipped on the light to the bathroom and sat on the counter as Rose began cleaning her shirt with a washcloth.

“Fuck, I don’t know if this is gonna clean up tonight.” She took a quick glance at me before pulling off her shirt, revealing her tight stomach and a white bra. “Maybe I’ll just wash it in the sink,” she said with a wink.

“Hey looks like it got your bra too, don’t forget to wash that,” I joked. Her eyes flicked towards me and she stepped in front of me. Without breaking eye contact, she reached behind her she unclasped her bra. I watched as it fell away, revealing her perky tits. I hopped off the counter and closed the gap between us, placing my hands on her hips and pulled her towards me.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/12sbvog/mf_i_m19_finally_got_the_hint_from_her_f19

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