Fun and games during weekend trip to the lake with friends (part 2) [MFMF][Group][MM][Long]

Due to reddit post limits I ended up having to break this post into 3 parts instead of 2. Definitely check out parts 1 and 3 if you want the whole story.

Here is part 1…

Fun and games during weekend trip to the lake with friends (part 1) [MFMF][Group][MM][Long]
by u/Throway2016 in gonewildstories

Here is part 3…

Fun and games during weekend trip to the lake with friends (part 3) [MFMF][Group][MM][Long]
by u/Throway2016 in gonewildstories

Day 2

The next day I slept until about noon. When I went downstairs I found Anthony cooking eggs and bacon for everyone. The girls were all still in their pajamas except for Carrie who was down at the pier sunbathing on a beach towel. Justin was in the game room playing video games.

Emily, Melissa and Tara all sat around a table in the breakfast nook drinking coffee. Melissa was wearing black pajamas with matching top and bottom. Emily was wearing an oversized t-shirt and lacrosse shorts. Tara was wearing a tank top and sweatpants.

“How are you doing?” I asked Tara.

“Much better. I just had a really bad headache from the drive but I’m good now,” Tara explained.

I suspect she was upset about the break up but I didn’t want to push.

We had breakfast and then hung out on the patio furniture for a bit until it was time to get ready. Melissa’s parents were friends with a neighbor up the road who offered to take us out on their boat so that was the plan for the day.

Melissa called the neighbor Mr. Ron and he was probably in his 50’s. He had a boat that was like a U-Haul truck on water. It had two levels. The first level had a small kitchenette and a seating area along the back. The second level was above the kitchenette, accessible by a small ladder. We brought a bunch of beer with us. Mr. Ron was cool about it, plus I don’t think he minded having a bunch of young girls in bathing suits hanging out on his boat.

We spent a few hours out on the boat in the sun. I think the sun took its toll. When we got back home around 5, we all crashed for a couple of hours.

I took a nap, woke up around 7:30pm, and got a shower. When I came downstairs around 8pm there was music blasting and the group was already playing flip cup on the outdoor patio table.

Tara was wearing a t-shirt with the name of her college on it and tight jeans. Carrie had on short denim shorts and a black button down blouse. Melissa wore a floral sundress that showed a lot of cleavage. Emily had on a black and red checkered button down shirt over a white tank top that showed a ton of cleavage and a pair of short denim shorts.

We played three rounds of girls against the guys. The girls won the first round but the guys came back and won the second two rounds. Of course after that we were insufferable, talking all kinds of shit. The girls got frustrated and decided they wanted to switch games so we decided to play beer pong.

Anthony and Justin ended up teaming up and playing against Carrie and Melissa. Tara and Emily were sitting on barstools watching the action. I invited Tara to be my partner against whoever won and she agreed. I think it made her feel good to be asked.

Carrie and Melissa were outmatched. As we got to the end of the game, Justin had just made his shot which meant the girls only had one cup left while the boys had four. It was Anthony’s turn to shoot. Carrie, Not one to go down without a fight, unbuttoned her blouse a little and pulled it to the side exposing her right boob as Anthony was about to throw.

“Oh my God, Carrie!” Tara shouted.

“I don’t like losing!” Carrie replied, still holding her shirt open with a boob on display for all to see.

“Well you had better get used to it,” Anthony suggested as he coolly tossed the ping pong ball, sinking his shot with ease.

“God DAMNIT!” Carrie shouted in frustration as she buttoned her shirt back up.

Tara and I teamed up against Justin and Anthony in the next game and they were talking a lot of shit. I came to learn over the years knowing Tara, she is very competitive. The more Justin and Anthony talked shit, the more she wanted to beat them.

“Alright well if we win, you both have to go jump in the lake, naked!” Tara upped the stakes.

“Hold on a second. What happens in the much more realistic scenario that WE win?” Anthony asked.

Tara thought for a second, “I’ll give a lap dance to whoever sinks the last shot.”

Justin and Anthony both scoffed, “Deal!”

As it turns out, Tara and I made a pretty good team. Justin got one on their turn but Tara and I both made ours so we got to go again. I made my next shot so we jumped out ahead early. It was a pretty competitive game but in the end we had two cups left and they had one. We went a couple rounds where no one made a shot. Then finally I made my shot and we won.

Tara yelped in excitement and started jumping up and down. Then she turned to me, pulled my face in and planted a big kiss on my lips before going back to mocking Justin and Anthony for their loss. Emily, Melissa, and Carrie joined in howling at the guys to get a move on.

The four girls funneled behind Justin and Anthony and pushed them down the back steps and we walked as a group down to the pier.

Once we got to the edge of the pier, Tara shouted, “Walk the plank!” as Justin and Anthony walked to the edge of the pier.

“Let’s see what you got, boys,” Melissa said, relishing their embarrassment.

Justin and Anthony started taking their shoes off, then their shirts, then their jeans. They dropped their pants at the same time as if to say TADA!

Justin was skinny, pale, and had an average dick that was totally flaccid. Anthony had a big dick that curved downward under the weight of its heavy head and it clearly already had some blood flowing to it.

Both of them quickly turned and ran and did a cannonball off the end of the pier. As soon as they hit the water, the girls ran down the pier and grabbed their clothes and ran back up to the house. I wasn’t sure what to do so I turned and followed them back up to the house.

Once we got inside, Melissa locked the sliding glass door. A moment later Justin and Anthony came walking up the yard, covering their dicks and balls with their hands. Anthony tried opening the door but realized it was locked.

“Ha. Ha. Very funny. Now let us in,” Anthony insisted.

“Do the helicopter and I’ll let you in,” Melissa said as she stood by the door. The other girls hooted in approval.

“Is that what you want? You want to see it?” Anthony said as he swung his hips causing his dick to flop around in a circle.

“Ow! Ow!” Melissa approved as she unlocked the door.

Anthony slid open the door and immediately ran in and tackled Melissa, mounting her on the couch and started humping her and smacking her ass. Melissa was laughing so hard she could barely catch her breath. Justin slunk back in and found his underwear and put them on. After a few seconds of playful humping, Anthony climbed off Melissa and sat in the seat next to her with his legs crossed like nothing was weird.

The only light in the room was from the outside porch light that bled into through the sliding glass window and a light that was on above the stove in the kitchen that was connected to the sitting area we were in.

“So NOW what do we do?” Anthony asked the room.

“What about Tara’s end of the deal?” Carrie asked.

Tara gave Carrie a puzzled look.

“You said you would give a lap dance to whoever made the last shot,” Carrie explained as she gestured to me.

“Oh shit!” Anthony shouted.

“He was on my team!” Tara argued.

“You didn’t specify the person couldn’t be on your team,” Carrie replied.

“Lap dance! Lap dance!” Anthony started chanting. Then Melissa and Emily and Justin joined in.

“Fine,” Tara sighed. “Are you just going to STAY naked?” She asked Anthony.

“Don’t act like you don’t like it,” Anthony teased.

My heart started racing. I very quickly found a seat on one of the couches. I could already feel my erection pressing against my jeans.

Tara’s t-shirt was tight across her boobs. She easily had D cups. She wasn’t heavy set but she was not petite like Carrie.

There was still music playing so Tara just came right over and straddled me and started swaying her hips from side to side. Then she ran her hands down my chest and along my thighs. The other girls howled when she turned around, bent over at the waste, and showed me her ass. Then she stood up straight and did a little twerk which was again met with cheers of approval from the girls. After that she wasn’t sure what else to do.

“Song’s not over. Keep going!” Carrie insisted.

“I don’t know what else to do!” Tara said at a loss.

“Take your shirt off,” Anthony and Justin suggested in unison.

“Yeah! Take it off!” Melissa piled on.

Tara turned back toward me and kind of rolled her eyes and sighed and then pulled her shirt up over her head and dropped it on my face. I pulled it aside and saw Tara’s big tits overflowing out of her dark red bra. Emily leaned in and smacked her butt.

“Em!” Tara yelped in surprise.

Tara leaned over and and pressed her boobs together between her arms to accentuate her cleavage. She looked in my eyes then down at her cleavage then back up to me as if to ask me if I approved (which I absolutely did). When the song ended, Tara just sat down on my lap and put her arm around my shoulder. The thought occurred to me to offer her shirt to her but I quickly decided against it. If she wanted to hang out in her bra, I wasn’t going to try to stop her!

There was a moment of silent sexual tension after that. The music was playing but no one was really talking, they were just drinking. I was sitting on a couch with Tara on my lap in just her jeans and a bra. Melissa was on the couch perpendicular to the one I was on with Anthony next to her, still stark naked. Carrie was in an armchair across from me and Justin and Emily were both sitting on bar stools that had been pulled in from the kitchen.

“Alright…,” Anthony said, breaking the silence as he scanned the room, “Emily, truth or dare?”

“Why do I have to go first?!” Emily objected.

“Because I said so,” Anthony teased.

“Ugh, truth, I guess,” Emily replied.

“If you had to hook up with one of the girls here, who would it be?” Anthony asked.

“Oh. Melissa, without question!” Emily answered without hesitation.

“Awww, thank you!” Melissa said as she placed her hand over her heart.

“Ok. Truth of dare?” Emily shot back at Anthony.

“Well I’m already naked so I might as well go with truth,” Anthony answered.

“Ok… have you ever actually measured your dick?” Emily asked.

“Nope,” Anthony replied.

“Bullshit,” I interjected.

“It’s true!” He insisted.

“Yeah, I don’t buy it,” Tara said.

“Every guy measures their dick,” I added.

“Yeah, that’s what I thought,” Emily replied.

“You can measure it for me if you like,” Anthony suggested.

“Yeah, no,” Emily declined.

“Ok, my turn. Melissa, truth or dare?” Anthony asked.

“Truth,” Melissa decided.

“What’s your biggest sex fantasy?” Anthony asked.

Melissa looked like a deer in headlights. She grabbed a pillow and buried her face in it. Then she pulled the pillow away.

“Ok. Ok. Ok. It’s a little weird. Basically just being blindfolded,” Melissa explained, “and maybe tied up.”

“Blindfolded?” Anthony asked.

“That’s not weird at all. I TOTALLY get that,” Emily assured her.

“Wait… is this like a common fantasy for girls?” I asked.

“I think it’s pretty common. Like, giving up control… not knowing what’s going to happen next… yeah,” Carrie explained.

“Ok I feel less weird now,” Melissa said, relieved, “Ummm, Carrie, truth or dare?”

“Dare,” Carrie said, bravely.

“I dare you to… measure Anthony’s dick!” Melissa said as she burst into laughter.

Anthony just shrugged his shoulders, unfazed.

“With what? I don’t have a ruler,” Carrie observed.

“Hang on a second,” Melissa said as she jumped up from her seat and ran to the front hall closet. When she came back she had a tape measure.

“Here you go,” Melissa said as she tossed Carrie the tape measure.

“Alright… well, stand up,” Carrie said to Anthony.

Anthony stood up. He had a partial erection. His dick was swollen but still hanging down instead of sticking straight out. Carrie pulled the tape measure out and placed it against Anthony’s dick.

“Seven and a quarter,” Carrie announced.

“Jesus,” Emily reacted.

“It’s average!” Anthony insisted.

“Sweetie, that is well above average,” Melissa said.

“Don’t inflate his ego anymore than it already is,” Carrie replied.

Anthony sat back down with a smug grin on his face.

“Justin, truth or dare?” Carrie asked.

“Truth,” Justin chose.

“How often do you jack it?” Carrie asked.

Justin shook his head in embarrassment, “I don’t know… probably two or three times a day.”

“A day?!” Emily asked in surprise, “wouldn’t that hurt after a while?!”

“I don’t know!” Justin said, defensively.

“Ok. Ok. I commend your honesty,” Carrie said to make Justin feel better.

“Tara, truth or dare?” Justin asked.

“Dare,” Tara answered.

“Uh… I dare you to show me your boobs,” Justin said dumbly.

“Lame!” Carrie chastised Justin as Tara rolled her eyes.

“What?!” Justin said, defensively.

“At least TRY to be creative!” Melissa piled on.

“It’s ok. A dare is a dare,” Tara said as she climbed out of my lap, “Let’s go, ya little perv.”

Tara walked into the kitchen. “Go in there,” Tara directed Justin to the giant walk-in pantry.

Justin excitedly ran in and Tara closed the door behind them. About thirty seconds later, Tara opened the door and walked back out with Justin behind her.

“Has the dare been successfully completed?” I asked as Tara came back and sat in my lap.

“Yup. The little perv got to see some boobage,” Tara assured us.

“It’s true!” Justin said with a big stupid grin.

“Ok, my turn. Melissa, truth or dare?” Tara asked.

Melissa mulled it over for a second before answering, “Dare.”

“I dare you to measure Justin’s dick,” Tara said.

Carrie, Emily, and myself all laughed. Tara was getting Justin back for his uncreative and selfish dare.

“Oh for fuck’s sake,” Melissa said as she took the tape measure from Carrie and walked over to Justin.

It was clear Justin was already fully hard from seeing Tara’s boobs as his dick was making a tent in his boxers.

“Alright, whip it out,” Melissa said, impatiently.

Justin pulled his hard dick through the fly of his underwear.

“Well hello!” Melissa reacted to being presented with Justin’s erection. Melissa placed the tape measure against his dick and announced, “Five inches.”

“Perfectly respectable,” Tara commented.

To their credit, the girls were kind enough not to point out that Anthony was bigger, partially soft, than Justin was hard. The same could be said for me.

Justin put his dick back in his boxers and sat back on his stool.

“Truth or dare?” Melissa asked me.

“Truth,” I answered.

“Have you ever masturbated while thinking about someone in this room?” She asked.

My mind immediately shot back to the night before when I jerked off in the lake thinking of Melissa, “Yes.”

“Who?” Tara asked, looking down at me.

“Justin,” I teased.

“Ha. Ha. Very funny. Answer the question,” Tara insisted.

“You only get to ask one. Maybe if I do truth again you will find out,” I said, trying to be coy, “Carrie, truth or dare?”

“Dare. But don’t be lame. Make it creative or I’m out,” Carrie insisted.

“Hmm, ok,” My mind scrambled for a second. I didn’t want this game to end and it would if Carrie bailed. Then something occurred to me that was super weird. Then I thought Carrie is more likely to like it the weirder it was. I gestured for Tara to let me up so I could run to the kitchen. I came back with a stack of red solo cups. “Ok,” I said to Carrie, “From where you are sitting you get three tries. You have to toss a cup and land it on Justin’s dick. BUT, if you miss you have to take him in the pantry and give him head for 30 seconds.” Justin didn’t mind me volunteering him.

“Oooo,” Tara said, intrigued.

“Is that creative enough for you?” I asked.

“Hmmm… Ok but I get five tries,” Carrie negotiated.

“Ok, deal,” I said as I handed her the cups.

“Is it bad that I want to play?!” Melissa raised her hand.

“You can, but if you miss you gotta give some head. Those are the rules,” I insisted.

“I just want to throw one!” Melissa pouted.

“If you want to, go for it. But you know what happens if you miss,” I teased her.

“Ugh no fair!” Melissa pouted again.

Justin stood up and pulled his dick out again. Carrie was about five feet away from him.

“At least have him lean back a little! Otherwise this is impossible,” Carrie complained after her first two tosses bounced off Justin’s thighs.

I agreed and Justin leaned back on his stool, angling his dick upwards a little.

Carrie’s next shot almost made it. The rim of the cup clipped the top of his dick but bounced away. Her next shot completely missed when the cup flipped mid air and the bottom hit Justin’s dick.

“Last shot,” I announced as I handed Carrie one of the cups that had landed on the floor.

Carrie took a deep breath, squinted her eyes in focus, and made her toss. Turns out this ring toss game was much harder than it looked and her final shot hit Justin in the belly and fell to the floor.

“Oh shit!” Anthony howled.

“Daaaaaamn,” Melissa said, “It’s this kid’s lucky day!”

“Alright, alright, let’s get this show on the road,” Carrie said in acceptance as she stood up from her chair and looked at Justin who was still sitting there in nothing but his boxers with his dick sticking out, “Come on, dork.” As she walked over to the pantry she casually called back to us, “Somebody keep track of time.”

Justin enthusiastically followed Carrie into the pantry. Emily kept track of time on her phone starting when Carrie closed the door. The rest of us sat there drinking.

“You guys are really gonna let me sit here and be the only one who’s naked?” Anthony asked.

“You gotta use your dares!” Melissa insisted.

When thirty seconds passed, Emily shouted, “Time’s up!”

We all turned to look at the pantry door. A few seconds later the door opened and Carrie came walking out followed by Justin, again sporting a doofy grin.

“Did you do it?” Emily asked Carrie.

“I love this game,” Justin said, giddily, which answered the question.

“I bet you do,” Carrie dismissed, “Melissa, do you guys have any board games? I want dice,” Carrie asked.

“Uhhh ok. Yeah, we have a closet with games in the game room,” Melissa replied as she got up from her seat and went into the next room. Carrie followed her and a moment later they both returned.

Carrie proceeded to go around the room and assign us each a number. Emily was one, Anthony was two, Melissa was three, Tara was four, I was five, and Justin was six.

“The dice will choose my victim,” Carrie said in a jokingly sinister manner. She rolled the dice and it came up with a one.

“Emily, truth or dare?”

“Dare,” Emily answered after hemming and hawing for a moment.

“Ok, whatever number I roll, you gotta take off that many pieces of clothing,” Carrie explained.

“Ooooh, good one!” I complimented Carrie on her creativity.

“Shit, I knew I should’ve picked truth,” Emily regretted.

“Too late now,” Carrie replied as she shook the dice in her hand and then tossed it on the coffee table. She rolled a four.

“Fucking, fuck!” Emily said in exasperation as she started counting her layers.

I quickly assessed the situation and saw she had on two shirts over a bra, shorts, and probably panties underneath. So, unless I was mistaken, I was about to see Emily topless.

Emily unbuttoned her shirt, then pulled her tank top over her head revealing her black bra. Then Emily reached behind her back and unclasped her bra and tossed it aside. Emily’s boobs were a little bigger than Carrie’s and she had pale pink nipples that were almost indistinguishable from the rest of her skin.

“Not even trying to cover up,” I commented.

“Yeah, I’m not gonna sit here awkwardly holding my arms up all night. They’re just tits!” Emily shrugged as she shimmied her shorts down to the floor, “Truth or dare?”

“Dare,” I replied.

“You have to do the same dare I did,” Emily explained as she rolled the dice. She rolled a six.

“Well, shit. I only have on three pieces,” I said.

“Then I guess you gotta get naked,” Emily teased.

Tara stood up and sat back down on the arm rest next to Melissa. I stood up and pulled my t-shirt off, then unbuttoned my jeans and pulled them and my underwear down in one motion. My dick was at full attention and I didn’t bother trying to hide it.

“There you go,” I said as I sat back down in my chair.

To my surprise and delight, Tara shifted back over into my lap and I felt the rough texture of her jeans graze against my privates. “Tara, truth or dare?” I asked as I reached forward and grabbed the dice from the table.

“Dare,” Tara said as she looked down at me.

“I’m going to roll the dice. If it lands on a girl you have to french kiss for 30 seconds. If it lands on a guy you have to give them head for 30 seconds,” I explained, “Justin is one, and I am six.” I rolled the dice and it came up with a five which was Melissa.

“Oooo,” Carrie reacted.

Tara stood up and went and sat on Melissa’s lap and started kissing her. Melissa was stiff with nervousness. I leaned forward to watch and saw their tongues massage each other. Then Carrie got up and leaned over Anthony and playfully squeezed Melissa’s right breast.

“Oh my god, Carrie!” Melissa said, interrupting the make out session.

Tara stood up and sat back on the arm rest of the couch and looked at me, “Truth or dare?”

“Dare,” I replied.

“I dare you to let Melissa try to land a cup on your boner,” Tara said.

“Yes! Yes! Yes!” Melissa bounced on her seat and clapped in excitement.

“Hold on, what happens if she misses?” I asked.

“Nothing,” Tara clarified.

“Boooo,” Justin chimed in.

I stood up and stepped to the outside of the arm rest of my chair with my dick just sticking straight out. Melissa eyed my dick and made a few practice motions before tossing a cup. The cup hit me on my hip and bounced off the coffee table before hitting the ground.

Melissa took another cup and lined up a second shot. This time she hit my dick but it didn’t actually stay on.

“One more shot,” Melissa requested.

“One more but if you miss you have to show your boobs,” I insisted.

“No! It’s my dare and that’s not part of the deal,” Tara interjected.

“Ok fine. But only one more,” I said.

Sitting on the edge of the couch, Melissa closed her left eye like she was looking down the barrel of a gun and her tongue peaked out from the corner of her mouth as she lined up her next shot. To all the girl’s delight, the cup landed right on my dick.

“Yes!” Melissa shouted. She was quite proud of herself.

I did a facepalm in shame. Tara stood up and kissed me on the cheek through tears of laughter.

“Ok… my turn. Melissa, truth or dare?” I asked.

“Something tells me I’m going to regret this… dare,” Melissa replied.

I pulled the solo cup off my dick, grabbed the dice and put it in the solo cup and shook it up. Then I quickly turned the cup face down on the table covering the dice. “You have to remove a number of clothing items matching what the dice says.”

“Oh god,” Melissa said, nervously.

I knew if I rolled anything higher than a one and she’d have to show her boobs. I lifted the cup and had rolled a two.

“DAMNIT!” Melissa buried her face in her hands.

I sat back in my chair with Tara again on my lap and watched as Melissa stood up and pulled her dress up over her head. She had on a green bra that restrained her massive tits. Tara was definitely busty but by comparison, Melissa had the biggest boobs in the group by far. She was a little chubby and had fair, freckled skin. Melissa unclasped her bra and tossed it at me. Her big tits spilled out for everyone to see and all she had left on was a black thong.

“Happy?” Melissa said as she struck a dainty pose and then sat back down and pulled a pillow over herself. “I’m terrible at this. Who should I dare?” Melissa asked.

“Just roll the dice,” I suggested.

“No, do Justin, and make it embarrassing. He’s had too much fun,” Carrie insisted.

(Continued in part 3)



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