My step-son [20M] seen me have an orgasm [F]

Last night i was in my room and my hubby was gone, i was getting super horny i had just ordered a new toy that arrived that day so i put on my favourite porn which is mommy/son style videos. I was soaking wet after getting into this video in particular

I had my new toy on my clit that gives a sucking sensation while also vibrating my clit, I was letting my moans get louder. I didnt realise but while being upstairs my step son had arrived home as our radio was on downstairs and he was making food in the kitchen I kept going getting closer and closer unable to control myself when my door opened quickly as he was looking at me just as i started to cum, when i have a full orgasm i squirt and it was all over the towel i had laid down before hand

he didnt say anything and closed the door, as you can probably assume i got the sheets and hid under them as quick as possible and just pretended i was asleep, now I have no idea what he was thinking but this is gonna be a hard one to explain



  1. I’m not sure you’re going to need to explain anything? Everyone needs to take care of themselves, I’d say he now has a rather interesting memory for when he takes care of himself…

  2. I think I better expect he told us here in Reddit what is it like to have seen you squirting

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