The Prefect, Part 22 [F20/F18] [D/s] [Role Reversal] [ENF/Exhibitionism]

**Part 22**

“There you have it, girls,” Kaitlyn said. “Though it’s always been pretty obvious, hasn’t it? Just make sure you don’t leave your bras and underwear around when Elise is doing room inspections. Unless you *want* to be noticed, of course.” Kaitlyn let the giggling from her teasing comment die out, then moved on. “Anyway, now that that’s out of the way, I believe little Elise still needs to be punished. Don’t you, pet?”

Elise knew what she had to say. “Yes, Miss Kaitlyn.” She caught herself just in time, managing to answer ‘properly’ before likely getting slapped again. “I still need to be punished.”

“Why is that, Elise?”

“Because…because I covered myself up…” Elise said. She had almost forgotten the reason after everything else Kaitlyn had just put her through. And, at the redhead’s insistence, she said the whole thing like usual. “I need to be punished because I covered up my boobs.”

“Your bare boobs.” Kaitlyn corrected her. Anything to make the prefect’s embarrassment a little worse. Once Elise repeated the same thing with the small difference, Kaitlyn continued. “That’s right. Good girls get to cover up, Elise. Hell, good girls get clothes for that matter. But you’ve been a bad girl, haven’t you?”

Elise blushed furiously. This wasn’t happening to her! She WAS a good girl. Every day of her life. But now a disrespectful first-year, of all people, was saying the opposite in the most judgmental tone. And there was nothing Elise could do about it. “Yes, Miss Kaitlyn. I’ve been a bad girl,” Elise repeated.

“And bad girls deserve to be punished.” Kaitlyn said. She gestured for Caroline to come forward, and Elise watched in frozen disbelief as the brunette handed over the chains that Elise had refused in favor of a collar earlier. “Ah, you remember these. I know you had your eyes on them earlier,” Kaitlyn smirked. Elise knew that the onlooking girls would take that the wrong way, as usual. “What are they called, Elise?”

“N-nipple clamps…” Elise said. It was as if someone else was answering for her, as part of her knew saying it out loud would verify her familiarity with them. But it was getting more and more difficult to fight the obedience that Kaitlyn was nurturing.

“That’s right. Though I can’t believe you carry around clamps and a collar in your everyday backpack.”

That one got the other girls even more chatty. They giggled and whispered to themselves more noticeably than when Elise first walked out of Kaitlyn’s room, and for good reason. The lesbian thing was surprising, but not all that rare at an all girl’s school where a lack of guys led to more exploration than other schools might. However, learning that a normally proper and strict girl owned and carried around such things was something else entirely.

Elise couldn’t find her voice in time, and Kaitlyn just continued. “The good news is, these will cover those little pink nipples you so desperately wanted to hide earlier,” Kaitlyn said. She might have doubted herself before while thinking on the fly in front of an audience, but now she was riding the high of being in control. “The bad news is, everyone here will see just how secretly kinky you really are.” Kaitlyn snapped the chains for effect as she stepped right in front of Elise again. “Anything to say, my pet? Or are you going to ask for your punishment properly? For me to put on your little chains?”

*’Say something. Say anything.* Elise tried desperately to think of anything that might fix the situation, but denying Kaitlyn’s words would be just as bad as denying her own alleged sexuality. Nipple clamps were better than being rudely and painfully slapped on her boobs again. Probably. She reminded herself that playing along perfectly was the quickest and easiest way to be done with all this. “Please put on my nipple clamps, Miss Kaitlyn.” She felt her cheeks warm up all over again, especially since Kaitlyn could fully smirk at her now that her back was turned to the other girls.

“You’re really not a prefect, are you?” Kaitlyn quietly asked, meeting Elise’s emeralds with her hazels, “You’re my obedient pet. And you’re a kinky little lesbian. Now hold still, Elise.”

Elise tried her hardest to put on a brave face and ignore Kaitlyn’s words. As exposed and obedient as the devious redhead had managed to get her, she still had some fight left, hard as it was to show it. If she didn’t keep a little dignity now, these girls would never respect her again. Though she asked for the punishment with no resistance, Elise at least planned on acting like the clamps didn’t bother her. Or would that make it seem *more* like she was used to them from owning them? Shit. Elise normally didn’t swear, even internally, but the total lack of control and lack of a good plan out was getting to her. She nervously watched as the smirking redhead before her brought the black rubber tips of the alligator clamps to her pink nipples.

Kaitlyn, of course, had done plenty of research. The moment she found her older sister’s stash of kinky toys, she dove into the darkest corners of the internet. When it came to school, research was a chore. But when it came to promiscuity? The hours breezed by and every answer just unlocked three times the amount of questions. Kaitlyn had tested both clamps and collar on herself in the privacy of her single room a number of times, but those experiences were hers to keep. “I read you should clamp farther back, as pinching right on the nipple is worse.” Kaitlyn said. She still stood face to face with Elise, but spoke loudly enough so the rest of the room could get a mini lecture in the process. “But I bet you use these a lot, Elise. So let’s see just how sensitive you are, my pet.” She waited until Elise met her eyes again, then gave one last reminder. “If you make a single noise, I will drop your skirt to the floor. Nod if you understand, pet.”

Elise reluctantly and nervously nodded. The whole point of this punishment was to AVOID dropping her skirt. Now, more than ever, she had to listen to Kaitlyn and not make a sound. But she also had no idea how this would feel.

After a long, silent stare, Kaitlyn then spoke quietly again, this time only for Elise and her nearby crew. “If it hurts too much, kiss Anna. Your crush’s lips should make you feel better, and I’ll know to release you.” Kaitlyn placed the slim chain against Elise’s hand and waited until the blonde gripped the metal. “If you like how it feels, give yourself a tug. Nod if you understand, pet.”

As usual, Kaitlyn framed things in the worst way possible. Not ‘if it hurts’ or ‘if it doesn’t hurt.’ Instead, she made it sound like anything short of pain would be pleasure. But Elise knew better than to argue at this point. The awful first-year already had her standing topless with her hands by her sides. Not playing along would only make things worse. So she resolved herself to endure whatever awkwardness or pain the clamps would bring. Under no circumstances would she kiss Anna in front of so many people. Especially not after just ‘confessing’ to being a lesbian.

So Elise nodded again. Obedient or not, she wouldn’t break. Not to a girl like Kaitlyn.

“Good girl.” Kaitlyn smiled. She took a tiny step forward, brushing the rubber against Elise’s nipples.

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