[MF] I slept with a patient’s daughter

I’ll be the first to say if you come in looking sexy to my clinic, I’m not professional enough to not, you know, at least acknowledge it to myself… Sue me, I’m a human being after all.

So when Betty came back to our clinic for a 4-week checkup after her initial wrist fracture, she brought a friend along. Clad in black leather pants, beautiful red heels, and a gray turtleneck that hugged her curvy snugly, this woman caught my eyes. And I thought I caught her’s. Through those black-rimmed glasses and the one/two tufts of curly hair that belayed down her forehead, the woman stared at me with a look I recognized from my exes- hesitant attraction with undertones of lust.

I asked Betty who her friend was, and she beamed “my daughter, doc! She’s a PT… wanted to see for herself who this guy I was raving abt was. or maybe she had a crush, who knows…”

I chuckled, and said she’s welcome to ask questions. I got to work, did my history, PE, etc. Betty was doing well, and I told her to keep up the good work. I learned her daughter’s name was Angela, and that she was finishing up her PT schooling. Said it was a pleasure to meet her, answered her questions, and told both of them to give me a call but specifically stared at Angela when saying that. I think she got the message.

The rest of my day was fine. Uneventful. Though, I couldn’t get Angela’s beautiful face out of my mind. I’m a sucker for dark glasses, curly hair, and slightly elfin features. Angela was 3/3. As the end of the day dawned closer, I started packing up, sent the nurses home and looked into the rooms to see if anyone left anything behind. My heart jumped a bit when I recognized a wallet sat on the counter unattended, in Betty’s room. I smirked at the thought that Angela left this behind to come back to see me. As I closed up the clinic and left for the door, I noticed a Civic parked in front. Well-kept but definitely an older model, all signs made me think this was a student’s vehicle. My heart started beating a bit faster when I recognized the red heels that stepped out of the car…

Angela ran up to me and apologized profusely. “Sir I think I left my wallet in your room.” She was exasperated but still looked gleaming.

I said “thats quite alright I have it in my office. And please, dont call me sir.”

“Sorry Jake, force of habit.” She smiled and followed me in. I opened my door and sat down in my chair to rummage thru my drawer for her wallet. As I bent down to look I heard a click of the door. Someone locked it. And we know who.

I looked up to see Angela take her glasses off and walk closer to me. We both knew where this was heading.

“A force of habit, sir, but not because I’m respectful. I like to submit.”

“Oh is that so? Show me, then, Angela.”

And she knelt down, and got to work. As she undid my belt, she looked over on my desk and hesitated. She looked back between my fingers and my eyes.

I chuckled and said, “divorced.”

Never mind the pictures of my family on my desk. Never mind the wedding ring in my finger.

As she cautiously unbuckled my belt again, I brought that plump ass right onto me and started gyrating. It was heaven, feeling her hot breath on my neck as I drove her in and out of me. I grabbed at her sweater and pulled, grasped and squeezed her tits as hard as I could, and left a sizeable mark on her chest when I sucked hard.

“Oh god Jake, I dont have a lot of time….”

“So lets skip the formalities.”

I grabbed her throat and stood up. Turned her around and pulled her leather pants down. She had a thong. Black. Silk. Good girl.

I licked her fingers and pulled her thong aside and fingered her ass. The moans were symphonic. And I could hear the puddle of cum forming next to her feet. She was ready.

I knelt down in front of her and took a deep slurp ofnher pussy juice, letting my tongue poke deeper and deeper into her fucking pussy and letting it drip down the sides of my jaw. She couldn’t take it anymore and asked me to stop. She was experiencing sensory overload.

“Not yet, girl, I’m just getting started,”

I flipped her over and lifted her onto my bed. My cock was at the perfect height for her pussy to ease into me. And ease into me she did. My god, she felt warm, snug, and perfect. And she let me know how deep I went snd how good she felt.

We went at it for 3 rounds. I have a talent for cumming back to back. So that’s exactly what I did to her pussy. And after she licked me off with my cum dripped down her taint, I did it again for good measure.

I lay on top of her, bent over the desk with my cock still pulsating inside. Exhaustion. Total exhaustion. Our exasperated breaths melded into unison. Finally, I glanced up to see her staring at me longingly. She put her hand on my cheek and whispered.

“thank you for taking care of my grandmother, sir.”

I smiled and kissed her deeply.

“It’s my pleasure.”

She then just heard that it was time for her to go. As she was getting dressed, she looked back at me.

“See you in 4 weeks.”

I nodded. As she left the clinic, I watched her ass sway as if it was waving goodbye.

“Maybe sooner, I hope,” I whispered as I closed down the clinic for the day.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/12erwo9/mf_i_slept_with_a_patients_daughter


  1. “Betty was doing well, and I told her to keep up the good work. I learned her daughter’s name was Angela…”

    “thank you for taking care of my grandmother, sir.”

    So which is correct?

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