Nature gone wild , so did she [M] [F]

i hope i was able to describe the events in a way that you can feel

< some context >

i am Adam i work in ##### company , my supervisor choose me and my colleague Rita for a work trip to Syria in order to meet a couple of agencies , for potential expansion.

we staid in a hotel , we were given two rooms next to each other , each one had a bed room and a guest room

Rita and I didn’t have a very strong relation but we have been working together for about 2 years now

we both were 24

we spend the first day in the hotel since we arrived at evening

we had a meeting at 10 the next day and i was tired so i didn’t stay up for long time

the next morning i woke up at 8 i called Rita at 8:30 to make sure she is up which she wasn’t , i didn’t surprised cause she had a habit of being late to work

she knocked on my door at 9

we finished our first meeting at 10 and we had another one at 1 which , we finished in an hour , and we are done for the day , then we had lunch outside and visited some places , and went back to the hotel at 6


i was checking my phone when i saw that Rita had shared some of the photos she toke when we were outside and next i know i was touching my dick while i was thinking of her plus i really wanted to play around in this new hotel room

i opened a photo of a girl which looked a little bit like Rita in order to help me

here is the [photo]( to save you the description


i went to sleep after

i cant believe the next events had happened to be honest , it was like a dream but here i am writing it

i wake up to something shaking my bed and it took me a second to realize that the whole building was shaking , i was so mush in disbelieve but the building was swinging like a kid swing , i left the room running when i noticed that Rita door was closed still , i hit the door with my hand but no answer i hit it with my shoulder but it didn’t open i then kicked it and it broke open i hurried to the bedroom

Rita was siting in her bed shaking , i grabbed her hand and pulled her when i realized that she wearing only her underwear , i grabbed her sheet and put it on her and we start running , at this moment the building stopped shaking , we were on the 9th floor every one was out of the building when we got-out and i mean every one from all of the buildings around us too , most of them in sleeping clothes , and only when i calmed down a little i realized that we had a major earthquake which was a first in my life time and very terrifying experience

i stood next to Rita not knowing what to do it was 4:30 in the morning and she was shaking which i didn’t know if it was from cold or fear , i said some calming words which didn’t really work , a nice man give Rita his jacket

after two hours the people start to return to the building and so we did

when we got to our rooms i saw the door broken and i remembered what i did

-the door i broken ( Rita said )

-am sorry i did it when you didn’t answer me , i will see the reception to send someone

-can u please just stay here a minute so i can get some clothes on me


when Rita finished a hotel worker arrived to our floor , he assured us that there are nothing to be afraid of and we are save , a mission that he had failed i guess

i asked him if there is someone to fix the door

-am afraid there is not , but i can get u another room for today , i guess we had a room in the 12th floor

-no (Rita said fast) not higher and i want to stay close to you

and she looked at me

-what ever you want

-can i stay in your room please , i can’t stay alone and feel save

we finally decided that Rita gonna move her stuff to my room for the day , she refused my offer to sleep in my room and i sleep on the couch and insisted that she sleep on the couch , but non of us returned to sleep

i made some tea to help us relax

i was giving Rita her cup when i noticed that the towel paper that i used the last night was still on the table beside the couch , i grabbed them fast which Rita didn’t react to and i remembered that i saw her in underwear

-sorry i wasn’t thinking straight when i broke to your room

-no please i am sorry that i hadn’t thank you yet, you didn’t leave me behind i feel like u had saved me

-don’t say that

-but the thing is that i am still not thinking straight i mean we could have died , i could have died and i wasn’t able to move

i didn’t know what to say , so i didn’t say any thing

the boss called us and told us that the meetings for the day and tomorrow was canceled and the meetings in the two days after that was still the same and he tried to calm us with some words

we spent the day on social media seeing the damage of the earthquake which was huge in the north of the country and very mild in the south where we were ( the earthquake hit Türkiye and Syria on 6 February )

at 9 pm i went to my room i was vert tiered and i was trying to give Rita some privacy , i wasn’t able to sleep and i was trying to recapture the view of Rita body in my head white panties and bra , not a very big breast the next thing i know i woke to the sound of knocking on my door


Rita opened the door , she was wearing something like [this]( , which kind of surprised me because i never seen her like this beside yesterday

she come closer slowly and then she said

– i am sorry if i woke you but can i sleep here

-yes sure , am sorry (and was getting up of the bed when she grabbed my hand and said )

-no stay

i only then understood that she mean with me

-i am afraid and i cant sleep alone

-i can sleep on the floor here


and she got in the bed with me

my breathing was heavy at this moment and i tried to calm myself

she laid with her back next to my stomach , she then grabbed my hand under the blanket and led it under her blouse to her breast and to be honest it was the first time i ever touch a woman body or be with a woman in bed

i just put my hand there still in shock , she start to move my hand on her breast , the softness was like nothing else

her breathing was getting faster so was mine , her nipple started to hardening under my hand and i felt her touching her self down , i pulled my hand and tried to take my short off she grabbed it fast

-please don’t

which i understood as she was virgin as me and let her lead the way and do what she want

she led my hand back to her breast and pushed her ass to touch my dick which was rock hard and she started rubbing it slowly with her ass , i released a groan that i was holding and i slide my other hand under her billy up to her other boob and buried my head in her hair , i could feel her heart beating fast , i was rubbing her boobs with my two hands and i could feel she was getting faster on her pussy

i whispered in her air trust me , and slid my hand slowly on her billy she put her hand on my hand and i could feel some wetness on her fingers , she guided my hand to her pussy , when i touched it i squeezed her next to my body with my other hand while grabbing her boob , and like if she knew i am a virgin and was trying to teach me how to do it , she start rubbing her self with my fingers and she released a moan which made me push my dick harder against her ass , i was in heaven and every thing of Rita was gentle and soft

i noticed a drips of sweet on her nick and i kissed it , she started rubbing faster against my dick and with my hand , i was about to cum and started to rub my hard dick on her ass and she was moving my hand faster , i pinched her nipple to which she moaned more like a cry i pushed my dick against her ass with one move which i came with

i pushed again with every burst of cum in my shorts

– am sorry

– don’t be

and she kept rubbing her self with my hand , i tried to take control at this moment which she was ok with , i but two fingers in her mouth while kissing her nick and kept rubbing her pussy to which she released a hard moan with quite screaming sound

her right thigh was twitching and she grabbed my hand and pulled it away of her pussy

we took a moment to catch breath and she was staying in her place

– i am sorry for the….

– its ok don’t be

i tried to get up but she hold me and said please stay so i hugged her

the wetness in my short was not very comfortable , but i staid and it was no time before i was hard again , to which she didn’t react , i buried my head in her hair and tried to sleep

in the morning i woke up to her rubbing her ass on my morning erection which she thought i was conscious of i guess , i lasted for about 2 minutes and i burst another load as she rubbed her ass on my dick

she then told me

– thanks

and got out of bed


it’s my first time writing something this long or posting on reddit so i don’t know if it was any good and i hope you liked it

my native language is Arabic so excuse my English if i had mistaken with a word or two

let me know if i should continue the story



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