Dark desire part two [F/19] [kidnapped] [Cage] [married men] [mind break]

On a rainy Tuesday afternoon, the day lily went missing. She was last seen near a white van in the vicinity.

Lily woke up in complete darkness and reached out to touch her surroundings, only to feel the cold metal bars of a cage. She tried to stand up, but found herself trapped. Panic set in as she struggled to remember how she ended up in this situation. All she could recall was taking a shower and heading out to get milk. Her boyfriend offered her a ride to the store in the rain, but she declined, preferring to walk. The last thing she remembered was seeing a white van.

Lily screamed for help, her voice echoing through the empty room. Suddenly, a door creaked open, casting a bright light into the darkness. The light slowly faded as the door closed, revealing a man walking towards the cage. The man forcefully opened the cage and grasped Lily’s forearm, causing her to resist and fight back. Despite her efforts, the man’s strength was too much for her. He demanded that she stop struggling as he proceeded to put a collar around her neck.

The man fastened a lead onto Lily’s collar and tugged on it, signaling for her to come along. Despite her fear, Lily complied and followed him to the door. The man opened the door in front of Lily, causing a sudden gust of wind to engulf her entire body. Her eyes squinted from the bright light, and as she looked down, she realized with a shock that she had been completely naked the entire time. The man pulled on Lily’s leash, leading her to the center of the room. Despite her attempts to cover herself, she couldn’t help but notice the opulence of the surroundings. Champagne bottles and chairs lined both sides of the room.

The man removed the leash and instructed Lily to remain in the center of the room. Despite her panic and attempts to explain that she didn’t belong there, Lily left the center and received a shock from her collar, revealing it to be a shock collar. The man ordered her to return to the center and wait for her guests. Lily crawls back into the center of the room and quickly rises up in a bowl. The man standing nearby presses a button, causing two doors on the opposite side of the room to open. Out of these doors emerge the guests, ready to begin the event. Lily observes the guests entering the room, each one a man wearing a mask and completely naked, representing a range of body types from overweight to underweight, short to tall, and everything in between.

The masked men sat down and opened their champagne. Lily could hear them talking about her from all directions. One of the men in the crowd commented on her “big boobs.” A guest then yelled for Lily to stand up and give them a 360 view of her body. Lily nervously looked at the man who brought her into the room and slowly got up, turning to face each of the guests. Lily was subjected to a thorough critique of her body by the men in the crowd. She attempted to cover herself while turning, but felt a small shock. Looking towards the mysterious man, she saw him shaking his head. It became clear to Lily that she was not allowed to cover herself in front of the guests.

The guest at the table picked up lubrication and a pill. Some of the masked men were already aroused by Lily’s presence and began to stroke in front of her. A man in the crowd yelled at Lily to get into different positions while they stroked harder and harder in each position. Their eyes were fixed on her. Lily felt conflicted emotionally. On one side, she was embarrassed and felt helpless. On the other side, she was feeling excited and hot. As each guest approached climax, they walked towards Lily and ejaculated on her. Lily realized that these men were married and found it exciting. After all the guests finished, the mysterious man opened the door back to the dark room and Lily walked back to her cage without any resistance. The man unlocked the cage, Lily walked in and sat down, covered in cum. After the man locked the cage and left, Lily licked her lips and her pussy was wet.

End of part two

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/12pkrnp/dark_desire_part_two_f19_kidnapped_cage_married