I (19) [F] got stuck naked outside in a church parking lot

This was like 2 weeks ago, I just didn’t get around to writing it out until just now

I like to go streaking sometimes and so I drove to this church after work. The church has a skate park just across the street. So is what I did is I parked my car in the corner of the parking lot, I got out of my car fully dressed making sure to leave the car unlocked. I walked all the way over to the skate park which is across a semi busy road. Gets a car across it every 5 minutes or so. And I hide my key underneath a bench. It’s hidden well so like it’s not going to get stolen.

From here I walk back and I get in my car. I take off everything I was wearing. Including shoes socks and jewelry.
Completely naked. I sat in the car until
I built up enough courage and then I stepped out and locked the door behind me. As soon as the door shut I was forced to go get the key before I could get my clothes.

I slid along the fence line working up to the road. When I got to the road I hid behind a bush. There’s very little cover at this skate park, so as soon as I leave this bush I’m going to make a mad dash for the key and back. It took a lot of courage but once the coast was clear I dashed across. I grabbed the key but I before I could get back to the road I heard cars. I lay flat on my stomach behind a skate bump and waited for them to pass but they slowed down and parked. I peaked up and they had parked at the church.

My first thought was great now I have to wait for these teens to have sex before I can get to cover. But then more cars showed up. I realized I’m a dumbass. There was a youth meeting on weekdays around this time. I’m not religious anymore so I just forgot they exist. This isn’t a safe hiding place so I’m in complete panic. I have to find a decent place to hide for 2 hours while they do the youth meeting.

There are bigger bumps in the skate park but they face roads that would be more of a risk to hide behind. The first thing I did was hide my key again since I didn’t want it jangling around in my hand. I decided my only option was to bite the bullet and I stepped in the dead spiky weeds and hid behind a bush. It hurt but it was the only real option.

I was going to sit there for the full 2 hours but I was still visible to the skate park and I had a feeling I should hide from there so I moved deeper into the weeds and hid in a little weed alcove that is pretty hidden I just can’t move or else it’ll make noise. I’m not religious but sometimes I feel like god is helping me cause within 10 minutes some teens were playing at the skate park.

At this point I wanted to cry. I’m stuck in these bushes exclusively completely naked, praying these kids don’t find where I hid my key, praying none of the youth group notice an empty car with my clothes and underwear sitting in clear view on the seat. Praying no bugs crawl up to my pussy.

My legs start to get really tired from crouching in the weeds. I can’t sit down because it would make too much noise. So I wait for a car to pass by and as soon as it does I take my chance and sit down. The car covered the noise of me sitting but these thorns in my ass are the worst and really itchy. It’s also getting really cold now, but if you’ve ever gone streaking you’d know that being horny warms you up so I gently rubbed my pussy to get warmed up. I don’t think it actually makes you warm but it sure distracts you from the cold.

The youth group had all left by now, but these kids in the skate park were there for so much longer. It felt like an eternity. After they actually left it was like 11 or 12, I didn’t have a way to tell the time. After the coast was clear I stood up. You think I’m exaggerating when I mentioned the thorns in my ass, I wasn’t. I had to pull like 6 out of my ass and several more in my feet. You’d also think the fear of my situation would make me run back to my car. I didn’t, I laid down behind a skate bump and brought myself to an orgasm.

After the orgasm, my situation became real and I panicked and ran to check for my key, it was still there. Obviously. If it wasn’t then I’d be writing this story from jail. I then waited for the road to be clear so I could make my mad dash to my car. It was difficult since there was no cover from the skate bump I hid behind to the car so I couldn’t 100% tell if it was safe. Several times I’d run up to the road and hear a car and have to run back to my hiding space. I really had to pee and there was nowhere safe to pee so I either had to get to my car soon or pee while laying down in the skate park.

After several times of me dashing up to the road and running back to the hiding spot, I had to pee while laying down in the skate park. I had to spread my legs as far apart as I could and hope it didn’t get on my legs. It did, but what the hell was I supposed to do about it.

After about an house of waiting in agony without the mental buffer of being horny, I finally made the dash across the road to my car. I didn’t stop running until I got to my car. As scary as this was, I will do it again.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/12ere90/i_19_f_got_stuck_naked_outside_in_a_church


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