Song of the Naiad [F20/F99+] [Fantasy] [Tentacles?] [Consensual] [Lesbian] [SCP-054?]

There it was. That voice. Marina stood still on her boat, just listening. The voice was truly a beautiful and breathtaking thing, its highs and lows mixing into an amazing sound. It sang its enchanting song as Marina’s small boat neared it. The voice became louder and clearer as she got closer, and Marina couldn’t help but feel curious about who possessed such a voice. She felt her heart thumping in her chest, complementing the song that filled her mind. Her mind stayed stuck on the voice that tantalized her from afar, not bothering to remind her of the many legends she had been told growing up about sirens and evil beings that lead sailors to their death.

How could such a beautiful thing lead to her death? That didn’t make any sense. Marina didn’t bother moving the trajectory of her boat as it approached a large rock. She was too busy listening to the alluring voice that pulled her closer and closer.

Naida swam in slow circles around a large rock, singing to herself. She’d grown tired of racing a nighttime cargo ship and decided to relax and swim in circles, singing her songs as she went. She loved the feeling of the fresh, crisp water running over her body and absorbing into her. She loved the rush of the ocean pulling her along in an adventure of its own. She felt movement in the water that was unlike the regular current, so she rose from the surface to take a look. She saw a boat drifting toward the rock, with just one girl on its deck. Naida felt anxiety rise in her chest. If this girl didn’t move her boat, it would crash into the rock, and she could die!

She stood atop the rock, waving her arms in panic, miming for the girl to steer the boat a different way. The girl didn’t move.

Marina looked out at the figure waving its arms atop the rock. Her skin shimmered just as the sun shimmered on the surface of the ocean. Her body was that of a woman’s, with curved hips and full breasts made entirely of…water? The woman was transparent, reflecting and refracting sunlight. She was truly mesmerizing, but before Marina had a chance to wave back or take a closer look, her boat crashed into the rock. She felt her body jerk as she was launched into the air. The world around her was so large, and she was so small, careening into the surface of the ocean. Her body hit the surface with the force of a thousand men, knocking her breath away before she was pulled deep into the depths.

It grew colder and darker as the surface started to disappear along with the light of the sun. The ocean surrounded her as she began to feel faint from the loss of oxygen. It felt like arms were pulling at her, and she had no power. The last thing she thought about before losing consciousness was the voice she had heard and the woman she had seen.



Marina coughed and spluttered, spitting water onto the rock where she lay. She looked around, panicked. What had happened? Where was her boat? She looked down at the edge of the rock, seeing splintered wood drifting on the surface. She shivered, the cold ocean water pressed against her body. The sun above her tried warming her from millions of lightyears away. She pulled herself into a sitting position and brought her knees to her chest. Hadn’t she just been drowning? She looked out at the water, seeing a large ripple spread across the surface. Then, a head poked out, peeking at her from over the surface of the water. Naida had heard stories of nice humans from her freshwater nymph friends at the estuary, and she felt herself excited at the possibility of having one of her own!

“Was it you? Did you save me?” Marina asked, causing the water nymph to nod. “You should’ve just let me drown. It’s a quicker death than starving on this rock in the middle of the fucking sea.”

The water nymph looked hurt, causing Marina to regret her words.

“Sorry,” Marina muttered. “I didn’t know you had feelings.” She paused for a moment before deciding to scoot closer to the edge of the rock where the water crashed in tiny waves against it. “Can you talk?”

Naida furrowed her brow, turning the question over in her head. She truly didn’t know, as she had never tried to. She knew she could sing, but she had never sung with words. The humans she had overheard speaking in their odd human languages always seemed to sound different, but she always somehow understood their meaning. She opted for a shrug, which the human seemed to understand.

The human shivered in her wet clothes. Naida gestured to the clothes. Surely this human must know that she must remove them, or they will make her cold until they finally dry. It would be much wiser to lay the clothes out to dry while the human bathes in the warmth of the sun. The human raised her eyebrow and tilted her head, which the naiad took to mean the human didn’t understand. Naida pulled all of her energy into changing her shape to show some clothes of her own appearing on her body. She then removed them like a human would before gesturing at the human.

“You want me to take my clothes off?” Marina asked incredulously. “This is insane.”

The naiad then made a show of wringing out her “clothes” and setting them out to dry.

“Oh,” Marina muttered. “Okay, I guess we’re both girls here.” She didn’t bother wringing them out as she set them out on the rock, now completely naked just like the nymph before her. The nymph giggled in delight, ducking into the water and coming back out playfully. She whistled a tune as she circled the rock excitedly. “Are you able to leave the water?” Marina asked curiously.

The naiad nodded enthusiastically, climbing out of the water and onto the surface of the rock. She danced and pranced along the rock, periodically dipping her feet back into the water. Marina felt her original apprehensiveness leave her. Surely this nymph with the excitement of a puppy wasn’t malevolent. In fact, she was kind of adorable.

The nymph danced without any music, giggling and whistling. She then paused for a moment, sensing Marina’s eyes on her, and held out her hand. The human originally felt reluctant, feeling that it would be kind of silly to get up and dance naked with a water nymph she had just met. As the water nymph laughed and danced, she felt the exterior walls crash down as she cracked a smile and got up to join her. They danced together to the sound of the waves crashing against the rock.

Then, the nymph began to sing a slower song, pulling Marina into a slow dance. Marina’s eyes widened. So this was the origin of the enchanting voice she heard before! She allowed the naiad to pull her along the rock in a waltz, their bodies moving in sync. The nymph led them to the shore every once in a while to allow the water to brush over their feet to replenish her water supply.

When the naiad’s song ended, they stood still, just looking into each other’s eyes. Marina looked at how the shimmery water made up the most beautiful woman she had ever seen. She couldn’t help but feel drawn to this beautiful creature that stood before her. Not to mention, they were all alone with nobody to disturb or see them.

“Can I…um…Can I kiss you?” Marina asked as the naiad’s arms wrapped around her waist. As a woman made of water, she expected her to be cold to the touch, but it was just like touching another human. Not only was she warm, but she also gave Marina a warm, exciting new feeling inside. “Do you know what kissing is?”

The water nymph nodded with a small smile. The very next moment, their lips connected in a fervent kiss as the wind blew a soft summer breeze against them. It felt like fireworks were exploding just beside Marina’s head, as if she were inside a house while fireworks went off outside. She wrapped herself in the naiad’s arms as she deepened the kiss.

The water nymph’s hands tentatively wandered along Marina’s body, getting the green light from her almost immediately. In turn, Marina swam through the naiad’s exquisite curves. She’d never been one to understand art, but in this moment, she knew exactly what art was. If Marina knew anything, she knew that she wanted to fuck the water woman. Shit. How do you have sex with a person made of water?

“You know,” Marina joked, trying to mask her own confusion. “I wish I had my rope. I like to be tied down a little during sex.”

The naiad hummed an enchanting wail, stepping into the water for a moment, looking as though she was taking in a deep breath. Marina watched her curiously before her eyes widened at the sight. The water nymph had grown some type of watery tentacles that snaked around Marina’s wrists and ankles. The woman of water looked at her, as if to say, “*Will this work?*” Marina only nodded. She couldn’t help but stare in awe as the water nymph beamed positively, waving her hand for a tiny water tentacle to wrap around Marina’s nipple, squeezing it gently.

“Fuck, I didn’t expect that,” Marina breathed. “I dig it.”

The nymph hummed happily as her tentacles held the human firmly in place. She leaned down, kissing the soft flesh of her breasts before sucking lightly on her nipples. Earning soft moans, she began exploring the human’s body, running over every curve. Finally, she reached down, putting a watery hand to Marina’s pussy, delighted to find it dripping. It glistened under the summer sun, and it looked remarkably delicious.

Marina moaned at the sensation, making both women more aroused as mere seconds passed. The water woman flicked her wrist, and a tentacle pressed against the entrance before invading, assertive but gentle. Marina’s moans only excited the nymph, who in turn had another tentacle enter herself. She squealed in excitement, her voice still only coming out as a siren song. She allowed her tentacles to start to become faster and harder, leaning in to kiss the human. Marina accepted the nymph’s lips enthusiastically, moaning into the naiad’s mouth. She felt her body tremble as the small tentacle flicked at her clit.

They simply tasted and explored each other’s mouths as the tentacles did their job. Marina moved her arm, at first held back by the tentacle before the naiad allowed her to move. She reached over and cupped one of the nymph’s breasts, still surprised that the water woman felt so…human and warm. She began to massage them as they continued their hungry kiss, the tentacles pumping away. Marina didn’t bother to hide her amazement at just how soft the water nymph was.

Their voices mixed in a harmonic song as they came. Marina’s legs felt weak as she allowed the tentacles to support her weight through her orgasm. She moaned loudly, knowing nobody but the nymph could hear her. Their bodies pressed against one another as they finished together. Soon enough, Marina felt the tentacles recede. She stood still for a moment, just catching her breath.

The naiad motioned for her to get dressed. Marina glanced over at her clothes, now dry. “Right…” She pulled her clothes on and sat down at the edge of the water. “Am I just stuck here forever?”

The naiad shook her head, reaching out to cup Marina’s cheek. She then began to sing a new song. It was different from the one she had sung for their slow dance or the one she had sung in her orgasm. This one felt…powerful. Soon enough, Marina spotted a large ship in the distance, headed for the rock. The naiad stopped her song, kissing Marina once more before standing up and walking into the water.

“Wait!” Marina exclaimed. The naiad stopped and turned. “Will I ever see you again?”

The naiad smiled, her eyes becoming like little crescent moons, before ducking into the water and becoming one with the ocean again.

Even as Marina climbed on the ship, she could never stop thinking about her encounter with the [water nymph.](
