Spa Time with Spouse and Married Friend [FMF]

I had been on a work trip for three days and this is usually my limit before I start to go crazy being away. I get home around 9 on this late Spring evening and notice that there is another SUV parked in front of our house. I walk in and notice the house is very quiet. I look out back and notice the lights in the pool and spa are on and Mandy seems to be out in the spa with a friend. I walk out there and Mandy sees me and stands up in the spa to kiss me to welcome me home. Mandy and I’s close friend Nikki is in the spa with Mandy, both holding a glass of wine and an empty bottle sitting on the ledge. Nikki is my friend I wrote about our adventures on a hiking trip together a while back who now lives in the same city we do.

I sit down on the ledge and Nikki gives me a hug. I comment on the empty wine bottle and say it seems they are having fun and ask how their day was? Nikki responds that she was in the office all day and while Mandy had parent care duty for her mom. Realizing that between the two of them they had a lot of needy people to manage so I comment how there day was probably exhausting and they certainly earned some down time in the spa. Nikki raises her glass to toast my comment and says “exactly” while Mandy asks me to grab another bottle of wine and suggests I come join them.

Some background on Nikki for those who have not read my hiking story.
Our families have been close for over two decades. We have lived in different locations for at least half that time, taking countless vacations together and generally consider them to be as close to family as one can be without being blood related to them. Nikki and her family moved back to the city we are in recently, and this has only served to deepen the friendship her and I have as well as with Nikki and Mandy. Both of us are significantly more into the outdoors than our spouses and given we are both really into photography Nikki has become my camera buddy.

Fast forward to this evening and I am reminding myself not to get focused trying remembering my hiking adventure as I am changing to join them in the spa. As a man whose weakness is women with great hips and at least a bubble butt, Nikki certainly fits my type. I open another bottle of wine, grab myself a glass and walk back out to the spa. I sit on the ledge and fill up the girl’s glasses, raising my glass to toast them and say “here’s to being an absolutely great mother that also happens to be absolutely beautiful.” I ask the girls how their day went as I settle into the spa. They spend the next 15 to 20 minutes talking about different things that happened, which gives me time to finish my first glass of wine. As I grab the bottle to top off the girl’s glasses and refill mine, I ask Nikki what Matt (her husband) is up to this week. She rolls her eyes, making a sigh before explaining he is in Vegas for a “work” sales conference. I look at Nikki to tell her I am sorry as I do realize from my own travels how hard it is on Mandy taking care of the kids. Nikki taps my glass with hers and says “thank you. It’s nice that someone recognizes that.” Trying to stay out of a rabbit hole, I respond to her saying “I take it that does not happen enough in your world?” to which she responds “eh, its fine.”

It is at this point that Mandy jumps in and says “oh no – it is not okay.” Looking at me she continues “Do you want to know what her Matt told her before he left?” I quickly realize the girls have had a few glasses of wine and it’s getting to them as Mandy is never this vocal about a friend’s love interest unless she has some liquid courage going on. I look at Mandy and say “Do I want to know?” Mandy responds that Nikki told Matt to have fun and he responded he planned to since it had been too long since he was around any hot, drunk women. I guess the surprise on my face was obvious as Mandy looked at me and said “I know. What’s not hot about Nikki?” Thinking what can I say that won’t get me into too much trouble, I look at her and say “I can honestly say if I had the choice of any woman in Vegas or being in a spa with either of you two in bikinis I would choose the spa every time!”

NIkki smiles, stands up and moves over to give me a hug. She tells me thank you as she needed to hear that. The next 15 minutes turns into a back and forth between Mandy and Nikki on the lack of attention NIkki is getting with Mandy telling her she deserves much better. I think the heat in the spa mixed with the alcohol has fully kicked in as Nikki drops the comment that her husband is always wanting a blowjob but will never go down on her. Mandy responds how wrong that is then leans over and kisses me on the cheek and tells me how thankful she is that I am not that way. Nikki steps in and asks if I really like doing it or is it just to make Mandy happy? I laugh and say I truly love it and there are few things that I enjoy more than making Mandy lose her mind when I have her legs wrapped around my head. Whether I am good at it or not she would have to ask Mandy. Nikki laughs, then looks at Mandy and asks “do you want to answer that question?” Mandy raises her wine glass and says “I can honestly say he is incredible at it.”

This is one of those moments I wish I could write I had a great response to this. I generally don’t do well with compliments and my natural reaction is to say nothing. I was trying to think of how to respond when Nikki looks at Mandy and says “any time you want to loan me your husband please send him my way.” Before I could say anything Mandy looks at Nikki and smiles, looks at me with the same mischievous smile, then looks back at her and says “I think we should make him show us both now. We had a hard day and I think we both earned it, don’t you?” This completely caught me by surprise as I have never had Mandy pimp me out like this. I also have no idea how Nikki will respond in this situation. Nikki looks at Mandy, I think trying to see if Mandy is actually serious. Then she looks at me and I smile and raise my wine glass to her to say I am good if you two are. Nikki looks back at Mandy and asks “are you really sure you want to share Devin?” Mandy looks at me and smiles then looks at Nikki and says “Every now and then I let him out to play. Besides, I think we both would really enjoy it.” Nikki thinks for a few seconds, then looks at both of us and says “you know what, sometimes you do have to say what the fuck and go for it.”

“Well then” I respond. Smiling at both, I say “you don’t have to ask me twice. Now, time for both of you to stand up.” I set my glass of wine down on the ledge of the spa and extend a hand to each of them to help them stand up. As they get to their feet, I place my hands on Mandy’s hips and slide her bikini bottom down until she steps out of it and I place it on the ledge. I then do the same to Nikki, then step back to enjoy the moment. Both have the hips and curves that scream lick every inch of me, then grab me and fuck me like your life depends on it. I ask each of them to sit on the ledge of the spa. I look at Mandy and ask, “so which one of you do I start with?” Mandy smiles at Nikki then back at me and says “Where are your manners. We always take care of our guests first.” I grab my glass of wine, pour a small amount of Nikki’s stomach so it runs down onto her shaved womanhood. I move Nikki’s legs apart, then run my tongue up and down her lips, taking in the wine while tasting the undeniable wetness that tells me she is already very turned on. Nikki leans her head back and lets out a somewhat loud “oh wow, God that feels good.” I slide two fingers into Nikki in a hook position to try and find her g-spot while I lightly pour more wine down her stomach, across her navel and back on to her moist lips. I flick my tongue across her clit, then licking her in a circle motion before stopping to suck on her. Nikki screams out “Fuck” as I spent the next few minutes focusing on driving her crazy.

Not wanting to ignore Mandy, I move over to her and slide her legs apart while pouring a small amount of wine down across her stomach and down onto her voluptuous lips. I know the exact combination to Mandy at this stage of our life, so I move my fingers inside of her to work on her G-Spot while running my tongue up and down her lips to capture every drop of the wine covering her. Mandy puts one hand on the side of my head, as I hear her breathing pick up as she says, “God baby, you know how to turn me on.” I work on Mandy for a few minutes, her breathing turning into moans. I could probably get Mandy to orgasm any moment, but I want to torture her some. I pull back, reach for my glass of wine, then move back over to Nikki and again pour some wine onto her womanhood. This Time I bury my fingers and tongue in her, aggressively massaging her g-spot. Nikki screams out “God Yes don’t stop” as I move my tongue up to flick across her clit before sucking on her. I can tell Nikki’s body is tensing up and after another minute or so she screams “Fuck I’m cuming” as I keep up the pace to drive her as crazy as I know how.

I move back over to Mandy and essentially repeat, pouring wine down her navel and onto her womanhood. Licking it off, I move two fingers back into her in a hook position and pick up the intensity massaging her while I circle and lick on her clit. Mandy starts repeating” baby I’m cuming” and I keep up my pace for a couple of minutes while she releases all over me.

Thinking my work is done, I stand up and sit down on the ledge next to Mandy. I raise my wine glass in the gesture of a toast and say, “hopefully that lived up to the hype Mandy put out there.” Mandy turns to me, kisses me and says “pretty sure there was no hype there but now it’s your turn.: Mandy slides back into the spa, positions herself in front of me and pulls my trunks down and off, setting them on the ledge net to their bikini bottoms. Mandy leans forward, takes me in her mouth and locks eyes with me. It feels amazing and I tell her how fucking hot it is watching her and how incredible that feels. As Mandy is slowly running her tongue up and down my shaft and around my head, I notice that Nikki has one hand massaging her clit and her womanhood while she is intensely watching Mandy work on my erection. This is incredibly hot, and I can’t help but lock in watching Nikki masturbate to Mandy’s oral skills on me.

Mandy is now watching Nikki and I see their eyes lock for what felt like an eternity. Mandy looks up at me, says “I think we are being rude and ignoring our guest.” Mandy stands up, extends a hand to her to help her stand up. Nikki looks at Mandy with a quizitive expression, at which point Mandy leans in and whispers something into Nikki’s ear. Nikki does a half laugh/smile, looks at Mandy and says “would love to if you are good.“ Mandy pulls Nikki in front of me, turns her around so her back is to me, and gently tries to position her so she is sitting on me. Nikki is the only friend of Mandy’s I have known that has an ass that is close to being in her league, so I slide my hands up on Nikki’s hips and down across her ass. Nikki slides her hand between her legs and start to position me so she can take me deep inside of her. I take one hand on each side of her ass, spread her cheeks apart so I can watch my erection slide inside of her.

Nikki moans as she lowers herself onto my erection, putting her hands on my hips so she can balance and starts moving up and down. This is very new territory for Mandy to do this, so I look at Mandy to see how she is reacting. We make eye contact, and the pull between our eyes is intense. It’s a gaze that says I love you while at the same time says I am so freaking turned on watching this you know I am going to ride you till you can’t see straight after this. Nikki quickly picks up her intensity and is now bouncing on my shaft, the sound of her ass slapping against my body almost echoing in the spa. I guess Mandy was motivated watching Nikki earlier, as I see Mandy slide her hand down into the water to start massaging her clit.

This is incredibly hot to watch, and I hear myself telling them “this is the hottest fucking thing I have ever seen watching both of you two right now.” Not sure how long this is going on, but maybe 5 minutes or so into this and Nikki is loudly proclaiming she is about to cum again while her eyes are gazing at Mandy’s. Mandy’s breathing is heavy, and she is legitimately getting close to orgasm watching Nikki riding me. Nikki screams out a series of “Fuck, fuck, fuck” as she cums for the second time, this time on my manhood.

I look at Mandy and ask if she is ready to ride me now? Mandy, somewhat breathlessly and still partially biting her lip, looks at me and says I have a better idea. She reaches for Nikki’s hand and help pull her to her feet. Grabbing her glass of wine, she moves in front of me and pours wine on my erection. She then moves down and starts licking and sucking on me, which fees mind blowing. I want to move my hand to work on Mandy, but I can’t reach her. Nikki slides in next to Mandy and moves her hand down, sliding into Mandy. Mandy is fighting moaning as she has me in her mouth but has to stop and she tries to catch her breath enjoying the attention.

About a minute into Nikki working on Mandy, she starts telling us she is cuming again. Nikki seems to pick up the intensity and Mandy is in ecstasy, her eyes locked on mine, my erection in her hand and partially in her mouth. She then lose control and takes me deep in her mouth, frantically licking and sucking on me. Within a minute I put a death grip on her shoulders as I say “Fuck baby I’m cuming” as I let lose inside her mouth. The intensity is too much so I pull Mandy up and we lock into a deep, passionate kiss, enjoying tasting all the excitement of our spa night on each other’s lips.



  1. Amazing opportunity there and well done. Hopefully that leads to.more shared experiences…

  2. Wow, this was a really hot read! It’s well-written, and I love the way you conveyed everyone’s arousal. Thanks for sharing!

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