Is there a name for a community/fantasy world that’s similar to free use, except it’s just a society/world-building that’s still hyper-sexual, but each gender still requires consent?

Is there a name for a community/fantasy world that’s similar to free use, except it’s just a society/world-building that’s still hyper-sexual, but each gender still requires consent?

My issue with free-use is that it’s inherently misogyny based, but I’d still love to read some world-building (fanfic type thing, or a subreddit) of a world where it’s not just one gender that’s used as sexdolls, but rather both parties require consent still. Essentially a civilized society much like ours, but via some form of regulations, privileges such as sex in public, masturbation, is widely encouraged and popularized, etc.

I guess, by it’s very definition, this wouldn’t be free-use at all, but still, I hope you understand what I mean.



  1. I like that thought, and I have a storyboard containing potential stories along those lines.

    I have not decided if it should be a fre-use family, house, community or order yet, but it WILL have to follow rules (which I have sketched out). Let me know if you find a sub along the lines you mention.

  2. Seriously? I never considered free use to be one-sided…

    You know, I have a huge free use kink, but like… With me as the male person being the part that’s being used. I also found it relatively hard to find any content up until now that meets these criteria

  3. i have seen one that fits this criteria, it’s an ongoing series and the writer is new so it isn’t the best. It’s by u/just_anotherslut

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