[22F] [F]The very first time having sex and how KNOTTY it was

I know ive posted this before and deleted it immediately. im sorry i just like feel like i should tell people to let it off my chest… please don’t judge me its my biggest secret and Ive never told anyone in person so it helps to talk about it here i think idk but ya This is embarrassing to admit.

Anyways so basically my mom sister and i lived with her boyfriend at the time he had a great dane. I was always close with him and hed always be playful with me or in my room. Eventually like there were times i would masterbate and rub myself and id lay there eyes closed and there were a couple times he would jump up and lick me down there.. id always push him away but after like 5 or so instances i gave in and just let him lick it was so ticklish but i really liked it lol so like id let him do that alot when i wanyed to masterbate and like months later i had the thought about letting him fuck my i would fantasize it.

So i ended up one day when i was home alone nervous and scared asf i got on my hand and knees and he sniffed around me licked at me alot eventually he jumped on me and got his dick in and entered me…. let me say that hurt sooooo fucking bad like i felt like i could fill him up hammering into my chest it hurt. I tried to crawl out of under him to give up i was crying he was so heavy pushing down on top of me i couldnt move out of under him i was so tiny back then like half his size i was definitely crying in pleasure and pain.then he knotted me at the time i had no idea dogs did that so like when he did my pain level like doubled I think like idk he entered my cervix and just came all inside my womb since he was so big cause my organs felts so painful and bruised for days after each time and plus like when he came id feel so bloated thats why i think he came mostly all in my womb. I didnt leak much After he stopped i feel like he was in me more like 20-30 minutes then he like jumped off of me but to but and was stuck in me for what felt like forever that hurt to cause he was tugging dragging almost trying to pull out of me.

i was so scared that my parents would come home i had no idea what was going on why he couldn’t get out of me i was naive i didn’t know about knots or how any of this works! Eventually he did pull out i just laid there afterwards. ugh it was an experience i did it 5 or 6 more times that year and then my mom split up with her bf and we moved out and i never saw or had sex with a dog again. Like then wherever we moved since our landlords never let us have any animals which is sad cause i never had the opportunity since. Anyways there i think thats it yes im shy and embarrassed but this feels so free to admit and be open about it idk what else to say so if u have ?’s ask idk

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/12g4ecv/22f_fthe_very_first_time_having_sex_and_how


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