An Ex [F] Admitted To Cheating While We [M] Were Together

See my profile for prior DECADES OF PROMISCUOUS PARTNERS true stories. This is Part 13.

If you read my prior stories, you’ll know that the girl who took my virginity cheated on me, days after we first had sex. Following that, my first long-term girlfriend Gina blazed a trail with her slutty behavior, with my permission. By the time our relationship had ended, a few of my friends, a few of her coworkers and their friends had all had their way with my girlfriend, many times. Her slutty behavior was a huge thrill to me and after we broke up, I was on the lookout for another girlfriend who was slutty and bold enough to tell me about it.

The first girl I dated was fun but totally monogamous and dedicated. We lasted only 6 months or so. After that, I had sex a few times with a receptionist from work who I’d heard had had sex with one of our coworkers in a work vehicle. She was hot as all hell and had a bad reputation, which I loved. The first time we had sex was after a party at her place, which many of our coworkers attended. I slept on her sofa and a number of other coworkers slept in other rooms. Around 3am, she showed up at the sofa and started making out with me. I barebacked her ultra-wet pussy for 45 minutes and she fell asleep with me, in our mess. I’m pretty sure some of our coworkers saw us sleeping naked on the sofa as they left early in the morning. I found out months later that a coworker and his brother had fucked her in the bedroom, right before she came out to have sex with me. That filthy fucking slut. The second time I had sex with her, she had a rug burn on her knee. I asked her how it happened. She said the night before she had a one night stand with a US Navy guy she met at a bar. She rode him on the rug in her living room and messed up her knee a bit. Thinking about that, I fucked her hard for an hour, sometimes touching her rug burn which turned her on. She begged me to cum on her face, which I of course did. She was definitely girlfriend material for me but she was so spacey and hard to pin down, we ended up ending our shenanigans after only a few great fucks.

After my short interlude with the receptionist, there was another coworker named Mary who clearly had the hots for me. One day I asked her out for drinks after work and she accepted. We had a few beers and I asked if she’d like to go to my place to smoke weed. She was up for it. We got back to my place, had a smoke and within 15 minutes, she was completely naked and I was in her, bare. She was short, cute, big tits and a full ass, without being fat. I ended up dating her for almost a year. We’d often hang out at her place, constantly fucking. She had a couple of female roommates and it seemed like she was deliberately very loud when we fucked, seemingly so her roommates would hear it. Some kind of weird girl competition going on there.

I had encouraged her to sleep with other guys when we were together but she would always put the idea aside, seemingly not interested. Over time, it became clear that she was more into me than I was into her. A couple of years after we broke up and she had moved elsewhere, I ran into her in the city, when she was there for a short work trip. We had a friendly conversation and decided to grab a drink at a bar. It turned out she had met a guy after we broke up and they were engaged, planning on having a baby.

At some point after a couple of drinks, I asked her if she had really stayed loyal to me when we were dating. She smiled and said, “no, there were a couple of incidents.” I was immediately hard, hearing this. I asked her with who, and when. The first guy was a couple of months into her and I dating. She traveled down south for business and spent time with an old friend who she said had drug problems. She felt bad for him and had sympathy sex with him. I didn’t find that too hot. I asked about the other time.

She reminded me of a time we had sex for 2 hours straight and one of her roommates said something about it afterward. I remembered this happening. She told me that the night prior, her roommates and her had a party and a martial arts guy she’d known for a couple of years was there. At some point during the party, he and her ended up in her room to smoke weed. He made a move and she went for it. She said they fucked for a good 45 minutes or so and everyone at the party knew they were fucking. A number of people at the party knew her and I were an item. Knowing she did this, despite everyone knowing was really turning me on. I asked her if they used a condom and she just laughed and said no. Then she apologized for putting me in danger. I asked where he came and she smiled again and said, “inside me.” So that time I fucked her for 2 hours straight, I was fucking a pussy that was used by this guy the night prior. Unbelievable.

Her story had my head spinning and I wanted to fuck her again right away. She needed to get back to work and told me that she really doesn’t want to cheat on her fiancé anyway. It crossed my mind that she had no problem cheating on me when we were together. We parted ways and I’ve not seen her in person again for many years now though we sometimes exchange messages on social media. After Mary, I met a girl named Jamie who became my girlfriend for a little over a year. She was and still is WILD. My next story will be about her.


1 comment

  1. That’s awesome! I’ve always loved when a girl tells me about the guys she had been fucking :)

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