The hotel bar, part 1 [F38 M29 M32] [cheating] [no sex]

She sat alone at the quiet hotel bar, enjoying the soothing piano music and relaxed ambiance. It was early, still, and she felt like she had the place almost to herself. She took a sip of her red wine, staring across the room, not seeing anything at all.

It had been … a day. The late arrival last night, followed by the early wake up call, the broken coffee maker in her otherwise amazing hotel room, then meeting after meeting after … you get it, maybe you’ve been there.

She had begged out of the post-meeting happy hour with her team. It was surely to be followed by a long dinner and a late night at some “can’t miss Austin bar”.

Before she had moved away, before her promotion, when she was maybe a few years younger, sure, count her in. But now, as a visitor, as their boss, as a busy working mom who got so few nights truly to herself, she’ll pass, thank you very much.

Now, away from her kids and her husband in the first time in who knows how long. The deal today, done, or pretty damn close. She had earned this night to do whatever she wanted, she needed this night to unwind.

Just her and this expensive glass of wine and no more responsibilities until tomorrow.

Speaking of this glass … it was almost empty. Time to head up, relax and order delivery. Surely she could find some sappy romantic comedy.on the television, eat in peace, and drift away until it started all over again tomorrow. A good night of sleep lay ahead.

“Looks like you could use a refill.” A man’s voice interrupted her reverie.

She looked up, smiling. No thanks, she was thinking, “Notting Hill” and DoorDash await.

The man – short, black hair, trimmed beard, dressed in a white shirt that must have had a tie attached earlier but now sat open at the collar – smiled back.

“Sorry to interrupt what must have been quite the fantasy, considering that far off look you had. Not sure where you were, but not here, surely.”

“This place isn’t so bad”, she replied.

Especially now, she mused. Hot damn.

“So how about it, one more? My friend and I” – he nodded toward their table – “are grabbing a quick one before meeting our coworkers for dinner.”

Flattered by the offer, and this unexpected attention, she smiled over at his friend. Slightly more, how could she put it, surfer dude? Light hair, tousled, that look where it’s either very intentional or, just, natural, nonchalant. A t-shirt, jeans, those arms, that mischievous grin. Looked like trouble, that’s for sure.

“You know, I’m flattered, but that fantasy you said I must have been having? It was me, in my room, watching a romantic comedy, eating a salad, falling asleep early.”

“Not all that far off from my own fantasy, but, hey, I get it. These business trips can take it out of you. Can’t fault a guy for trying.”

“No I can’t. You two enjoy your drinks and your evening.”

As she took the elevator up to her room, she kept repeating the conversation in her head.

Can’t fault a guy for trying? That was the end of it? No pressure to stay? Your don’t runn across guys like that these days. Who needed a romantic comedy? She was feeling it already.

She was, well, fairly proper and a bit of a prude, if she was being honest. But holy smokes, that first look up when he asked about her drink, she was instantly wet. That beard, his deep voice, his unbuttoned collar. This was so unlike her… She might need a shower, she thought.

She got to her room, fumbled inside her purse for the room key. A bit disheveled.

And then she remembered. Her phone, along with the key, were sitting on the bar.

So distracted by – she had no idea what his name was – she had walked off without them, focused instead on wondering if they were watching her go, focused on not giving in and turning around, and honestly not thinking much beyond the heat rising within her.

Well, maybe she could sneak by without them noticing, grab her things, and get back upstairs and on with the rest of her night.

And… who was she kidding?

“Couldn’t stay away, huh?”

Hell, maybe she had unconsciously left her key behind.

She was drawn to their table. She was mesmerized by their smiles.

She would stop to say hi. She’d stay for one drink.

One drink … and then … The enchanting conversation, their quick witted banter and hilarious stories of past work trips gone wrong.

There was plenty of flirting too. Playful teasing, compliments, a few, furtive touches of each other’s hands. Did she even know what she was doing in this kind of game anymore?

Married, quite happily, for 12 years. Never strayed, but not necessarily for lack of opportunity. And her husband, let’s be honest, would eat this up.

He never hesitated to comment on the attention she got when they were out. A guy walked by, glanced back over his shoulder, checked out her ass in those jeans he liked so much, yeah, her husband, he’d say, “That guy wants you. Give him a little shake.”

Or when a package was on the way, signature required … you could count on some dumb double entendre joke about her and the delivery man’s package.

But, who are we kidding, it wasn’t a joke. He was into it. Surely, deep down, her husband hoped to walk upstairs from his basement office to see her taking it from behind in the entryway.

Before she knew it, she and her two friends were several drinks in. Then they were finishing dinner and paying the check.
Despite the butterflies in her stomach, despite what her body was telling her – these two were flirts for sure, and all night they poured on the compliments – it was time she called it a night.

“Well boys, this has been quite an unexpected, enjoyable evening. Thank you for the good time.”

“Agreed” responded Ethan – she had learned their names. “But as John here always says, the best is yet to come.”

“Ha, well I hope that’s true for you two tonight. Have fun at the bar with your coworkers.”

The three new friends walked toward the elevators; the two men making quick stops in their rooms before heading out.

The elevator doors closed, she turned to Ethan, his collared shirt somehow one button lower. She put one arm around his waist, the other slid over his shoulder. Just a hug, she mused.

“Thanks again, handsome. Good n…” Before she could finish the words, he leaned down, kissed her, gently at first, then, hungrier, deeper. She responded in kind.

She broke long enough to turn her head. John, the less flirtatious all night, looked a bit surprised, to be honest. But, he got the hint, leaned in for a kiss of his own, and then, ding.

The elevator stopped, the doors slid open. 7th floor, her stop.

“I would hate for you to disappoint your coworkers and not meet up. But, then again, I would hate for you to disappoint me.” She smiled confidently, winked. “Meet you at the hot tub in 20.”.

The doors slid closed. She inhaled deeply. What the hell was she doing? That was the move of a confident,, single woman. But it just, felt right, at the moment.

Time to get what she wanted.



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